Job hg-committed-2141427533d29f403283eb63d166c66fe48dc157-windows-cpython-3.7-x64-0

Scheduled At:2020-03-26T10:17:51
Started At:2020-03-26T10:18:00
Finished At:2020-03-26T10:59:27

Failed Tests


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-absorb.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-absorb.t.err
@@ -400,24 +400,50 @@
   1 changesets affected
   99b4ae7 foo
   $ hg absorb --dry-run --interactive --print-changes
-  diff -r 99b4ae712f84
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to ''?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-  -
-  +bla
-  record this change to ''?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  showing changes for
-          @@ -0,1 +0,1 @@
-  99b4ae7 -
-  99b4ae7 +bla
-  1 changesets affected
-  99b4ae7 foo
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: absorb
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 1129, in absorbcmd
+      state = absorb(ui, repo, pats=pats, opts=opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 1016, in absorb
+      chunks = cmdutil.recordfilter(ui, origchunks, matcher)[0]
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg absorb --apply-changes
   1 of 1 chunk(s) applied
   $ hg diff -c .


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-amend.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-amend.t#obsstore-off.err
@@ -144,19 +144,62 @@
   > y
   > n
   > EOS
-  diff --git a/F b/F
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'F'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  diff --git a/G b/G
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'G'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/repo1/.hg/strip-backup/507be9bdac71-c8077452-amend.hg (obsstore-off !)
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension debugdrawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable debugdrawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: amend, debugdrawdag
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 76, in amend
+      return commands._docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg log -r . -T '{files}
-  B D F
+  B D
 Amend in the middle of a stack


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-amend.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-amend.t#obsstore-on.err
@@ -144,19 +144,63 @@
   > y
   > n
   > EOS
-  diff --git a/F b/F
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'F'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  diff --git a/G b/G
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'G'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension debugdrawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable debugdrawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: amend, debugdrawdag
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
   saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/repo1/.hg/strip-backup/507be9bdac71-c8077452-amend.hg (obsstore-off !)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 76, in amend
+      return commands._docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg log -r . -T '{files}
-  B D F
+  B D
 Amend in the middle of a stack


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-branch-option.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-branch-option.t.err
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@
   $ hg --encoding utf-8 up æ
   1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   $ hg --encoding latin1 out -q ../branch#.
-  2:df5a44224d4e
-  3:4f4a5125ca10
+  2:3e0f1556a145
+  3:a5e3f9917d82
   $ hg --encoding latin1 out -q -b .
-  2:df5a44224d4e
-  3:4f4a5125ca10
+  2:3e0f1556a145
+  3:a5e3f9917d82
 clone branch b


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-churn.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-churn.t.err
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
   user3           3 *******************************************
   user2           2 *****************************
   user4           2 *****************************
-  El Niño         1 ************** (esc)
+  El Niño        1 ************** (esc)
   with space      1 **************
 Test --template argument, with backwards compatibility


UnicodeDecodeError('unicodeescape', b'--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-commit-interactive.t\n+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-commit-interactive.t.err\n@@ -24,10 +24,58 @@\n   $ hg commit -i empty-rw<<EOF\n   > n\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/empty-rw b/empty-rw\n-  new file mode 100644\n-  abort: empty commit message\n-  [255]\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n   changeset:   -1:000000000000\n@@ -43,10 +91,58 @@\n   > y\n   > n\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/empty-rw b/empty-rw\n-  new file mode 100644\n-  abort: empty commit message\n-  [255]\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n   changeset:   -1:000000000000\n@@ -69,170 +165,492 @@\n   $ hg commit -i -d \'0 0\' -m empty empty-rw<<EOF\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/empty-rw b/empty-rw\n-  new file mode 100644\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   0:c0708cf4e46e\n+  changeset:   -1:000000000000\n   tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n+  user:        \n   date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     empty\n   \n   \n \n Summary shows we updated to the new cset\n \n   $ hg summary\n-  parent: 0:c0708cf4e46e tip\n-   empty\n+  parent: -1:000000000000 tip (empty repository)\n   branch: default\n-  commit: (clean)\n+  commit: 1 added (new branch head)\n   update: (current)\n-  phases: 1 draft\n \n Rename empty file\n \n   $ hg mv empty-rw empty-rename\n+  empty-rw has not been committed yet, so no copy data will be stored for empty-rename.\n   $ hg commit -i -d \'1 0\' -m rename<<EOF\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/empty-rw b/empty-rename\n-  rename from empty-rw\n-  rename to empty-rename\n-  examine changes to \'empty-rw\' and \'empty-rename\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   1:d695e8dcb197\n+  changeset:   -1:000000000000\n   tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:01 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     rename\n+  user:        \n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n   \n   \n \n Copy empty file\n \n   $ hg cp empty-rename empty-copy\n+  empty-rename has not been committed yet, so no copy data will be stored for empty-copy.\n   $ hg commit -i -d \'2 0\' -m copy<<EOF\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/empty-rename b/empty-copy\n-  copy from empty-rename\n-  copy to empty-copy\n-  examine changes to \'empty-rename\' and \'empty-copy\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   2:1d4b90bea524\n+  changeset:   -1:000000000000\n   tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:02 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     copy\n+  user:        \n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n   \n   \n \n Delete empty file\n \n   $ hg rm empty-copy\n+  not removing empty-copy: file has been marked for add (use \'hg forget\' to undo add)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg commit -i -d \'3 0\' -m delete<<EOF\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/empty-copy b/empty-copy\n-  deleted file mode 100644\n-  examine changes to \'empty-copy\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   3:b39a238f01a1\n+  changeset:   -1:000000000000\n   tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:03 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     delete\n+  user:        \n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n   \n   \n \n Add binary file\n \n   $ hg bundle --type v1 --base -2 tip.bundle\n-  1 changesets found\n+  abort: unknown revision \'-2\'!\n+  [255]\n   $ hg add tip.bundle\n+  tip.bundle: $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n   $ hg commit -i -d \'4 0\' -m binary<<EOF\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/tip.bundle b/tip.bundle\n-  new file mode 100644\n-  this is a binary file\n-  examine changes to \'tip.bundle\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   4:ad816da3711e\n+  changeset:   -1:000000000000\n   tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     binary\n-  \n-  diff -r b39a238f01a1 -r ad816da3711e tip.bundle\n-  Binary file tip.bundle has changed\n+  user:        \n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  \n   \n \n Change binary file\n \n   $ hg bundle --base -2 --type v1 tip.bundle\n-  1 changesets found\n+  abort: unknown revision \'-2\'!\n+  [255]\n   $ hg commit -i -d \'5 0\' -m binary-change<<EOF\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/tip.bundle b/tip.bundle\n-  this modifies a binary file (all or nothing)\n-  examine changes to \'tip.bundle\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   5:dccd6f3eb485\n+  changeset:   -1:000000000000\n   tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:05 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     binary-change\n-  \n-  diff -r ad816da3711e -r dccd6f3eb485 tip.bundle\n-  Binary file tip.bundle has changed\n+  user:        \n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  \n   \n \n Rename and change binary file\n \n   $ hg mv tip.bundle top.bundle\n+  tip.bundle: $ENOENT$\n+  abort: no files to copy\n+  [255]\n   $ hg bundle --base -2 --type v1 top.bundle\n-  1 changesets found\n+  abort: unknown revision \'-2\'!\n+  [255]\n   $ hg commit -i -d \'6 0\' -m binary-change-rename<<EOF\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/tip.bundle b/top.bundle\n-  rename from tip.bundle\n-  rename to top.bundle\n-  this modifies a binary file (all or nothing)\n-  examine changes to \'tip.bundle\' and \'top.bundle\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   6:7fa44105f5b3\n+  changeset:   -1:000000000000\n   tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:06 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     binary-change-rename\n-  \n-  diff -r dccd6f3eb485 -r 7fa44105f5b3 tip.bundle\n-  Binary file tip.bundle has changed\n-  diff -r dccd6f3eb485 -r 7fa44105f5b3 top.bundle\n-  Binary file top.bundle has changed\n+  user:        \n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  \n   \n \n Add plain file\n@@ -246,43 +664,64 @@\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/plain b/plain\n-  new file mode 100644\n-  @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@\n-  +1\n-  +2\n-  +3\n-  +4\n-  +5\n-  +6\n-  +7\n-  +8\n-  +9\n-  +10\n-  record this change to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   7:11fb457c1be4\n+  changeset:   -1:000000000000\n   tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:07 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     plain\n-  \n-  diff -r 7fa44105f5b3 -r 11fb457c1be4 plain\n-  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  +++ b/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:07 1970 +0000\n-  @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@\n-  +1\n-  +2\n-  +3\n-  +4\n-  +5\n-  +6\n-  +7\n-  +8\n-  +9\n-  +10\n+  user:        \n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  \n   \n Modify end of plain file with username unset\n \n@@ -302,16 +741,58 @@\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/plain b/plain\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  @@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ 7\n-   8\n-   9\n-   10\n-  +11\n-  record this change to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n Modify end of plain file, no EOL\n \n@@ -320,17 +801,58 @@\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/plain b/plain\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  @@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ 8\n-   9\n-   10\n-   11\n-  +7264f99c5f5ff3261504828afa4fb4d406c3af54\n-  \\ No newline at end of file\n-  record this change to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n Record showfunc should preserve function across sections\n \n@@ -408,51 +930,58 @@\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/ b/\n-  3 hunks, 6 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ def annotate(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):\n-       """show changeset information by line for each file\n-   \n-       List changes in files, showing the revision id responsible for\n-  -    each line.\n-  +    each line\n-   \n-       This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and\n-       by whom.\n-   \n-  record change 1/3 to \'\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -6,11 +6,7 @@ def annotate(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):\n-   \n-       This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and\n-       by whom.\n-   \n-  -    If you include -f/-u/-d, the revision number is suppressed unless\n-  -    you also include -the revision number is suppressed unless\n-  -    you also include -n.\n-  -\n-       Without the -a/--text option, annotate will avoid processing files\n-       it detects as binary. With -a, annotate will annotate the file\n-       anyway, although the results will probably be neither useful\n-  record change 2/3 to \'\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -26,7 +22,7 @@ def archive(ui, repo, dest, **opts):\n-       directory; use -r/--rev to specify a different revision.\n-   \n-       The archive type is automatically detected based on file\n-  -    extension (to override, use -t/--type).\n-  +    extension (or override using -t/--type).\n-   \n-       .. container:: verbose\n-   \n-  record change 3/3 to \'\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n Modify end of plain file, add EOL\n \n@@ -465,25 +994,58 @@\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/plain b/plain\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ 8\n-   9\n-   10\n-   11\n-  -7264f99c5f5ff3261504828afa4fb4d406c3af54\n-  \\ No newline at end of file\n-  +7264f99c5f5ff3261504828afa4fb4d406c3af54\n-  record change 1/2 to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  diff --git a/plain2 b/plain2\n-  new file mode 100644\n-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n-  +1\n-  record change 2/2 to \'plain2\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n Modify beginning, trim end, record both, add another file to test\n changes numbering\n \n@@ -500,63 +1062,120 @@\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/plain b/plain\n-  2 hunks, 3 lines changed\n-  @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n-  -1\n-  +2\n-   2\n-   3\n-   4\n-  record change 1/3 to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -8,5 +8,3 @@ 7\n-   8\n-   9\n-   10\n-  -11\n-  -7264f99c5f5ff3261504828afa4fb4d406c3af54\n-  record change 2/3 to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  diff --git a/plain2 b/plain2\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@\n-   1\n-  +2\n-  record change 3/3 to \'plain2\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   13:f941910cff62\n+  changeset:   0:3addd05d3bf3\n   tag:         tip\n   user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:10 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     begin-and-end\n-  \n-  diff -r 33abe24d946c -r f941910cff62 plain\n-  --- a/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:10 1970 +0000\n-  +++ b/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:10 1970 +0000\n-  @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n-  -1\n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  summary:     funcs\n+  \n+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 3addd05d3bf3\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@\n+  +def annotate(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):\n+  +    """show changeset information by line for each file\n+  +\n+  +    List changes in files, showing the revision id responsible for\n+  +    each line.\n+  +\n+  +    This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and\n+  +    by whom.\n+  +\n+  +    If you include -f/-u/-d, the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  +    you also include -the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  +    you also include -n.\n+  +\n+  +    Without the -a/--text option, annotate will avoid processing files\n+  +    it detects as binary. With -a, annotate will annotate the file\n+  +    anyway, although the results will probably be neither useful\n+  +    nor desirable.\n+  +\n+  +    Returns 0 on success.\n+  +    """\n+  +    return 0\n+  +def archive(ui, repo, dest, **opts):\n+  +    \'\'\'create an unversioned archive of a repository revision\n+  +\n+  +    By default, the revision used is the parent of the working\n+  +    directory; use -r/--rev to specify a different revision.\n+  +\n+  +    The archive type is automatically detected based on file\n+  +    extension (to override, use -t/--type).\n+  +\n+  +    .. container:: verbose\n+  +\n+  +    Valid types are:\n+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 3addd05d3bf3 plain\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@\n+  +1\n   +2\n-   2\n-   3\n-   4\n-  @@ -8,5 +8,3 @@\n-   8\n-   9\n-   10\n-  -11\n-  -7264f99c5f5ff3261504828afa4fb4d406c3af54\n-  diff -r 33abe24d946c -r f941910cff62 plain2\n-  --- a/plain2\tThu Jan 01 00:00:10 1970 +0000\n-  +++ b/plain2\tThu Jan 01 00:00:10 1970 +0000\n-  @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@\n-   1\n-  +2\n+  +3\n+  +4\n+  +5\n+  +6\n+  +7\n+  +8\n+  +9\n+  +10\n+  +11\n+  +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n+  \\ No newline at end of file\n   \n \n Trim beginning, modify end\n@@ -572,50 +1191,120 @@\n   > n\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/plain b/plain\n-  2 hunks, 4 lines changed\n-  @@ -1,9 +1,6 @@\n-  -2\n-  -2\n-  -3\n-   4\n-   5\n-   6\n-   7\n-   8\n-   9\n-  record change 1/2 to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n\n-  \n-  @@ -4,7 +1,7 @@\n-   4\n-   5\n-   6\n-   7\n-   8\n-   9\n-  -10\n-\n-  record change 2/2 to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   14:4915f538659b\n+  changeset:   0:3addd05d3bf3\n   tag:         tip\n   user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:11 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     end-only\n-  \n-  diff -r f941910cff62 -r 4915f538659b plain\n-  --- a/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:10 1970 +0000\n-  +++ b/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:11 1970 +0000\n-  @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@\n-   7\n-   8\n-   9\n-  -10\n-\n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  summary:     funcs\n+  \n+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 3addd05d3bf3\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@\n+  +def annotate(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):\n+  +    """show changeset information by line for each file\n+  +\n+  +    List changes in files, showing the revision id responsible for\n+  +    each line.\n+  +\n+  +    This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and\n+  +    by whom.\n+  +\n+  +    If you include -f/-u/-d, the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  +    you also include -the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  +    you also include -n.\n+  +\n+  +    Without the -a/--text option, annotate will avoid processing files\n+  +    it detects as binary. With -a, annotate will annotate the file\n+  +    anyway, although the results will probably be neither useful\n+  +    nor desirable.\n+  +\n+  +    Returns 0 on success.\n+  +    """\n+  +    return 0\n+  +def archive(ui, repo, dest, **opts):\n+  +    \'\'\'create an unversioned archive of a repository revision\n+  +\n+  +    By default, the revision used is the parent of the working\n+  +    directory; use -r/--rev to specify a different revision.\n+  +\n+  +    The archive type is automatically detected based on file\n+  +    extension (to override, use -t/--type).\n+  +\n+  +    .. container:: verbose\n+  +\n+  +    Valid types are:\n+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 3addd05d3bf3 plain\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@\n+  +1\n+  +2\n+  +3\n+  +4\n+  +5\n+  +6\n+  +7\n+  +8\n+  +9\n+  +10\n+  +11\n+  +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n+  \\ No newline at end of file\n   \n \n Record beginning\n@@ -624,36 +1313,120 @@\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/plain b/plain\n-  1 hunks, 3 lines changed\n-  @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@\n-  -2\n-  -2\n-  -3\n-   4\n-   5\n-   6\n-  record this change to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   15:1b1f93d4b94b\n+  changeset:   0:3addd05d3bf3\n   tag:         tip\n   user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:12 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     begin-only\n-  \n-  diff -r 4915f538659b -r 1b1f93d4b94b plain\n-  --- a/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:11 1970 +0000\n-  +++ b/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:12 1970 +0000\n-  @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@\n-  -2\n-  -2\n-  -3\n-   4\n-   5\n-   6\n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  summary:     funcs\n+  \n+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 3addd05d3bf3\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@\n+  +def annotate(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):\n+  +    """show changeset information by line for each file\n+  +\n+  +    List changes in files, showing the revision id responsible for\n+  +    each line.\n+  +\n+  +    This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and\n+  +    by whom.\n+  +\n+  +    If you include -f/-u/-d, the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  +    you also include -the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  +    you also include -n.\n+  +\n+  +    Without the -a/--text option, annotate will avoid processing files\n+  +    it detects as binary. With -a, annotate will annotate the file\n+  +    anyway, although the results will probably be neither useful\n+  +    nor desirable.\n+  +\n+  +    Returns 0 on success.\n+  +    """\n+  +    return 0\n+  +def archive(ui, repo, dest, **opts):\n+  +    \'\'\'create an unversioned archive of a repository revision\n+  +\n+  +    By default, the revision used is the parent of the working\n+  +    directory; use -r/--rev to specify a different revision.\n+  +\n+  +    The archive type is automatically detected based on file\n+  +    extension (to override, use -t/--type).\n+  +\n+  +    .. container:: verbose\n+  +\n+  +    Valid types are:\n+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 3addd05d3bf3 plain\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@\n+  +1\n+  +2\n+  +3\n+  +4\n+  +5\n+  +6\n+  +7\n+  +8\n+  +9\n+  +10\n+  +11\n+  +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n+  \\ No newline at end of file\n   \n \n Add to beginning, trim from end\n@@ -669,32 +1442,94 @@\n   > n\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/plain b/plain\n-  2 hunks, 4 lines changed\n-  @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@\n-  +1\n-  +2\n-  +3\n-   4\n-   5\n-   6\n-   7\n-   8\n-   9\n-  record change 1/2 to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n\n-  \n-  @@ -1,7 +4,6 @@\n-   4\n-   5\n-   6\n-   7\n-   8\n-   9\n-\n-  record change 2/2 to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 866, in runcommand\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\n+      return cmdfunc()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1854, in check\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 2007, in commit\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 2014, in _docommit\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 643, in dorecord\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 2925, in commit\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 505, in recordfunc\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 402, in recordfilter\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 65, in <module>\n+      curses.error\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n Add to beginning, middle, end\n \n@@ -710,97 +1545,242 @@\n   > y\n   > n\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/plain b/plain\n-  3 hunks, 7 lines changed\n-  @@ -1,2 +1,5 @@\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n+\n+  $ hg tip -p\n+  changeset:   0:3addd05d3bf3\n+  tag:         tip\n+  user:        test\n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  summary:     funcs\n+  \n+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 3addd05d3bf3\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@\n+  +def annotate(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):\n+  +    """show changeset information by line for each file\n+  +\n+  +    List changes in files, showing the revision id responsible for\n+  +    each line.\n+  +\n+  +    This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and\n+  +    by whom.\n+  +\n+  +    If you include -f/-u/-d, the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  +    you also include -the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  +    you also include -n.\n+  +\n+  +    Without the -a/--text option, annotate will avoid processing files\n+  +    it detects as binary. With -a, annotate will annotate the file\n+  +    anyway, although the results will probably be neither useful\n+  +    nor desirable.\n+  +\n+  +    Returns 0 on success.\n+  +    """\n+  +    return 0\n+  +def archive(ui, repo, dest, **opts):\n+  +    \'\'\'create an unversioned archive of a repository revision\n+  +\n+  +    By default, the revision used is the parent of the working\n+  +    directory; use -r/--rev to specify a different revision.\n+  +\n+  +    The archive type is automatically detected based on file\n+  +    extension (to override, use -t/--type).\n+  +\n+  +    .. container:: verbose\n+  +\n+  +    Valid types are:\n+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 3addd05d3bf3 plain\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@\n   +1\n   +2\n   +3\n-   4\n-   5\n-  record change 1/3 to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -1,6 +4,8 @@\n-   4\n-   5\n-\n-  +5.reallynew\n-   6\n-   7\n-   8\n-   9\n-  record change 2/3 to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -3,4 +8,6 @@\n-   6\n-   7\n-   8\n-   9\n+  +4\n+  +5\n+  +6\n+  +7\n+  +8\n+  +9\n   +10\n   +11\n-  record change 3/3 to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n\n-  \n+  +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n+  \\ No newline at end of file\n+  \n+\n+Record end\n+\n+  $ hg commit -i -d \'15 0\' -m end-only plain <<EOF\n+  > y\n+  > y\n+  > EOF\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   17:41cf3f5c55ae\n+  changeset:   0:3addd05d3bf3\n   tag:         tip\n   user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:14 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     middle-only\n-  \n-  diff -r a69d252246e1 -r 41cf3f5c55ae plain\n-  --- a/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:13 1970 +0000\n-  +++ b/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:14 1970 +0000\n-  @@ -1,5 +1,10 @@\n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  summary:     funcs\n+  \n+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 3addd05d3bf3\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@\n+  +def annotate(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):\n+  +    """show changeset information by line for each file\n+  +\n+  +    List changes in files, showing the revision id responsible for\n+  +    each line.\n+  +\n+  +    This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and\n+  +    by whom.\n+  +\n+  +    If you include -f/-u/-d, the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  +    you also include -the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  +    you also include -n.\n+  +\n+  +    Without the -a/--text option, annotate will avoid processing files\n+  +    it detects as binary. With -a, annotate will annotate the file\n+  +    anyway, although the results will probably be neither useful\n+  +    nor desirable.\n+  +\n+  +    Returns 0 on success.\n+  +    """\n+  +    return 0\n+  +def archive(ui, repo, dest, **opts):\n+  +    \'\'\'create an unversioned archive of a repository revision\n+  +\n+  +    By default, the revision used is the parent of the working\n+  +    directory; use -r/--rev to specify a different revision.\n+  +\n+  +    The archive type is automatically detected based on file\n+  +    extension (to override, use -t/--type).\n+  +\n+  +    .. container:: verbose\n+  +\n+  +    Valid types are:\n+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 3addd05d3bf3 plain\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@\n   +1\n   +2\n   +3\n-   4\n-   5\n-\n-  +5.reallynew\n-   6\n-   7\n-   8\n-  \n-\n-Record end\n-\n-  $ hg commit -i -d \'15 0\' -m end-only plain <<EOF\n-  > y\n-  > y\n-  > EOF\n-  diff --git a/plain b/plain\n-  1 hunks, 2 lines changed\n-  @@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ 6\n-   7\n-   8\n-   9\n+  +4\n+  +5\n+  +6\n+  +7\n+  +8\n+  +9\n   +10\n   +11\n-  record this change to \'plain\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-\n-  $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   18:58a72f46bc24\n-  tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:15 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     end-only\n-  \n-  diff -r 41cf3f5c55ae -r 58a72f46bc24 plain\n-  --- a/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:14 1970 +0000\n-  +++ b/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:15 1970 +0000\n-  @@ -9,3 +9,5 @@\n-   7\n-   8\n-   9\n-  +10\n-  +11\n+  +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n+  \\ No newline at end of file\n   \n Interactive commit can name a directory instead of files (issue6131)\n \n@@ -811,16 +1791,58 @@\n   > y\n   > EOF\n   adding subdir/a\n-  diff --git a/subdir/a b/subdir/a\n-  new file mode 100644\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/a\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n-  +a\n-  record this change to \'subdir/a\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ cd subdir\n \n   $ echo a >> a\n@@ -828,28 +1850,70 @@\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/subdir/a b/subdir/a\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@\n-   a\n-  +a\n-  record this change to \'subdir/a\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  abort: subdir/a: file not tracked!\n+  [255]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   20:e0f6b99f6c49\n+  changeset:   0:3addd05d3bf3\n   tag:         tip\n   user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:16 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     subdir-change\n-  \n-  diff -r abd26b51de37 -r e0f6b99f6c49 subdir/a\n-  --- a/subdir/a\tThu Jan 01 00:00:16 1970 +0000\n-  +++ b/subdir/a\tThu Jan 01 00:00:16 1970 +0000\n-  @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@\n-   a\n-  +a\n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  summary:     funcs\n+  \n+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 3addd05d3bf3\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@\n+  +def annotate(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):\n+  +    """show changeset information by line for each file\n+  +\n+  +    List changes in files, showing the revision id responsible for\n+  +    each line.\n+  +\n+  +    This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and\n+  +    by whom.\n+  +\n+  +    If you include -f/-u/-d, the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  +    you also include -the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  +    you also include -n.\n+  +\n+  +    Without the -a/--text option, annotate will avoid processing files\n+  +    it detects as binary. With -a, annotate will annotate the file\n+  +    anyway, although the results will probably be neither useful\n+  +    nor desirable.\n+  +\n+  +    Returns 0 on success.\n+  +    """\n+  +    return 0\n+  +def archive(ui, repo, dest, **opts):\n+  +    \'\'\'create an unversioned archive of a repository revision\n+  +\n+  +    By default, the revision used is the parent of the working\n+  +    directory; use -r/--rev to specify a different revision.\n+  +\n+  +    The archive type is automatically detected based on file\n+  +    extension (to override, use -t/--type).\n+  +\n+  +    .. container:: verbose\n+  +\n+  +    Valid types are:\n+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 3addd05d3bf3 plain\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@\n+  +1\n+  +2\n+  +3\n+  +4\n+  +5\n+  +6\n+  +7\n+  +8\n+  +9\n+  +10\n+  +11\n+  +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n+  \\ No newline at end of file\n   \n \n   $ echo a > f1\n@@ -867,25 +1931,58 @@\n   > ?\n   > q\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] ?\n-  \n-  y - yes, record this change\n-  n - no, skip this change\n-  e - edit this change manually\n-  s - skip remaining changes to this file\n-  f - record remaining changes to this file\n-  d - done, skip remaining changes and files\n-  a - record all changes to all remaining files\n-  q - quit, recording no changes\n-  ? - ? (display help)\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] q\n-  \n-  abort: user quit\n-  [255]\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n Patterns\n \n@@ -895,29 +1992,57 @@\n   > y\n   > n\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@\n-   a\n-  +a\n-  record change 1/2 to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n\n-  \n-  diff --git a/subdir/f2 b/subdir/f2\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f2\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@\n-   b\n-  +b\n-  record change 2/2 to \'subdir/f2\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n\n-  \n-  no changes to record\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n   [1]\n \n #if gettext\n@@ -970,32 +2095,116 @@\n   $ hg commit -i <<EOF\n   > s\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] s\n-  \n-  diff --git a/subdir/f2 b/subdir/f2\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f2\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] abort: response expected\n-  [255]\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n No\n \n   $ hg commit -i <<EOF\n   > n\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n\n-  \n-  diff --git a/subdir/f2 b/subdir/f2\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f2\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] abort: response expected\n-  [255]\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n f, quit\n \n@@ -1003,18 +2212,58 @@\n   > f\n   > q\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] f\n-  \n-  diff --git a/subdir/f2 b/subdir/f2\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f2\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] q\n-  \n-  abort: user quit\n-  [255]\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n s, all\n \n@@ -1022,29 +2271,127 @@\n   > s\n   > a\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] s\n-  \n-  diff --git a/subdir/f2 b/subdir/f2\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f2\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] a\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   22:6afbbefacf35\n+  changeset:   1:368c60a137ca\n   tag:         tip\n   user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:18 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     x\n-  \n-  diff -r b73c401c693c -r 6afbbefacf35 subdir/f2\n-  --- a/subdir/f2\tThu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n-  +++ b/subdir/f2\tThu Jan 01 00:00:18 1970 +0000\n-  @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@\n-   b\n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n+  summary:     z\n+  \n+  diff -r 3addd05d3bf3 -r 368c60a137ca\n+  --- a/\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/\tThu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -2,15 +2,11 @@\n+       """show changeset information by line for each file\n+   \n+       List changes in files, showing the revision id responsible for\n+  -    each line.\n+  +    each line\n+   \n+       This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and\n+       by whom.\n+   \n+  -    If you include -f/-u/-d, the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  -    you also include -the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  -    you also include -n.\n+  -\n+       Without the -a/--text option, annotate will avoid processing files\n+       it detects as binary. With -a, annotate will annotate the file\n+       anyway, although the results will probably be neither useful\n+  @@ -26,7 +22,7 @@\n+       directory; use -r/--rev to specify a different revision.\n+   \n+       The archive type is automatically detected based on file\n+  -    extension (to override, use -t/--type).\n+  +    extension (or override using -t/--type).\n+   \n+       .. container:: verbose\n+   \n+  diff -r 3addd05d3bf3 -r 368c60a137ca plain\n+  --- a/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@\n+   3\n+   4\n+   5\n+\n+  +5.reallynew\n+   6\n+   7\n+   8\n+   9\n+   10\n+   11\n+  -0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n+  \\ No newline at end of file\n+  diff -r 3addd05d3bf3 -r 368c60a137ca plain2\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/plain2\tThu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@\n+  +1\n+  +2\n+  diff -r 3addd05d3bf3 -r 368c60a137ca subdir/f1\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/subdir/f1\tThu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n+  +a\n+  diff -r 3addd05d3bf3 -r 368c60a137ca subdir/f2\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/subdir/f2\tThu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n   +b\n   \n \n@@ -1053,25 +2400,128 @@\n   $ hg commit -i -d \'19 0\' -my <<EOF\n   > f\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] f\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   23:715028a33949\n+  changeset:   1:368c60a137ca\n   tag:         tip\n   user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:19 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     y\n-  \n-  diff -r 6afbbefacf35 -r 715028a33949 subdir/f1\n-  --- a/subdir/f1\tThu Jan 01 00:00:18 1970 +0000\n-  +++ b/subdir/f1\tThu Jan 01 00:00:19 1970 +0000\n-  @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@\n-   a\n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n+  summary:     z\n+  \n+  diff -r 3addd05d3bf3 -r 368c60a137ca\n+  --- a/\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/\tThu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -2,15 +2,11 @@\n+       """show changeset information by line for each file\n+   \n+       List changes in files, showing the revision id responsible for\n+  -    each line.\n+  +    each line\n+   \n+       This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and\n+       by whom.\n+   \n+  -    If you include -f/-u/-d, the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  -    you also include -the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  -    you also include -n.\n+  -\n+       Without the -a/--text option, annotate will avoid processing files\n+       it detects as binary. With -a, annotate will annotate the file\n+       anyway, although the results will probably be neither useful\n+  @@ -26,7 +22,7 @@\n+       directory; use -r/--rev to specify a different revision.\n+   \n+       The archive type is automatically detected based on file\n+  -    extension (to override, use -t/--type).\n+  +    extension (or override using -t/--type).\n+   \n+       .. container:: verbose\n+   \n+  diff -r 3addd05d3bf3 -r 368c60a137ca plain\n+  --- a/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/plain\tThu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@\n+   3\n+   4\n+   5\n+\n+  +5.reallynew\n+   6\n+   7\n+   8\n+   9\n+   10\n+   11\n+  -0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n+  \\ No newline at end of file\n+  diff -r 3addd05d3bf3 -r 368c60a137ca plain2\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/plain2\tThu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@\n+  +1\n+  +2\n+  diff -r 3addd05d3bf3 -r 368c60a137ca subdir/f1\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/subdir/f1\tThu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n   +a\n+  diff -r 3addd05d3bf3 -r 368c60a137ca subdir/f2\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/subdir/f2\tThu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n+  +b\n   \n \n #if execbit\n@@ -1214,33 +2664,131 @@\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@\n-   a\n-   a\n-  +a\n-  record this change to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip --config diff.git=True -p\n-  changeset:   24:c26cfe2c4eb0\n+  changeset:   1:368c60a137ca\n   tag:         tip\n   user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:20 1970 +0000\n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n   summary:     z\n   \n+  diff --git a/ b/\n+  --- a/\n+  +++ b/\n+  @@ -2,15 +2,11 @@\n+       """show changeset information by line for each file\n+   \n+       List changes in files, showing the revision id responsible for\n+  -    each line.\n+  +    each line\n+   \n+       This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and\n+       by whom.\n+   \n+  -    If you include -f/-u/-d, the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  -    you also include -the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  -    you also include -n.\n+  -\n+       Without the -a/--text option, annotate will avoid processing files\n+       it detects as binary. With -a, annotate will annotate the file\n+       anyway, although the results will probably be neither useful\n+  @@ -26,7 +22,7 @@\n+       directory; use -r/--rev to specify a different revision.\n+   \n+       The archive type is automatically detected based on file\n+  -    extension (to override, use -t/--type).\n+  +    extension (or override using -t/--type).\n+   \n+       .. container:: verbose\n+   \n+  diff --git a/plain b/plain\n+  --- a/plain\n+  +++ b/plain\n+  @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@\n+   3\n+   4\n+   5\n+\n+  +5.reallynew\n+   6\n+   7\n+   8\n+   9\n+   10\n+   11\n+  -0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n+  \\ No newline at end of file\n+  diff --git a/plain2 b/plain2\n+  new file mode 100644\n+  --- /dev/null\n+  +++ b/plain2\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@\n+  +1\n+  +2\n   diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  --- a/subdir/f1\n+  new file mode 100644\n+  --- /dev/null\n   +++ b/subdir/f1\n-  @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@\n-   a\n-   a\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n   +a\n+  diff --git a/subdir/f2 b/subdir/f2\n+  new file mode 100644\n+  --- /dev/null\n+  +++ b/subdir/f2\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n+  +b\n   \n \n Mock "Preserve execute permission on original"\n@@ -1251,34 +2799,130 @@\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@\n-   a\n-   a\n-   a\n-  +b\n-  record this change to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip --config diff.git=True -p\n-  changeset:   25:a48d2d60adde\n+  changeset:   1:368c60a137ca\n   tag:         tip\n   user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:21 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     aa\n-  \n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n+  summary:     z\n+  \n+  diff --git a/ b/\n+  --- a/\n+  +++ b/\n+  @@ -2,15 +2,11 @@\n+       """show changeset information by line for each file\n+   \n+       List changes in files, showing the revision id responsible for\n+  -    each line.\n+  +    each line\n+   \n+       This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and\n+       by whom.\n+   \n+  -    If you include -f/-u/-d, the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  -    you also include -the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  -    you also include -n.\n+  -\n+       Without the -a/--text option, annotate will avoid processing files\n+       it detects as binary. With -a, annotate will annotate the file\n+       anyway, although the results will probably be neither useful\n+  @@ -26,7 +22,7 @@\n+       directory; use -r/--rev to specify a different revision.\n+   \n+       The archive type is automatically detected based on file\n+  -    extension (to override, use -t/--type).\n+  +    extension (or override using -t/--type).\n+   \n+       .. container:: verbose\n+   \n+  diff --git a/plain b/plain\n+  --- a/plain\n+  +++ b/plain\n+  @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@\n+   3\n+   4\n+   5\n+\n+  +5.reallynew\n+   6\n+   7\n+   8\n+   9\n+   10\n+   11\n+  -0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n+  \\ No newline at end of file\n+  diff --git a/plain2 b/plain2\n+  new file mode 100644\n+  --- /dev/null\n+  +++ b/plain2\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@\n+  +1\n+  +2\n   diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  --- a/subdir/f1\n+  new file mode 100644\n+  --- /dev/null\n   +++ b/subdir/f1\n-  @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@\n-   a\n-   a\n-   a\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n+  +a\n+  diff --git a/subdir/f2 b/subdir/f2\n+  new file mode 100644\n+  --- /dev/null\n+  +++ b/subdir/f2\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n   +b\n   \n \n@@ -1291,35 +2935,131 @@\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ a\n-   a\n-   a\n-   b\n-  +c\n-  record this change to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg tip --config diff.git=True -p\n-  changeset:   26:5cc89ae210fa\n+  changeset:   1:368c60a137ca\n   tag:         tip\n   user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:22 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     ab\n-  \n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:17 1970 +0000\n+  summary:     z\n+  \n+  diff --git a/ b/\n+  --- a/\n+  +++ b/\n+  @@ -2,15 +2,11 @@\n+       """show changeset information by line for each file\n+   \n+       List changes in files, showing the revision id responsible for\n+  -    each line.\n+  +    each line\n+   \n+       This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and\n+       by whom.\n+   \n+  -    If you include -f/-u/-d, the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  -    you also include -the revision number is suppressed unless\n+  -    you also include -n.\n+  -\n+       Without the -a/--text option, annotate will avoid processing files\n+       it detects as binary. With -a, annotate will annotate the file\n+       anyway, although the results will probably be neither useful\n+  @@ -26,7 +22,7 @@\n+       directory; use -r/--rev to specify a different revision.\n+   \n+       The archive type is automatically detected based on file\n+  -    extension (to override, use -t/--type).\n+  +    extension (or override using -t/--type).\n+   \n+       .. container:: verbose\n+   \n+  diff --git a/plain b/plain\n+  --- a/plain\n+  +++ b/plain\n+  @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@\n+   3\n+   4\n+   5\n+\n+  +5.reallynew\n+   6\n+   7\n+   8\n+   9\n+   10\n+   11\n+  -0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n+  \\ No newline at end of file\n+  diff --git a/plain2 b/plain2\n+  new file mode 100644\n+  --- /dev/null\n+  +++ b/plain2\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@\n+  +1\n+  +2\n   diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  --- a/subdir/f1\n+  new file mode 100644\n+  --- /dev/null\n   +++ b/subdir/f1\n-  @@ -2,3 +2,4 @@\n-   a\n-   a\n-   b\n-  +c\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n+  +a\n+  diff --git a/subdir/f2 b/subdir/f2\n+  new file mode 100644\n+  --- /dev/null\n+  +++ b/subdir/f2\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n+  +b\n   \n \n #endif\n@@ -1330,7 +3070,8 @@\n Abort early when a merge is in progress\n \n   $ hg up 4\n-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 7 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n+  abort: unknown revision \'4\'!\n+  [255]\n \n   $ touch iwillmergethat\n   $ hg add iwillmergethat\n@@ -1342,10 +3083,10 @@\n   $ hg ci -m\'new head\'\n \n   $ hg up default\n-  7 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n+  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n \n   $ hg merge thatbranch\n-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n+  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n   (branch merge, don\'t forget to commit)\n \n   $ hg commit -i -m\'will abort\'\n@@ -1353,7 +3094,7 @@\n   [255]\n \n   $ hg up -C\n-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n+  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n \n Editing patch (and ignoring trailing text)\n \n@@ -1378,27 +3119,65 @@\n   > y\n   > e\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/editedfile b/editedfile\n-  1 hunks, 2 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n-  -This is the first line\n-  -This is the second line\n-  +This line has changed\n-  +This change will be committed\n-   This is the third line\n-  record this change to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] e\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ cat editedfile\n   This line has changed\n   This change will be committed\n   This is the third line\n   $ hg cat -r tip editedfile\n   This is the first line\n-  This change will be committed\n+  This is the second line\n   This is the third line\n   $ hg revert editedfile\n \n@@ -1409,17 +3188,58 @@\n   > e\n   > q\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/editedfile b/editedfile\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] e\n-  \n-  cannot edit patch for whole file\n-  examine changes to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] q\n-  \n-  abort: user quit\n-  [255]\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg revert editedfile\n \n Removing changes from patch\n@@ -1435,30 +3255,65 @@\n   > y\n   > e\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/editedfile b/editedfile\n-  1 hunks, 3 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n-  -This is the first line\n-  -This change will be committed\n-  -This is the third line\n-  +This change will not be committed\n-  +This is the second line\n-  +This line has been added\n-  record this change to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] e\n-  \n-  no changes to record\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n   [1]\n   $ cat editedfile\n-  This change will not be committed\n+  This is the second line\n   This is the second line\n   This line has been added\n   $ hg cat -r tip editedfile\n   This is the first line\n-  This change will be committed\n+  This is the second line\n   This is the third line\n   $ hg revert editedfile\n \n@@ -1475,44 +3330,69 @@\n   > y\n   > e\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/editedfile b/editedfile\n-  1 hunks, 3 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n-  -This is the first line\n-  -This change will be committed\n-  -This is the third line\n-  +This change will not be committed\n-  +This is the second line\n-  +This line has been added\n-  record this change to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] e\n-  \n-  patching file editedfile\n-  Hunk #1 FAILED at 0\n-  1 out of 1 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file editedfile.rej\n-  abort: patch failed to apply\n-  [255]\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ cat editedfile\n-  This change will not be committed\n+  This is the second line\n   This is the second line\n   This line has been added\n   $ hg cat -r tip editedfile\n   This is the first line\n-  This change will be committed\n+  This is the second line\n   This is the third line\n   $ cat editedfile.rej\n-  --- editedfile\n-  +++ editedfile\n-  @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n-  -That is the first line\n-  -That change will be committed\n-  -That is the third line\n-  +That change will not be committed\n-  +That is the second line\n-  +That line has been added\n+  cat: editedfile.rej: $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n \n Malformed patch - error handling\n \n@@ -1524,23 +3404,58 @@\n   > y\n   > e\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/editedfile b/editedfile\n-  1 hunks, 3 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n-  -This is the first line\n-  -This change will be committed\n-  -This is the third line\n-  +This change will not be committed\n-  +This is the second line\n-  +This line has been added\n-  record this change to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] e\n-  \n-  abort: error parsing patch: unhandled transition: range -> range\n-  [255]\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n Exiting editor with status 1, ignores the edit but does not stop the recording\n session\n@@ -1550,26 +3465,57 @@\n   > e\n   > n\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/editedfile b/editedfile\n-  1 hunks, 3 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n-  -This is the first line\n-  -This change will be committed\n-  -This is the third line\n-  +This change will not be committed\n-  +This is the second line\n-  +This line has been added\n-  record this change to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] e\n-  \n-  editor exited with exit code 1\n-  record this change to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n\n-  \n-  no changes to record\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n   [1]\n \n \n@@ -1584,23 +3530,58 @@\n   > y\n   > e\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/editedfile b/editedfile\n-  1 hunks, 3 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n-  -This is the first line\n-  -This change will be committed\n-  -This is the third line\n-  +This change will not be committed\n-  +This is the second line\n-  +This line has been added\n-  record this change to \'editedfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] e\n-  \n-  abort: error parsing patch: unhandled transition: file -> other\n-  [255]\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg up -C\n   1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n@@ -1626,37 +3607,76 @@\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ a\n-   a\n-   b\n-   c\n-  +d\n-  record this change to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record, win32text\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg status -A subdir/f1\n-  C subdir/f1\n+  M subdir/f1\n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   30:* (glob)\n+  changeset:   3:2f24f7f03739\n   tag:         tip\n+  parent:      1:368c60a137ca\n   user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:24 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     w1\n-  \n-  diff -r ???????????? -r ???????????? subdir/f1 (glob)\n-  --- a/subdir/f1\tThu Jan 01 00:00:23 1970 +0000\n-  +++ b/subdir/f1\tThu Jan 01 00:00:24 1970 +0000\n-  @@ -3,3 +3,4 @@\n-   a\n-   b\n-   c\n-  +d\n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  summary:     edit-patch-1\n+  \n+  diff -r 368c60a137ca -r 2f24f7f03739 editedfile\n+  --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  +++ b/editedfile\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@\n+  +This is the first line\n+  +This is the second line\n+  +This is the third line\n   \n \n \n@@ -1667,23 +3687,62 @@\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ a\n-   b\n-   c\n-   d\n-  +e\n-  record this change to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record, win32text\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg status -A subdir/f1\n-  C subdir/f1\n+  M subdir/f1\n   $ hg log --template \'{author}\\n\' -l 1\n-  xyz\n+  test\n   $ HGUSER="test"\n   $ export HGUSER\n \n@@ -1691,42 +3750,81 @@\n Moving files\n \n   $ hg update -C .\n-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n+  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n   $ hg mv plain plain3\n   $ echo somechange >> plain3\n   $ hg commit -i -d \'23 0\' -mmoving_files << EOF\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/plain b/plain3\n-  rename from plain\n-  rename to plain3\n-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'plain\' and \'plain3\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ 8\n-   9\n-   10\n-   11\n-  +somechange\n-  record this change to \'plain3\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record, win32text\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n The #if execbit block above changes the hash here on some systems\n   $ hg status -A plain3\n-  C plain3\n+  A plain3\n+    plain\n   $ hg tip\n-  changeset:   32:* (glob)\n+  changeset:   3:2f24f7f03739\n   tag:         tip\n+  parent:      1:368c60a137ca\n   user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:23 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     moving_files\n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  summary:     edit-patch-1\n   \n Editing patch of newly added file\n \n   $ hg update -C .\n-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n+  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n   $ cat > << \'__EOF__\'\n   > cat "$1"  | sed "s/first/very/g"  > tt\n   > mv tt  "$1"\n@@ -1741,22 +3839,61 @@\n   > y\n   > e\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/newfile b/newfile\n-  new file mode 100644\n-  examine changes to \'newfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@\n-  +This is the first line\n-  +This is the second line\n-  +This is the third line\n-  record this change to \'newfile\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] e\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record, win32text\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg cat -r tip newfile\n-  This is the very line\n-  This is the second line\n-  This is the third line\n+  newfile: no such file in rev 2f24f7f03739\n+  [1]\n \n   $ cat newfile\n   This is the first line\n@@ -1765,7 +3902,7 @@\n \n Add new file from within a subdirectory\n   $ hg update -C .\n-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n+  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n   $ mkdir folder\n   $ cd folder\n   $ echo "foo" > bar\n@@ -1774,34 +3911,79 @@\n   > y\n   > y\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/folder/bar b/folder/bar\n-  new file mode 100644\n-  examine changes to \'folder/bar\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n-  +foo\n-  record this change to \'folder/bar\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record, win32text\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n The #if execbit block above changes the hashes here on some systems\n   $ hg tip -p\n-  changeset:   34:* (glob)\n+  changeset:   3:2f24f7f03739\n   tag:         tip\n+  parent:      1:368c60a137ca\n   user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:23 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     newfilesubdir\n-  \n-  diff -r * -r * folder/bar (glob)\n+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  summary:     edit-patch-1\n+  \n+  diff -r 368c60a137ca -r 2f24f7f03739 editedfile\n   --- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  +++ b/folder/bar\tThu Jan 01 00:00:23 1970 +0000\n-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n-  +foo\n+  +++ b/editedfile\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n+  @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@\n+  +This is the first line\n+  +This is the second line\n+  +This is the third line\n   \n   $ cd ..\n \n   $ hg status -A folder/bar\n-  C folder/bar\n+  A folder/bar\n \n Clear win32text configuration before size/timestamp sensitive test\n \n@@ -1835,15 +4017,13 @@\n   diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n   --- a/subdir/f1\n   +++ b/subdir/f1\n-  @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n-  -a\n+  @@ -1,1 +1,7 @@\n   +A\n    a\n-   a\n-   b\n-   c\n-   d\n-  -e\n+  +a\n+  +b\n+  +c\n+  +d\n   +E\n \n   $ touch -t 200001010000 subdir/f1\n@@ -1861,40 +4041,67 @@\n   > y\n   > n\n   > EOF\n-  diff --git a/subdir/f1 b/subdir/f1\n-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@\n-  -a\n-  +A\n-   a\n-   a\n-   b\n-   c\n-   d\n-  record change 1/2 to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@\n-   a\n-   a\n-   b\n-   c\n-   d\n-  -e\n-  +E\n-  record change 2/2 to \'subdir/f1\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension fakepatchtime\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable fakepatchtime and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record, fakepatchtime\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ cat >> .hg/hgrc <<EOF\n   > [extensions]\n   > fakepatchtime = !\n   > EOF\n \n   $ hg debugstate | grep \' subdir/f1$\'\n-  n   0         -1 unset               subdir/f1\n+  n 644          2 unset               subdir/f1\n   $ hg status -A subdir/f1\n   M subdir/f1\n \n@@ -1920,21 +4127,58 @@\n   > 5\n   > EOF\n   $ printf \'y\\ny\\ny\\n\' | hg ci -im initial --config commands.commit.interactive.unified=0\n-  diff --git a/foo b/foo\n-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'foo\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -1,0 +2,1 @@ 1\n-  +change1\n-  record change 1/2 to \'foo\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -3,0 +5,1 @@ 3\n-  +change2\n-  record change 2/2 to \'foo\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ cd $TESTTMP\n \n Test diff.ignoreblanklines=1\n@@ -1959,26 +4203,56 @@\n   > 5\n   > EOF\n   $ printf \'y\\ny\\ny\\n\' | hg ci -im initial --config diff.ignoreblanklines=1\n-  diff --git a/foo b/foo\n-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed\n-  examine changes to \'foo\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@\n-   1\n-  +\n-   2\n-   3\n-  record change 1/2 to \'foo\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-  @@ -2,4 +3,5 @@\n-   2\n-   3\n-  +change2\n-   4\n-   5\n-  record change 2/2 to \'foo\'?\n-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y\n-  \n-\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: record\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1182, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 866, in runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1193, in _runcommand\\r (esc)\n+      return cmdfunc()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1179, in <lambda>\\r (esc)\n+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1854, in check\\r (esc)\n+      return func(*args, **kwargs)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2007, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2014, in _docommit\\r (esc)\n+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 643, in dorecord\\r (esc)\n+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 2925, in commit\\r (esc)\n+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 641, in recordinwlock\\r (esc)\n+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 505, in recordfunc\\r (esc)\n+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 402, in recordfilter\\r (esc)\n+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 65, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      curses.error\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'error\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n+\n', 88221, 88223, 'truncated \\uXXXX escape') decoding diff, sorry


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-copies-in-changeset.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-copies-in-changeset.t#extra.err
@@ -380,31 +380,62 @@
   > n
   > y
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-  -a
-  +a2
-  record this change to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  diff --git a/b b/c
-  rename from b
-  rename to c
-  examine changes to 'b' and 'c'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  created new head
-  diff --git a/b b/c
-  rename from b
-  rename to c
-  examine changes to 'b' and 'c'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/split/.hg/strip-backup/*-*-split.hg (glob)
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: rebase, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ cd ..
 Test committing half a rename


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-copies-in-changeset.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-copies-in-changeset.t#sidedata.err
@@ -380,31 +380,62 @@
   > n
   > y
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-  -a
-  +a2
-  record this change to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  diff --git a/b b/c
-  rename from b
-  rename to c
-  examine changes to 'b' and 'c'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  created new head
-  diff --git a/b b/c
-  rename from b
-  rename to c
-  examine changes to 'b' and 'c'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/split/.hg/strip-backup/*-*-split.hg (glob)
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: rebase, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ cd ..
 Test committing half a rename


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-debugcommands.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-debugcommands.t.err
@@ -440,11 +440,12 @@
   > }
   $ dolock -s &
   $ waitlock .hg/store/lock
-  $ hg debuglocks
-  lock:  user *, process * (*s) (glob)
-  wlock: free
+  timeout: .hg/store/lock was not created in 5 seconds
+  $ hg debuglocks
+  lock:  free
+  wlock: free
   $ touch .hg/unlock
   $ wait
   $ [ -f .hg/store/lock ] || echo "There is no lock"
@@ -454,11 +455,12 @@
   $ dolock -S &
   $ waitlock .hg/wlock
-  $ hg debuglocks
-  lock:  free
-  wlock: user *, process * (*s) (glob)
+  timeout: .hg/wlock was not created in 5 seconds
+  $ hg debuglocks
+  lock:  free
+  wlock: free
   $ touch .hg/unlock
   $ wait
   $ [ -f .hg/wlock ] || echo "There is no wlock"
@@ -468,20 +470,21 @@
   $ dolock -Ss &
   $ waitlock .hg/wlock && waitlock .hg/store/lock
-  $ hg debuglocks
-  lock:  user *, process * (*s) (glob)
-  wlock: user *, process * (*s) (glob)
-  [2]
+  timeout: .hg/wlock was not created in 5 seconds
+  [1]
+  $ hg debuglocks
+  lock:  free
+  wlock: free
 * Test failing to set a lock
   $ hg debuglocks -s
-  abort: lock is already held
+  ready to release the lock (y)?  abort: response expected
   $ hg debuglocks -S
-  abort: wlock is already held
+  ready to release the lock (y)?  abort: response expected
   $ touch .hg/unlock
@@ -495,13 +498,16 @@
   $ dolock -s &
   $ waitlock .hg/store/lock
-  $ hg debuglocks
-  lock:  user *, process * (*s) (glob)
-  wlock: free
+  timeout: .hg/store/lock was not created in 5 seconds
+  $ hg debuglocks
+  lock:  free
+  wlock: free
   $ hg debuglocks -L
+  abort: $ENOENT$: '$TESTTMP\debugrevlog\.hg/store\lock'
+  [255]
   $ hg debuglocks
   lock:  free
@@ -514,13 +520,16 @@
   $ dolock -S &
   $ waitlock .hg/wlock
-  $ hg debuglocks
-  lock:  free
-  wlock: user *, process * (*s) (glob)
+  timeout: .hg/wlock was not created in 5 seconds
+  $ hg debuglocks
+  lock:  free
+  wlock: free
   $ hg debuglocks -W
+  abort: $ENOENT$: '$TESTTMP\debugrevlog\.hg\wlock'
+  [255]
   $ hg debuglocks
   lock:  free


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-debugextensions.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-debugextensions.t.err
@@ -26,82 +26,200 @@
   > done
   $ hg debugextensions
-  ext1 (untested!)
-  ext2 (3.2.1!)
-  histedit
-  mq
-  patchbomb
-  rebase
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension ext1
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable ext1 and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, patchbomb, rebase, strip, mq, ext1, ext2
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 992, in _dispatch
+      extensions.loadall(lui)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 425, in loadall
+      _loadextra(ui, newindex, extraloaders)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 453, in _loadextra
+      getattr(loadermod, loadername)(ui, name, extraobj)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 299, in w
+      return f(object, sysstr(name), *args)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ hg debugextensions -v
-  ext1
-    location: */* (glob)
-    bundled: no
-  ext2
-    location: */* (glob)
-    bundled: no
-    tested with: 3.0 3.1 3.2.1
-    bug reporting:
-  histedit
-    location: */hgext/* (glob)
-    bundled: yes
-  mq
-    location: */hgext/* (glob)
-    bundled: yes
-  patchbomb
-    location: */hgext/* (glob)
-    bundled: yes
-  rebase
-    location: */hgext/* (glob)
-    bundled: yes
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension ext1
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable ext1 and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, patchbomb, rebase, strip, mq, ext1, ext2
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 992, in _dispatch
+      extensions.loadall(lui)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 425, in loadall
+      _loadextra(ui, newindex, extraloaders)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 453, in _loadextra
+      getattr(loadermod, loadername)(ui, name, extraobj)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 299, in w
+      return f(object, sysstr(name), *args)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ hg debugextensions -Tjson | sed 's|\\|/|g'
-  [
-   {
-    "buglink": "",
-    "bundled": false,
-    "name": "ext1",
-    "source": "*/*", (glob)
-    "testedwith": []
-   },
-   {
-    "buglink": "",
-    "bundled": false,
-    "name": "ext2",
-    "source": "*/*", (glob)
-    "testedwith": ["3.0", "3.1", "3.2.1"]
-   },
-   {
-    "buglink": "",
-    "bundled": true,
-    "name": "histedit",
-    "source": "*/hgext/*", (glob)
-    "testedwith": []
-   },
-   {
-    "buglink": "",
-    "bundled": true,
-    "name": "mq",
-    "source": "*/hgext/*", (glob)
-    "testedwith": []
-   },
-   {
-    "buglink": "",
-    "bundled": true,
-    "name": "patchbomb",
-    "source": "*/hgext/*", (glob)
-    "testedwith": []
-   },
-   {
-    "buglink": "",
-    "bundled": true,
-    "name": "rebase",
-    "source": "*/hgext/*", (glob)
-    "testedwith": []
-   }
-  ]
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension ext1
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable ext1 and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, patchbomb, rebase, strip, mq, ext1, ext2
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 992, in _dispatch
+      extensions.loadall(lui)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 425, in loadall
+      _loadextra(ui, newindex, extraloaders)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 453, in _loadextra
+      getattr(loadermod, loadername)(ui, name, extraobj)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 299, in w
+      return f(object, sysstr(name), *args)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
   $ hg debugextensions -T '{ifcontains("3.1", testedwith, "{name}
-  ext2
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension ext1
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable ext1 and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, patchbomb, rebase, strip, mq, ext1, ext2
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 992, in _dispatch
+      extensions.loadall(lui)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 425, in loadall
+      _loadextra(ui, newindex, extraloaders)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 453, in _loadextra
+      getattr(loadermod, loadername)(ui, name, extraobj)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 299, in w
+      return f(object, sysstr(name), *args)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ hg debugextensions    > -T '{ifcontains("3.2", testedwith, "no substring match: {name}
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension ext1
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable ext1 and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, patchbomb, rebase, strip, mq, ext1, ext2
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 992, in _dispatch
+      extensions.loadall(lui)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 425, in loadall
+      _loadextra(ui, newindex, extraloaders)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 453, in _loadextra
+      getattr(loadermod, loadername)(ui, name, extraobj)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 299, in w
+      return f(object, sysstr(name), *args)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-editor-filename.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-editor-filename.t.err
@@ -27,10 +27,67 @@
   > histedit=
   > EOF
   $ hg commit --message 'At least one commit for histedit.'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: rebase, histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ hg histedit
-  *.histedit.hg.txt (glob)
-  abort: edit failed: sh exited with status 1
-  [255]
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: rebase, histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
 Verify that when performing an action that has the side-effect of creating an
 editor for a diff, the file ends in .diff.
@@ -38,27 +95,68 @@
   $ echo 1 > one
   $ echo 2 > two
   $ hg add
-  adding one
-  adding two
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: rebase, histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ hg commit --interactive --config ui.interactive=true --config ui.interface=text << EOF
   > y
   > e
   > q
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/one b/one
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'one'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +1
-  record change 1/2 to 'one'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] e
-  *.diff (glob)
-  editor exited with exit code 1
-  record change 1/2 to 'one'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] q
-  abort: user quit
-  [255]
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: rebase, histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-encoding-align.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-encoding-align.t.err
@@ -73,10 +73,14 @@
   $ cp s $S
   $ hg add $S
+  短名: $ENOENT$ (esc)
+  [1]
   $ cp m $M
   $ hg add $M
   $ cp l $L
   $ hg add $L
+  長い長い名前: $ENOENT$ (esc)
+  [1]
@@ -102,22 +106,20 @@
 check alignment of user names in annotate
   $ hg annotate -u $M
-          短名: first line(2) (esc)
-       MIDDLE_: second line(2)
-  長い長い名前: third line(2) (esc)
+              短名: first line(2) (esc)
+             MIDDLE_: second line(2)
+  長い長い名前: third line(2) (esc)
 check alignment of filenames in diffstat
   $ hg diff -c tip --stat
-   MIDDLE_      |  1 +
-   短名         |  1 + (esc)
-   長い長い名前 |  1 + (esc)
-   3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
+   MIDDLE_ |  1 +
+   1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 add branches/tags
   $ hg branch $S
-  marked working directory as branch 短名 (esc)
+  marked working directory as branch 短名 (esc)
   (branches are permanent and global, did you want a bookmark?)
   $ hg tag $S
   $ hg book -f $S
@@ -126,29 +128,29 @@
   $ hg tag $M
   $ hg book -f $M
   $ hg branch $L
-  marked working directory as branch 長い長い名前 (esc)
+  marked working directory as branch 長い長い名前 (esc)
   $ hg tag $L
   $ hg book -f $L
 check alignment of branches
   $ hg branches
-  長い長い名前                   5:d745ff46155b (esc)
-  MIDDLE_                        4:9259be597f19 (inactive)
-  短名                           3:b06c5b6def9e (inactive) (esc)
-  default                        2:64a70663cee8 (inactive)
+  長い長い名前             5:cc6831309048 (esc)
+  MIDDLE_                        4:bac95d255fe8 (inactive)
+  短名                         3:d6829fef7e9f (inactive) (esc)
+  default                        2:8410b134db4d (inactive)
 check alignment of tags
   $ hg tags
-  tip                                5:d745ff46155b
-  長い長い名前                       4:9259be597f19 (esc)
-  MIDDLE_                            3:b06c5b6def9e
-  短名                               2:64a70663cee8 (esc)
+  tip                                5:cc6831309048
+  長い長い名前                 4:bac95d255fe8 (esc)
+  MIDDLE_                            3:d6829fef7e9f
+  短名                             2:8410b134db4d (esc)
 check alignment of bookmarks
   $ hg book
-     MIDDLE_                   5:d745ff46155b
-     短名                      4:9259be597f19 (esc)
-   * 長い長い名前              5:d745ff46155b (esc)
+     MIDDLE_                   5:cc6831309048
+     短名                    4:bac95d255fe8 (esc)
+   * 長い長い名前        5:cc6831309048 (esc)


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-encoding.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-encoding.t.err
@@ -54,20 +54,20 @@
 hg log (ascii)
   $ hg --encoding ascii log
-  changeset:   5:a52c0692f24a
-  branch:      ?
-  tag:         tip
-  user:        test
-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  summary:     latin1 branch
-  changeset:   4:94db611b4196
-  user:        test
-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  summary:     Added tag ? for changeset ca661e7520de
-  changeset:   3:ca661e7520de
-  tag:         ?
+  changeset:   5:a74cbe165c69
+  branch:      ??
+  tag:         tip
+  user:        test
+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  summary:     latin1 branch
+  changeset:   4:b864fdcf7a95
+  user:        test
+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  summary:     Added tag ?? for changeset ca661e7520de
+  changeset:   3:ca661e7520de
+  tag:         ??
   user:        test
   date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   summary:     utf-8 e' encoded: ?
@@ -91,14 +91,14 @@
 hg log (latin-1)
   $ hg --encoding latin-1 log
-  changeset:   5:a52c0692f24a
+  changeset:   5:a74cbe165c69
   branch:      é (esc)
   tag:         tip
   user:        test
   date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   summary:     latin1 branch
-  changeset:   4:94db611b4196
+  changeset:   4:b864fdcf7a95
   user:        test
   date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   summary:     Added tag é for changeset ca661e7520de (esc)
@@ -128,14 +128,14 @@
 hg log (utf-8)
   $ hg --encoding utf-8 log
-  changeset:   5:a52c0692f24a
+  changeset:   5:a74cbe165c69
   branch:      é (esc)
   tag:         tip
   user:        test
   date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   summary:     latin1 branch
-  changeset:   4:94db611b4196
+  changeset:   4:b864fdcf7a95
   user:        test
   date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   summary:     Added tag é for changeset ca661e7520de (esc)
@@ -165,27 +165,27 @@
 hg tags (ascii)
   $ HGENCODING=ascii hg tags
-  tip                                5:a52c0692f24a
-  ?                                  3:ca661e7520de
+  tip                                5:a74cbe165c69
+  ??                                 3:ca661e7520de
 hg tags (latin-1)
   $ HGENCODING=latin-1 hg tags
-  tip                                5:a52c0692f24a
-  é                                  3:ca661e7520de (esc)
+  tip                                5:a74cbe165c69
+  é                                 3:ca661e7520de (esc)
 hg tags (utf-8)
   $ HGENCODING=utf-8 hg tags
-  tip                                5:a52c0692f24a
-  é                                  3:ca661e7520de (esc)
+  tip                                5:a74cbe165c69
+  é                                 3:ca661e7520de (esc)
 hg tags (JSON)
   $ hg tags -Tjson
-    "node": "a52c0692f24ad921c0a31e1736e7635a8b23b670",
+    "node": "a74cbe165c69f71f87bc12cc1d1e9add8d8cc9af",
     "rev": 5,
     "tag": "tip",
     "type": ""
@@ -201,34 +201,34 @@
 hg branches (ascii)
   $ HGENCODING=ascii hg branches
-  ?                              5:a52c0692f24a
-  default                        4:94db611b4196 (inactive)
+  ??                             5:a74cbe165c69
+  default                        4:b864fdcf7a95 (inactive)
 hg branches (latin-1)
   $ HGENCODING=latin-1 hg branches
-  é                              5:a52c0692f24a (esc)
-  default                        4:94db611b4196 (inactive)
+  é                             5:a74cbe165c69 (esc)
+  default                        4:b864fdcf7a95 (inactive)
 hg branches (utf-8)
   $ HGENCODING=utf-8 hg branches
-  é                              5:a52c0692f24a (esc)
-  default                        4:94db611b4196 (inactive)
+  é                             5:a74cbe165c69 (esc)
+  default                        4:b864fdcf7a95 (inactive)
   $ echo '[ui]' >> .hg/hgrc
   $ echo 'fallbackencoding = koi8-r' >> .hg/hgrc
 hg log (utf-8)
   $ HGENCODING=utf-8 hg log
-  changeset:   5:a52c0692f24a
+  changeset:   5:a74cbe165c69
   branch:      é (esc)
   tag:         tip
   user:        test
   date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   summary:     latin1 branch
-  changeset:   4:94db611b4196
+  changeset:   4:b864fdcf7a95
   user:        test
   date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   summary:     Added tag é for changeset ca661e7520de (esc)
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
   (please check your locale settings)
   $ HGENCODING=ascii hg branch `cat latin-1-tag`
-  abort: decoding near 'é': 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)! (esc)
+  abort: decoding near 'é': 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)! (esc)
   $ cp latin-1-tag .hg/branch
   $ HGENCODING=latin-1 hg ci -m 'auto-promote legacy name'


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-extdata.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-extdata.t.err
@@ -78,18 +78,130 @@
 test template support:
   $ hg log -r:3 -T "{node|short}{if(extdata('notes'), ' # {extdata('notes')}')}
-  06254b906311 # first post
-  e8342c9a2ed1 # this is buggy :(
-  f6ed99a58333 # this change is great!
-  9de260b1e88e
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: 
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 4723, in log
+      displayfn(ui, repo, revs, displayer, getcopies)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1069, in displayrevs
+, copies=copies)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 275, in show
+      self._show(ctx, copies, props)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 600, in _show
+      self.ui.write(self.t.render(key, props))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1032, in render
+      return b''.join(self.generate(t, mapping))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1765, in increasingchunks
+      for chunk in source:
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 794, in flatten
+      for i in thing:
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 998, in runtemplate
+      yield evalrawexp(context, mapping, arg)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 847, in evalrawexp
+      return func(context, mapping, data)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 384, in if_
+      test = evalboolean(context, mapping, args[0])
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 889, in evalboolean
+      thing = func(context, mapping, data)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 150, in extdata
+      data = cache[source] = scmutil.extdatasource(ctx.repo(), source)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1675, in extdatasource
+      src =, spec)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 679, in open
+      url_ = b'file://' + pycompat.bytesurl(urlreq.pathname2url(path))
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\", line 53, in pathname2url
+      if not ':' in p:
+  TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
+  [1]
 test template cache:
   $ hg log -r:3 -T '{rev} "{extdata("notes")}" "{extdata("shelldata")}"
-  0 "first post" ""
-  1 "this is buggy :(" ""
-  2 "this change is great!" "another comment on 2"
-  3 "" ""
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: 
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 4723, in log
+      displayfn(ui, repo, revs, displayer, getcopies)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1069, in displayrevs
+, copies=copies)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 275, in show
+      self._show(ctx, copies, props)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 600, in _show
+      self.ui.write(self.t.render(key, props))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1032, in render
+      return b''.join(self.generate(t, mapping))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1765, in increasingchunks
+      for chunk in source:
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 794, in flatten
+      for i in thing:
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 998, in runtemplate
+      yield evalrawexp(context, mapping, arg)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 847, in evalrawexp
+      return func(context, mapping, data)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 150, in extdata
+      data = cache[source] = scmutil.extdatasource(ctx.repo(), source)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1675, in extdatasource
+      src =, spec)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 679, in open
+      url_ = b'file://' + pycompat.bytesurl(urlreq.pathname2url(path))
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\", line 53, in pathname2url
+      if not ':' in p:
+  TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
+  [1]
 test bad extdata() template source


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-extdiff.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-extdiff.t.err
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@
   $ LC_MESSAGES=ja_JP.UTF-8 hg --config hgext.extdiff= --config$U help td    > | grep "^      '"
-        '¥¥'
+        '¥¥'
   $ cd $TESTTMP


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-fix.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-fix.t.err
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@
   $ sleep 2 # mtime has a resolution of one or two seconds.
   $ hg fix --working-dir
   $ f foo.whole.orig --newer foo.whole
-  foo.whole.orig: newer than foo.whole
+  foo.whole.orig: older than foo.whole
   $ cd ..
@@ -939,6 +939,7 @@
   $ hg fix -r .
   $ hg log --template '{rev}
+  1
   $ cd ..
@@ -957,6 +958,7 @@
   M foo.whole
   $ hg fix -r .
   $ hg status --change tip
+  M foo.whole
   $ cd ..
@@ -984,15 +986,17 @@
   $ hg fix -r 0:2
   $ hg log --graph --template '{rev} {files}'
-  o  4 bar.whole
+  o  5 bar.whole
-  o  3
+  o  4
-  | @  2 bar.whole
-  | |
-  | x  1 foo.whole
-  |/
-  o  0 foo.whole
+  o  3 foo.whole
+  @  2 bar.whole
+  |
+  x  1 foo.whole
+  |
+  x  0 foo.whole
   $ cd ..
@@ -1507,13 +1511,13 @@
   $ make_test_files wdir
   $ hg fix -r 'not public()' -w
   $ hg log -G -T'{rev}:{shortest(node,8)}: branch:{branch} desc:{desc}'
-  @  8:c22ce900: branch:child desc:child of merge
+  @  8:6da3f279: branch:child desc:child of merge
-  o    7:5a30615a: branch:merge desc:evil merge
+  o    7:0d0bfa28: branch:merge desc:evil merge
   |-  | o  6:4e5acdc4: branch:r2 desc:merge me, pt2
+  | o  6:5f9f0e2f: branch:r2 desc:merge me, pt2
   | |
-  o |  5:eea01878: branch:r1 desc:merge me, pt1
+  o |  5:935ac1bf: branch:r1 desc:merge me, pt1
   o  0:0c548d87: branch:r0 desc:r0


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-help.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-help.t.err
@@ -1909,22 +1909,16 @@
   > upper = b"‹L˜^"
   > pycompat.stdout.write(b"hg --encoding cp932 help -e ambiguous.%s
" % upper)
   > EOF
-  ‹L˜^ (esc)
-  ----
-  Upper name should show only this message
+  abort: help section not found: ambiguous.‹L˜^ (esc)
+  [255]
   $ "$PYTHON" <<EOF | sh
   > from mercurial import pycompat
   > lower = b"‹l˜^"
   > pycompat.stdout.write(b"hg --encoding cp932 help -e ambiguous.%s
" % lower)
   > EOF
-  ‹l˜^ (esc)
-  ----
-  Lower name should show only this message
+  abort: help section not found: ambiguous.‹l˜^ (esc)
+  [255]
   $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
   > [extensions]


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-arguments.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-arguments.t#abortcommand.err
@@ -19,587 +19,36 @@
 Repo setup.
   $ hg init foo
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ cd foo
+  $ line 13: cd: foo: $ENOENT$
   $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg addr
-  adding alpha
-  $ hg ci -m one
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg ci -m two
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg ci -m three
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg ci -m four
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg ci -m five
-  $ hg log --style compact --graph
-  @  4[tip]   08d98a8350f3   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    five
-  |
-  o  3   c8e68270e35a   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    four
-  |
-  o  2   eb57da33312f   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    three
-  |
-  o  1   579e40513370   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    two
-  |
-  o  0   6058cbb6cfd7   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-       one
-histedit --continue/--abort with no existing state
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  abort: no histedit in progress
-  [255]
-  $ hg abort
-  abort: no histedit in progress (abortflag !)
-  abort: no operation in progress (abortcommand !)
-  [255]
-Run a dummy edit to make sure we get tip^^ correctly via revsingle.
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^"
-  pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  # Edit history between eb57da33312f and 08d98a8350f3
-  #
-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent
-  #
-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines
-  #
-  # Commands:
-  #
-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content
-  #  p, pick = use commit
-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there
-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history
-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description and date
-  #
-Run on a revision not ancestors of the current working directory.
-  $ hg up 2
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg histedit -r 4
-  abort: 08d98a8350f3 is not an ancestor of working directory
-  [255]
-  $ hg up --quiet
-Test that we pick the minimum of a revrange
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit '2::' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  $ hg up --quiet
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit 'tip:2' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  $ hg up --quiet
-Test config specified default
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit --config "histedit.defaultrev=only(.) - ::eb57da33312f" --commands - << EOF
-  > pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-Test invalid config default
-  $ hg histedit --config "histedit.defaultrev="
-  abort: config option histedit.defaultrev can't be empty
-  [255]
-Run on a revision not descendants of the initial parent
-Test the message shown for inconsistent histedit state, which may be
-created (and forgotten) by Mercurial earlier than 2.7. This emulates
-Mercurial earlier than 2.7 by renaming ".hg/histedit-state"
-  $ hg log -G -T '{rev} {shortest(node)} {desc}
' -r 2::
-  @  4 08d9 five
-  |
-  o  3 c8e6 four
-  |
-  o  2 eb57 three
-  |
-  ~
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit -r 4 --commands - << EOF
-  > edit 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  Editing (08d98a8350f3), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg graft --continue
-  abort: no graft in progress
-  (continue: hg histedit --continue)
-  [255]
-  $ mv .hg/histedit-state .hg/histedit-state.back
-  $ hg update --quiet --clean 2
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ mv .hg/histedit-state.back .hg/histedit-state
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/08d98a8350f3-02594089-histedit.hg
-  $ hg log -G -T '{rev} {shortest(node)} {desc}
' -r 2::
-  @  4 f5ed five
-  |
-  | o  3 c8e6 four
-  |/
-  o  2 eb57 three
-  |
-  ~
-  $ hg unbundle -q $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/08d98a8350f3-02594089-histedit.hg
-  $ hg strip -q -r f5ed --config extensions.strip=
-  $ hg up -q 08d98a8350f3
-Test that missing revisions are detected
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: missing rules for changeset c8e68270e35a
-  (use "drop c8e68270e35a" to discard, see also: 'hg help -e histedit.config')
-  [255]
-Test that extra revisions are detected
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > pick 6058cbb6cfd7 0 one
-  > pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: pick "6058cbb6cfd7" changeset was not a candidate
-  (only use listed changesets)
-  [255]
-Test malformed line
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > pickeb57da33312f2three
-  > pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: malformed line "pickeb57da33312f2three"
-  [255]
-Test unknown changeset
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > pick 0123456789ab 2 three
-  > pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: unknown changeset 0123456789ab listed
-  [255]
-Test unknown command
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > coin eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: unknown action "coin"
-  [255]
-Test duplicated changeset
-So one is missing and one appear twice.
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: duplicated command for changeset eb57da33312f
-  [255]
-Test bogus rev
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick 0u98
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: invalid changeset 0u98
-  [255]
-Test short version of command
-Note: we use varying amounts of white space between command name and changeset
-short hash. This tests issue3893.
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > p    c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > f 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  four
-  ***
-  five
-  HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  HG: --
-  HG: user: test
-  HG: branch 'default'
-  HG: changed alpha
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/c8e68270e35a-63d8b8d8-histedit.hg
-  $ hg update -q 2
-  $ echo x > x
-  $ hg add x
-  $ hg commit -m'x' x
-  created new head
-  $ hg histedit -r 'heads(all())'
-  abort: The specified revisions must have exactly one common root
-  [255]
-Test that trimming description using multi-byte characters
-  $ "$PYTHON" <<EOF
-  > fp = open('logfile', 'wb')
-  > fp.write(b'12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890' +
-  >          b'12345') # there are 5 more columns for 80 columns
-  > 
-  > # 2 x 4 = 8 columns, but 3 x 4 = 12 bytes
-  > fp.write(u'あいうえ'.encode('utf-8'))
-  > 
-  > fp.close()
-  > EOF
-  $ echo xx >> x
-  $ hg --encoding utf-8 commit --logfile logfile
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg --encoding utf-8 histedit tip
-  pick 3d3ea1f3a10b 5 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345あ... (esc)
-  # Edit history between 3d3ea1f3a10b and 3d3ea1f3a10b
-  #
-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent
-  #
-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines
-  #
-  # Commands:
-  #
-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content
-  #  p, pick = use commit
-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there
-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history
-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description and date
-  #
-Test --continue with --keep
-  $ hg strip -q -r . --config extensions.strip=
-  $ hg histedit '.^' -q --keep --commands - << EOF
-  > edit eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick f3cfcca30c44 4 x
-  > EOF
-  Editing (eb57da33312f), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ echo edit >> alpha
-  $ hg histedit -q --continue
-  $ hg log -G -T '{rev}:{node|short} {desc}'
-  @  6:8fda0c726bf2 x
-  |
-  o  5:63379946892c three
-  |
-  | o  4:f3cfcca30c44 x
-  | |
-  | | o  3:2a30f3cfee78 four
-  | |/   ***
-  | |    five
-  | o  2:eb57da33312f three
-  |/
-  o  1:579e40513370 two
-  |
-  o  0:6058cbb6cfd7 one
-Test that abort fails gracefully on exception
-  $ hg histedit . -q --commands - << EOF
-  > edit 8fda0c726bf2 6 x
-  > EOF
-  Editing (8fda0c726bf2), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-Corrupt histedit state file
-  $ sed 's/8fda0c726bf2/123456789012/' .hg/histedit-state > ../corrupt-histedit
-  $ mv ../corrupt-histedit .hg/histedit-state
-  $ hg abort
-  warning: encountered an exception during histedit --abort; the repository may not have been completely cleaned up
-  abort: $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/*-histedit.hg: $ENOENT$ (glob) (windows !)
-  abort: $ENOENT$: '$TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/*-histedit.hg' (glob) (no-windows !)
-  [255]
-Histedit state has been exited
-  $ hg summary -q
-  parent: 5:63379946892c 
-  commit: 1 added, 1 unknown (new branch head)
-  update: 4 new changesets (update)
-  $ cd ..
-Set up default base revision tests
-  $ hg init defaultbase
-  $ cd defaultbase
-  $ touch foo
-  $ hg -q commit -A -m root
-  $ echo 1 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'public 1'
-  $ hg phase --force --public -r .
-  $ echo 2 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'draft after public'
-  $ hg -q up -r 1
-  $ echo 3 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'head 1 public'
-  created new head
-  $ hg phase --force --public -r .
-  $ echo 4 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'head 1 draft 1'
-  $ echo 5 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'head 1 draft 2'
-  $ hg -q up -r 2
-  $ echo 6 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'head 2 commit 1'
-  $ echo 7 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'head 2 commit 2'
-  $ hg -q up -r 2
-  $ echo 8 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'head 3'
-  created new head
-  $ hg -q up -r 2
-  $ echo 9 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'head 4'
-  created new head
-  $ hg merge --tool :local -r 8
-  0 files updated, 1 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  (branch merge, don't forget to commit)
-  $ hg commit -m 'merge head 3 into head 4'
-  $ echo 11 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'commit 1 after merge'
-  $ echo 12 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'commit 2 after merge'
-  $ hg log -G -T '{rev}:{node|short} {phase} {desc}
-  @  12:8cde254db839 draft commit 2 after merge
-  |
-  o  11:6f2f0241f119 draft commit 1 after merge
-  |
-  o    10:90506cc76b00 draft merge head 3 into head 4
-  |-  | o  9:f8607a373a97 draft head 4
-  | |
-  o |  8:0da92be05148 draft head 3
-  |/
-  | o  7:4c35cdf97d5e draft head 2 commit 2
-  | |
-  | o  6:931820154288 draft head 2 commit 1
-  |/
-  | o  5:8cdc02b9bc63 draft head 1 draft 2
-  | |
-  | o  4:463b8c0d2973 draft head 1 draft 1
-  | |
-  | o  3:23a0c4eefcbf public head 1 public
-  | |
-  o |  2:4117331c3abb draft draft after public
-  |/
-  o  1:4426d359ea59 public public 1
-  |
-  o  0:54136a8ddf32 public root
-Default base revision should stop at public changesets
-  $ hg -q up 8cdc02b9bc63
-  $ hg histedit --commands - <<EOF
-  > pick 463b8c0d2973
-  > pick 8cdc02b9bc63
-  > EOF
-Default base revision should stop at branchpoint
-  $ hg -q up 4c35cdf97d5e
-  $ hg histedit --commands - <<EOF
-  > pick 931820154288
-  > pick 4c35cdf97d5e
-  > EOF
-Default base revision should stop at merge commit
-  $ hg -q up 8cde254db839
-  $ hg histedit --commands - <<EOF
-  > pick 6f2f0241f119
-  > pick 8cde254db839
-  > EOF
-commit --amend should abort if histedit is in progress
-(issue4800) and markers are not being created.
-Eventually, histedit could perhaps look at `source` extra,
-in which case this test should be revisited.
-  $ hg -q up 8cde254db839
-  $ hg histedit 6f2f0241f119 --commands - <<EOF
-  > pick 8cde254db839
-  > edit 6f2f0241f119
-  > EOF
-  merging foo
-  warning: conflicts while merging foo! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Fix up the change (pick 8cde254db839)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg resolve -m --all
-  (no more unresolved files)
-  continue: hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg histedit --cont
-  merging foo
-  warning: conflicts while merging foo! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Editing (6f2f0241f119), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg resolve -m --all
-  (no more unresolved files)
-  continue: hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg commit --amend -m 'reject this fold'
-  abort: histedit in progress
-  (use 'hg histedit --continue' or 'hg histedit --abort')
-  [255]
-With markers enabled, histedit does not get confused, and
-amend should not be blocked by the ongoing histedit.
-  $ cat >>$HGRCPATH <<EOF
-  > [experimental]
-  > evolution.createmarkers=True
-  > evolution.allowunstable=True
-  > EOF
-  $ hg commit --amend -m 'allow this fold'
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  $ cd ..
-Test autoverb feature
-  $ hg init autoverb
-  $ cd autoverb
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg ci -qAm one
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg ci -qm two
-  $ echo beta >> beta
-  $ hg ci -qAm "roll! one"
-  $ hg log --style compact --graph
-  @  2[tip]   4f34d0f8b5fa   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    roll! one
-  |
-  o  1   579e40513370   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    two
-  |
-  o  0   6058cbb6cfd7   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-       one
-Check that 'roll' is selected by default
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit 0 --config experimental.histedit.autoverb=True
-  pick 6058cbb6cfd7 0 one
-  roll 4f34d0f8b5fa 2 roll! one
-  pick 579e40513370 1 two
-  # Edit history between 6058cbb6cfd7 and 4f34d0f8b5fa
-  #
-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent
-  #
-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines
-  #
-  # Commands:
-  #
-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content
-  #  p, pick = use commit
-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there
-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history
-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description and date
-  #
-  $ cd ..
-Check that histedit's commands accept revsets
-  $ hg init bar
-  $ cd bar
-  $ echo w >> a
-  $ hg ci -qAm "adds a"
-  $ echo x >> b
-  $ hg ci -qAm "adds b"
-  $ echo y >> c
-  $ hg ci -qAm "adds c"
-  $ echo z >> d
-  $ hg ci -qAm "adds d"
-  $ hg log -G -T '{rev} {desc}
-  @  3 adds d
-  |
-  o  2 adds c
-  |
-  o  1 adds b
-  |
-  o  0 adds a
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "2" --commands - << EOF
-  > base -4 adds c
-  > pick 2 adds c
-  > pick tip adds d
-  > EOF
-  $ hg log -G -T '{rev} {desc}
-  @  5 adds d
-  |
-  o  4 adds c
-  |
-  | o  1 adds b
-  |/
-  o  0 adds a


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-arguments.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-arguments.t#abortflag.err
@@ -19,587 +19,36 @@
 Repo setup.
   $ hg init foo
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ cd foo
+  $ line 18: cd: foo: $ENOENT$
   $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg addr
-  adding alpha
-  $ hg ci -m one
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg ci -m two
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg ci -m three
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg ci -m four
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg ci -m five
-  $ hg log --style compact --graph
-  @  4[tip]   08d98a8350f3   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    five
-  |
-  o  3   c8e68270e35a   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    four
-  |
-  o  2   eb57da33312f   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    three
-  |
-  o  1   579e40513370   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    two
-  |
-  o  0   6058cbb6cfd7   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-       one
-histedit --continue/--abort with no existing state
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  abort: no histedit in progress
-  [255]
-  $ hg abort
-  abort: no histedit in progress (abortflag !)
-  abort: no operation in progress (abortcommand !)
-  [255]
-Run a dummy edit to make sure we get tip^^ correctly via revsingle.
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^"
-  pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  # Edit history between eb57da33312f and 08d98a8350f3
-  #
-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent
-  #
-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines
-  #
-  # Commands:
-  #
-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content
-  #  p, pick = use commit
-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there
-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history
-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description and date
-  #
-Run on a revision not ancestors of the current working directory.
-  $ hg up 2
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg histedit -r 4
-  abort: 08d98a8350f3 is not an ancestor of working directory
-  [255]
-  $ hg up --quiet
-Test that we pick the minimum of a revrange
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit '2::' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  $ hg up --quiet
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit 'tip:2' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  $ hg up --quiet
-Test config specified default
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit --config "histedit.defaultrev=only(.) - ::eb57da33312f" --commands - << EOF
-  > pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-Test invalid config default
-  $ hg histedit --config "histedit.defaultrev="
-  abort: config option histedit.defaultrev can't be empty
-  [255]
-Run on a revision not descendants of the initial parent
-Test the message shown for inconsistent histedit state, which may be
-created (and forgotten) by Mercurial earlier than 2.7. This emulates
-Mercurial earlier than 2.7 by renaming ".hg/histedit-state"
-  $ hg log -G -T '{rev} {shortest(node)} {desc}
' -r 2::
-  @  4 08d9 five
-  |
-  o  3 c8e6 four
-  |
-  o  2 eb57 three
-  |
-  ~
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit -r 4 --commands - << EOF
-  > edit 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  Editing (08d98a8350f3), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg graft --continue
-  abort: no graft in progress
-  (continue: hg histedit --continue)
-  [255]
-  $ mv .hg/histedit-state .hg/histedit-state.back
-  $ hg update --quiet --clean 2
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ mv .hg/histedit-state.back .hg/histedit-state
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/08d98a8350f3-02594089-histedit.hg
-  $ hg log -G -T '{rev} {shortest(node)} {desc}
' -r 2::
-  @  4 f5ed five
-  |
-  | o  3 c8e6 four
-  |/
-  o  2 eb57 three
-  |
-  ~
-  $ hg unbundle -q $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/08d98a8350f3-02594089-histedit.hg
-  $ hg strip -q -r f5ed --config extensions.strip=
-  $ hg up -q 08d98a8350f3
-Test that missing revisions are detected
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: missing rules for changeset c8e68270e35a
-  (use "drop c8e68270e35a" to discard, see also: 'hg help -e histedit.config')
-  [255]
-Test that extra revisions are detected
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > pick 6058cbb6cfd7 0 one
-  > pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: pick "6058cbb6cfd7" changeset was not a candidate
-  (only use listed changesets)
-  [255]
-Test malformed line
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > pickeb57da33312f2three
-  > pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: malformed line "pickeb57da33312f2three"
-  [255]
-Test unknown changeset
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > pick 0123456789ab 2 three
-  > pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: unknown changeset 0123456789ab listed
-  [255]
-Test unknown command
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > coin eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: unknown action "coin"
-  [255]
-Test duplicated changeset
-So one is missing and one appear twice.
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: duplicated command for changeset eb57da33312f
-  [255]
-Test bogus rev
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick 0u98
-  > pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: invalid changeset 0u98
-  [255]
-Test short version of command
-Note: we use varying amounts of white space between command name and changeset
-short hash. This tests issue3893.
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
-  > pick eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > p    c8e68270e35a 3 four
-  > f 08d98a8350f3 4 five
-  > EOF
-  four
-  ***
-  five
-  HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  HG: --
-  HG: user: test
-  HG: branch 'default'
-  HG: changed alpha
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/c8e68270e35a-63d8b8d8-histedit.hg
-  $ hg update -q 2
-  $ echo x > x
-  $ hg add x
-  $ hg commit -m'x' x
-  created new head
-  $ hg histedit -r 'heads(all())'
-  abort: The specified revisions must have exactly one common root
-  [255]
-Test that trimming description using multi-byte characters
-  $ "$PYTHON" <<EOF
-  > fp = open('logfile', 'wb')
-  > fp.write(b'12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890' +
-  >          b'12345') # there are 5 more columns for 80 columns
-  > 
-  > # 2 x 4 = 8 columns, but 3 x 4 = 12 bytes
-  > fp.write(u'あいうえ'.encode('utf-8'))
-  > 
-  > fp.close()
-  > EOF
-  $ echo xx >> x
-  $ hg --encoding utf-8 commit --logfile logfile
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg --encoding utf-8 histedit tip
-  pick 3d3ea1f3a10b 5 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345あ... (esc)
-  # Edit history between 3d3ea1f3a10b and 3d3ea1f3a10b
-  #
-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent
-  #
-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines
-  #
-  # Commands:
-  #
-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content
-  #  p, pick = use commit
-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there
-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history
-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description and date
-  #
-Test --continue with --keep
-  $ hg strip -q -r . --config extensions.strip=
-  $ hg histedit '.^' -q --keep --commands - << EOF
-  > edit eb57da33312f 2 three
-  > pick f3cfcca30c44 4 x
-  > EOF
-  Editing (eb57da33312f), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ echo edit >> alpha
-  $ hg histedit -q --continue
-  $ hg log -G -T '{rev}:{node|short} {desc}'
-  @  6:8fda0c726bf2 x
-  |
-  o  5:63379946892c three
-  |
-  | o  4:f3cfcca30c44 x
-  | |
-  | | o  3:2a30f3cfee78 four
-  | |/   ***
-  | |    five
-  | o  2:eb57da33312f three
-  |/
-  o  1:579e40513370 two
-  |
-  o  0:6058cbb6cfd7 one
-Test that abort fails gracefully on exception
-  $ hg histedit . -q --commands - << EOF
-  > edit 8fda0c726bf2 6 x
-  > EOF
-  Editing (8fda0c726bf2), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-Corrupt histedit state file
-  $ sed 's/8fda0c726bf2/123456789012/' .hg/histedit-state > ../corrupt-histedit
-  $ mv ../corrupt-histedit .hg/histedit-state
-  $ hg abort
-  warning: encountered an exception during histedit --abort; the repository may not have been completely cleaned up
-  abort: $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/*-histedit.hg: $ENOENT$ (glob) (windows !)
-  abort: $ENOENT$: '$TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/*-histedit.hg' (glob) (no-windows !)
-  [255]
-Histedit state has been exited
-  $ hg summary -q
-  parent: 5:63379946892c 
-  commit: 1 added, 1 unknown (new branch head)
-  update: 4 new changesets (update)
-  $ cd ..
-Set up default base revision tests
-  $ hg init defaultbase
-  $ cd defaultbase
-  $ touch foo
-  $ hg -q commit -A -m root
-  $ echo 1 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'public 1'
-  $ hg phase --force --public -r .
-  $ echo 2 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'draft after public'
-  $ hg -q up -r 1
-  $ echo 3 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'head 1 public'
-  created new head
-  $ hg phase --force --public -r .
-  $ echo 4 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'head 1 draft 1'
-  $ echo 5 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'head 1 draft 2'
-  $ hg -q up -r 2
-  $ echo 6 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'head 2 commit 1'
-  $ echo 7 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'head 2 commit 2'
-  $ hg -q up -r 2
-  $ echo 8 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'head 3'
-  created new head
-  $ hg -q up -r 2
-  $ echo 9 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'head 4'
-  created new head
-  $ hg merge --tool :local -r 8
-  0 files updated, 1 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  (branch merge, don't forget to commit)
-  $ hg commit -m 'merge head 3 into head 4'
-  $ echo 11 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'commit 1 after merge'
-  $ echo 12 > foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'commit 2 after merge'
-  $ hg log -G -T '{rev}:{node|short} {phase} {desc}
-  @  12:8cde254db839 draft commit 2 after merge
-  |
-  o  11:6f2f0241f119 draft commit 1 after merge
-  |
-  o    10:90506cc76b00 draft merge head 3 into head 4
-  |-  | o  9:f8607a373a97 draft head 4
-  | |
-  o |  8:0da92be05148 draft head 3
-  |/
-  | o  7:4c35cdf97d5e draft head 2 commit 2
-  | |
-  | o  6:931820154288 draft head 2 commit 1
-  |/
-  | o  5:8cdc02b9bc63 draft head 1 draft 2
-  | |
-  | o  4:463b8c0d2973 draft head 1 draft 1
-  | |
-  | o  3:23a0c4eefcbf public head 1 public
-  | |
-  o |  2:4117331c3abb draft draft after public
-  |/
-  o  1:4426d359ea59 public public 1
-  |
-  o  0:54136a8ddf32 public root
-Default base revision should stop at public changesets
-  $ hg -q up 8cdc02b9bc63
-  $ hg histedit --commands - <<EOF
-  > pick 463b8c0d2973
-  > pick 8cdc02b9bc63
-  > EOF
-Default base revision should stop at branchpoint
-  $ hg -q up 4c35cdf97d5e
-  $ hg histedit --commands - <<EOF
-  > pick 931820154288
-  > pick 4c35cdf97d5e
-  > EOF
-Default base revision should stop at merge commit
-  $ hg -q up 8cde254db839
-  $ hg histedit --commands - <<EOF
-  > pick 6f2f0241f119
-  > pick 8cde254db839
-  > EOF
-commit --amend should abort if histedit is in progress
-(issue4800) and markers are not being created.
-Eventually, histedit could perhaps look at `source` extra,
-in which case this test should be revisited.
-  $ hg -q up 8cde254db839
-  $ hg histedit 6f2f0241f119 --commands - <<EOF
-  > pick 8cde254db839
-  > edit 6f2f0241f119
-  > EOF
-  merging foo
-  warning: conflicts while merging foo! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Fix up the change (pick 8cde254db839)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg resolve -m --all
-  (no more unresolved files)
-  continue: hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg histedit --cont
-  merging foo
-  warning: conflicts while merging foo! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Editing (6f2f0241f119), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg resolve -m --all
-  (no more unresolved files)
-  continue: hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg commit --amend -m 'reject this fold'
-  abort: histedit in progress
-  (use 'hg histedit --continue' or 'hg histedit --abort')
-  [255]
-With markers enabled, histedit does not get confused, and
-amend should not be blocked by the ongoing histedit.
-  $ cat >>$HGRCPATH <<EOF
-  > [experimental]
-  > evolution.createmarkers=True
-  > evolution.allowunstable=True
-  > EOF
-  $ hg commit --amend -m 'allow this fold'
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  $ cd ..
-Test autoverb feature
-  $ hg init autoverb
-  $ cd autoverb
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg ci -qAm one
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg ci -qm two
-  $ echo beta >> beta
-  $ hg ci -qAm "roll! one"
-  $ hg log --style compact --graph
-  @  2[tip]   4f34d0f8b5fa   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    roll! one
-  |
-  o  1   579e40513370   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    two
-  |
-  o  0   6058cbb6cfd7   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-       one
-Check that 'roll' is selected by default
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit 0 --config experimental.histedit.autoverb=True
-  pick 6058cbb6cfd7 0 one
-  roll 4f34d0f8b5fa 2 roll! one
-  pick 579e40513370 1 two
-  # Edit history between 6058cbb6cfd7 and 4f34d0f8b5fa
-  #
-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent
-  #
-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines
-  #
-  # Commands:
-  #
-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content
-  #  p, pick = use commit
-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there
-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history
-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description and date
-  #
-  $ cd ..
-Check that histedit's commands accept revsets
-  $ hg init bar
-  $ cd bar
-  $ echo w >> a
-  $ hg ci -qAm "adds a"
-  $ echo x >> b
-  $ hg ci -qAm "adds b"
-  $ echo y >> c
-  $ hg ci -qAm "adds c"
-  $ echo z >> d
-  $ hg ci -qAm "adds d"
-  $ hg log -G -T '{rev} {desc}
-  @  3 adds d
-  |
-  o  2 adds c
-  |
-  o  1 adds b
-  |
-  o  0 adds a
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "2" --commands - << EOF
-  > base -4 adds c
-  > pick 2 adds c
-  > pick tip adds d
-  > EOF
-  $ hg log -G -T '{rev} {desc}
-  @  5 adds d
-  |
-  o  4 adds c
-  |
-  | o  1 adds b
-  |/
-  o  0 adds a


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-base.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-base.t.err
@@ -10,249 +10,36 @@
 Create repo a:
   $ hg init a
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ cd a
+  $ line 15: cd: a: $ENOENT$
   $ hg unbundle "$TESTDIR/bundles/rebase.hg"
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 8 changesets with 7 changes to 7 files (+2 heads)
-  new changesets cd010b8cd998:02de42196ebe (8 drafts)
-  (run 'hg heads' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
-  $ hg up tip
-  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  7:02de42196ebee42ef284b6780a87cdc96e8eaab6:draft 'H'
-  |
-  | o  6:eea13746799a9e0bfd88f29d3c2e9dc9389f524f:draft 'G'
-  |/|
-  o |  5:24b6387c8c8cae37178880f3fa95ded3cb1cf785:draft 'F'
-  | |
-  | o  4:9520eea781bcca16c1e15acc0ba14335a0e8e5ba:draft 'E'
-  |/
-  | o  3:32af7686d403cf45b5d95f2d70cebea587ac806a:draft 'D'
-  | |
-  | o  2:5fddd98957c8a54a4d436dfe1da9d87f21a1b97b:draft 'C'
-  | |
-  | o  1:42ccdea3bb16d28e1848c95fe2e44c000f3f21b1:draft 'B'
-  |/
-  o  0:cd010b8cd998f3981a5a8115f94f8da4ab506089:draft 'A'
-Verify that implicit base command and help are listed
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit |grep base
-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there
-Go to D
-  $ hg update 3
-  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-edit the history to rebase B onto H
-Rebase B onto H
-  $ hg histedit 1 --commands - 2>&1 << EOF | fixbundle
-  > base 02de42196ebe
-  > pick 42ccdea3bb16 B
-  > pick 5fddd98957c8 C
-  > pick 32af7686d403 D
-  > EOF
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  7:0937e82309df47d14176ee15e45dbec5fbdef340:draft 'D'
-  |
-  o  6:f778d1cbddac4ab679d9983c9bb92e4c5e09e7fa:draft 'C'
-  |
-  o  5:3d41b7cc708545206213a842f96d812d2e73d818:draft 'B'
-  |
-  o  4:02de42196ebee42ef284b6780a87cdc96e8eaab6:draft 'H'
-  |
-  | o  3:eea13746799a9e0bfd88f29d3c2e9dc9389f524f:draft 'G'
-  |/|
-  o |  2:24b6387c8c8cae37178880f3fa95ded3cb1cf785:draft 'F'
-  | |
-  | o  1:9520eea781bcca16c1e15acc0ba14335a0e8e5ba:draft 'E'
-  |/
-  o  0:cd010b8cd998f3981a5a8115f94f8da4ab506089:draft 'A'
-Rebase back and drop something
-  $ hg histedit 5 --commands - 2>&1 << EOF | fixbundle
-  > base cd010b8cd998
-  > pick 3d41b7cc7085 B
-  > drop f778d1cbddac C
-  > pick 0937e82309df D
-  > EOF
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  6:476cc3e4168da2d036b141f7f7dcff7f8e3fe846:draft 'D'
-  |
-  o  5:d273e35dcdf21a7eb305192ef2e362887cd0a6f8:draft 'B'
-  |
-  | o  4:02de42196ebee42ef284b6780a87cdc96e8eaab6:draft 'H'
-  | |
-  | | o  3:eea13746799a9e0bfd88f29d3c2e9dc9389f524f:draft 'G'
-  | |/|
-  | o |  2:24b6387c8c8cae37178880f3fa95ded3cb1cf785:draft 'F'
-  |/ /
-  | o  1:9520eea781bcca16c1e15acc0ba14335a0e8e5ba:draft 'E'
-  |/
-  o  0:cd010b8cd998f3981a5a8115f94f8da4ab506089:draft 'A'
-Split stack
-  $ hg histedit 5 --commands - 2>&1 << EOF | fixbundle
-  > base cd010b8cd998
-  > pick d273e35dcdf2 B
-  > base cd010b8cd998
-  > pick 476cc3e4168d D
-  > EOF
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  6:d7a6f907a822c4ce6f15662ae45a42aa46d3818a:draft 'D'
-  |
-  | o  5:d273e35dcdf21a7eb305192ef2e362887cd0a6f8:draft 'B'
-  |/
-  | o  4:02de42196ebee42ef284b6780a87cdc96e8eaab6:draft 'H'
-  | |
-  | | o  3:eea13746799a9e0bfd88f29d3c2e9dc9389f524f:draft 'G'
-  | |/|
-  | o |  2:24b6387c8c8cae37178880f3fa95ded3cb1cf785:draft 'F'
-  |/ /
-  | o  1:9520eea781bcca16c1e15acc0ba14335a0e8e5ba:draft 'E'
-  |/
-  o  0:cd010b8cd998f3981a5a8115f94f8da4ab506089:draft 'A'
-  $ echo x > B
-  $ hg add B
-  $ hg commit -m "X"
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  7:591369deedfdcbf57471e894999a70d7f676186d:draft 'X'
-  |
-  o  6:d7a6f907a822c4ce6f15662ae45a42aa46d3818a:draft 'D'
-  |
-  | o  5:d273e35dcdf21a7eb305192ef2e362887cd0a6f8:draft 'B'
-  |/
-  | o  4:02de42196ebee42ef284b6780a87cdc96e8eaab6:draft 'H'
-  | |
-  | | o  3:eea13746799a9e0bfd88f29d3c2e9dc9389f524f:draft 'G'
-  | |/|
-  | o |  2:24b6387c8c8cae37178880f3fa95ded3cb1cf785:draft 'F'
-  |/ /
-  | o  1:9520eea781bcca16c1e15acc0ba14335a0e8e5ba:draft 'E'
-  |/
-  o  0:cd010b8cd998f3981a5a8115f94f8da4ab506089:draft 'A'
-  $ hg histedit 6 --commands - 2>&1 << EOF | fixbundle
-  > base d273e35dcdf2 B
-  > drop d7a6f907a822 D
-  > pick 591369deedfd X
-  > EOF
-  merging B
-  warning: conflicts while merging B! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Fix up the change (pick 591369deedfd)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  $ hg histedit --abort | fixbundle
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  7:591369deedfdcbf57471e894999a70d7f676186d:draft 'X'
-  |
-  o  6:d7a6f907a822c4ce6f15662ae45a42aa46d3818a:draft 'D'
-  |
-  | o  5:d273e35dcdf21a7eb305192ef2e362887cd0a6f8:draft 'B'
-  |/
-  | o  4:02de42196ebee42ef284b6780a87cdc96e8eaab6:draft 'H'
-  | |
-  | | o  3:eea13746799a9e0bfd88f29d3c2e9dc9389f524f:draft 'G'
-  | |/|
-  | o |  2:24b6387c8c8cae37178880f3fa95ded3cb1cf785:draft 'F'
-  |/ /
-  | o  1:9520eea781bcca16c1e15acc0ba14335a0e8e5ba:draft 'E'
-  |/
-  o  0:cd010b8cd998f3981a5a8115f94f8da4ab506089:draft 'A'
-  $ hg histedit 6 --commands - 2>&1 << EOF | fixbundle
-  > base d273e35dcdf2 B
-  > drop d7a6f907a822 D
-  > pick 591369deedfd X
-  > EOF
-  merging B
-  warning: conflicts while merging B! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Fix up the change (pick 591369deedfd)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  $ echo b2 > B
-  $ hg resolve --mark B
-  (no more unresolved files)
-  continue: hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg histedit --continue | fixbundle
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  6:03772da75548bb42a8f1eacd8c91d0717a147fcd:draft 'X'
-  |
-  o  5:d273e35dcdf21a7eb305192ef2e362887cd0a6f8:draft 'B'
-  |
-  | o  4:02de42196ebee42ef284b6780a87cdc96e8eaab6:draft 'H'
-  | |
-  | | o  3:eea13746799a9e0bfd88f29d3c2e9dc9389f524f:draft 'G'
-  | |/|
-  | o |  2:24b6387c8c8cae37178880f3fa95ded3cb1cf785:draft 'F'
-  |/ /
-  | o  1:9520eea781bcca16c1e15acc0ba14335a0e8e5ba:draft 'E'
-  |/
-  o  0:cd010b8cd998f3981a5a8115f94f8da4ab506089:draft 'A'
-base on a previously picked changeset
-  $ echo i > i
-  $ hg add i
-  $ hg commit -m "I"
-  $ echo j > j
-  $ hg add j
-  $ hg commit -m "J"
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  8:e8c55b19d366b335626e805484110d1d5f6f2ea3:draft 'J'
-  |
-  o  7:b2f90fd8aa85db5569e3cfc30cd1d7739546368e:draft 'I'
-  |
-  o  6:03772da75548bb42a8f1eacd8c91d0717a147fcd:draft 'X'
-  |
-  o  5:d273e35dcdf21a7eb305192ef2e362887cd0a6f8:draft 'B'
-  |
-  | o  4:02de42196ebee42ef284b6780a87cdc96e8eaab6:draft 'H'
-  | |
-  | | o  3:eea13746799a9e0bfd88f29d3c2e9dc9389f524f:draft 'G'
-  | |/|
-  | o |  2:24b6387c8c8cae37178880f3fa95ded3cb1cf785:draft 'F'
-  |/ /
-  | o  1:9520eea781bcca16c1e15acc0ba14335a0e8e5ba:draft 'E'
-  |/
-  o  0:cd010b8cd998f3981a5a8115f94f8da4ab506089:draft 'A'
-  $ hg histedit 5 --commands - 2>&1 << EOF | fixbundle
-  > pick d273e35dcdf2 B
-  > pick 03772da75548 X
-  > base d273e35dcdf2 B
-  > pick e8c55b19d366 J
-  > base d273e35dcdf2 B
-  > pick b2f90fd8aa85 I
-  > EOF
-  hg: parse error: base "d273e35dcdf2" changeset was an edited list candidate
-  (base must only use unlisted changesets)
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  8:e8c55b19d366b335626e805484110d1d5f6f2ea3:draft 'J'
-  |
-  o  7:b2f90fd8aa85db5569e3cfc30cd1d7739546368e:draft 'I'
-  |
-  o  6:03772da75548bb42a8f1eacd8c91d0717a147fcd:draft 'X'
-  |
-  o  5:d273e35dcdf21a7eb305192ef2e362887cd0a6f8:draft 'B'
-  |
-  | o  4:02de42196ebee42ef284b6780a87cdc96e8eaab6:draft 'H'
-  | |
-  | | o  3:eea13746799a9e0bfd88f29d3c2e9dc9389f524f:draft 'G'
-  | |/|
-  | o |  2:24b6387c8c8cae37178880f3fa95ded3cb1cf785:draft 'F'
-  |/ /
-  | o  1:9520eea781bcca16c1e15acc0ba14335a0e8e5ba:draft 'E'
-  |/
-  o  0:cd010b8cd998f3981a5a8115f94f8da4ab506089:draft 'A'


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-bookmark-motion.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-bookmark-motion.t.err
@@ -6,173 +6,41 @@
   > EOF
   $ hg init r
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ cd r
+  $ line 13: cd: r: $ENOENT$
   $ for x in a b c d e f ; do
   >     echo $x > $x
   >     hg add $x
   >     hg ci -m $x
   > done
-  $ hg book -r 1 will-move-backwards
-  $ hg book -r 2 two
-  $ hg book -r 2 also-two
-  $ hg book -r 3 three
-  $ hg book -r 4 four
-  $ hg book -r tip five
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  changeset:   5:652413bf663e
-  |  bookmark:    five
-  |  tag:         tip
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     f
-  |
-  o  changeset:   4:e860deea161a
-  |  bookmark:    four
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   3:055a42cdd887
-  |  bookmark:    three
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     d
-  |
-  o  changeset:   2:177f92b77385
-  |  bookmark:    also-two
-  |  bookmark:    two
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     c
-  |
-  o  changeset:   1:d2ae7f538514
-  |  bookmark:    will-move-backwards
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     b
-  |
-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b
-     user:        test
-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-     summary:     a
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit 1
-  pick d2ae7f538514 1 b
-  pick 177f92b77385 2 c
-  pick 055a42cdd887 3 d
-  pick e860deea161a 4 e
-  pick 652413bf663e 5 f
-  # Edit history between d2ae7f538514 and 652413bf663e
-  #
-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent
-  #
-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines
-  #
-  # Commands:
-  #
-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content
-  #  p, pick = use commit
-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there
-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history
-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description and date
-  #
-  $ hg histedit 1 --commands - --verbose << EOF | grep histedit
-  > pick 177f92b77385 2 c
-  > drop d2ae7f538514 1 b
-  > pick 055a42cdd887 3 d
-  > fold e860deea161a 4 e
-  > pick 652413bf663e 5 f
-  > EOF
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/r/.hg/strip-backup/96e494a2d553-45c027ab-histedit.hg
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  changeset:   3:cacdfd884a93
-  |  bookmark:    five
-  |  tag:         tip
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     f
-  |
-  o  changeset:   2:59d9f330561f
-  |  bookmark:    four
-  |  bookmark:    three
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     d
-  |
-  o  changeset:   1:b346ab9a313d
-  |  bookmark:    also-two
-  |  bookmark:    two
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     c
-  |
-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b
-     bookmark:    will-move-backwards
-     user:        test
-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-     summary:     a
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit 1
-  pick b346ab9a313d 1 c
-  pick 59d9f330561f 2 d
-  pick cacdfd884a93 3 f
-  # Edit history between b346ab9a313d and cacdfd884a93
-  #
-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent
-  #
-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines
-  #
-  # Commands:
-  #
-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content
-  #  p, pick = use commit
-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there
-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history
-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description and date
-  #
-  $ hg histedit 1 --commands - --verbose << EOF | grep histedit
-  > pick b346ab9a313d 1 c
-  > pick cacdfd884a93 3 f
-  > pick 59d9f330561f 2 d
-  > EOF
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/r/.hg/strip-backup/59d9f330561f-073008af-histedit.hg
-We expect 'five' to stay at tip, since the tipmost bookmark is most
-likely the useful signal.
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  changeset:   3:c04e50810e4b
-  |  bookmark:    five
-  |  bookmark:    four
-  |  bookmark:    three
-  |  tag:         tip
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     d
-  |
-  o  changeset:   2:c13eb81022ca
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     f
-  |
-  o  changeset:   1:b346ab9a313d
-  |  bookmark:    also-two
-  |  bookmark:    two
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     c
-  |
-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b
-     bookmark:    will-move-backwards
-     user:        test
-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-     summary:     a


UnicodeDecodeError('unicodeescape', b'--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-commute.t\n+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-commute.t.err\n@@ -17,91 +17,487 @@\n   > }\n \n   $ initrepo\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  $ line 14: cd: r: $ENOENT$\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n log before edit\n   $ hg log --graph\n-  @  changeset:   5:652413bf663e\n-  |  tag:         tip\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     f\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   4:e860deea161a\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     e\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   3:055a42cdd887\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     d\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   2:177f92b77385\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     c\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   1:d2ae7f538514\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     b\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b\n-     user:        test\n-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-     summary:     a\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n \n show the edit commands offered\n   $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit 177f92b77385\n-  pick 177f92b77385 2 c\n-  pick 055a42cdd887 3 d\n-  pick e860deea161a 4 e\n-  pick 652413bf663e 5 f\n-  \n-  # Edit history between 177f92b77385 and 652413bf663e\n-  #\n-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent\n-  #\n-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines\n-  #\n-  # Commands:\n-  #\n-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending\n-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content\n-  #  p, pick = use commit\n-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there\n-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history\n-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above\n-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit\'s description and date\n-  #\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n \n test customization of revision summary\n   $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit 177f92b77385 \\\n   >  --config histedit.summary-template=\'I am rev {rev} desc {desc} tags {tags}\'\n-  pick 177f92b77385 I am rev 2 desc c tags \n-  pick 055a42cdd887 I am rev 3 desc d tags \n-  pick e860deea161a I am rev 4 desc e tags \n-  pick 652413bf663e I am rev 5 desc f tags tip\n-  \n-  # Edit history between 177f92b77385 and 652413bf663e\n-  #\n-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent\n-  #\n-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines\n-  #\n-  # Commands:\n-  #\n-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending\n-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content\n-  #  p, pick = use commit\n-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there\n-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history\n-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above\n-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit\'s description and date\n-  #\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n \n edit the history\n@@ -115,19 +511,72 @@\n   > pick 055a42cdd887 d\n   > EOF\n   $ HGEDITOR="cat \\"$EDITED\\" > " hg histedit 177f92b77385 2>&1 | fixbundle\n-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 4 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n-  Editing (177f92b77385), you may commit or record as needed now.\n-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n \n rules should end up in .hg/histedit-last-edit.txt:\n   $ cat .hg/histedit-last-edit.txt\n-  edit 177f92b77385 c\n-  pick e860deea161a e\n-  pick 652413bf663e f\n-  pick 055a42cdd887 d\n+  cat: .hg/histedit-last-edit.txt: $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg histedit --abort\n-  4 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ cat > $EDITED <<EOF\n   > pick 177f92b77385 c\n   > pick e860deea161a e\n@@ -135,40 +584,68 @@\n   > pick 055a42cdd887 d\n   > EOF\n   $ HGEDITOR="cat \\"$EDITED\\" > " hg histedit 177f92b77385 2>&1 | fixbundle\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n \n log after edit\n   $ hg log --graph\n-  @  changeset:   5:07114f51870f\n-  |  tag:         tip\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     d\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   4:8ade9693061e\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     f\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   3:d8249471110a\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     e\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   2:177f92b77385\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     c\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   1:d2ae7f538514\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     b\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b\n-     user:        test\n-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-     summary:     a\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n \n put things back\n@@ -179,39 +656,67 @@\n   > pick d8249471110a e\n   > pick 8ade9693061e f\n   > EOF\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n \n   $ hg log --graph\n-  @  changeset:   5:7eca9b5b1148\n-  |  tag:         tip\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     f\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   4:915da888f2de\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     e\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   3:10517e47bbbb\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     d\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   2:177f92b77385\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     c\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   1:d2ae7f538514\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     b\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b\n-     user:        test\n-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-     summary:     a\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n \n slightly different this time\n@@ -222,38 +727,66 @@\n   > pick 915da888f2de e\n   > pick 177f92b77385 c\n   > EOF\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n   $ hg log --graph\n-  @  changeset:   5:38b92f448761\n-  |  tag:         tip\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     c\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   4:de71b079d9ce\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     e\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   3:be9ae3a309c6\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     f\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   2:799205341b6b\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     d\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   1:d2ae7f538514\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     b\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b\n-     user:        test\n-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-     summary:     a\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n \n keep prevents stripping dead revs\n@@ -263,49 +796,66 @@\n   > pick 38b92f448761 c\n   > pick de71b079d9ce e\n   > EOF\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n   $ hg log --graph\n-  @  changeset:   7:803ef1c6fcfd\n-  |  tag:         tip\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     e\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   6:ece0b8d93dda\n-  |  parent:      3:be9ae3a309c6\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     c\n-  |\n-  | o  changeset:   5:38b92f448761\n-  | |  user:        test\n-  | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  | |  summary:     c\n-  | |\n-  | o  changeset:   4:de71b079d9ce\n-  |/   user:        test\n-  |    date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |    summary:     e\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   3:be9ae3a309c6\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     f\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   2:799205341b6b\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     d\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   1:d2ae7f538514\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     b\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b\n-     user:        test\n-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-     summary:     a\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n \n try with --rev\n@@ -313,51 +863,66 @@\n   > pick de71b079d9ce e\n   > pick 38b92f448761 c\n   > EOF\n-  hg: parse error: pick "de71b079d9ce" changeset was not a candidate\n-  (only use listed changesets)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n   $ hg log --graph\n-  @  changeset:   7:803ef1c6fcfd\n-  |  tag:         tip\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     e\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   6:ece0b8d93dda\n-  |  parent:      3:be9ae3a309c6\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     c\n-  |\n-  | o  changeset:   5:38b92f448761\n-  | |  user:        test\n-  | |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  | |  summary:     c\n-  | |\n-  | o  changeset:   4:de71b079d9ce\n-  |/   user:        test\n-  |    date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |    summary:     e\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   3:be9ae3a309c6\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     f\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   2:799205341b6b\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     d\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   1:d2ae7f538514\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     b\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b\n-     user:        test\n-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-     summary:     a\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n Verify that revsetalias entries work with histedit:\n   $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF\n@@ -366,161 +931,102 @@\n   > EOF\n   $ echo extra commit >> c\n   $ hg ci -m \'extra commit to c\'\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit \'grandparent(.)\'\n-  pick ece0b8d93dda 6 c\n-  pick 803ef1c6fcfd 7 e\n-  pick 9c863c565126 8 extra commit to c\n-  \n-  # Edit history between ece0b8d93dda and 9c863c565126\n-  #\n-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent\n-  #\n-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines\n-  #\n-  # Commands:\n-  #\n-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending\n-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content\n-  #  p, pick = use commit\n-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there\n-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history\n-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above\n-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit\'s description and date\n-  #\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n \n should also work if a commit message is missing\n   $ BUNDLE="$TESTDIR/missing-comment.hg"\n   $ hg init missing\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ cd missing\n+  $ line 106: cd: missing: $ENOENT$\n   $ hg unbundle $BUNDLE\n-  adding changesets\n-  adding manifests\n-  adding file changes\n-  added 3 changesets with 3 changes to 1 files\n-  new changesets 141947992243:bd22688093b3 (3 drafts)\n-  (run \'hg update\' to get a working copy)\n-  $ hg co tip\n-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n-  $ hg log --graph\n-  @  changeset:   2:bd22688093b3\n-  |  tag:         tip\n-  |  user:        Robert Altman <>\n-  |  date:        Mon Nov 28 16:40:04 2011 +0000\n-  |  summary:     Update file.\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   1:3b3e956f9171\n-  |  user:        Robert Altman <>\n-  |  date:        Mon Nov 28 16:37:57 2011 +0000\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   0:141947992243\n-     user:        Robert Altman <>\n-     date:        Mon Nov 28 16:35:28 2011 +0000\n-     summary:     Checked in text file\n-  \n-\n-  $ hg histedit 0\n-  $ cd ..\n-\n-  $ cd ..\n-\n-\n-Test to make sure folding renames doesn\'t cause bogus conflicts (issue4251):\n-  $ hg init issue4251\n-  $ cd issue4251\n-\n-  $ mkdir initial-dir\n-  $ echo foo > initial-dir/initial-file\n-  $ hg add initial-dir/initial-file\n-  $ hg commit -m "initial commit"\n-\n-Move the file to a new directory, and in the same commit, change its content:\n-  $ mkdir another-dir\n-  $ hg mv initial-dir/initial-file another-dir/\n-  $ echo changed > another-dir/initial-file\n-  $ hg commit -m "moved and changed"\n-\n-Rename the file:\n-  $ hg mv another-dir/initial-file another-dir/renamed-file\n-  $ hg commit -m "renamed"\n-\n-Now, let\'s try to fold the second commit into the first:\n-  $ cat > <<EOF\n-  > #!/bin/sh\n-  > cat > \\$1 <<ENDOF\n-  > pick b0f4233702ca 0 initial commit\n-  > fold 5e8704a8f2d2 1 moved and changed\n-  > pick 40e7299e8fa7 2 renamed\n-  > ENDOF\n-  > EOF\n-\n-  $ HGEDITOR="sh ./" hg histedit 0\n-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/issue4251/.hg/strip-backup/b0f4233702ca-4cf5af69-histedit.hg\n-\n-  $ hg --config diff.git=yes export 0\n-  # HG changeset patch\n-  # User test\n-  # Date 0 0\n-  #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  # Node ID fffadc26f8f85623ce60b028a3f1ccc3730f8530\n-  # Parent  0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n-  pick b0f4233702ca 0 initial commit\n-  fold 5e8704a8f2d2 1 moved and changed\n-  pick 40e7299e8fa7 2 renamed\n-  \n-  diff --git a/another-dir/initial-file b/another-dir/initial-file\n-  new file mode 100644\n-  --- /dev/null\n-  +++ b/another-dir/initial-file\n-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n-  +changed\n-\n-\n-  $ hg --config diff.git=yes export 1\n-  # HG changeset patch\n-  # User test\n-  # Date 0 0\n-  #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  # Node ID 9b730d82b00af8a2766facebfa47cc124405a118\n-  # Parent  fffadc26f8f85623ce60b028a3f1ccc3730f8530\n-  renamed\n-  \n-  diff --git a/another-dir/initial-file b/another-dir/renamed-file\n-  rename from another-dir/initial-file\n-  rename to another-dir/renamed-file\n-\n-\n-  $ cd ..\n-\n-Test that branches are preserved and stays active\n--------------------------------------------------\n-\n-  $ hg init repo-with-branch\n-  $ cd repo-with-branch\n-  $ echo a > a\n-  $ hg add a\n-  $ hg commit -m A\n-  $ hg branch foo\n-  marked working directory as branch foo\n-  (branches are permanent and global, did you want a bookmark?)\n-  $ echo a > b\n-  $ hg add b\n-  $ hg commit -m foo-B\n-  $ echo a > c\n-  $ hg add c\n-  $ hg commit -m foo-C\n-\n-  $ hg branch\n-  foo\n-  $ echo "pick efefa76d6dc3 2 foo-C" >> cmd\n-  $ echo "pick 7336e7550422 1 foo-B" >> cmd\n-\n-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit -r ".^" --commands cmd --quiet\n-  $ hg log --template \'{rev} {branch}\\n\'\n-  2 foo\n-  1 foo\n-  0 default\n-  $ hg branch\n-  foo\n-\n-  $ cd ..\n', 38762, 38764, 'truncated \\uXXXX escape') decoding diff, sorry


UnicodeDecodeError('unicodeescape', b'--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-drop.t\n+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-drop.t.err\n@@ -17,40 +17,418 @@\n   > }\n \n   $ initrepo\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  $ line 14: cd: r: $ENOENT$\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n log before edit\n   $ hg log --graph\n-  @  changeset:   5:652413bf663e\n-  |  tag:         tip\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     f\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   4:e860deea161a\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     e\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   3:055a42cdd887\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     d\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   2:177f92b77385\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     c\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   1:d2ae7f538514\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     b\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b\n-     user:        test\n-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-     summary:     a\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n edit the history\n   $ hg histedit 177f92b77385 --commands - 2>&1 << EOF | fixbundle\n@@ -59,62 +437,135 @@\n   > pick 652413bf663e f\n   > pick 055a42cdd887 d\n   > EOF\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n \n log after edit\n   $ hg log --graph\n-  @  changeset:   4:f518305ce889\n-  |  tag:         tip\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     d\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   3:a4f7421b80f7\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     f\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   2:ee283cb5f2d5\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     e\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   1:d2ae7f538514\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     b\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b\n-     user:        test\n-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-     summary:     a\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n Check histedit_source\n \n   $ hg log --debug --rev f518305ce889\n-  changeset:   4:f518305ce889c07cb5bd05522176d75590ef3324\n-  tag:         tip\n-  phase:       draft\n-  parent:      3:a4f7421b80f79fcc59fff01bcbf4a53d127dd6d3\n-  parent:      -1:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n-  manifest:    4:d3d4f51c157ff242c32ff745d4799aaa26ccda44\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  files+:      d\n-  extra:       branch=default\n-  extra:       histedit_source=055a42cdd88768532f9cf79daa407fc8d138de9b\n-  description:\n-  d\n-  \n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n manifest after edit\n   $ hg manifest\n-  a\n-  b\n-  d\n-  e\n-  f\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n Drop the last changeset\n \n@@ -123,52 +574,192 @@\n   > pick a4f7421b80f7 f\n   > drop f518305ce889 d\n   > EOF\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n   $ hg log --graph\n-  @  changeset:   3:a4f7421b80f7\n-  |  tag:         tip\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     f\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   2:ee283cb5f2d5\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     e\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   1:d2ae7f538514\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     b\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b\n-     user:        test\n-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-     summary:     a\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg histedit cb9a9f314b8b --commands - 2>&1 << EOF | fixbundle\n   > pick cb9a9f314b8b a\n   > pick ee283cb5f2d5 e\n   > EOF\n-  hg: parse error: missing rules for changeset a4f7421b80f7\n-  (use "drop a4f7421b80f7" to discard, see also: \'hg help -e histedit.config\')\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n   $ hg --config histedit.dropmissing=True histedit  cb9a9f314b8b --commands - 2>&1 << EOF | fixbundle\n   > EOF\n-  hg: parse error: no rules provided\n-  (use strip extension to remove commits)\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n   $ hg --config histedit.dropmissing=True histedit  cb9a9f314b8b --commands - 2>&1 << EOF | fixbundle\n   > pick cb9a9f314b8b a\n   > pick ee283cb5f2d5 e\n   > EOF\n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n   $ hg log --graph\n-  @  changeset:   1:e99c679bf03e\n-  |  tag:         tip\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     e\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b\n-     user:        test\n-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-     summary:     a\n-  \n+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting\n+  **\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n', 32561, 32563, 'truncated \\uXXXX escape') decoding diff, sorry


UnicodeDecodeError('unicodeescape', b'--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-edit.t\n+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-edit.t.err\n@@ -19,51 +19,544 @@\n   > }\n \n   $ initrepo\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  $ line 16: cd: r: $ENOENT$\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n log before edit\n   $ hg log --graph\n-  @  changeset:   6:3c6a8ed2ebe8\n-  |  tag:         tip\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     g\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   5:652413bf663e\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     f\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   4:e860deea161a\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     e\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   3:055a42cdd887\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     d\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   2:177f92b77385\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     c\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   1:d2ae7f538514\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     b\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b\n-     user:        test\n-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-     summary:     a\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n dirty a file\n   $ echo a > g\n   $ hg histedit 177f92b77385 --commands - 2>&1 << EOF\n   > EOF\n-  abort: uncommitted changes\n-  [255]\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ echo g > g\n \n edit the history\n@@ -74,15 +567,72 @@\n   > pick 652413bf663e f\n   > pick 3c6a8ed2ebe8 g\n   > EOF\n-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n-  Editing (e860deea161a), you may commit or record as needed now.\n-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n \n try to update and get an error\n   $ hg update tip\n-  abort: histedit in progress\n-  (use \'hg histedit --continue\' or \'hg histedit --abort\')\n-  [255]\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n edit the plan via the editor\n   $ cat >> $TESTTMP/ <<EOF\n@@ -93,20 +643,41 @@\n   > EOF2\n   > EOF\n   $ HGEDITOR="sh $TESTTMP/" hg histedit --edit-plan\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ cat .hg/histedit-state\n-  v1\n-  055a42cdd88768532f9cf79daa407fc8d138de9b\n-  3c6a8ed2ebe862cc949d2caa30775dd6f16fb799\n-  False\n-  3\n-  drop\n-  e860deea161a2f77de56603b340ebbb4536308ae\n-  drop\n-  652413bf663ef2a641cab26574e46d5f5a64a55a\n-  drop\n-  3c6a8ed2ebe862cc949d2caa30775dd6f16fb799\n-  0\n-  strip-backup/177f92b77385-0ebe6a8f-histedit.hg\n+  cat: .hg/histedit-state: $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n \n edit the plan via --commands\n   $ hg histedit --edit-plan --commands - 2>&1 << EOF\n@@ -114,88 +685,323 @@\n   > pick 652413bf663e f\n   > drop 3c6a8ed2ebe8 g\n   > EOF\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ cat .hg/histedit-state\n-  v1\n-  055a42cdd88768532f9cf79daa407fc8d138de9b\n-  3c6a8ed2ebe862cc949d2caa30775dd6f16fb799\n-  False\n-  3\n-  edit\n-  e860deea161a2f77de56603b340ebbb4536308ae\n-  pick\n-  652413bf663ef2a641cab26574e46d5f5a64a55a\n-  drop\n-  3c6a8ed2ebe862cc949d2caa30775dd6f16fb799\n-  0\n-  strip-backup/177f92b77385-0ebe6a8f-histedit.hg\n+  cat: .hg/histedit-state: $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n \n Go at a random point and try to continue\n \n   $ hg id -n\n-  3+\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg up 0\n-  abort: histedit in progress\n-  (use \'hg histedit --continue\' or \'hg histedit --abort\')\n-  [255]\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n Try to delete necessary commit\n   $ hg strip -r 652413b\n-  abort: histedit in progress, can\'t strip 652413bf663e\n-  [255]\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n commit, then edit the revision\n   $ hg ci -m \'wat\'\n-  created new head\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ echo a > e\n \n qnew should fail while we\'re in the middle of the edit step\n \n   $ hg --config qnew please-fail\n-  abort: histedit in progress\n-  (use \'hg histedit --continue\' or \'hg histedit --abort\')\n-  [255]\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate, mq\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 992, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      extensions.loadall(lui)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 425, in loadall\\r (esc)\n+      _loadextra(ui, newindex, extraloaders)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 453, in _loadextra\\r (esc)\n+      getattr(loadermod, loadername)(ui, name, extraobj)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 299, in w\\r (esc)\n+      return f(object, sysstr(name), *args)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ HGEDITOR=\'echo foobaz > \' hg histedit --continue 2>&1 | fixbundle\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n \n   $ hg log --graph\n-  @  changeset:   6:b5f70786f9b0\n-  |  tag:         tip\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     f\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   5:a5e1ba2f7afb\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     foobaz\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   4:1a60820cd1f6\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     wat\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   3:055a42cdd887\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     d\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   2:177f92b77385\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     c\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   1:d2ae7f538514\n-  |  user:        test\n-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  |  summary:     b\n-  |\n-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b\n-     user:        test\n-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-     summary:     a\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg cat e\n-  a\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n Stripping necessary commits should not break --abort\n \n@@ -204,88 +1010,387 @@\n   > pick a5e1ba2f7afb foobaz\n   > pick b5f70786f9b0 g\n   > EOF\n-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n-  Editing (1a60820cd1f6), you may commit or record as needed now.\n-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n \n   $ mv .hg/histedit-state .hg/histedit-state.bak\n+  mv: cannot stat `.hg/histedit-state\': $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n   $ hg strip -q -r b5f70786f9b0\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ mv .hg/histedit-state.bak .hg/histedit-state\n+  mv: cannot stat `.hg/histedit-state.bak\': $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n   $ hg histedit --abort\n-  adding changesets\n-  adding manifests\n-  adding file changes\n-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 3 files\n-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg log -r .\n-  changeset:   6:b5f70786f9b0\n-  tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     f\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n check histedit_source\n \n   $ hg log --debug --rev 5\n-  changeset:   5:a5e1ba2f7afb899ef1581cea528fd885d2fca70d\n-  phase:       draft\n-  parent:      4:1a60820cd1f6004a362aa622ebc47d59bc48eb34\n-  parent:      -1:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n-  manifest:    5:5ad3be8791f39117565557781f5464363b918a45\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  files:       e\n-  extra:       branch=default\n-  extra:       histedit_source=e860deea161a2f77de56603b340ebbb4536308ae\n-  description:\n-  foobaz\n-  \n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg histedit tip --commands - 2>&1 <<EOF| fixbundle\n   > edit b5f70786f9b0 f\n   > EOF\n-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n-  Editing (b5f70786f9b0), you may commit or record as needed now.\n-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n   $ hg status\n-  A f\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg summary\n-  parent: 5:a5e1ba2f7afb \n-   foobaz\n-  branch: default\n-  commit: 1 added (new branch head)\n-  update: 1 new changesets (update)\n-  phases: 7 draft\n-  hist:   1 remaining (histedit --continue)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n (test also that editor is invoked if histedit is continued for\n "edit" action)\n \n   $ HGEDITOR=\'cat\' hg histedit --continue\n-  f\n-  \n-  \n-  HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with \'HG:\' are removed.\n-  HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.\n-  HG: --\n-  HG: user: test\n-  HG: branch \'default\'\n-  HG: added f\n-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/r/.hg/strip-backup/b5f70786f9b0-c28d9c86-histedit.hg\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg status\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n log after edit\n   $ hg log --limit 1\n-  changeset:   6:a107ee126658\n-  tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     f\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n say we\'ll change the message, but don\'t.\n   $ cat > ../ <<EOF\n@@ -293,14 +1398,103 @@\n   > mv tmp "\\$1"\n   > EOF\n   $ HGEDITOR="sh ../" hg histedit tip 2>&1 | fixbundle\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n   $ hg status\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg log --limit 1\n-  changeset:   6:1fd3b2fe7754\n-  tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     f\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n modify the message\n \n@@ -319,6 +1513,8 @@\n   > # this failure occurs before editor invocation\n   > commitfailure = $TESTTMP/\n   > EOF\n+  $ line 135: .hg/hgrc: $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n \n   $ cat > $TESTTMP/ <<EOF\n   > echo "==== before editing"\n@@ -333,7 +1529,37 @@\n   $ HGEDITOR="sh $TESTTMP/" hg histedit tip --commands - 2>&1 << EOF | fixbundle\n   > mess 1fd3b2fe7754 f\n   > EOF\n-  abort: emulating unexpected abort\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n   $ test -f .hg/last-message.txt\n   [1]\n \n@@ -341,7 +1567,41 @@\n   > [extensions]\n   > commitfailure = !\n   > EOF\n+  $ line 156: .hg/hgrc: $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n   $ hg histedit --abort -q\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n (test that editor is invoked and commit message is saved into\n "last-message.txt")\n@@ -351,204 +1611,332 @@\n   > # this failure occurs after editor invocation\n   > pretxncommit.unexpectedabort = false\n   > EOF\n+  $ line 163: .hg/hgrc: $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg status --rev \'1fd3b2fe7754^1\' --rev 1fd3b2fe7754\n-  A f\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ rm -f .hg/last-message.txt\n   $ HGEDITOR="sh $TESTTMP/" hg histedit tip --commands - 2>&1 << EOF\n   > mess 1fd3b2fe7754 f\n   > EOF\n-  ==== before editing\n-  f\n-  \n-  \n-  HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with \'HG:\' are removed.\n-  HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.\n-  HG: --\n-  HG: user: test\n-  HG: branch \'default\'\n-  HG: added f\n-  ====\n-  transaction abort!\n-  rollback completed\n-  note: commit message saved in .hg/last-message.txt\n-  abort: pretxncommit.unexpectedabort hook exited with status 1\n-  [255]\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ cat .hg/last-message.txt\n-  f\n-  \n-  \n-  check saving last-message.txt\n+  cat: .hg/last-message.txt: $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n \n (test also that editor is invoked if histedit is continued for "message"\n action)\n \n   $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit --continue\n-  f\n-  \n-  \n-  HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with \'HG:\' are removed.\n-  HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.\n-  HG: --\n-  HG: user: test\n-  HG: branch \'default\'\n-  HG: added f\n-  transaction abort!\n-  rollback completed\n-  note: commit message saved in .hg/last-message.txt\n-  abort: pretxncommit.unexpectedabort hook exited with status 1\n-  [255]\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ cat >> .hg/hgrc <<EOF\n   > [hooks]\n   > pretxncommit.unexpectedabort =\n   > EOF\n+  $ line 181: .hg/hgrc: $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n   $ hg histedit --abort -q\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n then, check "modify the message" itself\n \n   $ hg histedit tip --commands - 2>&1 << EOF | fixbundle\n   > mess 1fd3b2fe7754 f\n   > EOF\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n   $ hg status\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg log --limit 1\n-  changeset:   6:62feedb1200e\n-  tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     f\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n rollback should not work after a histedit\n   $ hg rollback\n-  no rollback information available\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n   [1]\n \n   $ cd ..\n   $ hg clone -qr0 r r0\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, strip, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ cd r0\n+  $ line 202: cd: r0: $ENOENT$\n   $ hg phase -fdr0\n-  $ hg histedit --commands - 0 2>&1 << EOF\n-  > edit cb9a9f314b8b a > $EDITED\n-  > EOF\n-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved\n-  Editing (cb9a9f314b8b), you may commit or record as needed now.\n-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)\n-  [1]\n-  $ HGEDITOR=true hg histedit --continue\n-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/r0/.hg/strip-backup/cb9a9f314b8b-cc5ccb0b-histedit.hg\n-\n-  $ hg log -G\n-  @  changeset:   0:0efcea34f18a\n-     tag:         tip\n-     user:        test\n-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-     summary:     a\n-  \n-  $ echo foo >> b\n-  $ hg addr\n-  adding b\n-  $ hg ci -m \'add b\'\n-  $ echo foo >> a\n-  $ hg ci -m \'extend a\'\n-  $ hg phase --public 1\n-Attempting to fold a change into a public change should not work:\n-  $ cat > ../ <<EOF\n-  > cat "\\$1" | sed s/pick/fold/ > tmp\n-  > mv tmp "\\$1"\n-  > EOF\n-  $ HGEDITOR="sh ../" hg histedit 2\n-  warning: histedit rules saved to: .hg/histedit-last-edit.txt\n-  hg: parse error: first changeset cannot use verb "fold"\n-  [255]\n-  $ cat .hg/histedit-last-edit.txt\n-  fold 0012be4a27ea 2 extend a\n-  \n-  # Edit history between 0012be4a27ea and 0012be4a27ea\n-  #\n-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent\n-  #\n-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines\n-  #\n-  # Commands:\n-  #\n-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending\n-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content\n-  #  p, fold = use commit\n-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there\n-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history\n-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above\n-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit\'s description and date\n-  #\n-\n-  $ cd ..\n-\n-============================================\n-Test update-timestamp config option in mess|\n-============================================\n-\n-  $ addwithdate ()\n-  > {\n-  >     echo $1 > $1\n-  >     hg add $1\n-  >     hg ci -m $1 -d "$2 0"\n-  > }\n-\n-  $ initrepo ()\n-  > {\n-  >     hg init r2\n-  >     cd r2\n-  >     addwithdate a 1\n-  >     addwithdate b 2\n-  >     addwithdate c 3\n-  >     addwithdate d 4\n-  >     addwithdate e 5\n-  >     addwithdate f 6\n-  > }\n-\n-  $ initrepo\n-\n-log before edit\n-\n-  $ hg log --limit 1\n-  changeset:   5:178e35e0ce73\n-  tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:06 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     f\n-  \n-  $ hg histedit tip --commands - 2>&1 --config rewrite.update-timestamp=True << EOF | fixbundle\n-  > mess 178e35e0ce73 f\n-  > EOF\n-\n-log after edit\n-\n-  $ hg log --limit 1\n-  changeset:   5:98bf456d476b\n-  tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     f\n-  \n-\n-  $ cd ..\n-\n-warn the user on editing tagged commits\n-\n-  $ hg init issue4017\n-  $ cd issue4017\n-  $ echo > a\n-  $ hg ci -Am \'add a\'\n-  adding a\n-  $ hg tag a\n-  $ hg tags\n-  tip                                1:bd7ee4f3939b\n-  a                                  0:a8a82d372bb3\n-  $ hg histedit\n-  warning: tags associated with the given changeset will be lost after histedit.\n-  do you want to continue (yN)?  n\n-  abort: histedit cancelled\n-  \n-  [255]\n-  $ cd ..\n', 42701, 42703, 'truncated \\uXXXX escape') decoding diff, sorry


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-fold-non-commute.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-fold-non-commute.t.err
@@ -32,311 +32,444 @@
   > }
   $ initrepo r
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  $ line 20: cd: r: $ENOENT$
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
   $ cd r
+  $ line 39: cd: r: $ENOENT$
 Initial generation of the command files
   $ EDITED="$TESTTMP/editedhistory"
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 3 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 4 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'fold {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 7 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 5 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 6 >> $EDITED
-  $ cat $EDITED
-  pick 092e4ce14829 3 c
-  pick ae78f4c9d74f 4 d
-  fold 42abbb61bede 7 does not commute with e
-  pick 7f3755409b00 5 e
-  pick dd184f2faeb0 6 f
-log before edit
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  changeset:   7:42abbb61bede
-  |  tag:         tip
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:07 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     does not commute with e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   6:dd184f2faeb0
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:06 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     f
-  |
-  o  changeset:   5:7f3755409b00
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:05 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   4:ae78f4c9d74f
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     d
-  |
-  o  changeset:   3:092e4ce14829
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:03 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     c
-  |
-  o  changeset:   2:40ccdd8beb95
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:02 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     b
-  |
-  o  changeset:   1:cd997a145b29
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:01 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     a
-  |
-  o  changeset:   0:1715188a53c7
-     user:        test
-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-     summary:     Initial commit
-edit the history
-  $ hg histedit 3 --commands $EDITED 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  merging e
-  warning: conflicts while merging e! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Fix up the change (fold 42abbb61bede)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-fix up
-  $ echo 'I can haz no commute' > e
-  $ hg resolve --mark e
-  (no more unresolved files)
-  continue: hg histedit --continue
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit --continue 2>&1 | fixbundle | grep -v '2 files removed'
-  d
-  ***
-  does not commute with e
-  HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  HG: --
-  HG: user: test
-  HG: branch 'default'
-  HG: changed d
-  HG: changed e
-  merging e
-  warning: conflicts while merging e! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Fix up the change (pick 7f3755409b00)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-just continue this time
-keep the non-commuting change, and thus the pending change will be dropped
-  $ hg revert -r 'p1()' e
-  $ hg resolve --mark e
-  (no more unresolved files)
-  continue: hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg diff
-  $ hg histedit --continue 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  7f3755409b00: skipping changeset (no changes)
-log after edit
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  changeset:   5:1300355b1a54
-  |  tag:         tip
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:06 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     f
-  |
-  o  changeset:   4:e2ac33269083
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:07 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     d
-  |
-  o  changeset:   3:092e4ce14829
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:03 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     c
-  |
-  o  changeset:   2:40ccdd8beb95
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:02 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     b
-  |
-  o  changeset:   1:cd997a145b29
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:01 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     a
-  |
-  o  changeset:   0:1715188a53c7
-     user:        test
-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-     summary:     Initial commit
-contents of e
-  $ hg cat e
-  I can haz no commute
-  $ hg manifest
-  a
-  b
-  c
-  d
-  e
-  f
-  $ cd ..
-Repeat test using "roll", not "fold". "roll" folds in changes but drops message and date
-  $ initrepo r2
-  $ cd r2
-Initial generation of the command files
-  $ EDITED="$TESTTMP/editedhistory.2"
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 3 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 4 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'roll {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 7 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 5 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 6 >> $EDITED
-  $ cat $EDITED
-  pick 092e4ce14829 3 c
-  pick ae78f4c9d74f 4 d
-  roll 42abbb61bede 7 does not commute with e
-  pick 7f3755409b00 5 e
-  pick dd184f2faeb0 6 f
-log before edit
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  changeset:   7:42abbb61bede
-  |  tag:         tip
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:07 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     does not commute with e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   6:dd184f2faeb0
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:06 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     f
-  |
-  o  changeset:   5:7f3755409b00
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:05 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   4:ae78f4c9d74f
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     d
-  |
-  o  changeset:   3:092e4ce14829
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:03 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     c
-  |
-  o  changeset:   2:40ccdd8beb95
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:02 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     b
-  |
-  o  changeset:   1:cd997a145b29
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:01 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     a
-  |
-  o  changeset:   0:1715188a53c7
-     user:        test
-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-     summary:     Initial commit
-edit the history
-  $ hg histedit 3 --commands $EDITED 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  merging e
-  warning: conflicts while merging e! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Fix up the change (roll 42abbb61bede)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-fix up
-  $ echo 'I can haz no commute' > e
-  $ hg resolve --mark e
-  (no more unresolved files)
-  continue: hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg histedit --continue 2>&1 | fixbundle | grep -v '2 files removed'
-  merging e
-  warning: conflicts while merging e! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Fix up the change (pick 7f3755409b00)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-just continue this time
-  $ hg revert -r 'p1()' e
-  $ hg resolve --mark e
-  (no more unresolved files)
-  continue: hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg histedit --continue 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  7f3755409b00: skipping changeset (no changes)
-log after edit
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  changeset:   5:b538bcb461be
-  |  tag:         tip
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:06 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     f
-  |
-  o  changeset:   4:317e37cb6d66
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     d
-  |
-  o  changeset:   3:092e4ce14829
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:03 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     c
-  |
-  o  changeset:   2:40ccdd8beb95
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:02 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     b
-  |
-  o  changeset:   1:cd997a145b29
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:01 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     a
-  |
-  o  changeset:   0:1715188a53c7
-     user:        test
-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-     summary:     Initial commit
-contents of e
-  $ hg cat e
-  I can haz no commute
-  $ hg manifest
-  a
-  b
-  c
-  d
-  e
-  f
-description is taken from rollup target commit
-  $ hg log --debug --rev 4
-  changeset:   4:317e37cb6d66c1c84628c00e5bf4c8c292831951
-  phase:       draft
-  parent:      3:092e4ce14829f4974399ce4316d59f64ef0b6725
-  parent:      -1:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-  manifest:    4:b068a323d969f22af1296ec6a5ea9384cef437ac
-  user:        test
-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
-  files:       d e
-  extra:       branch=default
-  extra:       histedit_source=ae78f4c9d74ffa4b6cb5045001c303fe9204e890,42abbb61bede6f4366fa1e74a664343e5d558a70
-  description:
-  d
-done with repo r2
-  $ cd ..


UnicodeDecodeError('unicodeescape', b'--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-fold.t\n+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-fold.t.err\n@@ -41,21 +41,446 @@\n   > }\n \n   $ initrepo\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  $ line 24: cd: r: $ENOENT$\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n log before edit\n   $ hg logt --graph\n-  @  5:178e35e0ce73 f\n-  |\n-  o  4:1ddb6c90f2ee e\n-  |\n-  o  3:532247a8969b d\n-  |\n-  o  2:ff2c9fa2018b c\n-  |\n-  o  1:97d72e5f12c7 b\n-  |\n-  o  0:8580ff50825a a\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg histedit ff2c9fa2018b --commands - 2>&1 <<EOF | fixbundle\n   > pick 1ddb6c90f2ee e\n@@ -63,49 +488,144 @@\n   > fold ff2c9fa2018b c\n   > pick 532247a8969b d\n   > EOF\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n \n log after edit\n   $ hg logt --graph\n-  @  4:c4d7f3def76d d\n-  |\n-  o  3:575228819b7e f\n-  |\n-  o  2:505a591af19e e\n-  |\n-  o  1:97d72e5f12c7 b\n-  |\n-  o  0:8580ff50825a a\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n post-fold manifest\n   $ hg manifest\n-  a\n-  b\n-  c\n-  d\n-  e\n-  f\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n \n check histedit_source, including that it uses the later date, from the first changeset\n \n   $ hg log --debug --rev 3\n-  changeset:   3:575228819b7e6ed69e8c0a6a383ee59a80db7358\n-  phase:       draft\n-  parent:      2:505a591af19eed18f560af827b9e03d2076773dc\n-  parent:      -1:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n-  manifest:    3:81eede616954057198ead0b2c73b41d1f392829a\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:06 1970 +0000\n-  files+:      c f\n-  extra:       branch=default\n-  extra:       histedit_source=7cad1d7030207872dfd1c3a7cb430f24f2884086,ff2c9fa2018b15fa74b33363bda9527323e2a99f\n-  description:\n-  f\n-  ***\n-  c\n-  \n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n rollup will fold without preserving the folded commit\'s message or date\n \n@@ -117,37 +637,110 @@\n   > pick 575228819b7e f\n   > pick c4d7f3def76d d\n   > EOF\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\bin\\hg", line 43, in <module>\n+\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 111, in run\n+      status = dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 254, in dispatch\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 428, in _runcatch\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 437, in _callcatch\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 152, in callcatch\n+      return func()\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\n+      return _dispatch(req)\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\n+      color.setup(ui_)\n+    File "C:\\hgdev\\python37-x64\\Lib\\importlib\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\n+    File "C:\\Temp\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\install\\lib\\python\\mercurial\\", line 38, in <module>\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\n \n   $ HGEDITOR=$OLDHGEDITOR\n \n log after edit\n   $ hg logt --graph\n-  @  3:bab801520cec d\n-  |\n-  o  2:58c8f2bfc151 f\n-  |\n-  o  1:5d939c56c72e b\n-  |\n-  o  0:8580ff50825a a\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n description is taken from rollup target commit\n \n   $ hg log --debug --rev 1\n-  changeset:   1:5d939c56c72e77e29f5167696218e2131a40f5cf\n-  phase:       draft\n-  parent:      0:8580ff50825a50c8f716709acdf8de0deddcd6ab\n-  parent:      -1:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n-  manifest:    1:b5e112a3a8354e269b1524729f0918662d847c38\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:02 1970 +0000\n-  files+:      b e\n-  extra:       branch=default\n-  extra:       histedit_source=97d72e5f12c7e84f85064aa72e5a297142c36ed9,505a591af19eed18f560af827b9e03d2076773dc\n-  description:\n-  b\n-  \n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n check saving last-message.txt\n \n@@ -163,6 +756,8 @@\n   > [hooks]\n   > pretxncommit.abortfolding = python:$TESTTMP/\n   > EOF\n+  $ line 76: .hg/hgrc: $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n \n   $ cat > $TESTTMP/ << EOF\n   > echo "==== before editing"\n@@ -173,66 +768,562 @@\n \n   $ rm -f .hg/last-message.txt\n   $ hg status --rev \'58c8f2bfc151^1::bab801520cec\'\n-  A c\n-  A d\n-  A f\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ HGEDITOR="sh $TESTTMP/" hg histedit 58c8f2bfc151 --commands - 2>&1 <<EOF\n   > pick 58c8f2bfc151 f\n   > fold bab801520cec d\n   > EOF\n-  allow non-folding commit\n-  ==== before editing\n-  f\n-  ***\n-  c\n-  ***\n-  d\n-  \n-  \n-  \n-  HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with \'HG:\' are removed.\n-  HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.\n-  HG: --\n-  HG: user: test\n-  HG: branch \'default\'\n-  HG: added c\n-  HG: added d\n-  HG: added f\n-  ====\n-  transaction abort!\n-  rollback completed\n-  abort: pretxncommit.abortfolding hook failed\n-  [255]\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ cat .hg/last-message.txt\n-  f\n-  ***\n-  c\n-  ***\n-  d\n-  \n-  \n-  \n-  check saving last-message.txt\n+  cat: .hg/last-message.txt: $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n \n   $ cd ..\n   $ rm -r r\n+  rm: cannot lstat `r\': $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n \n folding preserves initial author but uses later date\n ----------------------------------------------------\n \n   $ initrepo\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  $ line 24: cd: r: $ENOENT$\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg ci -d \'7 0\' --user "someone else" --amend --quiet\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n tip before edit\n   $ hg log --rev .\n-  changeset:   5:10c36dd37515\n-  tag:         tip\n-  user:        someone else\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:07 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     f\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg --config progress.debug=1 --debug \\\n   > histedit 1ddb6c90f2ee --commands - 2>&1 <<EOF | \\\n@@ -240,20 +1331,47 @@\n   > pick 1ddb6c90f2ee e\n   > fold 10c36dd37515 f\n   > EOF\n-  editing: pick 1ddb6c90f2ee 4 e 1/2 changes (50.00%)\n-  editing: fold 10c36dd37515 5 f 2/2 changes (100.00%)\n+  [1]\n \n tip after edit, which should use the later date, from the second changeset\n   $ hg log --rev .\n-  changeset:   4:e4f3ec5d0b40\n-  tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:07 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     e\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ cd ..\n   $ rm -r r\n+  rm: cannot lstat `r\': $ENOENT$\n+  [1]\n \n folding and creating no new change doesn\'t break:\n -------------------------------------------------\n@@ -263,66 +1381,479 @@\n   $ mkdir fold-to-empty-test\n   $ cd fold-to-empty-test\n   $ hg init\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ printf "1\\n2\\n3\\n" > file\n   $ hg add file\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg commit -m \'1+2+3\'\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ echo 4 >> file\n   $ hg commit -m \'+4\'\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ echo 5 >> file\n   $ hg commit -m \'+5\'\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ echo 6 >> file\n   $ hg commit -m \'+6\'\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg logt --graph\n-  @  3:251d831eeec5 +6\n-  |\n-  o  2:888f9082bf99 +5\n-  |\n-  o  1:617f94f13c0f +4\n-  |\n-  o  0:0189ba417d34 1+2+3\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ hg histedit 1 --commands - << EOF\n   > pick 617f94f13c0f 1 +4\n   > drop 888f9082bf99 2 +5\n   > fold 251d831eeec5 3 +6\n   > EOF\n-  merging file\n-  warning: conflicts while merging file! (edit, then use \'hg resolve --mark\')\n-  Fix up the change (fold 251d831eeec5)\n-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n   [1]\n There were conflicts, we keep P1 content. This\n should effectively drop the changes from +6.\n \n   $ hg status -v\n-  M file\n-  ? file.orig\n-  # The repository is in an unfinished *histedit* state.\n-  \n-  # Unresolved merge conflicts:\n-  # \n-  #     file\n-  # \n-  # To mark files as resolved:  hg resolve --mark FILE\n-  \n-  # To continue:    hg histedit --continue\n-  # To abort:       hg histedit --abort\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg resolve -l\n-  U file\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg revert -r \'p1()\' file\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg resolve --mark file\n-  (no more unresolved files)\n-  continue: hg histedit --continue\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg histedit --continue\n-  251d831eeec5: empty changeset\n-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/fold-to-empty-test/.hg/strip-backup/888f9082bf99-daa0b8b3-histedit.hg\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ hg logt --graph\n-  @  1:617f94f13c0f +4\n-  |\n-  o  0:0189ba417d34 1+2+3\n-  \n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n \n   $ cd ..\n \n@@ -336,371 +1867,38 @@\n \n \n   $ hg init fold-with-dropped\n+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate\n+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.\n+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.\n+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.\n+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]\n+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)\n+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate\n+  Traceback (most recent call last):\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\bin\\\\hg", line 43, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 111, in run\\r (esc)\n+      status = dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 254, in dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 428, in _runcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 437, in _callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 152, in callcatch\\r (esc)\n+      return func()\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc\\r (esc)\n+      return _dispatch(req)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 1096, in _dispatch\\r (esc)\n+      color.setup(ui_)\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\hgdev\\\\python37-x64\\\\Lib\\\\importlib\\\\", line 245, in __getattribute__\\r (esc)\n+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module\\r (esc)\n+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed\\r (esc)\n+    File "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hgtests.tzvc59cy\\\\install\\\\lib\\\\python\\\\mercurial\\\\", line 38, in <module>\\r (esc)\n+      b\'black\': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b\'\'),\\r (esc)\n+  AttributeError: module \'curses\' has no attribute \'COLOR_BLACK\'\\r (esc)\n+  [1]\n   $ cd fold-with-dropped\n+  $ line 170: cd: fold-with-dropped: $ENOENT$\n   $ printf "1\\n2\\n3\\n" > file\n-  $ hg commit -Am \'1+2+3\'\n-  adding file\n-  $ echo 4 >> file\n-  $ hg commit -m \'+4\'\n-  $ echo 5 >> file\n-  $ hg commit -m \'+5\'\n-  $ echo 6 >> file\n-  $ hg commit -m \'+6\'\n-  $ hg logt -G\n-  @  3:251d831eeec5 +6\n-  |\n-  o  2:888f9082bf99 +5\n-  |\n-  o  1:617f94f13c0f +4\n-  |\n-  o  0:0189ba417d34 1+2+3\n-  \n-  $ hg histedit 1 --commands -  << EOF\n-  > pick 617f94f13c0f 1 +4\n-  > drop 888f9082bf99 2 +5\n-  > fold 251d831eeec5 3 +6\n-  > EOF\n-  merging file\n-  warning: conflicts while merging file! (edit, then use \'hg resolve --mark\')\n-  Fix up the change (fold 251d831eeec5)\n-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)\n-  [1]\n-  $ cat > file << EOF\n-  > 1\n-  > 2\n-  > 3\n-  > 4\n-  > 5\n-  > EOF\n-  $ hg resolve --mark file\n-  (no more unresolved files)\n-  continue: hg histedit --continue\n-  $ hg commit -m \'+5.2\'\n-  created new head\n-  $ echo 6 >> file\n-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit --continue\n-  +4\n-  ***\n-  +5.2\n-  ***\n-  +6\n-  \n-  \n-  \n-  HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with \'HG:\' are removed.\n-  HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.\n-  HG: --\n-  HG: user: test\n-  HG: branch \'default\'\n-  HG: changed file\n-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/fold-with-dropped/.hg/strip-backup/617f94f13c0f-3d69522c-histedit.hg\n-  $ hg logt -G\n-  @  1:10c647b2cdd5 +4\n-  |\n-  o  0:0189ba417d34 1+2+3\n-  \n-  $ hg export tip\n-  # HG changeset patch\n-  # User test\n-  # Date 0 0\n-  #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  # Node ID 10c647b2cdd54db0603ecb99b2ff5ce66d5a5323\n-  # Parent  0189ba417d34df9dda55f88b637dcae9917b5964\n-  +4\n-  ***\n-  +5.2\n-  ***\n-  +6\n-  \n-  diff -r 0189ba417d34 -r 10c647b2cdd5 file\n-  --- a/file\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  +++ b/file\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n-  @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@\n-   1\n-   2\n-   3\n-  +4\n-  +5\n-  +6\n-  $ cd ..\n-\n-\n-Folding with initial rename (issue3729)\n----------------------------------------\n-\n-  $ hg init fold-rename\n-  $ cd fold-rename\n-  $ echo a > a.txt\n-  $ hg add a.txt\n-  $ hg commit -m a\n-  $ hg rename a.txt b.txt\n-  $ hg commit -m rename\n-  $ echo b >> b.txt\n-  $ hg commit -m b\n-\n-  $ hg logt --follow b.txt\n-  2:e0371e0426bc b\n-  1:1c4f440a8085 rename\n-  0:6c795aa153cb a\n-\n-  $ hg histedit 1c4f440a8085 --commands - 2>&1 << EOF | fixbundle\n-  > pick 1c4f440a8085 rename\n-  > fold e0371e0426bc b\n-  > EOF\n-\n-  $ hg logt --follow b.txt\n-  1:cf858d235c76 rename\n-  0:6c795aa153cb a\n-\n-  $ cd ..\n-\n-Folding with swapping\n----------------------\n-\n-This is an excuse to test hook with histedit temporary commit (issue4422)\n-\n-\n-  $ hg init issue4422\n-  $ cd issue4422\n-  $ echo a > a.txt\n-  $ hg add a.txt\n-  $ hg commit -m a\n-  $ echo b > b.txt\n-  $ hg add b.txt\n-  $ hg commit -m b\n-  $ echo c > c.txt\n-  $ hg add c.txt\n-  $ hg commit -m c\n-\n-  $ hg logt\n-  2:a1a953ffb4b0 c\n-  1:199b6bb90248 b\n-  0:6c795aa153cb a\n-\n-  $ hg histedit 6c795aa153cb --config hooks.commit=\'echo commit $HG_NODE\' --config hooks.tonative.commit=True \\\n-  >     --commands - 2>&1 << EOF | fixbundle\n-  > pick 199b6bb90248 b\n-  > fold a1a953ffb4b0 c\n-  > pick 6c795aa153cb a\n-  > EOF\n-  commit 9599899f62c05f4377548c32bf1c9f1a39634b0c\n-\n-  $ hg logt\n-  1:9599899f62c0 a\n-  0:79b99e9c8e49 b\n-\n-Test unix -> windows style variable substitution in external hooks.\n-\n-  $ cat > $TESTTMP/tmp.hgrc <<\'EOF\'\n-  > [hooks]\n-  > pre-add = echo no variables\n-  > post-add = echo ran $HG_ARGS, literal \\$non-var, \'also $non-var\', $HG_RESULT\n-  > = True\n-  > EOF\n-\n-  $ echo "foo" > amended.txt\n-  $ HGRCPATH=$TESTTMP/tmp.hgrc hg add -v amended.txt\n-  running hook pre-add: echo no variables\n-  no variables\n-  adding amended.txt\n-  converting hook "post-add" to native (windows !)\n-  running hook post-add: echo ran %HG_ARGS%, literal $non-var, "also $non-var", %HG_RESULT% (windows !)\n-  running hook post-add: echo ran $HG_ARGS, literal \\$non-var, \'also $non-var\', $HG_RESULT (no-windows !)\n-  ran add -v amended.txt, literal $non-var, "also $non-var", 0 (windows !)\n-  ran add -v amended.txt, literal $non-var, also $non-var, 0 (no-windows !)\n-  $ hg ci -q --config extensions.largefiles= --amend -I amended.txt\n-  The fsmonitor extension is incompatible with the largefiles extension and has been disabled. (fsmonitor !)\n-\n-Test that folding multiple changes in a row doesn\'t show multiple\n-editors.\n-\n-  $ echo foo >> foo\n-  $ hg add foo\n-  $ hg ci -m foo1\n-  $ echo foo >> foo\n-  $ hg ci -m foo2\n-  $ echo foo >> foo\n-  $ hg ci -m foo3\n-  $ hg logt\n-  4:21679ff7675c foo3\n-  3:b7389cc4d66e foo2\n-  2:0e01aeef5fa8 foo1\n-  1:578c7455730c a\n-  0:79b99e9c8e49 b\n-  $ cat > "$TESTTMP/" <<EOF\n-  > echo ran editor >> "$TESTTMP/editorlog.txt"\n-  > cat \\$1 >> "$TESTTMP/editorlog.txt"\n-  > echo END >> "$TESTTMP/editorlog.txt"\n-  > echo merged foos > \\$1\n-  > EOF\n-  $ HGEDITOR="sh \\"$TESTTMP/\\"" hg histedit 1 --commands - 2>&1 <<EOF | fixbundle\n-  > pick 578c7455730c 1 a\n-  > pick 0e01aeef5fa8 2 foo1\n-  > fold b7389cc4d66e 3 foo2\n-  > fold 21679ff7675c 4 foo3\n-  > EOF\n-  merging foo\n-  $ hg logt\n-  2:e8bedbda72c1 merged foos\n-  1:578c7455730c a\n-  0:79b99e9c8e49 b\n-Editor should have run only once\n-  $ cat $TESTTMP/editorlog.txt\n-  ran editor\n-  foo1\n-  ***\n-  foo2\n-  ***\n-  foo3\n-  \n-  \n-  \n-  HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with \'HG:\' are removed.\n-  HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.\n-  HG: --\n-  HG: user: test\n-  HG: branch \'default\'\n-  HG: added foo\n-  END\n-\n-  $ cd ..\n-\n-Test rolling into a commit with multiple children (issue5498)\n-\n-  $ hg init roll\n-  $ cd roll\n-  $ echo a > a\n-  $ hg commit -qAm aa\n-  $ echo b > b\n-  $ hg commit -qAm bb\n-  $ hg up -q ".^"\n-  $ echo c > c\n-  $ hg commit -qAm cc\n-  $ hg log -G -T \'{node|short} {desc}\'\n-  @  5db65b93a12b cc\n-  |\n-  | o  301d76bdc3ae bb\n-  |/\n-  o  8f0162e483d0 aa\n-  \n-\n-  $ hg histedit . --commands - << EOF\n-  > r 5db65b93a12b\n-  > EOF\n-  hg: parse error: first changeset cannot use verb "roll"\n-  [255]\n-  $ hg log -G -T \'{node|short} {desc}\'\n-  @  5db65b93a12b cc\n-  |\n-  | o  301d76bdc3ae bb\n-  |/\n-  o  8f0162e483d0 aa\n-  \n-\n-  $ cd ..\n-\n-====================================\n-Test update-timestamp config option|\n-====================================\n-\n-  $ addwithdate ()\n-  > {\n-  >     echo $1 > $1\n-  >     hg add $1\n-  >     hg ci -m $1 -d "$2 0"\n-  > }\n-\n-  $ initrepo ()\n-  > {\n-  >     hg init r\n-  >     cd r\n-  >     addwithdate a 1\n-  >     addwithdate b 2\n-  >     addwithdate c 3\n-  >     addwithdate d 4\n-  >     addwithdate e 5\n-  >     addwithdate f 6\n-  > }\n-\n-  $ initrepo\n-\n-log before edit\n-\n-  $ hg log\n-  changeset:   5:178e35e0ce73\n-  tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:06 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     f\n-  \n-  changeset:   4:1ddb6c90f2ee\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:05 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     e\n-  \n-  changeset:   3:532247a8969b\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     d\n-  \n-  changeset:   2:ff2c9fa2018b\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:03 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     c\n-  \n-  changeset:   1:97d72e5f12c7\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:02 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     b\n-  \n-  changeset:   0:8580ff50825a\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:01 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     a\n-  \n-\n-  $ hg histedit 1ddb6c90f2ee --commands - 2>&1 --config rewrite.update-timestamp=True <<EOF | fixbundle\n-  > pick 178e35e0ce73 f\n-  > fold 1ddb6c90f2ee e\n-  > EOF\n-\n-log after edit\n-observe time from f is updated\n-\n-  $ hg log\n-  changeset:   4:f7909b1863a2\n-  tag:         tip\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:01 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     f\n-  \n-  changeset:   3:532247a8969b\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     d\n-  \n-  changeset:   2:ff2c9fa2018b\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:03 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     c\n-  \n-  changeset:   1:97d72e5f12c7\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:02 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     b\n-  \n-  changeset:   0:8580ff50825a\n-  user:        test\n-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:01 1970 +0000\n-  summary:     a\n-  \n-post-fold manifest\n-  $ hg manifest\n-  a\n-  b\n-  c\n-  d\n-  e\n-  f\n-\n-  $ cd ..\n', 34579, 34581, 'truncated \\uXXXX escape') decoding diff, sorry


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-merge-tools.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-merge-tools.t.err
@@ -20,38 +20,38 @@
   $ hg init r
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension mockmakedate
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable mockmakedate and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, mockmakedate
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ cd r
+  $ line 18: cd: r: $ENOENT$
   $ echo foo > file
-  $ hg add file
-  $ hg ci -m "First" -d "1 0"
-  $ echo bar > file
-  $ hg ci -m "Second" -d "2 0"
-  $ hg logt --graph
-  @  1:2aa920f62fb9 Second
-  |
-  o  0:7181f42b8fca First
-Invert the order of the commits, but fail the merge.
-  $ hg histedit --config ui.merge=false --commands - 2>&1 <<EOF | fixbundle
-  > pick 2aa920f62fb9 Second
-  > pick 7181f42b8fca First
-  > EOF
-  merging file
-  pre-merge message for b90fa2e91a6d11013945a5f684be45b84a8ca6ec
-  merging file failed!
-  Fix up the change (pick 7181f42b8fca)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  $ hg histedit --abort | fixbundle
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-Invert the order of the commits, and pretend the merge succeeded.
-  $ hg histedit --config ui.merge=true --commands - 2>&1 <<EOF | fixbundle
-  > pick 2aa920f62fb9 Second
-  > pick 7181f42b8fca First
-  > EOF
-  merging file
-  pre-merge message for b90fa2e91a6d11013945a5f684be45b84a8ca6ec
-  7181f42b8fca: skipping changeset (no changes)


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-no-backup.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-no-backup.t#abortcommand.err
@@ -20,61 +20,36 @@
 Repo setup:
   $ hg init foo
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ cd foo
+  $ line 15: cd: foo: $ENOENT$
   $ echo first>file
-  $ hg ci -qAm one
-  $ echo second>>file
-  $ hg ci -m two
-  $ echo third>>file
-  $ hg ci -m three
-  $ echo forth>>file
-  $ hg ci -m four
-  $ hg log -G --style compact
-  @  3[tip]   7d5187087c79   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    four
-  |
-  o  2   80d23dfa866d   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    three
-  |
-  o  1   6153eb23e623   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    two
-  |
-  o  0   36b4bdd91f5b   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-       one
-Test when `backup-bundle` config option is enabled:
-  $ hg histedit -r '36b4bdd91f5b' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick 36b4bdd91f5b 0 one
-  > pick 6153eb23e623 1 two
-  > roll 80d23dfa866d 2 three
-  > edit 7d5187087c79 3 four
-  > EOF
-  merging file
-  Editing (7d5187087c79), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg abort
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/1d8f701c7b35-cf7be322-backup.hg
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/5c0056670bce-b54b65d0-backup.hg
-Test when `backup-bundle` config option is not enabled
-Enable config option:
-  $ cat >>$HGRCPATH <<EOF
-  > [rewrite]
-  > backup-bundle = False
-  > EOF
-  $ hg histedit -r '36b4bdd91f5b' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick 36b4bdd91f5b 0 one
-  > pick 6153eb23e623 1 two
-  > roll 80d23dfa866d 2 three
-  > edit 7d5187087c79 3 four
-  > EOF
-  merging file
-  Editing (7d5187087c79), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg abort
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-no-backup.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-no-backup.t#abortflag.err
@@ -20,61 +20,36 @@
 Repo setup:
   $ hg init foo
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ cd foo
+  $ line 20: cd: foo: $ENOENT$
   $ echo first>file
-  $ hg ci -qAm one
-  $ echo second>>file
-  $ hg ci -m two
-  $ echo third>>file
-  $ hg ci -m three
-  $ echo forth>>file
-  $ hg ci -m four
-  $ hg log -G --style compact
-  @  3[tip]   7d5187087c79   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    four
-  |
-  o  2   80d23dfa866d   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    three
-  |
-  o  1   6153eb23e623   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    two
-  |
-  o  0   36b4bdd91f5b   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-       one
-Test when `backup-bundle` config option is enabled:
-  $ hg histedit -r '36b4bdd91f5b' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick 36b4bdd91f5b 0 one
-  > pick 6153eb23e623 1 two
-  > roll 80d23dfa866d 2 three
-  > edit 7d5187087c79 3 four
-  > EOF
-  merging file
-  Editing (7d5187087c79), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg abort
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/1d8f701c7b35-cf7be322-backup.hg
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/5c0056670bce-b54b65d0-backup.hg
-Test when `backup-bundle` config option is not enabled
-Enable config option:
-  $ cat >>$HGRCPATH <<EOF
-  > [rewrite]
-  > backup-bundle = False
-  > EOF
-  $ hg histedit -r '36b4bdd91f5b' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick 36b4bdd91f5b 0 one
-  > pick 6153eb23e623 1 two
-  > roll 80d23dfa866d 2 three
-  > edit 7d5187087c79 3 four
-  > EOF
-  merging file
-  Editing (7d5187087c79), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg abort
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-no-change.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-no-change.t.err
@@ -70,149 +70,384 @@
   $ initrepo r1 "test editing with no change"
   % test editing with no change
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  $ line 20: cd: r1: $ENOENT$
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
   $ cd r1
+  $ line 71: cd: r1: $ENOENT$
   $ graphlog "log before editing"
-  % log before editing
-  @  5 652413bf663ef2a641cab26574e46d5f5a64a55a "f"
-  |
-  o  4 e860deea161a2f77de56603b340ebbb4536308ae "e"
-  |
-  o  3 055a42cdd88768532f9cf79daa407fc8d138de9b "d"
-  |
-  o  2 177f92b773850b59254aa5e923436f921b55483b "c"
-  |
-  o  1 d2ae7f538514cd87c17547b0de4cea71fe1af9fb "b"
-  |
-  o  0 cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b "a"
-  $ startediting 2 3 "(not changing anything)" # edit the 2nd of 3 changesets
-  % start editing the history (not changing anything)
-  | pick 055a42cdd887 3 d
-  | edit e860deea161a 4 e
-  | pick 652413bf663e 5 f
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  Editing (e860deea161a), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  $ continueediting true "(leaving commit message unaltered)"
-  % finalize changeset editing (leaving commit message unaltered)
-check state of working copy
-  $ hg id
-  794fe033d0a0 tip
-  $ graphlog "log after history editing"
-  % log after history editing
-  @  5 794fe033d0a030f8df77c5de945fca35c9181c30 "f"
-  |
-  o  4 04d2fab980779f332dec458cc944f28de8b43435 "e"
-  |
-  o  3 055a42cdd88768532f9cf79daa407fc8d138de9b "d"
-  |
-  o  2 177f92b773850b59254aa5e923436f921b55483b "c"
-  |
-  o  1 d2ae7f538514cd87c17547b0de4cea71fe1af9fb "b"
-  |
-  o  0 cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b "a"
-  $ cd ..
-  $ initrepo r2 "test editing with no change, then abort"
-  % test editing with no change, then abort
-  -----------------------------------------
-  $ cd r2
-  $ graphlog "log before editing"
-  % log before editing
-  @  5 652413bf663ef2a641cab26574e46d5f5a64a55a "f"
-  |
-  o  4 e860deea161a2f77de56603b340ebbb4536308ae "e"
-  |
-  o  3 055a42cdd88768532f9cf79daa407fc8d138de9b "d"
-  |
-  o  2 177f92b773850b59254aa5e923436f921b55483b "c"
-  |
-  o  1 d2ae7f538514cd87c17547b0de4cea71fe1af9fb "b"
-  |
-  o  0 cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b "a"
-  $ startediting 1,2 3 "(not changing anything)" # edit the 1st two of 3 changesets
-  % start editing the history (not changing anything)
-  | edit 055a42cdd887 3 d
-  | edit e860deea161a 4 e
-  | pick 652413bf663e 5 f
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  Editing (055a42cdd887), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  $ continueediting true "(leaving commit message unaltered)"
-  % finalize changeset editing (leaving commit message unaltered)
-  Editing (e860deea161a), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  $ graphlog "log after first edit"
-  % log after first edit
-  @  6 e5ae3ca2f1ffdbd89ec41ebc273a231f7c3022f2 "d"
-  |
-  | o  5 652413bf663ef2a641cab26574e46d5f5a64a55a "f"
-  | |
-  | o  4 e860deea161a2f77de56603b340ebbb4536308ae "e"
-  | |
-  | o  3 055a42cdd88768532f9cf79daa407fc8d138de9b "d"
-  |/
-  o  2 177f92b773850b59254aa5e923436f921b55483b "c"
-  |
-  o  1 d2ae7f538514cd87c17547b0de4cea71fe1af9fb "b"
-  |
-  o  0 cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b "a"
-abort editing session, after first forcibly updating away
-  $ hg up 0
-  abort: histedit in progress
-  (use 'hg histedit --continue' or 'hg histedit --abort')
-  [255]
-  $ mv .hg/histedit-state .hg/histedit-state-ignore
-  $ hg up 0
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ mv .hg/histedit-state-ignore .hg/histedit-state
-  $ hg sum
-  parent: 0:cb9a9f314b8b 
-   a
-  branch: default
-  commit: 1 added, 1 unknown (new branch head)
-  update: 6 new changesets (update)
-  phases: 7 draft
-  hist:   2 remaining (histedit --continue)
-  $ hg histedit --abort 2>&1 | fixbundle
-modified files should survive the abort when we've moved away already
-  $ hg st
-  A e
-  ?
-  $ graphlog "log after abort"
-  % log after abort
-  o  5 652413bf663ef2a641cab26574e46d5f5a64a55a "f"
-  |
-  o  4 e860deea161a2f77de56603b340ebbb4536308ae "e"
-  |
-  o  3 055a42cdd88768532f9cf79daa407fc8d138de9b "d"
-  |
-  o  2 177f92b773850b59254aa5e923436f921b55483b "c"
-  |
-  o  1 d2ae7f538514cd87c17547b0de4cea71fe1af9fb "b"
-  |
-  @  0 cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b "a"
-aborting and not changing files can skip mentioning updating (no) files
-  $ hg up
-  5 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg commit --close-branch -m 'closebranch'
-  $ startediting 1 1 "(not changing anything)" # edit the 3rd of 3 changesets
-  % start editing the history (not changing anything)
-  | edit 292aec348d9e 6 closebranch
-  Editing (292aec348d9e), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  $ hg histedit --abort
-  $ cd ..


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-non-commute-abort.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-non-commute-abort.t.err
@@ -20,168 +20,415 @@
   > }
   $ initrepo
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  $ line 14: cd: r: $ENOENT$
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
   $ cd r
+  $ line 27: cd: r: $ENOENT$
 log before edit
   $ hg log --graph
-  @  changeset:   6:bfa474341cc9
-  |  tag:         tip
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     does not commute with e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   5:652413bf663e
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     f
-  |
-  o  changeset:   4:e860deea161a
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   3:055a42cdd887
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     d
-  |
-  o  changeset:   2:177f92b77385
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     c
-  |
-  o  changeset:   1:d2ae7f538514
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     b
-  |
-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b
-     user:        test
-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-     summary:     a
-edit the history
-  $ hg histedit 177f92b77385 --commands - 2>&1 <<EOF | fixbundle
-  > pick 177f92b77385 c
-  > pick 055a42cdd887 d
-  > pick bfa474341cc9 does not commute with e
-  > pick e860deea161a e
-  > pick 652413bf663e f
-  > EOF
-  merging e
-  warning: conflicts while merging e! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Fix up the change (pick e860deea161a)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-insert unsupported advisory merge record
-  $ hg --config extensions.fakemergerecord=$TESTDIR/ fakemergerecord -x
-  $ hg debugmergestate
-  * version 2 records
-  local: 8f7551c7e4a2f2efe0bc8c741baf7f227d65d758
-  other: e860deea161a2f77de56603b340ebbb4536308ae
-  labels:
-    local: local
-    other: histedit
-  unrecognized entry: x	advisory record
-  file extras: e (ancestorlinknode = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
-  file: e (record type "F", state "u", hash 58e6b3a414a1e090dfc6029add0f3555ccba127f)
-    local path: e (flags "")
-    ancestor path: e (node null)
-    other path: e (node 6b67ccefd5ce6de77e7ead4f5292843a0255329f)
-  $ hg resolve -l
-  U e
-insert unsupported mandatory merge record
-  $ hg --config extensions.fakemergerecord=$TESTDIR/ fakemergerecord -X
-  $ hg debugmergestate
-  * version 2 records
-  local: 8f7551c7e4a2f2efe0bc8c741baf7f227d65d758
-  other: e860deea161a2f77de56603b340ebbb4536308ae
-  labels:
-    local: local
-    other: histedit
-  file extras: e (ancestorlinknode = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
-  file: e (record type "F", state "u", hash 58e6b3a414a1e090dfc6029add0f3555ccba127f)
-    local path: e (flags "")
-    ancestor path: e (node null)
-    other path: e (node 6b67ccefd5ce6de77e7ead4f5292843a0255329f)
-  unrecognized entry: X	mandatory record
-  $ hg resolve -l
-  abort: unsupported merge state records: X
-  (see for more information)
-  [255]
-  $ hg resolve -ma
-  abort: unsupported merge state records: X
-  (see for more information)
-  [255]
-abort the edit (should clear out merge state)
-  $ hg histedit --abort 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg debugmergestate
-  no merge state found
-log after abort
-  $ hg resolve -l
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  changeset:   6:bfa474341cc9
-  |  tag:         tip
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     does not commute with e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   5:652413bf663e
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     f
-  |
-  o  changeset:   4:e860deea161a
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   3:055a42cdd887
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     d
-  |
-  o  changeset:   2:177f92b77385
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     c
-  |
-  o  changeset:   1:d2ae7f538514
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     b
-  |
-  o  changeset:   0:cb9a9f314b8b
-     user:        test
-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-     summary:     a
-Early tree conflict doesn't leave histedit in a wedged state. Note
-that we don't specify --commands here: we catch the problem before we
-even prompt the user for rules, sidestepping any dataloss issues.
-  $ hg rm c
-  $ hg ci -m 'remove c'
-  $ echo collision > c
-  $ hg histedit e860deea161a
-  c: untracked file differs
-  abort: untracked files in working directory conflict with files in 055a42cdd887
-  [255]
-We should have detected the collision early enough we're not in a
-histedit state, and p1 is unchanged.
-  $ hg log -r 'p1()' -T'{node}
-  1b0954ff00fccb15a37b679e4a35e9b01dfe685e
-  $ hg status --config ui.tweakdefaults=yes
-  ? c
-  ? e.orig
-  $ cd ..


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-non-commute.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-non-commute.t.err
@@ -24,280 +24,445 @@
   > }
   $ initrepo r1
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  $ line 14: cd: r1: $ENOENT$
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
   $ cd r1
+  $ line 31: cd: r1: $ENOENT$
 Initial generation of the command files
   $ EDITED="$TESTTMP/editedhistory"
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 3 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 4 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 7 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 5 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 6 >> $EDITED
-  $ cat $EDITED
-  pick 65a9a84f33fd 3 c
-  pick 00f1c5383965 4 d
-  pick 39522b764e3d 7 does not commute with e
-  pick 7b4e2f4b7bcd 5 e
-  pick 500cac37a696 6 f
-log before edit
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  changeset:   7:39522b764e3d
-  |  tag:         tip
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     does not commute with e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   6:500cac37a696
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     f
-  |
-  o  changeset:   5:7b4e2f4b7bcd
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   4:00f1c5383965
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     d
-  |
-  o  changeset:   3:65a9a84f33fd
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     c
-  |
-  o  changeset:   2:da6535b52e45
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     b
-  |
-  o  changeset:   1:c1f09da44841
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     a
-  |
-  o  changeset:   0:1715188a53c7
-     user:        test
-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-     summary:     Initial commit
-edit the history
-  $ hg histedit 3 --commands $EDITED 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  merging e
-  warning: conflicts while merging e! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Fix up the change (pick 39522b764e3d)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-abort the edit
-  $ hg histedit --abort 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-second edit set
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  changeset:   7:39522b764e3d
-  |  tag:         tip
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     does not commute with e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   6:500cac37a696
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     f
-  |
-  o  changeset:   5:7b4e2f4b7bcd
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   4:00f1c5383965
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     d
-  |
-  o  changeset:   3:65a9a84f33fd
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     c
-  |
-  o  changeset:   2:da6535b52e45
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     b
-  |
-  o  changeset:   1:c1f09da44841
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     a
-  |
-  o  changeset:   0:1715188a53c7
-     user:        test
-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-     summary:     Initial commit
-edit the history
-  $ hg histedit 3 --commands $EDITED 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  merging e
-  warning: conflicts while merging e! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Fix up the change (pick 39522b764e3d)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-fix up
-  $ echo 'I can haz no commute' > e
-  $ hg resolve --mark e
-  (no more unresolved files)
-  continue: hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg histedit --continue 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  merging e
-  warning: conflicts while merging e! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Fix up the change (pick 7b4e2f4b7bcd)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-We forcibly enable curses here so we can verify that continuing works
-with curses enabled.
-  $ hg histedit --continue --config ui.interactive=true -  >   --config ui.interface=curses 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  abort: unresolved merge conflicts (see 'hg help resolve')
-This failure is caused by 7b4e2f4b7bcd "e" not rebasing the non commutative
-former children.
-just continue this time
-  $ hg revert -r 'p1()' e
-make sure the to-be-empty commit doesn't screw up the state (issue5545)
-  $ hg histedit --continue 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  abort: unresolved merge conflicts (see 'hg help resolve')
-  $ hg resolve --mark e
-  (no more unresolved files)
-  continue: hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg histedit --continue 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  7b4e2f4b7bcd: skipping changeset (no changes)
-log after edit
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  changeset:   6:7efe1373e4bc
-  |  tag:         tip
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     f
-  |
-  o  changeset:   5:e334d87a1e55
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     does not commute with e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   4:00f1c5383965
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     d
-  |
-  o  changeset:   3:65a9a84f33fd
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     c
-  |
-  o  changeset:   2:da6535b52e45
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     b
-  |
-  o  changeset:   1:c1f09da44841
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     a
-  |
-  o  changeset:   0:1715188a53c7
-     user:        test
-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-     summary:     Initial commit
-start over
-  $ cd ..
-  $ initrepo r2
-  $ cd r2
-  $ rm $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 3 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 4 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'mess {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 7 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 5 >> $EDITED
-  $ hg log --template 'pick {node|short} {rev} {desc}
' -r 6 >> $EDITED
-  $ cat $EDITED
-  pick 65a9a84f33fd 3 c
-  pick 00f1c5383965 4 d
-  mess 39522b764e3d 7 does not commute with e
-  pick 7b4e2f4b7bcd 5 e
-  pick 500cac37a696 6 f
-edit the history, this time with a fold action
-  $ hg histedit 3 --commands $EDITED 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  merging e
-  warning: conflicts while merging e! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Fix up the change (mess 39522b764e3d)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  $ echo 'I can haz no commute' > e
-  $ hg resolve --mark e
-  (no more unresolved files)
-  continue: hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg histedit --continue 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  merging e
-  warning: conflicts while merging e! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  Fix up the change (pick 7b4e2f4b7bcd)
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-second edit also fails, but just continue
-  $ hg revert -r 'p1()' e
-  $ hg resolve --mark e
-  (no more unresolved files)
-  continue: hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg histedit --continue 2>&1 | fixbundle
-  7b4e2f4b7bcd: skipping changeset (no changes)
-post message fix
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  changeset:   6:7efe1373e4bc
-  |  tag:         tip
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     f
-  |
-  o  changeset:   5:e334d87a1e55
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     does not commute with e
-  |
-  o  changeset:   4:00f1c5383965
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     d
-  |
-  o  changeset:   3:65a9a84f33fd
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     c
-  |
-  o  changeset:   2:da6535b52e45
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     b
-  |
-  o  changeset:   1:c1f09da44841
-  |  user:        test
-  |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     a
-  |
-  o  changeset:   0:1715188a53c7
-     user:        test
-     date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-     summary:     Initial commit
-  $ cd ..


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-obsolete.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-obsolete.t#abortcommand.err
@@ -26,566 +26,36 @@
 Test that histedit learns about obsolescence not stored in histedit state
   $ hg init boo
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, rebase
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ cd boo
+  $ line 23: cd: boo: $ENOENT$
   $ echo a > a
-  $ hg ci -Am a
-  adding a
-  $ echo a > b
-  $ echo a > c
-  $ echo a > c
-  $ hg ci -Am b
-  adding b
-  adding c
-  $ echo a > d
-  $ hg ci -Am c
-  adding d
-  $ echo "pick `hg log -r 0 -T '{node|short}'`" > plan
-  $ echo "pick `hg log -r 2 -T '{node|short}'`" >> plan
-  $ echo "edit `hg log -r 1 -T '{node|short}'`" >> plan
-  $ hg histedit -r 'all()' --commands plan
-  Editing (1b2d564fad96), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg st
-  A b
-  A c
-  ? plan
-  $ hg commit --amend b
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  5:46abc7c4d873 b
-  |
-  o  4:49d44ab2be1b c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b a
-  $ hg debugobsolete
-  e72d22b19f8ecf4150ab4f91d0973fd9955d3ddf 49d44ab2be1b67a79127568a67c9c99430633b48 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'amend', 'user': 'test'}
-  1b2d564fad96311b45362f17c2aa855150efb35f 46abc7c4d8738e8563e577f7889e1b6db3da4199 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '12', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  114f4176969ef342759a8a57e6bccefc4234829b 49d44ab2be1b67a79127568a67c9c99430633b48 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '12', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-With some node gone missing during the edit.
-  $ echo "pick `hg log -r 0 -T '{node|short}'`" > plan
-  $ echo "pick `hg log -r 5 -T '{node|short}'`" >> plan
-  $ echo "edit `hg log -r 4 -T '{node|short}'`" >> plan
-  $ hg histedit -r 'all()' --commands plan
-  Editing (49d44ab2be1b), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg st
-  A b
-  A d
-  ? plan
-  $ hg commit --amend -X . -m XXXXXX
-  $ hg commit --amend -X . -m b2
-  $ hg --hidden --config extensions.strip= strip 'desc(XXXXXX)' --no-backup
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  8:273c1f3b8626 c
-  |
-  o  7:aba7da937030 b2
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b a
-  $ hg debugobsolete
-  e72d22b19f8ecf4150ab4f91d0973fd9955d3ddf 49d44ab2be1b67a79127568a67c9c99430633b48 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'amend', 'user': 'test'}
-  1b2d564fad96311b45362f17c2aa855150efb35f 46abc7c4d8738e8563e577f7889e1b6db3da4199 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '12', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  114f4176969ef342759a8a57e6bccefc4234829b 49d44ab2be1b67a79127568a67c9c99430633b48 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '12', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  76f72745eac0643d16530e56e2f86e36e40631f1 2ca853e48edbd6453a0674dc0fe28a0974c51b9c 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '1', 'operation': 'amend', 'user': 'test'}
-  2ca853e48edbd6453a0674dc0fe28a0974c51b9c aba7da93703075eec9fb1dbaf143ff2bc1c49d46 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '1', 'operation': 'amend', 'user': 'test'}
-  49d44ab2be1b67a79127568a67c9c99430633b48 273c1f3b86267ed3ec684bb13af1fa4d6ba56e02 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '4', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  46abc7c4d8738e8563e577f7889e1b6db3da4199 aba7da93703075eec9fb1dbaf143ff2bc1c49d46 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '5', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  $ cd ..
-Base setup for the rest of the testing
-  $ hg init base
-  $ cd base
-  $ for x in a b c d e f ; do
-  >     echo $x > $x
-  >     hg add $x
-  >     hg ci -m $x
-  > done
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  5:652413bf663e f
-  |
-  o  4:e860deea161a e
-  |
-  o  3:055a42cdd887 d
-  |
-  o  2:177f92b77385 c
-  |
-  o  1:d2ae7f538514 b
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b a
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit 1
-  pick d2ae7f538514 1 b
-  pick 177f92b77385 2 c
-  pick 055a42cdd887 3 d
-  pick e860deea161a 4 e
-  pick 652413bf663e 5 f
-  # Edit history between d2ae7f538514 and 652413bf663e
-  #
-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent
-  #
-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines
-  #
-  # Commands:
-  #
-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content
-  #  p, pick = use commit
-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there
-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history
-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description and date
-  #
-  $ hg histedit 1 --commands - --verbose <<EOF | grep histedit
-  > pick 177f92b77385 2 c
-  > drop d2ae7f538514 1 b
-  > pick 055a42cdd887 3 d
-  > fold e860deea161a 4 e
-  > pick 652413bf663e 5 f
-  > EOF
-  [1]
-  $ hg log --graph --hidden
-  @  10:cacdfd884a93 f
-  |
-  o  9:59d9f330561f d
-  |
-  | x  8:b558abc46d09 fold-temp-revision e860deea161a
-  | |
-  | x  7:96e494a2d553 d
-  |/
-  o  6:b346ab9a313d c
-  |
-  | x  5:652413bf663e f
-  | |
-  | x  4:e860deea161a e
-  | |
-  | x  3:055a42cdd887 d
-  | |
-  | x  2:177f92b77385 c
-  | |
-  | x  1:d2ae7f538514 b
-  |/
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b a
-  $ hg debugobsolete
-  d2ae7f538514cd87c17547b0de4cea71fe1af9fb 0 {cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '0', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  177f92b773850b59254aa5e923436f921b55483b b346ab9a313db8537ecf96fca3ca3ca984ef3bd7 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '4', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  055a42cdd88768532f9cf79daa407fc8d138de9b 59d9f330561fd6c88b1a6b32f0e45034d88db784 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '13', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  e860deea161a2f77de56603b340ebbb4536308ae 59d9f330561fd6c88b1a6b32f0e45034d88db784 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '13', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  652413bf663ef2a641cab26574e46d5f5a64a55a cacdfd884a9321ec4e1de275ef3949fa953a1f83 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '4', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  96e494a2d553dd05902ba1cee1d94d4cb7b8faed 0 {b346ab9a313db8537ecf96fca3ca3ca984ef3bd7} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '0', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  b558abc46d09c30f57ac31e85a8a3d64d2e906e4 0 {96e494a2d553dd05902ba1cee1d94d4cb7b8faed} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '0', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-Ensure hidden revision does not prevent histedit
-create an hidden revision
-  $ hg histedit 6 --commands - << EOF
-  > pick b346ab9a313d 6 c
-  > drop 59d9f330561f 7 d
-  > pick cacdfd884a93 8 f
-  > EOF
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  11:c13eb81022ca f
-  |
-  o  6:b346ab9a313d c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b a
-check hidden revision are ignored (6 have hidden children 7 and 8)
-  $ hg histedit 6 --commands - << EOF
-  > pick b346ab9a313d 6 c
-  > pick c13eb81022ca 8 f
-  > EOF
-Test that rewriting leaving instability behind is allowed
-  $ hg up '.^'
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg log -r 'children(.)'
-  11:c13eb81022ca f (no-eol)
-  $ hg histedit -r '.' --commands - <<EOF
-  > edit b346ab9a313d 6 c
-  > EOF
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  Editing (b346ab9a313d), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ echo c >> c
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  1 new orphan changesets
-  $ hg log -r 'orphan()'
-  11:c13eb81022ca f (no-eol)
-  $ hg rebase  -r 'orphan()' -d .
-  rebasing 11:c13eb81022ca "f"
-  $ hg up tip -q
-Test dropping of changeset on the top of the stack
-Nothing is rewritten below, the working directory parent must be change for the
-dropped changeset to be hidden.
-  $ cd ..
-  $ hg clone base droplast
-  updating to branch default
-  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ cd droplast
-  $ hg histedit -r '40db8afa467b' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick 40db8afa467b 10 c
-  > drop b449568bf7fc 11 f
-  > EOF
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  12:40db8afa467b c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b a
-With rewritten ancestors
-  $ echo e > e
-  $ hg add e
-  $ hg commit -m g
-  $ echo f > f
-  $ hg add f
-  $ hg commit -m h
-  $ hg histedit -r '40db8afa467b' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick 47a8561c0449 12 g
-  > pick 40db8afa467b 10 c
-  > drop 1b3b05f35ff0 13 h
-  > EOF
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  17:ee6544123ab8 c
-  |
-  o  16:269e713e9eae g
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b a
-  $ cd ../base
-Test phases support
-Check that histedit respect immutability
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
-  > [ui]
-  > logtemplate= {rev}:{node|short} ({phase}) {desc|firstline}

-  > EOF
-  $ hg ph -pv '.^'
-  phase changed for 2 changesets
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  13:b449568bf7fc (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ hg histedit -r '.~2'
-  abort: cannot edit public changesets
-  (see 'hg help phases' for details)
-  [255]
-Prepare further testing
-  $ for x in g h i j k ; do
-  >     echo $x > $x
-  >     hg add $x
-  >     hg ci -m $x
-  > done
-  $ hg phase --force --secret .~2
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  18:ee118ab9fa44 (secret) k
-  |
-  o  17:3a6c53ee7f3d (secret) j
-  |
-  o  16:b605fb7503f2 (secret) i
-  |
-  o  15:7395e1ff83bd (draft) h
-  |
-  o  14:6b70183d2492 (draft) g
-  |
-  o  13:b449568bf7fc (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ cd ..
-simple phase conservation
-Resulting changeset should conserve the phase of the original one whatever the option is.
-New-commit as draft (default)
-  $ cp -R base simple-draft
-  $ cd simple-draft
-  $ hg histedit -r 'b449568bf7fc' --commands - << EOF
-  > edit b449568bf7fc 11 f
-  > pick 6b70183d2492 12 g
-  > pick 7395e1ff83bd 13 h
-  > pick b605fb7503f2 14 i
-  > pick 3a6c53ee7f3d 15 j
-  > pick ee118ab9fa44 16 k
-  > EOF
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 6 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  Editing (b449568bf7fc), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ echo f >> f
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  24:12e89af74238 (secret) k
-  |
-  o  23:636a8687b22e (secret) j
-  |
-  o  22:ccaf0a38653f (secret) i
-  |
-  o  21:11a89d1c2613 (draft) h
-  |
-  o  20:c1dec7ca82ea (draft) g
-  |
-  o  19:087281e68428 (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ cd ..
-New-commit as secret (config)
-  $ cp -R base simple-secret
-  $ cd simple-secret
-  $ cat >> .hg/hgrc << EOF
-  > [phases]
-  > new-commit=secret
-  > EOF
-  $ hg histedit -r 'b449568bf7fc' --commands - << EOF
-  > edit b449568bf7fc 11 f
-  > pick 6b70183d2492 12 g
-  > pick 7395e1ff83bd 13 h
-  > pick b605fb7503f2 14 i
-  > pick 3a6c53ee7f3d 15 j
-  > pick ee118ab9fa44 16 k
-  > EOF
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 6 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  Editing (b449568bf7fc), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ echo f >> f
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  24:12e89af74238 (secret) k
-  |
-  o  23:636a8687b22e (secret) j
-  |
-  o  22:ccaf0a38653f (secret) i
-  |
-  o  21:11a89d1c2613 (draft) h
-  |
-  o  20:c1dec7ca82ea (draft) g
-  |
-  o  19:087281e68428 (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ cd ..
-Changeset reordering
-If a secret changeset is put before a draft one, all descendant should be secret.
-It seems more important to present the secret phase.
-  $ cp -R base reorder
-  $ cd reorder
-  $ hg histedit -r 'b449568bf7fc' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick b449568bf7fc 11 f
-  > pick 3a6c53ee7f3d 15 j
-  > pick 6b70183d2492 12 g
-  > pick b605fb7503f2 14 i
-  > pick 7395e1ff83bd 13 h
-  > pick ee118ab9fa44 16 k
-  > EOF
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  23:558246857888 (secret) k
-  |
-  o  22:28bd44768535 (secret) h
-  |
-  o  21:d5395202aeb9 (secret) i
-  |
-  o  20:21edda8e341b (secret) g
-  |
-  o  19:5ab64f3a4832 (secret) j
-  |
-  o  13:b449568bf7fc (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ cd ..
-Changeset folding
-Folding a secret changeset with a draft one turn the result secret (again,
-better safe than sorry). Folding between same phase changeset still works
-Note that there is a few reordering in this series for more extensive test
-  $ cp -R base folding
-  $ cd folding
-  $ cat >> .hg/hgrc << EOF
-  > [phases]
-  > new-commit=secret
-  > EOF
-  $ hg histedit -r 'b449568bf7fc' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick 7395e1ff83bd 13 h
-  > fold b449568bf7fc 11 f
-  > pick 6b70183d2492 12 g
-  > fold 3a6c53ee7f3d 15 j
-  > pick b605fb7503f2 14 i
-  > fold ee118ab9fa44 16 k
-  > EOF
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  27:f9daec13fb98 (secret) i
-  |
-  o  24:49807617f46a (secret) g
-  |
-  o  21:050280826e04 (draft) h
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ hg co 49807617f46a
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ echo wat >> wat
-  $ hg add wat
-  $ hg ci -m 'add wat'
-  created new head
-  $ hg merge f9daec13fb98
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  (branch merge, don't forget to commit)
-  $ hg ci -m 'merge'
-  $ echo not wat > wat
-  $ hg ci -m 'modify wat'
-  $ hg histedit 050280826e04
-  abort: cannot edit history that contains merges
-  [255]
-  $ cd ..
-Check abort behavior
-We checks that abort properly clean the repository so the same histedit can be
-attempted later.
-  $ cp -R base abort
-  $ cd abort
-  $ hg histedit -r 'b449568bf7fc' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick b449568bf7fc 13 f
-  > pick 7395e1ff83bd 15 h
-  > pick 6b70183d2492 14 g
-  > pick b605fb7503f2 16 i
-  > roll 3a6c53ee7f3d 17 j
-  > edit ee118ab9fa44 18 k
-  > EOF
-  Editing (ee118ab9fa44), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-#if abortcommand
-when in dry-run mode
-  $ hg abort --dry-run
-  histedit in progress, will be aborted
-  $ hg abort
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/abort/.hg/strip-backup/4dc06258baa6-dff4ef05-backup.hg
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  18:ee118ab9fa44 (secret) k
-  |
-  o  17:3a6c53ee7f3d (secret) j
-  |
-  o  16:b605fb7503f2 (secret) i
-  |
-  o  15:7395e1ff83bd (draft) h
-  |
-  o  14:6b70183d2492 (draft) g
-  |
-  o  13:b449568bf7fc (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ hg histedit -r 'b449568bf7fc' --commands - << EOF --config experimental.evolution.track-operation=1
-  > pick b449568bf7fc 13 f
-  > pick 7395e1ff83bd 15 h
-  > pick 6b70183d2492 14 g
-  > pick b605fb7503f2 16 i
-  > pick 3a6c53ee7f3d 17 j
-  > edit ee118ab9fa44 18 k
-  > EOF
-  Editing (ee118ab9fa44), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg histedit --continue --config experimental.evolution.track-operation=1
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  23:175d6b286a22 (secret) k
-  |
-  o  22:44ca09d59ae4 (secret) j
-  |
-  o  21:31747692a644 (secret) i
-  |
-  o  20:9985cd4f21fa (draft) g
-  |
-  o  19:4dc06258baa6 (draft) h
-  |
-  o  13:b449568bf7fc (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ hg debugobsolete --rev .
-  ee118ab9fa44ebb86be85996548b5517a39e5093 175d6b286a224c23f192e79a581ce83131a53fa2 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '4', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-obsolete.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-obsolete.t#abortflag.err
@@ -26,566 +26,36 @@
 Test that histedit learns about obsolescence not stored in histedit state
   $ hg init boo
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit, rebase
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ cd boo
+  $ line 28: cd: boo: $ENOENT$
   $ echo a > a
-  $ hg ci -Am a
-  adding a
-  $ echo a > b
-  $ echo a > c
-  $ echo a > c
-  $ hg ci -Am b
-  adding b
-  adding c
-  $ echo a > d
-  $ hg ci -Am c
-  adding d
-  $ echo "pick `hg log -r 0 -T '{node|short}'`" > plan
-  $ echo "pick `hg log -r 2 -T '{node|short}'`" >> plan
-  $ echo "edit `hg log -r 1 -T '{node|short}'`" >> plan
-  $ hg histedit -r 'all()' --commands plan
-  Editing (1b2d564fad96), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg st
-  A b
-  A c
-  ? plan
-  $ hg commit --amend b
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  5:46abc7c4d873 b
-  |
-  o  4:49d44ab2be1b c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b a
-  $ hg debugobsolete
-  e72d22b19f8ecf4150ab4f91d0973fd9955d3ddf 49d44ab2be1b67a79127568a67c9c99430633b48 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'amend', 'user': 'test'}
-  1b2d564fad96311b45362f17c2aa855150efb35f 46abc7c4d8738e8563e577f7889e1b6db3da4199 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '12', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  114f4176969ef342759a8a57e6bccefc4234829b 49d44ab2be1b67a79127568a67c9c99430633b48 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '12', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-With some node gone missing during the edit.
-  $ echo "pick `hg log -r 0 -T '{node|short}'`" > plan
-  $ echo "pick `hg log -r 5 -T '{node|short}'`" >> plan
-  $ echo "edit `hg log -r 4 -T '{node|short}'`" >> plan
-  $ hg histedit -r 'all()' --commands plan
-  Editing (49d44ab2be1b), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg st
-  A b
-  A d
-  ? plan
-  $ hg commit --amend -X . -m XXXXXX
-  $ hg commit --amend -X . -m b2
-  $ hg --hidden --config extensions.strip= strip 'desc(XXXXXX)' --no-backup
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  8:273c1f3b8626 c
-  |
-  o  7:aba7da937030 b2
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b a
-  $ hg debugobsolete
-  e72d22b19f8ecf4150ab4f91d0973fd9955d3ddf 49d44ab2be1b67a79127568a67c9c99430633b48 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '8', 'operation': 'amend', 'user': 'test'}
-  1b2d564fad96311b45362f17c2aa855150efb35f 46abc7c4d8738e8563e577f7889e1b6db3da4199 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '12', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  114f4176969ef342759a8a57e6bccefc4234829b 49d44ab2be1b67a79127568a67c9c99430633b48 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '12', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  76f72745eac0643d16530e56e2f86e36e40631f1 2ca853e48edbd6453a0674dc0fe28a0974c51b9c 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '1', 'operation': 'amend', 'user': 'test'}
-  2ca853e48edbd6453a0674dc0fe28a0974c51b9c aba7da93703075eec9fb1dbaf143ff2bc1c49d46 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '1', 'operation': 'amend', 'user': 'test'}
-  49d44ab2be1b67a79127568a67c9c99430633b48 273c1f3b86267ed3ec684bb13af1fa4d6ba56e02 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '4', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  46abc7c4d8738e8563e577f7889e1b6db3da4199 aba7da93703075eec9fb1dbaf143ff2bc1c49d46 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '5', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  $ cd ..
-Base setup for the rest of the testing
-  $ hg init base
-  $ cd base
-  $ for x in a b c d e f ; do
-  >     echo $x > $x
-  >     hg add $x
-  >     hg ci -m $x
-  > done
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  5:652413bf663e f
-  |
-  o  4:e860deea161a e
-  |
-  o  3:055a42cdd887 d
-  |
-  o  2:177f92b77385 c
-  |
-  o  1:d2ae7f538514 b
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b a
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit 1
-  pick d2ae7f538514 1 b
-  pick 177f92b77385 2 c
-  pick 055a42cdd887 3 d
-  pick e860deea161a 4 e
-  pick 652413bf663e 5 f
-  # Edit history between d2ae7f538514 and 652413bf663e
-  #
-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent
-  #
-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines
-  #
-  # Commands:
-  #
-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content
-  #  p, pick = use commit
-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there
-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history
-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description and date
-  #
-  $ hg histedit 1 --commands - --verbose <<EOF | grep histedit
-  > pick 177f92b77385 2 c
-  > drop d2ae7f538514 1 b
-  > pick 055a42cdd887 3 d
-  > fold e860deea161a 4 e
-  > pick 652413bf663e 5 f
-  > EOF
-  [1]
-  $ hg log --graph --hidden
-  @  10:cacdfd884a93 f
-  |
-  o  9:59d9f330561f d
-  |
-  | x  8:b558abc46d09 fold-temp-revision e860deea161a
-  | |
-  | x  7:96e494a2d553 d
-  |/
-  o  6:b346ab9a313d c
-  |
-  | x  5:652413bf663e f
-  | |
-  | x  4:e860deea161a e
-  | |
-  | x  3:055a42cdd887 d
-  | |
-  | x  2:177f92b77385 c
-  | |
-  | x  1:d2ae7f538514 b
-  |/
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b a
-  $ hg debugobsolete
-  d2ae7f538514cd87c17547b0de4cea71fe1af9fb 0 {cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '0', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  177f92b773850b59254aa5e923436f921b55483b b346ab9a313db8537ecf96fca3ca3ca984ef3bd7 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '4', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  055a42cdd88768532f9cf79daa407fc8d138de9b 59d9f330561fd6c88b1a6b32f0e45034d88db784 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '13', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  e860deea161a2f77de56603b340ebbb4536308ae 59d9f330561fd6c88b1a6b32f0e45034d88db784 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '13', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  652413bf663ef2a641cab26574e46d5f5a64a55a cacdfd884a9321ec4e1de275ef3949fa953a1f83 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '4', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  96e494a2d553dd05902ba1cee1d94d4cb7b8faed 0 {b346ab9a313db8537ecf96fca3ca3ca984ef3bd7} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '0', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-  b558abc46d09c30f57ac31e85a8a3d64d2e906e4 0 {96e494a2d553dd05902ba1cee1d94d4cb7b8faed} (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '0', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}
-Ensure hidden revision does not prevent histedit
-create an hidden revision
-  $ hg histedit 6 --commands - << EOF
-  > pick b346ab9a313d 6 c
-  > drop 59d9f330561f 7 d
-  > pick cacdfd884a93 8 f
-  > EOF
-  $ hg log --graph
-  @  11:c13eb81022ca f
-  |
-  o  6:b346ab9a313d c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b a
-check hidden revision are ignored (6 have hidden children 7 and 8)
-  $ hg histedit 6 --commands - << EOF
-  > pick b346ab9a313d 6 c
-  > pick c13eb81022ca 8 f
-  > EOF
-Test that rewriting leaving instability behind is allowed
-  $ hg up '.^'
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg log -r 'children(.)'
-  11:c13eb81022ca f (no-eol)
-  $ hg histedit -r '.' --commands - <<EOF
-  > edit b346ab9a313d 6 c
-  > EOF
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  Editing (b346ab9a313d), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ echo c >> c
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  1 new orphan changesets
-  $ hg log -r 'orphan()'
-  11:c13eb81022ca f (no-eol)
-  $ hg rebase  -r 'orphan()' -d .
-  rebasing 11:c13eb81022ca "f"
-  $ hg up tip -q
-Test dropping of changeset on the top of the stack
-Nothing is rewritten below, the working directory parent must be change for the
-dropped changeset to be hidden.
-  $ cd ..
-  $ hg clone base droplast
-  updating to branch default
-  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ cd droplast
-  $ hg histedit -r '40db8afa467b' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick 40db8afa467b 10 c
-  > drop b449568bf7fc 11 f
-  > EOF
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  12:40db8afa467b c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b a
-With rewritten ancestors
-  $ echo e > e
-  $ hg add e
-  $ hg commit -m g
-  $ echo f > f
-  $ hg add f
-  $ hg commit -m h
-  $ hg histedit -r '40db8afa467b' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick 47a8561c0449 12 g
-  > pick 40db8afa467b 10 c
-  > drop 1b3b05f35ff0 13 h
-  > EOF
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  17:ee6544123ab8 c
-  |
-  o  16:269e713e9eae g
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b a
-  $ cd ../base
-Test phases support
-Check that histedit respect immutability
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
-  > [ui]
-  > logtemplate= {rev}:{node|short} ({phase}) {desc|firstline}

-  > EOF
-  $ hg ph -pv '.^'
-  phase changed for 2 changesets
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  13:b449568bf7fc (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ hg histedit -r '.~2'
-  abort: cannot edit public changesets
-  (see 'hg help phases' for details)
-  [255]
-Prepare further testing
-  $ for x in g h i j k ; do
-  >     echo $x > $x
-  >     hg add $x
-  >     hg ci -m $x
-  > done
-  $ hg phase --force --secret .~2
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  18:ee118ab9fa44 (secret) k
-  |
-  o  17:3a6c53ee7f3d (secret) j
-  |
-  o  16:b605fb7503f2 (secret) i
-  |
-  o  15:7395e1ff83bd (draft) h
-  |
-  o  14:6b70183d2492 (draft) g
-  |
-  o  13:b449568bf7fc (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ cd ..
-simple phase conservation
-Resulting changeset should conserve the phase of the original one whatever the option is.
-New-commit as draft (default)
-  $ cp -R base simple-draft
-  $ cd simple-draft
-  $ hg histedit -r 'b449568bf7fc' --commands - << EOF
-  > edit b449568bf7fc 11 f
-  > pick 6b70183d2492 12 g
-  > pick 7395e1ff83bd 13 h
-  > pick b605fb7503f2 14 i
-  > pick 3a6c53ee7f3d 15 j
-  > pick ee118ab9fa44 16 k
-  > EOF
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 6 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  Editing (b449568bf7fc), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ echo f >> f
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  24:12e89af74238 (secret) k
-  |
-  o  23:636a8687b22e (secret) j
-  |
-  o  22:ccaf0a38653f (secret) i
-  |
-  o  21:11a89d1c2613 (draft) h
-  |
-  o  20:c1dec7ca82ea (draft) g
-  |
-  o  19:087281e68428 (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ cd ..
-New-commit as secret (config)
-  $ cp -R base simple-secret
-  $ cd simple-secret
-  $ cat >> .hg/hgrc << EOF
-  > [phases]
-  > new-commit=secret
-  > EOF
-  $ hg histedit -r 'b449568bf7fc' --commands - << EOF
-  > edit b449568bf7fc 11 f
-  > pick 6b70183d2492 12 g
-  > pick 7395e1ff83bd 13 h
-  > pick b605fb7503f2 14 i
-  > pick 3a6c53ee7f3d 15 j
-  > pick ee118ab9fa44 16 k
-  > EOF
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 6 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  Editing (b449568bf7fc), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ echo f >> f
-  $ hg histedit --continue
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  24:12e89af74238 (secret) k
-  |
-  o  23:636a8687b22e (secret) j
-  |
-  o  22:ccaf0a38653f (secret) i
-  |
-  o  21:11a89d1c2613 (draft) h
-  |
-  o  20:c1dec7ca82ea (draft) g
-  |
-  o  19:087281e68428 (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ cd ..
-Changeset reordering
-If a secret changeset is put before a draft one, all descendant should be secret.
-It seems more important to present the secret phase.
-  $ cp -R base reorder
-  $ cd reorder
-  $ hg histedit -r 'b449568bf7fc' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick b449568bf7fc 11 f
-  > pick 3a6c53ee7f3d 15 j
-  > pick 6b70183d2492 12 g
-  > pick b605fb7503f2 14 i
-  > pick 7395e1ff83bd 13 h
-  > pick ee118ab9fa44 16 k
-  > EOF
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  23:558246857888 (secret) k
-  |
-  o  22:28bd44768535 (secret) h
-  |
-  o  21:d5395202aeb9 (secret) i
-  |
-  o  20:21edda8e341b (secret) g
-  |
-  o  19:5ab64f3a4832 (secret) j
-  |
-  o  13:b449568bf7fc (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ cd ..
-Changeset folding
-Folding a secret changeset with a draft one turn the result secret (again,
-better safe than sorry). Folding between same phase changeset still works
-Note that there is a few reordering in this series for more extensive test
-  $ cp -R base folding
-  $ cd folding
-  $ cat >> .hg/hgrc << EOF
-  > [phases]
-  > new-commit=secret
-  > EOF
-  $ hg histedit -r 'b449568bf7fc' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick 7395e1ff83bd 13 h
-  > fold b449568bf7fc 11 f
-  > pick 6b70183d2492 12 g
-  > fold 3a6c53ee7f3d 15 j
-  > pick b605fb7503f2 14 i
-  > fold ee118ab9fa44 16 k
-  > EOF
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  27:f9daec13fb98 (secret) i
-  |
-  o  24:49807617f46a (secret) g
-  |
-  o  21:050280826e04 (draft) h
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ hg co 49807617f46a
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ echo wat >> wat
-  $ hg add wat
-  $ hg ci -m 'add wat'
-  created new head
-  $ hg merge f9daec13fb98
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  (branch merge, don't forget to commit)
-  $ hg ci -m 'merge'
-  $ echo not wat > wat
-  $ hg ci -m 'modify wat'
-  $ hg histedit 050280826e04
-  abort: cannot edit history that contains merges
-  [255]
-  $ cd ..
-Check abort behavior
-We checks that abort properly clean the repository so the same histedit can be
-attempted later.
-  $ cp -R base abort
-  $ cd abort
-  $ hg histedit -r 'b449568bf7fc' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick b449568bf7fc 13 f
-  > pick 7395e1ff83bd 15 h
-  > pick 6b70183d2492 14 g
-  > pick b605fb7503f2 16 i
-  > roll 3a6c53ee7f3d 17 j
-  > edit ee118ab9fa44 18 k
-  > EOF
-  Editing (ee118ab9fa44), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-#if abortcommand
-when in dry-run mode
-  $ hg abort --dry-run
-  histedit in progress, will be aborted
-  $ hg abort
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/abort/.hg/strip-backup/4dc06258baa6-dff4ef05-backup.hg
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  18:ee118ab9fa44 (secret) k
-  |
-  o  17:3a6c53ee7f3d (secret) j
-  |
-  o  16:b605fb7503f2 (secret) i
-  |
-  o  15:7395e1ff83bd (draft) h
-  |
-  o  14:6b70183d2492 (draft) g
-  |
-  o  13:b449568bf7fc (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ hg histedit -r 'b449568bf7fc' --commands - << EOF --config experimental.evolution.track-operation=1
-  > pick b449568bf7fc 13 f
-  > pick 7395e1ff83bd 15 h
-  > pick 6b70183d2492 14 g
-  > pick b605fb7503f2 16 i
-  > pick 3a6c53ee7f3d 17 j
-  > edit ee118ab9fa44 18 k
-  > EOF
-  Editing (ee118ab9fa44), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg histedit --continue --config experimental.evolution.track-operation=1
-  $ hg log -G
-  @  23:175d6b286a22 (secret) k
-  |
-  o  22:44ca09d59ae4 (secret) j
-  |
-  o  21:31747692a644 (secret) i
-  |
-  o  20:9985cd4f21fa (draft) g
-  |
-  o  19:4dc06258baa6 (draft) h
-  |
-  o  13:b449568bf7fc (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a
-  $ hg debugobsolete --rev .
-  ee118ab9fa44ebb86be85996548b5517a39e5093 175d6b286a224c23f192e79a581ce83131a53fa2 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '4', 'operation': 'histedit', 'user': 'test'}


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-outgoing.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-outgoing.t.err
@@ -32,125 +32,620 @@
   > }
   $ initrepos
-  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  $ line 12: cd: r: $ENOENT$
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  $ line 20: cd: r2: $ENOENT$
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  $ line 28: cd: r3: $ENOENT$
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
 show the edit commands offered by outgoing
   $ cd r2
+  $ line 39: cd: r2: $ENOENT$
   $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit --outgoing ../r | grep -v comparing | grep -v searching
-  pick 055a42cdd887 3 d
-  pick e860deea161a 4 e
-  pick 652413bf663e 5 f
-  # Edit history between 055a42cdd887 and 652413bf663e
-  #
-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent
-  #
-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines
-  #
-  # Commands:
-  #
-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content
-  #  p, pick = use commit
-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there
-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history
-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description and date
-  #
-  $ cd ..
-show the error from unrelated repos
-  $ cd r3
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit --outgoing ../r | grep -v comparing | grep -v searching
-  abort: repository is unrelated
-  [1]
-  $ cd ..
-show the error from unrelated repos
-  $ cd r3
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit --force --outgoing ../r
-  comparing with ../r
-  searching for changes
-  warning: repository is unrelated
-  pick 2a4042b45417 0 g
-  pick 68c46b4927ce 1 h
-  pick 51281e65ba79 2 i
-  # Edit history between 2a4042b45417 and 51281e65ba79
-  #
-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent
-  #
-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines
-  #
-  # Commands:
-  #
-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content
-  #  p, pick = use commit
-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there
-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history
-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description and date
-  #
-  $ cd ..
-test sensitivity to branch in URL:
-  $ cd r2
-  $ hg -q update 2
-  $ hg -q branch foo
-  $ hg commit -m 'create foo branch'
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit --outgoing '../r#foo' | grep -v comparing | grep -v searching
-  pick f26599ee3441 6 create foo branch
-  # Edit history between f26599ee3441 and f26599ee3441
-  #
-  # Commits are listed from least to most recent
-  #
-  # You can reorder changesets by reordering the lines
-  #
-  # Commands:
-  #
-  #  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
-  #  m, mess = edit commit message without changing commit content
-  #  p, pick = use commit
-  #  b, base = checkout changeset and apply further changesets from there
-  #  d, drop = remove commit from history
-  #  f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
-  #  r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description and date
-  #
-test to check number of roots in outgoing revisions
-  $ hg -q outgoing -G --template '{node|short}({branch})' '../r'
-  @  f26599ee3441(foo)
-  o  652413bf663e(default)
-  |
-  o  e860deea161a(default)
-  |
-  o  055a42cdd887(default)
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg -q histedit --outgoing '../r'
-  abort: there are ambiguous outgoing revisions
-  (see 'hg help histedit' for more detail)
-  [255]
-  $ hg -q update -C 2
-  $ echo aa >> a
-  $ hg -q commit -m 'another head on default'
-  $ hg -q outgoing -G --template '{node|short}({branch})' '../r#default'
-  @  3879dc049647(default)
-  o  652413bf663e(default)
-  |
-  o  e860deea161a(default)
-  |
-  o  055a42cdd887(default)
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg -q histedit --outgoing '../r#default'
-  abort: there are ambiguous outgoing revisions
-  (see 'hg help histedit' for more detail)
-  [255]
-  $ cd ..


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-templates.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-histedit-templates.t.err
@@ -10,45 +10,36 @@
   > EOF
   $ hg init repo
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ cd repo
+  $ line 13: cd: repo: $ENOENT$
   $ for ch in a b c d; do echo foo > $ch; hg commit -Aqm "Added "$ch; done
-  $ hg log -G -T "{rev}:{node|short} {desc}"
-  @  3:62615734edd5 Added d
-  |
-  o  2:28ad74487de9 Added c
-  |
-  o  1:29becc82797a Added b
-  |
-  o  0:18d04c59bb5d Added a
-Getting the JSON output for nodechanges
-  $ hg histedit -Tjson --commands - 2>&1 <<EOF
-  > pick 28ad74487de9 Added c
-  > pick 62615734edd5 Added d
-  > pick 18d04c59bb5d Added a
-  > pick 29becc82797a Added b
-  > EOF
-  [
-   {
-    "nodechanges": {"18d04c59bb5d2d4090ad9a5b59bd6274adb63add": ["109f8ec895447f81b380ba8d4d8b66539ccdcb94"], "28ad74487de9599d00d81085be739c61fc340652": ["bff9e07c1807942b161dab768aa793b48e9a7f9d"], "29becc82797a4bc11ec8880b58eaecd2ab3e7760": ["f5dcf3b4db23f31f1aacf46c33d1393de303d26f"], "62615734edd52f06b6fb9c2beb429e4fe30d57b8": ["201423b441c84d9e6858daed653e0d22485c1cfa"]}
-   }
-  ]
-  $ hg log -G -T "{rev}:{node|short} {desc}"
-  @  7:f5dcf3b4db23 Added b
-  |
-  o  6:109f8ec89544 Added a
-  |
-  o  5:201423b441c8 Added d
-  |
-  o  4:bff9e07c1807 Added c
-  $ hg histedit -T "{nodechanges|json}" --commands - 2>&1 <<EOF
-  > pick bff9e07c1807 Added c
-  > pick 201423b441c8 Added d
-  > pick 109f8ec89544 Added a
-  > roll f5dcf3b4db23 Added b
-  > EOF
-  {"109f8ec895447f81b380ba8d4d8b66539ccdcb94": ["8d01470bfeab64d3de13c49adb79d88790d38396"], "f3ec56a374bdbdf1953cacca505161442c6f3a3e": [], "f5dcf3b4db23f31f1aacf46c33d1393de303d26f": ["8d01470bfeab64d3de13c49adb79d88790d38396"]} (no-eol)


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-http-bad-server.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-http-bad-server.t.err
@@ -995,8 +995,8 @@
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (77) 4\r\n\r\n (esc)
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (68) 4\r\n)\r\n (esc)
   sendall(47 from 47) -> (21) 29\r\nCHANGEGROUP	version02nbchanges1\r\n (esc)
-  sendall(9 from 9) -> (12) 4\r\nÒ\r\n (esc)
-  sendall(12 from 473) -> (0) 1d2\r\n²–î (esc)
+  sendall(9 from 9) -> (12) 4\r\nÒ\r\n
+  sendall(12 from 473) -> (0) 1d2\r\n²–î
   write limit reached; closing socket
   $LOCALIP - - [$ERRDATE$] Exception happened during processing request '/?cmd=getbundle': (glob)
   Traceback (most recent call last):
@@ -1050,8 +1050,8 @@
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (538) 4\r\n\r\n (esc)
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (529) 4\r\n)\r\n (esc)
   sendall(47 from 47) -> (482) 29\r\nCHANGEGROUP	version02nbchanges1\r\n (esc)
-  sendall(9 from 9) -> (473) 4\r\nÒ\r\n (esc)
-  sendall(473 from 473) -> (0) 1d2\r\n²–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL>6a3df4de388f3c4f8e28f4f9a814299a3cbb5f50\ntest\n0 0\nfoo\n\ninitial¡j=ôÞ8<OŽ(ôù¨)š<»_P–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL-foob80de5d138758541c5f05265ad144ab9fa86d1db\nfooh¸\råÑ8u…AÅðRe­J¹ú†ÑۖîsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL\r\n (esc)
+  sendall(9 from 9) -> (473) 4\r\nÒ\r\n
+  sendall(473 from 473) -> (0) 1d2\r\n²–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL>6a3df4de388f3c4f8e28f4f9a814299a3cbb5f50\ntest\n0 0\nfoo\n\ninitial¡j=ôÞ8<OŽ(ôù¨)š<»_P–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL-foob80de5d138758541c5f05265ad144ab9fa86d1db\nfooh¸\råÑ8u…AÅðRe­J¹ú†ÑۖîsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL\r\n
   write limit reached; closing socket
   $LOCALIP - - [$ERRDATE$] Exception happened during processing request '/?cmd=getbundle': (glob)
   Traceback (most recent call last):
@@ -1109,8 +1109,8 @@
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (569) 4\r\n\r\n (esc)
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (560) 4\r\n)\r\n (esc)
   sendall(47 from 47) -> (513) 29\r\nCHANGEGROUP	version02nbchanges1\r\n (esc)
-  sendall(9 from 9) -> (504) 4\r\nÒ\r\n (esc)
-  sendall(473 from 473) -> (31) 1d2\r\n²–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL>6a3df4de388f3c4f8e28f4f9a814299a3cbb5f50\ntest\n0 0\nfoo\n\ninitial¡j=ôÞ8<OŽ(ôù¨)š<»_P–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL-foob80de5d138758541c5f05265ad144ab9fa86d1db\nfooh¸\råÑ8u…AÅðRe­J¹ú†ÑۖîsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL\r\n (esc)
+  sendall(9 from 9) -> (504) 4\r\nÒ\r\n
+  sendall(473 from 473) -> (31) 1d2\r\n²–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL>6a3df4de388f3c4f8e28f4f9a814299a3cbb5f50\ntest\n0 0\nfoo\n\ninitial¡j=ôÞ8<OŽ(ôù¨)š<»_P–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL-foob80de5d138758541c5f05265ad144ab9fa86d1db\nfooh¸\råÑ8u…AÅðRe­J¹ú†ÑۖîsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL\r\n
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (22) 4\r\n\r\n (esc)
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (13) 4\r\n \r\n (esc)
   sendall(13 from 38) -> (0) 20\r\nLISTKEYS (esc)
@@ -1167,8 +1167,8 @@
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (851) 4\r\n\r\n (esc)
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (842) 4\r\n)\r\n (esc)
   sendall(47 from 47) -> (795) 29\r\nCHANGEGROUP	version02nbchanges1\r\n (esc)
-  sendall(9 from 9) -> (786) 4\r\nÒ\r\n (esc)
-  sendall(473 from 473) -> (313) 1d2\r\n²–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL>6a3df4de388f3c4f8e28f4f9a814299a3cbb5f50\ntest\n0 0\nfoo\n\ninitial¡j=ôÞ8<OŽ(ôù¨)š<»_P–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL-foob80de5d138758541c5f05265ad144ab9fa86d1db\nfooh¸\råÑ8u…AÅðRe­J¹ú†ÑۖîsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL\r\n (esc)
+  sendall(9 from 9) -> (786) 4\r\nÒ\r\n
+  sendall(473 from 473) -> (313) 1d2\r\n²–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL>6a3df4de388f3c4f8e28f4f9a814299a3cbb5f50\ntest\n0 0\nfoo\n\ninitial¡j=ôÞ8<OŽ(ôù¨)š<»_P–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL-foob80de5d138758541c5f05265ad144ab9fa86d1db\nfooh¸\råÑ8u…AÅðRe­J¹ú†ÑۖîsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL\r\n
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (304) 4\r\n\r\n (esc)
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (295) 4\r\n \r\n (esc)
   sendall(38 from 38) -> (257) 20\r\nLISTKEYS	namespacephases\r\n (esc)
@@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (107) 4\r\n\r\n (esc)
   sendall(35 from 35) -> (72) 1d\r\ncache:rev-branch-cache\r\n (esc)
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (63) 4\r\n'\r\n (esc)
-  sendall(45 from 45) -> (18) 27\r\ndefault–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL\r\n (esc)
+  sendall(45 from 45) -> (18) 27\r\ndefault–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL\r\n
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (9) 4\r\n\r\n (esc)
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (0) 4\r\n\r\n (esc)
   write limit reached; closing socket
@@ -1245,8 +1245,8 @@
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (854) 4\r\n\r\n (esc)
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (845) 4\r\n)\r\n (esc)
   sendall(47 from 47) -> (798) 29\r\nCHANGEGROUP	version02nbchanges1\r\n (esc)
-  sendall(9 from 9) -> (789) 4\r\nÒ\r\n (esc)
-  sendall(473 from 473) -> (316) 1d2\r\n²–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL>6a3df4de388f3c4f8e28f4f9a814299a3cbb5f50\ntest\n0 0\nfoo\n\ninitial¡j=ôÞ8<OŽ(ôù¨)š<»_P–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL-foob80de5d138758541c5f05265ad144ab9fa86d1db\nfooh¸\råÑ8u…AÅðRe­J¹ú†ÑۖîsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL\r\n (esc)
+  sendall(9 from 9) -> (789) 4\r\nÒ\r\n
+  sendall(473 from 473) -> (316) 1d2\r\n²–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL>6a3df4de388f3c4f8e28f4f9a814299a3cbb5f50\ntest\n0 0\nfoo\n\ninitial¡j=ôÞ8<OŽ(ôù¨)š<»_P–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL-foob80de5d138758541c5f05265ad144ab9fa86d1db\nfooh¸\råÑ8u…AÅðRe­J¹ú†ÑۖîsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL\r\n
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (307) 4\r\n\r\n (esc)
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (298) 4\r\n \r\n (esc)
   sendall(38 from 38) -> (260) 20\r\nLISTKEYS	namespacephases\r\n (esc)
@@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (110) 4\r\n\r\n (esc)
   sendall(35 from 35) -> (75) 1d\r\ncache:rev-branch-cache\r\n (esc)
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (66) 4\r\n'\r\n (esc)
-  sendall(45 from 45) -> (21) 27\r\ndefault–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL\r\n (esc)
+  sendall(45 from 45) -> (21) 27\r\ndefault–îsTÄ­srvrÃjV:jL\r\n
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (12) 4\r\n\r\n (esc)
   sendall(9 from 9) -> (3) 4\r\n\r\n (esc)
   sendall(3 from 5) -> (0) 0


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-http-branchmap.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-http-branchmap.t.err
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
   adding manifests
   adding file changes
   added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-  new changesets 867c11ce77b8
+  new changesets e4d82e14af83
   updating to branch æ (esc)
   1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   $ hg --encoding utf-8 -R b log
-  changeset:   0:867c11ce77b8
+  changeset:   0:e4d82e14af83
   branch:      æ (esc)
   tag:         tip
   user:        test
@@ -40,14 +40,14 @@
   remote: adding file changes
   remote: added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
   $ hg -R a --encoding utf-8 log
-  changeset:   1:58e7c90d67cb
+  changeset:   1:43e645958b82
   branch:      æ (esc)
   tag:         tip
   user:        test
   date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   summary:     bar
-  changeset:   0:867c11ce77b8
+  changeset:   0:e4d82e14af83
   branch:      æ (esc)
   user:        test
   date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-http-proxy.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-http-proxy.t.err
@@ -90,8 +90,14 @@
 misconfigured hosts)
   $ http_proxy=localhost:$HGPORT2 hg clone --config http_proxy.always=True http://localhost:$HGPORT/ f
-  abort: error: (Connection refused|Protocol not supported|.* actively refused it|\$EADDRNOTAVAIL\$|No route to host) (re)
-  [255]
+  requesting all changes
+  adding changesets
+  adding manifests
+  adding file changes
+  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
+  new changesets 83180e7845de
+  updating to branch default
+  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
 do not use the proxy if it is in the no list
@@ -105,18 +111,3 @@
   updating to branch default
   1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   $ cat proxy.log
-  * - - [*] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=capabilities HTTP/1.1" - - (glob)
-  $LOCALIP - - [$LOGDATE$] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=batch HTTP/1.1" - - x-hgarg-1:cmds=heads+%3Bknown+nodes%3D x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$ partial-pull (glob)
-  $LOCALIP - - [$LOGDATE$] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=getbundle HTTP/1.1" - - x-hgarg-1:bookmarks=1&$USUAL_BUNDLE_CAPS$&cg=0&common=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000&heads=83180e7845de420a1bb46896fd5fe05294f8d629&listkeys=bookmarks&stream=1 x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$ partial-pull (glob)
-  * - - [*] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=capabilities HTTP/1.1" - - (glob)
-  $LOCALIP - - [$LOGDATE$] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=batch HTTP/1.1" - - x-hgarg-1:cmds=heads+%3Bknown+nodes%3D x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$ partial-pull (glob)
-  $LOCALIP - - [$LOGDATE$] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=getbundle HTTP/1.1" - - x-hgarg-1:bookmarks=1&$USUAL_BUNDLE_CAPS$&cg=1&common=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000&heads=83180e7845de420a1bb46896fd5fe05294f8d629&listkeys=bookmarks&phases=1 x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$ partial-pull (glob)
-  * - - [*] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=capabilities HTTP/1.1" - - (glob)
-  $LOCALIP - - [$LOGDATE$] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=batch HTTP/1.1" - - x-hgarg-1:cmds=heads+%3Bknown+nodes%3D x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$ partial-pull (glob)
-  $LOCALIP - - [$LOGDATE$] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=getbundle HTTP/1.1" - - x-hgarg-1:bookmarks=1&$USUAL_BUNDLE_CAPS$&cg=1&common=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000&heads=83180e7845de420a1bb46896fd5fe05294f8d629&listkeys=bookmarks&phases=1 x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$ partial-pull (glob)
-  * - - [*] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=capabilities HTTP/1.1" - - (glob)
-  $LOCALIP - - [$LOGDATE$] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=batch HTTP/1.1" - - x-hgarg-1:cmds=heads+%3Bknown+nodes%3D x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$ partial-pull (glob)
-  $LOCALIP - - [$LOGDATE$] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=getbundle HTTP/1.1" - - x-hgarg-1:bookmarks=1&$USUAL_BUNDLE_CAPS$&cg=1&common=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000&heads=83180e7845de420a1bb46896fd5fe05294f8d629&listkeys=bookmarks&phases=1 x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$ partial-pull (glob)
-  * - - [*] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=capabilities HTTP/1.1" - - (glob)
-  $LOCALIP - - [$LOGDATE$] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=batch HTTP/1.1" - - x-hgarg-1:cmds=heads+%3Bknown+nodes%3D x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$ partial-pull (glob)
-  $LOCALIP - - [$LOGDATE$] "GET http://localhost:$HGPORT/?cmd=getbundle HTTP/1.1" - - x-hgarg-1:bookmarks=1&$USUAL_BUNDLE_CAPS$&cg=1&common=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000&heads=83180e7845de420a1bb46896fd5fe05294f8d629&listkeys=bookmarks&phases=1 x-hgproto-1:0.1 0.2 comp=$USUAL_COMPRESSIONS$ partial-pull (glob)


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-keyword.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-keyword.t.err
@@ -386,54 +386,100 @@
   > y
   > n
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: keyword, strip, mq, notify, record, transplant
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 78, in record
+      return commands.commit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 754, in kw_dorecord
+      ret = orig(ui, repo, commitfunc, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
+  $ hg identify
+  40a904bbbe4c+ tip
+  $ hg status
+  M a
+  A r
+Cat modified file a
+  $ cat a
+  expand $Id: a,v ef63ca68695b 1970/01/01 00:00:00 user $
+  foo
+  do not process $Id:
+  xxx $
+  bar
+Diff remaining chunk
+  $ hg diff a
+  diff -r 40a904bbbe4c a
+  --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:01 1970 +0000
+  +++ b/a	* (glob)
+  @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
    expand $Id$
    do not process $Id:
    xxx $
-  record change 1/2 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -2,2 +3,3 @@
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-  record change 2/2 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  $ hg identify
-  5f5eb23505c3+ tip
-  $ hg status
-  M a
-  A r
-Cat modified file a
-  $ cat a
-  expand $Id: a,v 5f5eb23505c3 1970/01/01 00:00:10 test $
-  foo
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  bar
-Diff remaining chunk
-  $ hg diff a
-  diff -r 5f5eb23505c3 a
-  --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:09 1970 -0000
-  +++ b/a	* (glob)
-  @@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
-   foo
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-  +bar
   $ hg rollback
-  repository tip rolled back to revision 2 (undo commit)
-  working directory now based on revision 2
+  repository tip rolled back to revision 1 (undo commit)
+  working directory now based on revision 1
 Record all chunks in file a
@@ -446,41 +492,86 @@
   > y
   > y
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-   expand $Id$
-  +foo
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-  record change 1/2 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -2,2 +3,3 @@
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-  +bar
-  record change 2/2 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: keyword, strip, mq, notify, record, transplant
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 78, in record
+      return commands.commit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 754, in kw_dorecord
+      ret = orig(ui, repo, commitfunc, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
 File a should be clean
   $ hg status -A a
-  C a
+  M a
 rollback and revert expansion
   $ cat a
-  expand $Id: a,v 78e0a02d76aa 1970/01/01 00:00:11 test $
+  expand $Id: a,v ef63ca68695b 1970/01/01 00:00:00 user $
   do not process $Id:
   xxx $
   $ hg --verbose rollback
-  repository tip rolled back to revision 2 (undo commit)
-  working directory now based on revision 2
+  no rollback information available
   overwriting a expanding keywords
+  [1]
   $ hg status a
   M a
   $ cat a
@@ -494,10 +585,10 @@
   $ hg add y
   $ hg commit -Am "rollback only" z
   $ cat z
-  $Id: z,v 45a5d3adce53 1970/01/01 00:00:00 test $
+  $Id: z,v 774d8e181f58 1970/01/01 00:00:00 test $
   $ hg --verbose rollback
-  repository tip rolled back to revision 2 (undo commit)
-  working directory now based on revision 2
+  repository tip rolled back to revision 1 (undo commit)
+  working directory now based on revision 1
   overwriting z shrinking keywords
 Only z should be overwritten
@@ -517,27 +608,17 @@
   > y
   > y
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/r b/r
-  new file mode 100644
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +$Id$
-  record this change to 'r'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  resolving manifests
-  patching file r
-  committing files:
-  r
-  committing manifest
-  committing changelog
-  committed changeset 3:82a2f715724d
-  overwriting r expanding keywords
+  abort: r: file not tracked!
+  [255]
   $ hg status r
+  ? r
   $ hg --verbose rollback
-  repository tip rolled back to revision 2 (undo commit)
-  working directory now based on revision 2
-  overwriting r shrinking keywords
+  no rollback information available
+  overwriting a expanding keywords
+  [1]
   $ hg forget r
+  not removing r: file is already untracked
+  [1]
   $ rm msg r
   $ hg update -C
   1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
@@ -550,26 +631,73 @@
   > y
   > y
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/i b/i
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'i'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +$Id$
-  record this change to 'i'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  resolving manifests
-  patching file i
-  committing files:
-  i
-  committing manifest
-  committing changelog
-  committed changeset 3:9f40ceb5a072
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: keyword, strip, mq, notify, record, transplant
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 78, in record
+      return commands.commit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 754, in kw_dorecord
+      ret = orig(ui, repo, commitfunc, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ cat i
   $ hg -q rollback
+  no rollback information available
+  [1]
   $ hg forget i
   $ rm i
@@ -582,9 +710,9 @@
   $ hg --debug commit --amend -d '15 1' -m 'amend without changes' | grep keywords
   overwriting a expanding keywords
   $ hg -q id
-  67d8c481a6be
+  587f2997f8f4
   $ head -1 a
-  expand $Id: a,v 67d8c481a6be 1970/01/01 00:00:15 test $
+  expand $Id: a,v 587f2997f8f4 1970/01/01 00:00:15 test $
   $ hg -q strip --no-backup tip
@@ -599,18 +727,24 @@
   $ cat .hg/patches/mqtest.diff
   # HG changeset patch
   # User User Name <>
-  # Date 1 0
-  #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:01 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID 40a904bbbe4cd4ab0a1f28411e35db26341a40ad
-  # Parent  ef63ca68695bc9495032c6fda1350c71e6d256e9
-  cndiff
+  # Date 0 0
+  #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  # Node ID ef63ca68695bc9495032c6fda1350c71e6d256e9
+  # Parent  a2392c29391665895d9d173110b83e0af012fe99
+  absym
-  diff -r ef63ca68695b -r 40a904bbbe4c c
+  diff -r a2392c293916 -r ef63ca68695b a
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/c	Thu Jan 01 00:00:01 1970 +0000
-  @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-  +$Id$
-  +tests for different changenodes
+  +++ b/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  +expand $Id$
+  +do not process $Id:
+  +xxx $
+  diff -r a2392c293916 -r ef63ca68695b b
+  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  +++ b/b	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+  +ignore $Id$
   $ hg qpop
   popping mqtest.diff
@@ -622,17 +756,17 @@
   applying mqtest.diff
   now at: mqtest.diff
   $ cat c
-  $Id: c,v 40a904bbbe4c 1970/01/01 00:00:01 user $
+  $Id$
   tests for different changenodes
   $ hg cat c
-  $Id: c,v 40a904bbbe4c 1970/01/01 00:00:01 user $
-  tests for different changenodes
+  c: no such file in rev ef63ca68695b
+  [1]
 Keywords should not be expanded in filelog
   $ hg --config 'extensions.keyword=!' cat c
-  $Id$
-  tests for different changenodes
+  c: no such file in rev ef63ca68695b
+  [1]
 qpop and move on
@@ -643,50 +777,56 @@
 Copy and show added kwfiles
   $ hg cp a c
+  a: $ENOENT$
+  abort: no files to copy
+  [255]
   $ hg kwfiles
-  a
-  c
 Commit and show expansion in original and copy
   $ hg --debug commit -ma2c -d '1 0' -u 'User Name <>'
-  committing files:
-  c
-   c: copy a:0045e12f6c5791aac80ca6cbfd97709a88307292
-  committing manifest
-  committing changelog
-  overwriting c expanding keywords
-  updating the branch cache
-  committed changeset 2:25736cf2f5cbe41f6be4e6784ef6ecf9f3bbcc7d
+  nothing changed
+  [1]
   $ cat a c
-  expand $Id: a,v ef63ca68695b 1970/01/01 00:00:00 user $
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  expand $Id: c,v 25736cf2f5cb 1970/01/01 00:00:01 user $
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
+  cat: a: $ENOENT$
+  $Id$
+  tests for different changenodes
+  [1]
 Touch copied c and check its status
   $ touch c
   $ hg status
+  ? c
 Copy kwfile to keyword ignored file unexpanding keywords
   $ hg --verbose copy a i
-  copying a to i
-  overwriting i shrinking keywords
+  a: $ENOENT$
+  abort: no files to copy
+  [255]
   $ head -n 1 i
-  expand $Id$
+  head: cannot open `i' for reading: $ENOENT$
+  [1]
   $ hg forget i
+  i: $ENOENT$
+  [1]
   $ rm i
+  rm: cannot lstat `i': $ENOENT$
+  [1]
 Copy ignored file to ignored file: no overwriting
   $ hg --verbose copy b i
-  copying b to i
+  b: $ENOENT$
+  abort: no files to copy
+  [255]
   $ hg forget i
+  i: $ENOENT$
+  [1]
   $ rm i
+  rm: cannot lstat `i': $ENOENT$
+  [1]
 cp symlink file; hg cp -A symlink file (part1)
 - copied symlink points to kwfile: overwrite
@@ -709,35 +849,25 @@
 Test different options of hg kwfiles
   $ hg kwfiles
-  a
-  c
   $ hg -v kwfiles --ignore
-  I b
   I sym
   $ hg kwfiles --all
-  K a
-  K c
-  I b
+  k c
   I sym
 Diff specific revision
   $ hg diff --rev 1
-  diff -r ef63ca68695b c
-  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/c	* (glob)
-  @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
-  +expand $Id$
-  +do not process $Id:
-  +xxx $
+  abort: unknown revision '1'!
+  [255]
 Status after rollback:
   $ hg rollback
-  repository tip rolled back to revision 1 (undo commit)
-  working directory now based on revision 1
-  $ hg status
-  A c
+  no rollback information available
+  [1]
+  $ hg status
+  ? c
   $ hg update --clean
   0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
@@ -793,16 +923,13 @@
 Cat and hg cat files before custom expansion
   $ cat a b
-  expand $Id: a,v ef63ca68695b 1970/01/01 00:00:00 user $
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  ignore $Id$
+  cat: a: $ENOENT$
+  cat: b: $ENOENT$
+  [1]
   $ hg cat sym a b && echo
-  expand $Id: a ef63ca68695b Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000 user $
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  ignore $Id$
-  a
+  aa: no such file in rev a2392c293916
+  b: no such file in rev a2392c293916
 Write custom keyword and prepare multi-line commit message
@@ -815,84 +942,71 @@
 Interrupted commit should not change state
   $ hg commit
-  abort: empty commit message
-  [255]
-  $ hg status
-  M a
+  nothing changed
+  [1]
+  $ hg status
+  ? a
   ? c
   ? log
 Commit with multi-line message and custom expansion
   $ hg --debug commit -l log -d '2 0' -u 'User Name <>'
-  committing files:
-  a
-  committing manifest
-  committing changelog
-  overwriting a expanding keywords
-  updating the branch cache
-  committed changeset 2:bb948857c743469b22bbf51f7ec8112279ca5d83
+  nothing changed
+  [1]
   $ rm log
 Stat, verify and show custom expansion (firstline)
   $ hg status
+  ? a
   ? c
   $ hg verify
   checking changesets
   checking manifests
   crosschecking files in changesets and manifests
   checking files
-  checked 3 changesets with 4 changes to 3 files
+  checked 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
   $ cat a b
-  expand $Id: a bb948857c743 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:02 +0000 user $
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  $Xinfo: User Name <>: firstline $
-  ignore $Id$
+  $Xinfo$
+  cat: b: $ENOENT$
+  [1]
   $ hg cat sym a b && echo
-  expand $Id: a bb948857c743 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:02 +0000 user $
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  $Xinfo: User Name <>: firstline $
-  ignore $Id$
-  a
+  aa: no such file in rev a2392c293916
+  b: no such file in rev a2392c293916
   $ hg annotate a
-  1: expand $Id$
-  1: do not process $Id:
-  1: xxx $
-  2: $Xinfo$
+  abort: a: no such file in rev a2392c293916
+  [255]
 remove with status checks
   $ hg debugrebuildstate
   $ hg remove a
+  not removing a: file is untracked
+  [1]
   $ hg --debug commit -m rma
-  committing files:
-  committing manifest
-  committing changelog
-  updating the branch cache
-  committed changeset 3:d14c712653769de926994cf7fbb06c8fbd68f012
-  $ hg status
+  nothing changed
+  [1]
+  $ hg status
+  ? a
   ? c
 Rollback, revert, and check expansion
   $ hg rollback
-  repository tip rolled back to revision 2 (undo commit)
-  working directory now based on revision 2
-  $ hg status
-  R a
+  no rollback information available
+  [1]
+  $ hg status
+  ? a
   ? c
   $ hg revert --no-backup --rev tip a
+  file not managed: a
   $ cat a
-  expand $Id: a bb948857c743 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:02 +0000 user $
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  $Xinfo: User Name <>: firstline $
+  $Xinfo$
 Clone to test global and local configurations
@@ -902,575 +1016,24 @@
   $ hg --quiet clone Test globalconf
   $ cat globalconf/a
-  expand $Id: a bb948857c743 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:02 +0000 user $
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  $Xinfo: User Name <>: firstline $
+  cat: globalconf/a: $ENOENT$
+  [1]
 No expansion in destination with local configuration in origin only
   $ hg --quiet --config 'keyword.**=ignore' clone Test localconf
   $ cat localconf/a
-  expand $Id$
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  $Xinfo$
+  cat: localconf/a: $ENOENT$
+  [1]
 Clone to test incoming
   $ hg clone -r1 Test Test-a
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 3 changes to 3 files
-  new changesets a2392c293916:ef63ca68695b
-  updating to branch default
-  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  abort: unknown revision '1'!
+  [255]
   $ cd Test-a
+  $ line 400: cd: Test-a: $ENOENT$
   $ cat <<EOF >> .hg/hgrc
   > [paths]
   > default = ../Test
   > EOF
-  $ hg incoming
-  comparing with $TESTTMP/Test
-  searching for changes
-  changeset:   2:bb948857c743
-  tag:         tip
-  user:        User Name <>
-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:02 1970 +0000
-  summary:     firstline
-Imported patch should not be rejected
-  >>> import re
-  >>> text = re.sub(br'(Id.*)', br' rejecttest', open('a', 'rb').read())
-  >>> open('a', 'wb').write(text) and None
-  $ hg --debug commit -m'rejects?' -d '3 0' -u 'User Name <>'
-  committing files:
-  a
-  committing manifest
-  committing changelog
-  overwriting a expanding keywords
-  updating the branch cache
-  committed changeset 2:85e279d709ffc28c9fdd1b868570985fc3d87082
-  $ hg export -o ../rejecttest.diff tip
-  $ cd ../Test
-  $ hg import ../rejecttest.diff
-  applying ../rejecttest.diff
-  $ cat a b
-  expand $Id: a 4e0994474d25 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:03 +0000 user $ rejecttest
-  do not process $Id: rejecttest
-  xxx $
-  $Xinfo: User Name <>: rejects? $
-  ignore $Id$
-  $ hg rollback
-  repository tip rolled back to revision 2 (undo import)
-  working directory now based on revision 2
-  $ hg update --clean
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-kwexpand/kwshrink on selected files
-  $ mkdir x
-  $ hg copy a x/a
-  $ hg --verbose kwshrink a
-  overwriting a shrinking keywords
- - sleep required for dirstate.normal() check
-  $ sleep 1
-  $ hg status a
-  $ hg --verbose kwexpand a
-  overwriting a expanding keywords
-  $ hg status a
-kwexpand x/a should abort
-  $ hg --verbose kwexpand x/a
-  abort: outstanding uncommitted changes
-  [255]
-  $ cd x
-  $ hg --debug commit -m xa -d '3 0' -u 'User Name <>'
-  committing files:
-  x/a
-   x/a: copy a:779c764182ce5d43e2b1eb66ce06d7b47bfe342e
-  committing manifest
-  committing changelog
-  overwriting x/a expanding keywords
-  updating the branch cache
-  committed changeset 3:b4560182a3f9a358179fd2d835c15e9da379c1e4
-  $ cat a
-  expand $Id: x/a b4560182a3f9 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:03 +0000 user $
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  $Xinfo: User Name <>: xa $
-kwshrink a inside directory x
-  $ hg --verbose kwshrink a
-  overwriting x/a shrinking keywords
-  $ cat a
-  expand $Id$
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  $Xinfo$
-  $ cd ..
-kwexpand nonexistent
-  $ hg kwexpand nonexistent
-  nonexistent:* (glob)
-#if serve
-hg serve
- - expand with hgweb file
- - no expansion with hgweb annotate/changeset/filediff/comparison
- - expand with hgweb file, again
- - check errors
-  $ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d -A access.log -E errors.log
-  $ cat >> $DAEMON_PIDS
-  $ localhost:$HGPORT 'file/tip/a/?style=raw'
-  200 Script output follows
-  expand $Id: a bb948857c743 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:02 +0000 user $
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  $Xinfo: User Name <>: firstline $
-  $ localhost:$HGPORT 'annotate/tip/a/?style=raw'
-  200 Script output follows
-  user@1: expand $Id$
-  user@1: do not process $Id:
-  user@1: xxx $
-  user@2: $Xinfo$
-  $ localhost:$HGPORT 'rev/tip/?style=raw'
-  200 Script output follows
-  # HG changeset patch
-  # User User Name <>
-  # Date 3 0
-  # Node ID b4560182a3f9a358179fd2d835c15e9da379c1e4
-  # Parent  bb948857c743469b22bbf51f7ec8112279ca5d83
-  xa
-  diff -r bb948857c743 -r b4560182a3f9 x/a
-  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/x/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:03 1970 +0000
-  @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
-  +expand $Id$
-  +do not process $Id:
-  +xxx $
-  +$Xinfo$
-  $ localhost:$HGPORT 'diff/bb948857c743/a?style=raw'
-  200 Script output follows
-  diff -r ef63ca68695b -r bb948857c743 a
-  --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:02 1970 +0000
-  @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-   expand $Id$
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-  +$Xinfo$
-  $ localhost:$HGPORT 'comparison/bb948857c743/a' | grep '\$[a-zA-Z]'
-  <td class="source equal"><a href="#l1r1">     1</a> expand $Id$</td>
-  <td class="source equal"><a href="#l1r1">     1</a> expand $Id$</td>
-  <td class="source equal"><a href="#l2r2">     2</a> do not process $Id:</td>
-  <td class="source equal"><a href="#l2r2">     2</a> do not process $Id:</td>
-  <td class="source insert"><a href="#r4">     4</a> $Xinfo$</td>
-(check "kwweb_skip"-ed webcommand doesn't suppress expanding keywords
-at subsequent webcommands)
-  $ localhost:$HGPORT 'file/tip/a/?style=raw'
-  200 Script output follows
-  expand $Id: a bb948857c743 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:02 +0000 user $
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  $Xinfo: User Name <>: firstline $
-  $
-  $ cat errors.log
-Prepare merge and resolve tests
-  $ echo '$Id$' > m
-  $ hg add m
-  $ hg commit -m 4kw
-  $ echo foo >> m
-  $ hg commit -m 5foo
-  $ hg update 4
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ echo foo >> m
-  $ hg commit -m 6foo
-  created new head
-  $ hg merge
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  (branch merge, don't forget to commit)
-  $ hg commit -m simplemerge
-  $ cat m
-  $Id: m 27d48ee14f67 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000 test $
-  foo
-conflict: keyword should stay outside conflict zone
-  $ hg update 4
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ echo bar >> m
-  $ hg commit -m 8bar
-  created new head
-  $ hg merge
-  merging m
-  warning: conflicts while merging m! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 1 files unresolved
-  use 'hg resolve' to retry unresolved file merges or 'hg merge --abort' to abandon
-  [1]
-  $ cat m
-  $Id$
-  <<<<<<< working copy: 88a80c8d172e - test: 8bar
-  bar
-  =======
-  foo
-  >>>>>>> merge rev:    85d2d2d732a5 - test: simplemerge
-resolve to local, m must contain hash of last change (local parent)
-  $ hg resolve -t internal:local -a
-  (no more unresolved files)
-  $ hg commit -m localresolve
-  $ cat m
-  $Id: m 88a80c8d172e Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000 test $
-  bar
-Test restricted mode with transplant -b
-  $ hg update 6
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg branch foo
-  marked working directory as branch foo
-  (branches are permanent and global, did you want a bookmark?)
-  $ mv a a.bak
-  $ echo foobranch > a
-  $ cat a.bak >> a
-  $ rm a.bak
-  $ hg commit -m 9foobranch
-  $ hg update default
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg -y transplant -b foo tip
-  applying 4aa30d025d50
-  4aa30d025d50 transplanted to e00abbf63521
-Expansion in changeset but not in file
-  $ hg tip -p
-  changeset:   11:e00abbf63521
-  tag:         tip
-  parent:      9:800511b3a22d
-  user:        test
-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  summary:     9foobranch
-  diff -r 800511b3a22d -r e00abbf63521 a
-  --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-  +foobranch
-   expand $Id$
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-  $ head -n 2 a
-  foobranch
-  expand $Id: a e00abbf63521 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000 test $
-Turn off expansion
-  $ hg -q rollback
-  $ hg -q update -C
-kwshrink with unknown file u
-  $ cp a u
-  $ hg --verbose kwshrink
-  overwriting a shrinking keywords
-  overwriting m shrinking keywords
-  overwriting x/a shrinking keywords
-Keywords shrunk in working directory, but not yet disabled
- - cat shows unexpanded keywords
- - hg cat shows expanded keywords
-  $ cat a b
-  expand $Id$
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  $Xinfo$
-  ignore $Id$
-  $ hg cat sym a b && echo
-  expand $Id: a bb948857c743 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:02 +0000 user $
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  $Xinfo: User Name <>: firstline $
-  ignore $Id$
-  a
-Now disable keyword expansion
-  $ cp $HGRCPATH $HGRCPATH.backup
-  $ rm "$HGRCPATH"
-  $ cat a b
-  expand $Id$
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  $Xinfo$
-  ignore $Id$
-  $ hg cat sym a b && echo
-  expand $Id$
-  do not process $Id:
-  xxx $
-  $Xinfo$
-  ignore $Id$
-  a
-enable keyword expansion again
-  $ cat $HGRCPATH.backup >> $HGRCPATH
-Test restricted mode with unshelve
-  $ echo xxxx >> a
-  $ hg diff
-  diff -r 800511b3a22d a
-  --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/a	* (glob)
-  @@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-   $Xinfo$
-  +xxxx
-  $ hg shelve -q --name tmp
-  $ hg shelve --list --patch
-  tmp             (*)* changes to: localresolve (glob)
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  --- a/a
-  +++ b/a
-  @@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-   $Xinfo$
-  +xxxx
-  $ hg update -q -C 10
-  $ hg unshelve -q tmp
-  $ hg diff
-  diff -r 4aa30d025d50 a
-  --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/a	* (glob)
-  @@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-   $Xinfo$
-  +xxxx
-Test restricted mode with rebase
-  $ cat <<EOF >> $HGRCPATH
-  > [extensions]
-  > rebase =
-  > EOF
-  $ hg update -q -C 9
-  $ echo xxxx >> a
-  $ hg commit -m '#11'
-  $ hg diff -c 11
-  diff -r 800511b3a22d -r b07670694489 a
-  --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-   $Xinfo$
-  +xxxx
-  $ hg diff -c 10
-  diff -r 27d48ee14f67 -r 4aa30d025d50 a
-  --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-  +foobranch
-   expand $Id$
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-  $ hg rebase -q -s 10 -d 11 --keep
-  $ hg diff -r 9 -r 12 a
-  diff -r 800511b3a22d -r 1939b927726c a
-  --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-  +foobranch
-   expand $Id$
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-   $Xinfo$
-  +xxxx
-Test restricted mode with graft
-  $ hg graft -q 10
-  $ hg diff -r 9 -r 13 a
-  diff -r 800511b3a22d -r 01a68de1003a a
-  --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-  +foobranch
-   expand $Id$
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-   $Xinfo$
-  +xxxx
-Test restricted mode with backout
-  $ hg backout -q 11 --no-commit
-  $ hg diff a
-  diff -r 01a68de1003a a
-  --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/a	* (glob)
-  @@ -3,4 +3,3 @@
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-   $Xinfo$
-  -xxxx
-Test restricted mode with histedit
-  $ cat <<EOF >> $HGRCPATH
-  > [extensions]
-  > histedit =
-  > EOF
-  $ hg commit -m 'backout #11'
-  $ hg histedit -q --command - 13 <<EOF
-  > pick 49f5f2d940c3 14 backout #11
-  > pick 01a68de1003a 13 9foobranch
-  > EOF
-Test restricted mode with fetch (with merge)
-  $ cat <<EOF >> $HGRCPATH
-  > [extensions]
-  > fetch =
-  > EOF
-  $ hg clone -q -r 9 . ../fetch-merge
-  $ cd ../fetch-merge
-  $ hg -R ../Test export 10 | hg import -q -
-  $ hg fetch -q -r 11
-  $ hg diff -r 9 a
-  diff -r 800511b3a22d a
-  --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/a	* (glob)
-  @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-  +foobranch
-   expand $Id$
-   do not process $Id:
-   xxx $
-   $Xinfo$
-  +xxxx
-Test that patch.diff(), which is implied by "hg diff" or so, doesn't
-suppress expanding keywords at subsequent commands
-#if windows
-  $ export PYTHONPATH
-  $ grep -v '^promptecho ' < $HGRCPATH >> $
-  $ mv $ $HGRCPATH
-  >>> from __future__ import print_function
-  >>> from hgclient import check, readchannel, runcommand
-  >>> @check
-  ... def check(server):
-  ...     # hello block
-  ...     readchannel(server)
-  ... 
-  ...     runcommand(server, [b'cat', b'm'])
-  ...     runcommand(server, [b'diff', b'-c', b'.', b'm'])
-  ...     runcommand(server, [b'cat', b'm'])
-  *** runcommand cat m
-  $Id: m 800511b3a22d Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000 test $
-  bar
-  *** runcommand diff -c . m
-  *** runcommand cat m
-  $Id: m 800511b3a22d Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000 test $
-  bar
-  $ cd ..
-#if serve
-Test that keywords are expanded only in repositories, which enable
-keyword extension, even if multiple repositories are served in a
-  $ cat >> fetch-merge/.hg/hgrc <<EOF
-  > [extensions]
-  > keyword = !
-  > EOF
-  $ cat > paths.conf <<EOF
-  > [paths]
-  > enabled=Test
-  > disabled=fetch-merge
-  > EOF
-  $ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d -A access.log -E error.log --webdir-conf paths.conf
-  $ cat >> $DAEMON_PIDS
-  $ localhost:$HGPORT 'enabled/file/tip/m/?style=raw'
-  200 Script output follows
-  $Id: m 800511b3a22d Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000 test $
-  bar
-  $ localhost:$HGPORT 'disabled/file/tip/m/?style=raw'
-  200 Script output follows
-  $Id$
-  bar
-(check expansion again, for safety)
-  $ localhost:$HGPORT 'enabled/file/tip/m/?style=raw'
-  200 Script output follows
-  $Id: m 800511b3a22d Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000 test $
-  bar
-  $


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-log.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-log.t.err
@@ -2060,15 +2060,9 @@
   ... hg --encoding cp932 log --template '{rev}\n' -k 'ヂ'
   ... '''.encode('cp932')) and None
   $ sh <
-  0
-  1
-  2
-  0
-  3
-  1
   $ cd ..


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-mactext.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-mactext.t.err
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
   $ hg cat f | "$PYTHON"
   $ cat f | "$PYTHON"
-  hello<CR>
+  hello<LF>


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-mq-qrefresh-interactive.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-mq-qrefresh-interactive.t.err
@@ -188,52 +188,63 @@
   > y
   > n
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/1.txt b/1.txt
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to '1.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-   1
-  -2
-  +2 2
-   3
-  record change 1/4 to '1.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -3,3 +3,3 @@
-   3
-  -4
-  +4 4
-   5
-  record change 2/4 to '1.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  diff --git a/2.txt b/2.txt
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to '2.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-   a
-  -b
-  +b b
-   c
-   d
-   e
-  record change 3/4 to '2.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  diff --git a/dir/a.txt b/dir/a.txt
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'dir/a.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, record
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 96, in qrefresh
+      ui, repo, committomq, None, True, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
 After partial qrefresh 'tip'
   $ hg tip -p
-  changeset:   1:0738af1a8211
+  changeset:   1:ed27675cb5df
   tag:         patch
   tag:         qbase
   tag:         qtip
@@ -242,19 +253,24 @@
   date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   summary:     [mq]: patch
-  diff -r 1fd39ab63a33 -r 0738af1a8211 1.txt
-  --- a/1.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/1.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+After partial qrefresh 'diff'
+  $ hg diff --nodates
+  diff -r ed27675cb5df 1.txt
+  --- a/1.txt
+  +++ b/1.txt
   @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
   +2 2
-   4
+  -4
+  +4 4
-  diff -r 1fd39ab63a33 -r 0738af1a8211 2.txt
-  --- a/2.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/2.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  diff -r ed27675cb5df 2.txt
+  --- a/2.txt
+  +++ b/2.txt
   @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -262,21 +278,7 @@
-After partial qrefresh 'diff'
-  $ hg diff --nodates
-  diff -r 0738af1a8211 1.txt
-  --- a/1.txt
-  +++ b/1.txt
-  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-   1
-   2 2
-   3
-  -4
-  +4 4
-   5
-  diff -r 0738af1a8211 dir/a.txt
+  diff -r ed27675cb5df dir/a.txt
   --- a/dir/a.txt
   +++ b/dir/a.txt
   @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -294,40 +296,63 @@
   > y
   > y
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/1.txt b/1.txt
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to '1.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-   1
-   2 2
-   3
-  -4
-  +4 4
-   5
-  record change 1/2 to '1.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  diff --git a/dir/a.txt b/dir/a.txt
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'dir/a.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-  -hello world
-  +hello world!
-   someone
-   up
-  record change 2/2 to 'dir/a.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, record
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 96, in qrefresh
+      ui, repo, committomq, None, True, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
 After final qrefresh 'tip'
   $ hg tip -p
-  changeset:   1:2c3f66afeed9
+  changeset:   1:ed27675cb5df
   tag:         patch
   tag:         qbase
   tag:         qtip
@@ -336,9 +361,14 @@
   date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   summary:     [mq]: patch
-  diff -r 1fd39ab63a33 -r 2c3f66afeed9 1.txt
-  --- a/1.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/1.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+After qrefresh 'diff'
+  $ hg diff --nodates
+  diff -r ed27675cb5df 1.txt
+  --- a/1.txt
+  +++ b/1.txt
   @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -347,9 +377,9 @@
   +4 4
-  diff -r 1fd39ab63a33 -r 2c3f66afeed9 2.txt
-  --- a/2.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/2.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  diff -r ed27675cb5df 2.txt
+  --- a/2.txt
+  +++ b/2.txt
   @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -357,19 +387,14 @@
-  diff -r 1fd39ab63a33 -r 2c3f66afeed9 dir/a.txt
-  --- a/dir/a.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/dir/a.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  diff -r ed27675cb5df dir/a.txt
+  --- a/dir/a.txt
+  +++ b/dir/a.txt
   @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
   -hello world
   +hello world!
-After qrefresh 'diff'
-  $ hg diff --nodates
   $ cd ..


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-mq-subrepo.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-mq-subrepo.t.err
@@ -302,56 +302,149 @@
   A .hgsub
   A sub/a
   % qrecord --config ui.interactive=1 -m0 0.diff
-  diff --git a/.hgsub b/.hgsub
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to '.hgsub'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +sub = sub
-  record this change to '.hgsub'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  warning: subrepo spec file '.hgsub' not found
-  warning: subrepo spec file '.hgsub' not found
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, record
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 114, in qrecord
+      return _qrecord(b'qnew', ui, repo, patch, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 140, in _qrecord
+      **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
   path sub
    source   sub
-   revision b2fdb12cd82b021c3b7053d67802e77b6eeaee31
+   revision 
   $ testmod qrecord --config ui.interactive=1 -m1 1.diff <<EOF
   > y
   > y
   > EOF
   adding a
   % abort when modifying .hgsub w/dirty subrepo
-  M .hgsub
+  A .hgsub
+  A sub/a
   A sub2/a
   % qrecord --config ui.interactive=1 -m1 1.diff
   abort: uncommitted changes in subrepository "sub2"
   % update substate when modifying .hgsub w/clean updated subrepo
-  M .hgsub
+  A .hgsub
+  A sub/a
   A sub2/a
   % qrecord --config ui.interactive=1 -m1 1.diff
-  diff --git a/.hgsub b/.hgsub
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to '.hgsub'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
-   sub = sub
-  +sub2 = sub2
-  record this change to '.hgsub'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, record
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 114, in qrecord
+      return _qrecord(b'qnew', ui, repo, patch, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 140, in _qrecord
+      **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
   path sub
    source   sub
-   revision b2fdb12cd82b021c3b7053d67802e77b6eeaee31
+   revision 
   path sub2
    source   sub2
-   revision 1f94c7611cc6b74f5a17b16121a1170d44776845
+   revision 
   $ hg qpop -qa
-  patch queue now empty
+  no patches applied
   $ testrm1 qrecord --config ui.interactive=1 -m2 2.diff <<EOF
   > y
   > y
@@ -361,15 +454,67 @@
   M sub3/a
   R .hgsub
   % qrecord --config ui.interactive=1 -m2 2.diff
-  diff --git a/.hgsub b/.hgsub
-  deleted file mode 100644
-  examine changes to '.hgsub'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, record
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 114, in qrecord
+      return _qrecord(b'qnew', ui, repo, patch, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 140, in _qrecord
+      **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
   % debugsub should be empty
   $ hg qpop -qa
-  patch queue now empty
+  no patches applied
   $ testrm2 qrecord --config ui.interactive=1 -m3 3.diff <<EOF
   > y
   > y
@@ -378,11 +523,63 @@
   % update substate when removing .hgsub w/clean updated subrepo
   R .hgsub
   % qrecord --config ui.interactive=1 -m3 3.diff
-  diff --git a/.hgsub b/.hgsub
-  deleted file mode 100644
-  examine changes to '.hgsub'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, record
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 114, in qrecord
+      return _qrecord(b'qnew', ui, repo, patch, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 140, in _qrecord
+      **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
   % debugsub should be empty
   $ cd ..


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-notify.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-notify.t.err
@@ -436,27 +436,27 @@
   adding manifests
   adding file changes
   added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-  new changesets 0f25f9c22b4c
+  new changesets 5e14b89ad3da
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
   X-Test: foo
   Date: * (glob)
   Subject: à... (esc) (no-py3 !)
-  Subject: =?utf-8?b?w6AuLi4=?= (py3 !)
-  From:
-  X-Hg-Notification: changeset 0f25f9c22b4c
+  Subject: =?utf-8?b?w4MuLi4=?=
+  From:
+  X-Hg-Notification: changeset 5e14b89ad3da
   Message-Id: <*> (glob)
   To:, foo@bar
-  changeset 0f25f9c22b4c in b
+  changeset 5e14b89ad3da in b
   description: àáâãä (esc)
    a |  1 + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   diffs (7 lines):
-  diff -r fccf66cd0c35 -r 0f25f9c22b4c a
+  diff -r fccf66cd0c35 -r 5e14b89ad3da a
   --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:03 1970 +0000
   +++ b/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ a a
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@
   adding manifests
   adding file changes
   added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-  new changesets a846b5f6ebb7
+  new changesets fecd12eab950
   notify: sending 2 subscribers 1 changes
   (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
   $ cat b/mbox | "$PYTHON" $TESTDIR/ | "$PYTHON" $TESTTMP/
@@ -492,36 +492,36 @@
   Date: * (glob)
   Subject: long line
-  X-Hg-Notification: changeset a846b5f6ebb7
-  Message-Id: <hg.a846b5f6ebb7.*.*@*> (glob)
-  To:, foo@bar
-  changeset a846b5f6ebb7 in b
-  description: long line
-  diffstat:
-   a |  1 + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
-  diffs (8 lines):
-  diff -r 0f25f9c22b4c -r a846b5f6ebb7 a
-  --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ a a a
-  +nonononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono=
-  nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononon=
-  ononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono=
-  nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononon=
-  ononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono=
-  nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononon=
-  ononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono=
-  nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononon=
-  ononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono=
-  nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononon=
-  ononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono=
-  nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononon=
-  ononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono=
-  nonononononononononononono=D1=84
+  X-Hg-Notification: changeset fecd12eab950
+  Message-Id: <>
+  To:, foo@bar
+  changeset fecd12eab950 in b
+  description: long line
+  diffstat:
+   a |  1 + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
+  diffs (8 lines):
+  diff -r 5e14b89ad3da -r fecd12eab950 a
+  --- a/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  +++ b/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ a a a
+  +nonononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono=
+  nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononon=
+  ononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono=
+  nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononon=
+  ononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono=
+  nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononon=
+  ononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono=
+  nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononon=
+  ononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono=
+  nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononon=
+  ononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono=
+  nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononon=
+  ononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono=
+  nonononononononononononono=D1=84
  revset selection: send to address that matches branch and repo
   $ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@
   adding manifests
   adding file changes
   added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-  new changesets f7e5aaed4080
+  new changesets cfdce462aac0
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
@@ -560,13 +560,13 @@
   Date: * (glob)
   Subject: test
-  X-Hg-Notification: changeset f7e5aaed4080
-  Message-Id: <hg.f7e5aaed4080.*.*@*> (glob)
-  To:, foo@bar,
-  changeset f7e5aaed4080 in b
-  description: test
-  (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
+  X-Hg-Notification: changeset cfdce462aac0
+  Message-Id: <>
+  To:, foo@bar,
+  changeset cfdce462aac0 in b
+  description: test
+  (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
 revset selection: don't send to address that waits for mails
 from different branch
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@
   adding manifests
   adding file changes
   added 1 changesets with 0 changes to 0 files (+1 heads)
-  new changesets 645eb6690ecf
+  new changesets 424ada2957e5
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
@@ -592,13 +592,13 @@
   Date: * (glob)
   Subject: test
-  X-Hg-Notification: changeset 645eb6690ecf
-  Message-Id: <hg.645eb6690ecf.*.*@*> (glob)
-  To:, foo@bar
-  changeset 645eb6690ecf in b
-  description: test
-  (run 'hg heads' to see heads)
+  X-Hg-Notification: changeset 424ada2957e5
+  Message-Id: <>
+  To:, foo@bar
+  changeset 424ada2957e5 in b
+  description: test
+  (run 'hg heads' to see heads)
 default template:
@@ -615,13 +615,13 @@
   Date: * (glob)
   Subject: changeset in b: default template
-  X-Hg-Notification: changeset 5cd4346eed47
-  Message-Id: <hg.5cd4346eed47.*.*@*> (glob)
-  To:, foo@bar
-  changeset 5cd4346eed47 in $TESTTMP/b
-  details: http://test/b?cmd=changeset;node=5cd4346eed47
-  description: default template
+  X-Hg-Notification: changeset eec6221c8a43
+  Message-Id: <>
+  To:, foo@bar
+  changeset eec6221c8a43 in $TESTTMP\b
+  details: http://test/b?cmd=changeset;node=eec6221c8a43
+  description: default template
 with style:
@@ -646,11 +646,11 @@
   Date: * (glob)
   Subject: with style
-  X-Hg-Notification: changeset ec8d9d852f56
-  Message-Id: <hg.ec8d9d852f56.*.*@*> (glob)
-  To:, foo@bar
-  changeset ec8d9d852f56
+  X-Hg-Notification: changeset 7955a56097d3
+  Message-Id: <>
+  To:, foo@bar
+  changeset 7955a56097d3
 with template (overrides style):
@@ -669,13 +669,13 @@
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
   Date: * (glob)
-  Subject: 14721b538ae3: with template
-  From:
-  X-Hg-Notification: changeset 14721b538ae3
-  Message-Id: <hg.14721b538ae3.*.*@*> (glob)
-  To:, foo@bar
-  with template
+  Subject: 82bb0b6eb499: with template
+  From:
+  X-Hg-Notification: changeset 82bb0b6eb499
+  Message-Id: <>
+  To:, foo@bar
+  with template
 showfunc diff
   $ cat <<EOF >> $HGRCPATH
@@ -703,32 +703,32 @@
   adding manifests
   adding file changes
   added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-  new changesets b86bc16ff894
+  new changesets dfca204f4cee
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
   Date: * (glob)
   Subject: addfunction
-  X-Hg-Notification: changeset b86bc16ff894
-  Message-Id: <hg.b86bc16ff894.*.*@*> (glob)
-  To:, foo@bar
-  changeset b86bc16ff894
-  diffs (11 lines):
-  diff -r 14721b538ae3 -r b86bc16ff894 f1
-  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/f1	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-  +int main() {
-  +    int a = 0;
-  +    int b = 1;
-  +    int c = 2;
-  +    int d = 3;
-  +    return a + b + c + d;
-  +}
-  (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
+  X-Hg-Notification: changeset dfca204f4cee
+  Message-Id: <>
+  To:, foo@bar
+  changeset dfca204f4cee
+  diffs (11 lines):
+  diff -r 82bb0b6eb499 -r dfca204f4cee f1
+  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  +++ b/f1	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  +int main() {
+  +    int a = 0;
+  +    int b = 1;
+  +    int c = 2;
+  +    int d = 3;
+  +    return a + b + c + d;
+  +}
+  (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
   $ cat > f1 << EOF
   > int main() {
   >     int a = 0;
@@ -747,30 +747,30 @@
   adding manifests
   adding file changes
   added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-  new changesets e81040e9838c
+  new changesets 23ea51ca9d20
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
   Date: * (glob)
   Subject: changefunction
-  X-Hg-Notification: changeset e81040e9838c
-  Message-Id: <hg.e81040e9838c.*.*@*> (glob)
-  To:, foo@bar
-  changeset e81040e9838c
-  diffs (12 lines):
-  diff -r b86bc16ff894 -r e81040e9838c f1
-  --- a/f1	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/f1	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ int main() {
-       int a = 0;
-       int b = 1;
-       int c = 2;
-  -    int d = 3;
-  -    return a + b + c + d;
-  +    int e = 3;
-  +    return a + b + c + e;
-   }
-  (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
+  X-Hg-Notification: changeset 23ea51ca9d20
+  Message-Id: <>
+  To:, foo@bar
+  changeset 23ea51ca9d20
+  diffs (12 lines):
+  diff -r dfca204f4cee -r 23ea51ca9d20 f1
+  --- a/f1	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  +++ b/f1	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ int main() {
+       int a = 0;
+       int b = 1;
+       int c = 2;
+  -    int d = 3;
+  -    return a + b + c + d;
+  +    int e = 3;
+  +    return a + b + c + e;
+   }
+  (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-obsmarker-template.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-obsmarker-template.t.err
@@ -2643,9 +2643,9 @@
 local encoding since the command is supposed to show unmodified content:
   $ HGENCODING=latin-1 hg debugobsolete
-  5f66a482f0bb2fcaccfc215554ad5eb9f40b50f5 718c0d00cee1429bdb73064e0d88908c601507a8 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '9', 'note': 'tèst2', 'operation': 'amend', 'user': 'test'}
-  718c0d00cee1429bdb73064e0d88908c601507a8 1132562159b35bb27e1d6b80c80ee94a1659a4da 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '1', 'operation': 'amend', 'user': 'tèst2'}
-  8f82db6f991db367fdbb3b6dba5e187ecc3ebd96 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'tèst2'}
+  5f66a482f0bb2fcaccfc215554ad5eb9f40b50f5 718c0d00cee1429bdb73064e0d88908c601507a8 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '9', 'note': 'tèst2', 'operation': 'amend', 'user': 'test'}
+  718c0d00cee1429bdb73064e0d88908c601507a8 1132562159b35bb27e1d6b80c80ee94a1659a4da 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'ef1': '1', 'operation': 'amend', 'user': 'tèst2'}
+  8f82db6f991db367fdbb3b6dba5e187ecc3ebd96 0 (Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000) {'user': 'tèst2'}
 metadata should be converted back to local encoding when displaying:


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-pager.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-pager.t.err
@@ -223,6 +223,22 @@
   $ hg log --limit 3    >   --config pager.pager='this-command-better-never-exist --seriously'    >  2>/dev/null || true
+  changeset:   10:46106edeeb38 (esc)
+  tag:         tip
+  user:        test
+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  summary:     modify a 10
+  changeset:   9:6dd8ea7dd621 (esc)
+  user:        test
+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  summary:     modify a 9
+  changeset:   8:cff05a6312fe (esc)
+  user:        test
+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  summary:     modify a 8
 Pager works with shell aliases.


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-patchbomb.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-patchbomb.t.err
@@ -456,16 +456,16 @@
   this patch series consists of 1 patches.
-  displaying [PATCH] ?a ...
+  displaying [PATCH] ??a ...
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
-  Subject: [PATCH] ?a
-  X-Mercurial-Node: f81ef97829467e868fc405fccbcfa66217e4d3e6
+  Subject: [PATCH] ??a
+  X-Mercurial-Node: 2a90046f2e2d6329a52e24b1233b02bb47b61e57
   X-Mercurial-Series-Index: 1
   X-Mercurial-Series-Total: 1
-  Message-Id: <f81ef97829467e868fc4.240@test-hostname>
-  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <f81ef97829467e868fc4.240@test-hostname>
+  Message-Id: <2a90046f2e2d6329a52e.240@test-hostname>
+  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <2a90046f2e2d6329a52e.240@test-hostname>
   User-Agent: Mercurial-patchbomb/* (glob)
   Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:04:00 +0000
   From: quux
@@ -476,18 +476,18 @@
   # User test
   # Date 4 0
   #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID f81ef97829467e868fc405fccbcfa66217e4d3e6
+  # Node ID 2a90046f2e2d6329a52e24b1233b02bb47b61e57
   # Parent  ff2c9fa2018b15fa74b33363bda9527323e2a99f
-  ?a
-  diff -r ff2c9fa2018b -r f81ef9782946 description
+  ??a
+  diff -r ff2c9fa2018b -r 2a90046f2e2d description
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/description	Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
   +a multiline
-  diff -r ff2c9fa2018b -r f81ef9782946 utf
+  diff -r ff2c9fa2018b -r 2a90046f2e2d utf
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/utf	Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
@@ -499,19 +499,19 @@
   this patch series consists of 1 patches.
-  sending [PATCH] ?a ...
+  sending [PATCH] ??a ...
   $ cat mbox
   From quux ... ... .. ..:..:.. .... (re)
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
-  Subject: [PATCH] ?a
-  X-Mercurial-Node: f81ef97829467e868fc405fccbcfa66217e4d3e6
+  Subject: [PATCH] ??a
+  X-Mercurial-Node: 2a90046f2e2d6329a52e24b1233b02bb47b61e57
   X-Mercurial-Series-Index: 1
   X-Mercurial-Series-Total: 1
-  Message-Id: <f81ef97829467e868fc4.240@test-hostname>
-  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <f81ef97829467e868fc4.240@test-hostname>
+  Message-Id: <2a90046f2e2d6329a52e.240@test-hostname>
+  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <2a90046f2e2d6329a52e.240@test-hostname>
   User-Agent: Mercurial-patchbomb/* (glob)
   Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:04:00 +0000
   From: Q <quux> (no-py3 !)
@@ -520,15 +520,15 @@
   Cc: bar
-  MyBAQAorYSBtdWx0aWxpbmUKKworZGVzY3JpcHRpb24KZGlmZiAtciBmZjJjOWZhMjAxOGIgLXIg
-  MSBAQAoraMO2bW1hIQo=
+  c2NyaXB0aW9uCi0tLSAvZGV2L251bGwJVGh1IEphbiAwMSAwMDowMDowMCAxOTcwICswMDAwCisr
+  LDMgQEAKK2EgbXVsdGlsaW5lCisKK2Rlc2NyaXB0aW9uCmRpZmYgLXIgZmYyYzlmYTIwMThiIC1y
   >>> import base64
@@ -543,18 +543,18 @@
   # User test
   # Date 4 0
   #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID f81ef97829467e868fc405fccbcfa66217e4d3e6
+  # Node ID 2a90046f2e2d6329a52e24b1233b02bb47b61e57
   # Parent  ff2c9fa2018b15fa74b33363bda9527323e2a99f
-  ?a
-  diff -r ff2c9fa2018b -r f81ef9782946 description
+  ??a
+  diff -r ff2c9fa2018b -r 2a90046f2e2d description
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/description	Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
   +a multiline
-  diff -r ff2c9fa2018b -r f81ef9782946 utf
+  diff -r ff2c9fa2018b -r 2a90046f2e2d utf
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/utf	Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
@@ -577,11 +577,11 @@
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
   Subject: [PATCH] long line
-  X-Mercurial-Node: 0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
+  X-Mercurial-Node: 6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
   X-Mercurial-Series-Index: 1
   X-Mercurial-Series-Total: 1
-  Message-Id: <0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e.240@test-hostname>
-  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e.240@test-hostname>
+  Message-Id: <6a3d45a97c951339278a.240@test-hostname>
+  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <6a3d45a97c951339278a.240@test-hostname>
   User-Agent: Mercurial-patchbomb/* (glob)
   Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:04:00 +0000
   From: quux
@@ -592,11 +592,11 @@
   # User test
   # Date 4 0
   #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID 0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
-  # Parent  f81ef97829467e868fc405fccbcfa66217e4d3e6
+  # Node ID 6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
+  # Parent  2a90046f2e2d6329a52e24b1233b02bb47b61e57
   long line
-  diff -r f81ef9782946 -r 0c7b871cb86b long
+  diff -r 2a90046f2e2d -r 6a3d45a97c95 long
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/long	Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@@ -631,11 +631,11 @@
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
   Subject: [PATCH] long line
-  X-Mercurial-Node: 0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
+  X-Mercurial-Node: 6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
   X-Mercurial-Series-Index: 1
   X-Mercurial-Series-Total: 1
-  Message-Id: <0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e.240@test-hostname>
-  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e.240@test-hostname>
+  Message-Id: <6a3d45a97c951339278a.240@test-hostname>
+  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <6a3d45a97c951339278a.240@test-hostname>
   User-Agent: Mercurial-patchbomb/* (glob)
   Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:04:00 +0000
   From: quux
@@ -646,11 +646,11 @@
   # User test
   # Date 4 0
   #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID 0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
-  # Parent  f81ef97829467e868fc405fccbcfa66217e4d3e6
+  # Node ID 6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
+  # Parent  2a90046f2e2d6329a52e24b1233b02bb47b61e57
   long line
-  diff -r f81ef9782946 -r 0c7b871cb86b long
+  diff -r 2a90046f2e2d -r 6a3d45a97c95 long
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/long	Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@@ -693,11 +693,11 @@
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
   Subject: [PATCH] isolatin 8-bit encoding
-  X-Mercurial-Node: 4d6f44f466c96d89f2e7e865a70ff41d8b6eee37
+  X-Mercurial-Node: ad98bd2771b25d0809cc341668586cf9c9ef3bd2
   X-Mercurial-Series-Index: 1
   X-Mercurial-Series-Total: 1
-  Message-Id: <4d6f44f466c96d89f2e7.300@test-hostname>
-  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <4d6f44f466c96d89f2e7.300@test-hostname>
+  Message-Id: <ad98bd2771b25d0809cc.300@test-hostname>
+  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <ad98bd2771b25d0809cc.300@test-hostname>
   User-Agent: Mercurial-patchbomb/* (glob)
   Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:05:00 +0000
   From: quux
@@ -708,11 +708,11 @@
   # User test
   # Date 5 0
   #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:05 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID 4d6f44f466c96d89f2e7e865a70ff41d8b6eee37
-  # Parent  0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
+  # Node ID ad98bd2771b25d0809cc341668586cf9c9ef3bd2
+  # Parent  6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
   isolatin 8-bit encoding
-  diff -r 0c7b871cb86b -r 4d6f44f466c9 isolatin
+  diff -r 6a3d45a97c95 -r ad98bd2771b2 isolatin
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/isolatin	Thu Jan 01 00:00:05 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
@@ -940,11 +940,11 @@
   Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===*==" (glob)
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Subject: [PATCH] test
-  X-Mercurial-Node: 0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
+  X-Mercurial-Node: 6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
   X-Mercurial-Series-Index: 1
   X-Mercurial-Series-Total: 1
-  Message-Id: <0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e.60@test-hostname>
-  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e.60@test-hostname>
+  Message-Id: <6a3d45a97c951339278a.60@test-hostname>
+  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <6a3d45a97c951339278a.60@test-hostname>
   User-Agent: Mercurial-patchbomb/* (glob)
   Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:01:00 +0000
   From: quux
@@ -961,11 +961,11 @@
   # User test
   # Date 4 0
   #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID 0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
-  # Parent  f81ef97829467e868fc405fccbcfa66217e4d3e6
+  # Node ID 6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
+  # Parent  2a90046f2e2d6329a52e24b1233b02bb47b61e57
   long line
-  diff -r f81ef9782946 -r 0c7b871cb86b long
+  diff -r 2a90046f2e2d -r 6a3d45a97c95 long
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/long	Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@@ -1091,10 +1091,10 @@
   Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===*==" (glob)
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Subject: [PATCH 3 of 3] long line
-  X-Mercurial-Node: 0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
+  X-Mercurial-Node: 6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
   X-Mercurial-Series-Index: 3
   X-Mercurial-Series-Total: 3
-  Message-Id: <0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e.63@test-hostname>
+  Message-Id: <6a3d45a97c951339278a.63@test-hostname>
   X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <8580ff50825a50c8f716.61@test-hostname>
   In-Reply-To: <patchbomb.60@test-hostname>
   References: <patchbomb.60@test-hostname>
@@ -1114,11 +1114,11 @@
   # User test
   # Date 4 0
   #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID 0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
-  # Parent  f81ef97829467e868fc405fccbcfa66217e4d3e6
+  # Node ID 6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
+  # Parent  2a90046f2e2d6329a52e24b1233b02bb47b61e57
   long line
-  diff -r f81ef9782946 -r 0c7b871cb86b long
+  diff -r 2a90046f2e2d -r 6a3d45a97c95 long
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/long	Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@@ -1202,11 +1202,11 @@
   Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===*==" (glob)
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Subject: [PATCH] test
-  X-Mercurial-Node: 0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
+  X-Mercurial-Node: 6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
   X-Mercurial-Series-Index: 1
   X-Mercurial-Series-Total: 1
-  Message-Id: <0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e.60@test-hostname>
-  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e.60@test-hostname>
+  Message-Id: <6a3d45a97c951339278a.60@test-hostname>
+  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <6a3d45a97c951339278a.60@test-hostname>
   User-Agent: Mercurial-patchbomb/* (glob)
   Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:01:00 +0000
   From: quux
@@ -1232,11 +1232,11 @@
   # User test
   # Date 4 0
   #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID 0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
-  # Parent  f81ef97829467e868fc405fccbcfa66217e4d3e6
+  # Node ID 6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
+  # Parent  2a90046f2e2d6329a52e24b1233b02bb47b61e57
   long line
-  diff -r f81ef9782946 -r 0c7b871cb86b long
+  diff -r 2a90046f2e2d -r 6a3d45a97c95 long
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/long	Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@@ -1441,10 +1441,10 @@
   Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===*==" (glob)
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Subject: [PATCH 3 of 3] long line
-  X-Mercurial-Node: 0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
+  X-Mercurial-Node: 6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
   X-Mercurial-Series-Index: 3
   X-Mercurial-Series-Total: 3
-  Message-Id: <0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e.63@test-hostname>
+  Message-Id: <6a3d45a97c951339278a.63@test-hostname>
   X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <8580ff50825a50c8f716.61@test-hostname>
   In-Reply-To: <patchbomb.60@test-hostname>
   References: <patchbomb.60@test-hostname>
@@ -1473,11 +1473,11 @@
   # User test
   # Date 4 0
   #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID 0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
-  # Parent  f81ef97829467e868fc405fccbcfa66217e4d3e6
+  # Node ID 6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
+  # Parent  2a90046f2e2d6329a52e24b1233b02bb47b61e57
   long line
-  diff -r f81ef9782946 -r 0c7b871cb86b long
+  diff -r 2a90046f2e2d -r 6a3d45a97c95 long
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/long	Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@@ -1932,11 +1932,11 @@
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
   Subject: [PATCH] Added tag two, two.diff for changeset ff2c9fa2018b
-  X-Mercurial-Node: 9cea7492c36bdda2c72e7dd5f35f7fc367adeb2c
+  X-Mercurial-Node: 708544ccbdda6e797bfb30a577744f3330312415
   X-Mercurial-Series-Index: 1
   X-Mercurial-Series-Total: 1
-  Message-Id: <9cea7492c36bdda2c72e.60@test-hostname>
-  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <9cea7492c36bdda2c72e.60@test-hostname>
+  Message-Id: <708544ccbdda6e797bfb.60@test-hostname>
+  X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <708544ccbdda6e797bfb.60@test-hostname>
   In-Reply-To: <baz>
   References: <baz>
   User-Agent: Mercurial-patchbomb/* (glob)
@@ -1949,11 +1949,11 @@
   # User test
   # Date 0 0
   #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID 9cea7492c36bdda2c72e7dd5f35f7fc367adeb2c
-  # Parent  3b775b32716d9b54291ccddf0a36ceea45449bfb
+  # Node ID 708544ccbdda6e797bfb30a577744f3330312415
+  # Parent  0c1b4de1cfb5e4d6b0b346aaebe91182419e771e
   Added tag two, two.diff for changeset ff2c9fa2018b
-  diff -r 3b775b32716d -r 9cea7492c36b .hgtags
+  diff -r 0c1b4de1cfb5 -r 708544ccbdda .hgtags
   --- a/.hgtags	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/.hgtags	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   @@ -2,3 +2,5 @@
@@ -2571,7 +2571,7 @@
   User-Agent: Mercurial-patchbomb/* (glob)
   Date: Tue, 01 Jan 1980 00:01:00 +0000
   From: quux
-  To:
+  To:
   # HG changeset patch
   # User test
@@ -2607,17 +2607,17 @@
   o  9:2f9fa9b998c5 d
-  | o  8:9cea7492c36b Added tag two, two.diff for changeset ff2c9fa2018b
+  | o  8:708544ccbdda Added tag two, two.diff for changeset ff2c9fa2018b
   | |
-  | o  7:3b775b32716d Added tag one, one.patch for changeset 97d72e5f12c7
+  | o  7:0c1b4de1cfb5 Added tag one, one.patch for changeset 97d72e5f12c7
   | |
-  | o  6:c41d7353114c Added tag zero, for changeset 8580ff50825a
+  | o  6:a14c9afe0a3f Added tag zero, for changeset 8580ff50825a
   | |
-  | o  5:4d6f44f466c9 isolatin 8-bit encoding
+  | o  5:ad98bd2771b2 isolatin 8-bit encoding
   | |
-  | o  4:0c7b871cb86b long line
+  | o  4:6a3d45a97c95 long line
   | |
-  | o  3:f81ef9782946 ça (esc)
+  | o  3:2a90046f2e2d ça (esc)
   | |
   | o  2:ff2c9fa2018b c
@@ -2684,11 +2684,11 @@
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
   Subject: [PATCH 2 of 6] ça (esc) (no-py3 !)
-  Subject: =?utf-8?b?W1BBVENIIDIgb2YgNl0gw6dh?= (py3 !)
-  X-Mercurial-Node: f81ef97829467e868fc405fccbcfa66217e4d3e6
+  Subject: =?utf-8?b?W1BBVENIIDIgb2YgNl0gw4PCp2E=?=
+  X-Mercurial-Node: 2a90046f2e2d6329a52e24b1233b02bb47b61e57
   X-Mercurial-Series-Index: 2
   X-Mercurial-Series-Total: 6
-  Message-Id: <f81ef97829467e868fc4.315532862@test-hostname>
+  Message-Id: <2a90046f2e2d6329a52e.315532862@test-hostname>
   X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <ff2c9fa2018b15fa74b3.315532861@test-hostname>
   In-Reply-To: <patchbomb.315532860@test-hostname>
   References: <patchbomb.315532860@test-hostname>
@@ -2701,18 +2701,18 @@
   # User test
   # Date 4 0
   #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID f81ef97829467e868fc405fccbcfa66217e4d3e6
+  # Node ID 2a90046f2e2d6329a52e24b1233b02bb47b61e57
   # Parent  ff2c9fa2018b15fa74b33363bda9527323e2a99f
-  =E7a
-  diff -r ff2c9fa2018b -r f81ef9782946 description
+  =C3=A7a
+  diff -r ff2c9fa2018b -r 2a90046f2e2d description
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/description	Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
   +a multiline
-  diff -r ff2c9fa2018b -r f81ef9782946 utf
+  diff -r ff2c9fa2018b -r 2a90046f2e2d utf
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/utf	Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
@@ -2723,10 +2723,10 @@
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
   Subject: [PATCH 3 of 6] long line
-  X-Mercurial-Node: 0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
+  X-Mercurial-Node: 6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
   X-Mercurial-Series-Index: 3
   X-Mercurial-Series-Total: 6
-  Message-Id: <0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e.315532863@test-hostname>
+  Message-Id: <6a3d45a97c951339278a.315532863@test-hostname>
   X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <ff2c9fa2018b15fa74b3.315532861@test-hostname>
   In-Reply-To: <patchbomb.315532860@test-hostname>
   References: <patchbomb.315532860@test-hostname>
@@ -2739,11 +2739,11 @@
   # User test
   # Date 4 0
   #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID 0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
-  # Parent  f81ef97829467e868fc405fccbcfa66217e4d3e6
+  # Node ID 6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
+  # Parent  2a90046f2e2d6329a52e24b1233b02bb47b61e57
   long line
-  diff -r f81ef9782946 -r 0c7b871cb86b long
+  diff -r 2a90046f2e2d -r 6a3d45a97c95 long
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/long	Thu Jan 01 00:00:04 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@@ -2770,10 +2770,10 @@
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
   Subject: [PATCH 4 of 6] isolatin 8-bit encoding
-  X-Mercurial-Node: 4d6f44f466c96d89f2e7e865a70ff41d8b6eee37
+  X-Mercurial-Node: ad98bd2771b25d0809cc341668586cf9c9ef3bd2
   X-Mercurial-Series-Index: 4
   X-Mercurial-Series-Total: 6
-  Message-Id: <4d6f44f466c96d89f2e7.315532864@test-hostname>
+  Message-Id: <ad98bd2771b25d0809cc.315532864@test-hostname>
   X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <ff2c9fa2018b15fa74b3.315532861@test-hostname>
   In-Reply-To: <patchbomb.315532860@test-hostname>
   References: <patchbomb.315532860@test-hostname>
@@ -2786,11 +2786,11 @@
   # User test
   # Date 5 0
   #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:05 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID 4d6f44f466c96d89f2e7e865a70ff41d8b6eee37
-  # Parent  0c7b871cb86b61a1c07e244393603c361e4a178d
+  # Node ID ad98bd2771b25d0809cc341668586cf9c9ef3bd2
+  # Parent  6a3d45a97c951339278ad9f52837943e41514943
   isolatin 8-bit encoding
-  diff -r 0c7b871cb86b -r 4d6f44f466c9 isolatin
+  diff -r 6a3d45a97c95 -r ad98bd2771b2 isolatin
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/isolatin	Thu Jan 01 00:00:05 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
@@ -2801,10 +2801,10 @@
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
   Subject: [PATCH 5 of 6] Added tag zero, for changeset 8580ff50825a
-  X-Mercurial-Node: c41d7353114ccb07a50a822ad5ddf47051c88ec2
+  X-Mercurial-Node: a14c9afe0a3fa3024f7c4a83b98076eb79ca9ea2
   X-Mercurial-Series-Index: 5
   X-Mercurial-Series-Total: 6
-  Message-Id: <c41d7353114ccb07a50a.315532865@test-hostname>
+  Message-Id: <a14c9afe0a3fa3024f7c.315532865@test-hostname>
   X-Mercurial-Series-Id: <ff2c9fa2018b15fa74b3.315532861@test-hostname>
   In-Reply-To: <patchbomb.315532860@test-hostname>
   References: <patchbomb.315532860@test-hostname>
@@ -2817,11 +2817,11 @@
   # User test
   # Date 0 0
   #      Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  # Node ID c41d7353114ccb07a50a822ad5ddf47051c88ec2
-  # Parent  4d6f44f466c96d89f2e7e865a70ff41d8b6eee37
+  # Node ID a14c9afe0a3fa3024f7c4a83b98076eb79ca9ea2
+  # Parent  ad98bd2771b25d0809cc341668586cf9c9ef3bd2
   Added tag zero, for changeset 8580ff50825a
-  diff -r 4d6f44f466c9 -r c41d7353114c .hgtags
+  diff -r ad98bd2771b2 -r a14c9afe0a3f .hgtags
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/.hgtags	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-qrecord.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-qrecord.t.err
@@ -258,32 +258,123 @@
   > y
   > n
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/1.txt b/1.txt
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to '1.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, strip, mq
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 114, in qrecord
+      return _qrecord(b'qnew', ui, repo, patch, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 140, in _qrecord
+      **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
+After qrecord a.patch 'tip'"
+  $ hg tip -p
+  changeset:   0:1057167b20ef
+  tag:         tip
+  user:        test
+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  summary:     initial checkin
+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 1057167b20ef 1.txt
+  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  +++ b/1.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  +1
+  +2
+  +3
+  +4
+  +5
+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 1057167b20ef 2.txt
+  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  +++ b/2.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  +a
+  +b
+  +c
+  +d
+  +e
+  +f
+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 1057167b20ef dir/a.txt
+  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  +++ b/dir/a.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  +hello world
+  +
+  +someone
+  +up
+  +there
+  +loves
+  +me
+After qrecord a.patch 'diff'"
+  $ hg diff --nodates
+  diff -r 1057167b20ef 1.txt
+  --- a/1.txt
+  +++ b/1.txt
+  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
   +2 2
-  record change 1/4 to '1.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -3,3 +3,3 @@
-   3
   +4 4
-  record change 2/4 to '1.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  diff --git a/2.txt b/2.txt
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to '2.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  diff -r 1057167b20ef 2.txt
+  --- a/2.txt
+  +++ b/2.txt
   @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -291,63 +382,7 @@
-  record change 3/4 to '2.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  diff --git a/dir/a.txt b/dir/a.txt
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'dir/a.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-After qrecord a.patch 'tip'"
-  $ hg tip -p
-  changeset:   1:5d1ca63427ee
-  tag:         a.patch
-  tag:         qbase
-  tag:         qtip
-  tag:         tip
-  user:        test
-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  summary:     aaa
-  diff -r 1057167b20ef -r 5d1ca63427ee 1.txt
-  --- a/1.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/1.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-   1
-  -2
-  +2 2
-   3
-   4
-   5
-  diff -r 1057167b20ef -r 5d1ca63427ee 2.txt
-  --- a/2.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/2.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-   a
-  -b
-  +b b
-   c
-   d
-   e
-After qrecord a.patch 'diff'"
-  $ hg diff --nodates
-  diff -r 5d1ca63427ee 1.txt
-  --- a/1.txt
-  +++ b/1.txt
-  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-   1
-   2 2
-   3
-  -4
-  +4 4
-   5
-  diff -r 5d1ca63427ee dir/a.txt
+  diff -r 1057167b20ef dir/a.txt
   --- a/dir/a.txt
   +++ b/dir/a.txt
   @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -365,71 +400,139 @@
   > y
   > y
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/1.txt b/1.txt
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to '1.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, strip, mq
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 114, in qrecord
+      return _qrecord(b'qnew', ui, repo, patch, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 140, in _qrecord
+      **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
+After qrecord b.patch 'tip'
+  $ hg tip -p
+  changeset:   0:1057167b20ef
+  tag:         tip
+  user:        test
+  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  summary:     initial checkin
+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 1057167b20ef 1.txt
+  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  +++ b/1.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  +1
+  +2
+  +3
+  +4
+  +5
+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 1057167b20ef 2.txt
+  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  +++ b/2.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  +a
+  +b
+  +c
+  +d
+  +e
+  +f
+  diff -r 000000000000 -r 1057167b20ef dir/a.txt
+  --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  +++ b/dir/a.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  +hello world
+  +
+  +someone
+  +up
+  +there
+  +loves
+  +me
+After qrecord b.patch 'diff'
+  $ hg diff --nodates
+  diff -r 1057167b20ef 1.txt
+  --- a/1.txt
+  +++ b/1.txt
   @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-   2 2
+  -2
+  +2 2
   +4 4
-  record change 1/2 to '1.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  diff --git a/dir/a.txt b/dir/a.txt
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'dir/a.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  diff -r 1057167b20ef 2.txt
+  --- a/2.txt
+  +++ b/2.txt
+  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+   a
+  -b
+  +b b
+   c
+   d
+   e
+  diff -r 1057167b20ef dir/a.txt
+  --- a/dir/a.txt
+  +++ b/dir/a.txt
   @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
   -hello world
   +hello world!
-  record change 2/2 to 'dir/a.txt'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-After qrecord b.patch 'tip'
-  $ hg tip -p
-  changeset:   2:b056198bf878
-  tag:         b.patch
-  tag:         qtip
-  tag:         tip
-  user:        test
-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  summary:     bbb
-  diff -r 5d1ca63427ee -r b056198bf878 1.txt
-  --- a/1.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/1.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-   1
-   2 2
-   3
-  -4
-  +4 4
-   5
-  diff -r 5d1ca63427ee -r b056198bf878 dir/a.txt
-  --- a/dir/a.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  +++ b/dir/a.txt	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-  -hello world
-  +hello world!
-   someone
-   up
-After qrecord b.patch 'diff'
-  $ hg diff --nodates
   $ cd ..
@@ -444,20 +547,117 @@
   > EOF
   $ echo > a
   $ hg ci -Am 'foo bar'
-  adding a
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, histedit, strip, mq
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 992, in _dispatch
+      extensions.loadall(lui)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 425, in loadall
+      _loadextra(ui, newindex, extraloaders)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 453, in _loadextra
+      getattr(loadermod, loadername)(ui, name, extraobj)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 299, in w
+      return f(object, sysstr(name), *args)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ hg log
-  changeset:   0:ea55e2ae468f
-  tag:         tip
-  user:        test
-  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  summary:     foo bar
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, histedit, strip, mq
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 992, in _dispatch
+      extensions.loadall(lui)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 425, in loadall
+      _loadextra(ui, newindex, extraloaders)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 453, in _loadextra
+      getattr(loadermod, loadername)(ui, name, extraobj)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 299, in w
+      return f(object, sysstr(name), *args)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ hg histedit tip --commands - 2>&1 <<EOF
   > edit ea55e2ae468f foo bar
   > EOF
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  Editing (ea55e2ae468f), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, histedit, strip, mq
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 992, in _dispatch
+      extensions.loadall(lui)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 425, in loadall
+      _loadextra(ui, newindex, extraloaders)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 453, in _loadextra
+      getattr(loadermod, loadername)(ui, name, extraobj)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 299, in w
+      return f(object, sysstr(name), *args)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
   $ echo 'foo bar' > a
   $ hg qrecord -d '0 0' -m aaa a.patch <<EOF
@@ -468,6 +668,39 @@
   > y
   > n
   > EOF
-  abort: histedit in progress
-  (use 'hg histedit --continue' or 'hg histedit --abort')
-  [255]
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, histedit, strip, mq
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 992, in _dispatch
+      extensions.loadall(lui)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 425, in loadall
+      _loadextra(ui, newindex, extraloaders)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 453, in _loadextra
+      getattr(loadermod, loadername)(ui, name, extraobj)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 299, in w
+      return f(object, sysstr(name), *args)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-rebase-pull.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-rebase-pull.t.err
@@ -9,452 +9,37 @@
   $ hg init a
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: rebase, histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ cd a
+  $ line 15: cd: a: $ENOENT$
   $ echo C1 > C1
-  $ hg ci -Am C1
-  adding C1
-  $ echo C2 > C2
-  $ hg ci -Am C2
-  adding C2
-  $ cd ..
-  $ hg clone a b
-  updating to branch default
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg clone a c
-  updating to branch default
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ cd b
-  $ echo L1 > L1
-  $ hg ci -Am L1
-  adding L1
-  $ cd ../a
-  $ echo R1 > R1
-  $ hg ci -Am R1
-  adding R1
-  $ cd ../b
-Now b has one revision to be pulled from a:
-  $ hg pull --rebase
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/a
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
-  new changesets 77ae9631bcca
-  rebasing 2:ff8d69a621f9 "L1"
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/b/.hg/strip-backup/ff8d69a621f9-160fa373-rebase.hg
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  3: d80cc2da061e 'L1'
-  |
-  o  2: 77ae9631bcca 'R1'
-  |
-  o  1: 783333faa078 'C2'
-  |
-  o  0: 05d58a0c15dd 'C1'
-  $ hg pull --rebase
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/a
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-Abort pull early if working dir is not clean:
-  $ echo L1-mod > L1
-  $ hg pull --rebase
-  abort: uncommitted changes
-  (cannot pull with rebase: please commit or shelve your changes first)
-  [255]
-  $ hg update --clean --quiet
-Abort pull early if another operation (histedit) is in progress:
-  $ hg histedit . -q --commands - << EOF
-  > edit d80cc2da061e histedit: generate unfinished state
-  > EOF
-  Editing (d80cc2da061e), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg pull --rebase
-  abort: histedit in progress
-  (use 'hg histedit --continue' or 'hg histedit --abort')
-  [255]
-  $ hg histedit --abort --quiet
-Abort pull early with pending uncommitted merge:
-  $ cd ..
-  $ hg clone --noupdate c d
-  $ cd d
-  $ hg tglog
-  o  1: 783333faa078 'C2'
-  |
-  o  0: 05d58a0c15dd 'C1'
-  $ hg update --quiet 0
-  $ echo M1 > M1
-  $ hg commit --quiet -Am M1
-  $ hg update --quiet 1
-  $ hg merge 2
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  (branch merge, don't forget to commit)
-  $ hg pull --rebase
-  abort: outstanding uncommitted merge
-  (cannot pull with rebase: please commit or shelve your changes first)
-  [255]
-  $ hg update --clean --quiet
-Abort pull early with unclean subrepo:
-  $ echo s = s > .hgsub
-  $ hg add .hgsub
-  $ hg init s
-  $ hg commit -m "generated a subrepo"
-  $ echo a > s/a
-  $ hg -R s add s/a
-  $ hg pull --rebase
-  abort: uncommitted changes in subrepository "s"
-  (cannot pull with rebase: please commit or shelve your changes first)
-  [255]
-Invoke pull --rebase and nothing to rebase:
-  $ cd ../c
-  $ hg book norebase
-  $ hg pull --rebase
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/a
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-  new changesets 77ae9631bcca
-  nothing to rebase - updating instead
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  updating bookmark norebase
-  $ hg tglog -l 1
-  @  2: 77ae9631bcca 'R1'
-  |
-  ~
-pull --rebase --update should ignore --update:
-  $ hg pull --rebase --update
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/a
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-pull --rebase doesn't update if nothing has been pulled:
-  $ hg up -q 1
-  $ hg pull --rebase
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/a
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-  $ hg tglog -l 1
-  o  2: 77ae9631bcca 'R1'
-  |
-  ~
-  $ cd ..
-pull --rebase works when a specific revision is pulled (issue3619)
-  $ cd a
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  2: 77ae9631bcca 'R1'
-  |
-  o  1: 783333faa078 'C2'
-  |
-  o  0: 05d58a0c15dd 'C1'
-  $ echo R2 > R2
-  $ hg ci -Am R2
-  adding R2
-  $ echo R3 > R3
-  $ hg ci -Am R3
-  adding R3
-  $ cd ../c
-  $ hg tglog
-  o  2: 77ae9631bcca 'R1'
-  |
-  @  1: 783333faa078 'C2'
-  |
-  o  0: 05d58a0c15dd 'C1'
-  $ echo L1 > L1
-  $ hg ci -Am L1
-  adding L1
-  created new head
-  $ hg pull --rev tip --rebase
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/a
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  new changesets 31cd3a05214e:770a61882ace
-  rebasing 3:ff8d69a621f9 "L1"
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/c/.hg/strip-backup/ff8d69a621f9-160fa373-rebase.hg
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  5: 518d153c0ba3 'L1'
-  |
-  o  4: 770a61882ace 'R3'
-  |
-  o  3: 31cd3a05214e 'R2'
-  |
-  o  2: 77ae9631bcca 'R1'
-  |
-  o  1: 783333faa078 'C2'
-  |
-  o  0: 05d58a0c15dd 'C1'
-pull --rebase works with bundle2 turned on
-  $ cd ../a
-  $ echo R4 > R4
-  $ hg ci -Am R4
-  adding R4
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  5: 00e3b7781125 'R4'
-  |
-  o  4: 770a61882ace 'R3'
-  |
-  o  3: 31cd3a05214e 'R2'
-  |
-  o  2: 77ae9631bcca 'R1'
-  |
-  o  1: 783333faa078 'C2'
-  |
-  o  0: 05d58a0c15dd 'C1'
-  $ cd ../c
-  $ hg pull --rebase
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/a
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
-  new changesets 00e3b7781125
-  rebasing 5:518d153c0ba3 "L1"
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/c/.hg/strip-backup/518d153c0ba3-73407f14-rebase.hg
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  6: 0d0727eb7ce0 'L1'
-  |
-  o  5: 00e3b7781125 'R4'
-  |
-  o  4: 770a61882ace 'R3'
-  |
-  o  3: 31cd3a05214e 'R2'
-  |
-  o  2: 77ae9631bcca 'R1'
-  |
-  o  1: 783333faa078 'C2'
-  |
-  o  0: 05d58a0c15dd 'C1'
-pull --rebase only update if there is nothing to rebase
-  $ cd ../a
-  $ echo R5 > R5
-  $ hg ci -Am R5
-  adding R5
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  6: 88dd24261747 'R5'
-  |
-  o  5: 00e3b7781125 'R4'
-  |
-  o  4: 770a61882ace 'R3'
-  |
-  o  3: 31cd3a05214e 'R2'
-  |
-  o  2: 77ae9631bcca 'R1'
-  |
-  o  1: 783333faa078 'C2'
-  |
-  o  0: 05d58a0c15dd 'C1'
-  $ cd ../c
-  $ echo L2 > L2
-  $ hg ci -Am L2
-  adding L2
-  $ hg up 'desc(L1)'
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg pull --rebase
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/a
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
-  new changesets 88dd24261747
-  rebasing 6:0d0727eb7ce0 "L1"
-  rebasing 7:c1f58876e3bf "L2"
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/c/.hg/strip-backup/0d0727eb7ce0-ef61ccb2-rebase.hg
-  $ hg tglog
-  o  8: 6dc0ea5dcf55 'L2'
-  |
-  @  7: 864e0a2d2614 'L1'
-  |
-  o  6: 88dd24261747 'R5'
-  |
-  o  5: 00e3b7781125 'R4'
-  |
-  o  4: 770a61882ace 'R3'
-  |
-  o  3: 31cd3a05214e 'R2'
-  |
-  o  2: 77ae9631bcca 'R1'
-  |
-  o  1: 783333faa078 'C2'
-  |
-  o  0: 05d58a0c15dd 'C1'
-pull --rebase update (no rebase) use proper update:
-- warn about other head.
-  $ cd ../a
-  $ echo R6 > R6
-  $ hg ci -Am R6
-  adding R6
-  $ cd ../c
-  $ hg up 'desc(R5)'
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg pull --rebase
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/a
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
-  new changesets 65bc164c1d9b
-  nothing to rebase - updating instead
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  updated to "65bc164c1d9b: R6"
-  1 other heads for branch "default"
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  9: 65bc164c1d9b 'R6'
-  |
-  | o  8: 6dc0ea5dcf55 'L2'
-  | |
-  | o  7: 864e0a2d2614 'L1'
-  |/
-  o  6: 88dd24261747 'R5'
-  |
-  o  5: 00e3b7781125 'R4'
-  |
-  o  4: 770a61882ace 'R3'
-  |
-  o  3: 31cd3a05214e 'R2'
-  |
-  o  2: 77ae9631bcca 'R1'
-  |
-  o  1: 783333faa078 'C2'
-  |
-  o  0: 05d58a0c15dd 'C1'
-Multiple pre-existing heads on the branch
-Pull bring content, but nothing on the current branch, we should not consider
-pre-existing heads.
-  $ cd ../a
-  $ hg branch unrelatedbranch
-  marked working directory as branch unrelatedbranch
-  (branches are permanent and global, did you want a bookmark?)
-  $ echo B1 > B1
-  $ hg commit -Am B1
-  adding B1
-  $ cd ../c
-  $ hg up 'desc(L2)'
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg pull --rebase
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/a
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-  new changesets 39c381359968
-  nothing to rebase
-There is two local heads and we pull a third one.
-The second local head should not confuse the `hg pull rebase`.
-  $ hg up 'desc(R6)'
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ echo M1 > M1
-  $ hg commit -Am M1
-  adding M1
-  $ cd ../a
-  $ hg up 'desc(R6)'
-  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ echo R7 > R7
-  $ hg commit -Am R7
-  adding R7
-  $ cd ../c
-  $ hg up 'desc(L2)'
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg pull --rebase
-  pulling from $TESTTMP/a
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
-  new changesets f7d3e42052f9
-  rebasing 7:864e0a2d2614 "L1"
-  rebasing 8:6dc0ea5dcf55 "L2"
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/c/.hg/strip-backup/864e0a2d2614-2f72c89c-rebase.hg
-  $ hg tglog
-  @  12: 3603a865eea0 'L2'
-  |
-  o  11: bcc8a9cd04bf 'L1'
-  |
-  o  10: f7d3e42052f9 'R7'
-  |
-  | o  9: 41fab4eef82f 'M1'
-  |/
-  | o  8: 39c381359968 'B1' unrelatedbranch
-  |/
-  o  7: 65bc164c1d9b 'R6'
-  |
-  o  6: 88dd24261747 'R5'
-  |
-  o  5: 00e3b7781125 'R4'
-  |
-  o  4: 770a61882ace 'R3'
-  |
-  o  3: 31cd3a05214e 'R2'
-  |
-  o  2: 77ae9631bcca 'R1'
-  |
-  o  1: 783333faa078 'C2'
-  |
-  o  0: 05d58a0c15dd 'C1'


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-record.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-record.t.err
@@ -74,10 +74,60 @@
   $ hg record empty-rw<<EOF
   > n
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/empty-rw b/empty-rw
-  new file mode 100644
-  abort: empty commit message
-  [255]
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 78, in record
+      return commands.commit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg tip -p
   changeset:   -1:000000000000


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-removeemptydirs.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-removeemptydirs.t.err
@@ -117,6 +117,36 @@
   > EOF
   $ cd $TESTTMP/hghistedit/somedir
   $ hg --config extensions.histedit= histedit -q --commands ../histedit_commands
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
 histedit doesn't output anything when the current diretory is removed. We rely
 on the tests being commonly run on machines where the current directory
@@ -139,6 +169,36 @@
   > EOF
   $ cd $TESTTMP/hghistedit/somedir
   $ hg $NO_RM --config extensions.histedit= histedit -q --commands ../histedit_commands
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
 Regardless of system, we should always get a 'yes' here.
   $ isfile foo
@@ -159,14 +219,104 @@
   $ mkdir foo
   $ touch foo/bar
   $ hg commit -qAm "add foo"
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ mkdir bar
   $ touch bar/bar
   $ hg commit -qAm "add bar"
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ mkdir baz
   $ touch baz/bar
   $ hg commit -qAm "add baz"
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
 Enter the first directory:
@@ -207,19 +357,105 @@
   > pick ff70a87b588f 0 add foo
   > fold 9992bb0ac0db 2 add baz
   > EOF
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/issue5826_withrm/.hg/strip-backup/5c806432464a-cd4c8d86-histedit.hg
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ hg log -T '{rev}:{node|short} {desc}
-  1:b9eddaa97cbc add foo
-  ***
-  add baz
-  0:d17db4b0303a add bar
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
 Now test that again with experimental.removeemptydirs=false:
   $ hg init issue5826_norm
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: histedit
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1096, in _dispatch
+      color.setup(ui_)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 38, in <module>
+      b'black': (False, curses.COLOR_BLACK, b''),
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'COLOR_BLACK'
+  [1]
   $ cd issue5826_norm
+  $ line 235: cd: issue5826_norm: $ENOENT$
 Let's only turn this on for this repo so that we don't contaminate later tests.
   $ cat >> .hg/hgrc <<EOF
@@ -228,40 +464,3 @@
   > [experimental]
   > removeemptydirs = false
   > EOF
-Commit three revisions that each create a directory:
-  $ mkdir foo
-  $ touch foo/bar
-  $ hg commit -qAm "add foo"
-  $ mkdir bar
-  $ touch bar/bar
-  $ hg commit -qAm "add bar"
-  $ mkdir baz
-  $ touch baz/bar
-  $ hg commit -qAm "add baz"
-Enter the first directory:
-  $ cd foo
-Histedit doing 'pick, pick, fold':
-  $ hg histedit --commands - <<EOF
-  > pick 6274c77c93c3 1 add bar
-  > pick ff70a87b588f 0 add foo
-  > fold 9992bb0ac0db 2 add baz
-  > EOF
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/issue5826_withrm/issue5826_norm/.hg/strip-backup/5c806432464a-cd4c8d86-histedit.hg
-Note the lack of a 'cd' being necessary here, and we don't need to 'histedit
-  $ hg log -T '{rev}:{node|short} {desc}
-  1:b9eddaa97cbc add foo
-  ***
-  add baz
-  0:d17db4b0303a add bar
-  $ cd $TESTTMP


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-revert-interactive.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-revert-interactive.t.err
@@ -53,82 +53,62 @@
   > EOF
   remove added file folder1/i (Yn)? y
   removing folder1/i
-  diff --git a/f b/f
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'f'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-  -a
-   1
-   2
-   3
-   4
-   5
-  apply change 1/6 to 'f'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -2,6 +1,5 @@
-   1
-   2
-   3
-   4
-   5
-  -b
-  apply change 2/6 to 'f'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  diff --git a/folder1/g b/folder1/g
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'folder1/g'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-  -c
-   1
-   2
-   3
-   4
-   5
-  apply change 3/6 to 'folder1/g'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] ?
-  y - yes, apply this change
-  n - no, skip this change
-  e - edit this change manually
-  s - skip remaining changes to this file
-  f - apply remaining changes to this file
-  d - done, skip remaining changes and files
-  a - apply all changes to all remaining files
-  q - quit, applying no changes
-  ? - ? (display help)
-  apply change 3/6 to 'folder1/g'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -2,6 +1,5 @@
-   1
-   2
-   3
-   4
-   5
-  -d
-  apply change 4/6 to 'folder1/g'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  diff --git a/folder2/h b/folder2/h
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'folder2/h'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  reverting f
-  reverting folder1/g
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ cat f
+  a
+  b
   $ cat folder1/g
+  c
@@ -147,50 +127,161 @@
 Test that --interactive lift the need for --all
   $ echo q | hg revert -i -r 2
-  diff --git a/folder1/g b/folder1/g
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'folder1/g'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] q
-  abort: user quit
-  [255]
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ ls folder1/
 Test that a noop revert doesn't do an unnecessary backup
   $ (echo n) | hg revert -i -r 2 folder1/g
-  diff --git a/folder1/g b/folder1/g
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  @@ -3,4 +3,3 @@
-   3
-   4
-   5
-  -d
-  apply this change to 'folder1/g'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ ls folder1/
 Test --no-backup
   $ (echo y) | hg revert -i -C -r 2 folder1/g
-  diff --git a/folder1/g b/folder1/g
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  @@ -3,4 +3,3 @@
-   3
-   4
-   5
-  -d
-  apply this change to 'folder1/g'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ ls folder1/
   >>> open('folder1/g', 'wb').write(b"1
") and None
   $ hg update -C 6
-  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   $ hg revert -i -r 2 --all -- << EOF
   > n
   > y
@@ -202,70 +293,62 @@
   > n
   > EOF
   remove added file folder1/i (Yn)? n
-  diff --git a/f b/f
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'f'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-  -a
-   1
-   2
-   3
-   4
-   5
-  apply change 1/6 to 'f'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -2,6 +1,5 @@
-   1
-   2
-   3
-   4
-   5
-  -b
-  apply change 2/6 to 'f'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  diff --git a/folder1/g b/folder1/g
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'folder1/g'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-  -c
-   1
-   2
-   3
-   4
-   5
-  apply change 3/6 to 'folder1/g'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -2,6 +1,5 @@
-   1
-   2
-   3
-   4
-   5
-  -d
-  apply change 4/6 to 'folder1/g'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  diff --git a/folder2/h b/folder2/h
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'folder2/h'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  reverting f
-  reverting folder1/g
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ cat f
+  a
+  b
   $ cat folder1/g
+  c
@@ -281,52 +364,60 @@
   $ hg st
-  M f
-  M folder1/g
   $ hg revert --interactive f << EOF
   > ?
   > y
   > n
   > n
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/f b/f
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-  -a
-   1
-   2
-   3
-   4
-   5
-  discard change 1/2 to 'f'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] ?
-  y - yes, discard this change
-  n - no, skip this change
-  e - edit this change manually
-  s - skip remaining changes to this file
-  f - discard remaining changes to this file
-  d - done, skip remaining changes and files
-  a - discard all changes to all remaining files
-  q - quit, discarding no changes
-  ? - ? (display help)
-  discard change 1/2 to 'f'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -2,6 +1,5 @@
-   1
-   2
-   3
-   4
-   5
-  -b
-  discard change 2/2 to 'f'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
+  no changes needed to f
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg st
-  M f
-  M folder1/g
-  ? f.orig
   $ cat f
@@ -334,13 +425,13 @@
+  b
   $ cat f.orig
-  1
-  2
-  3
-  4
-  5
+  cat: f.orig: $ENOENT$
+  [1]
   $ rm f.orig
+  rm: cannot lstat `f.orig': $ENOENT$
+  [1]
@@ -348,22 +439,55 @@
   > y
   > n
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/f b/f
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'f'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -4,4 +4,3 @@
-   3
-   4
-   5
-  -b
-  discard this change to 'f'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg update -C .
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
 Check editing files newly added by a revert
@@ -384,21 +508,55 @@
   > y
   > e
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/k b/k
-  1 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'k'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
-  -1
-  +0
-  +2
-  discard this change to 'k'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] e
-  reverting k
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ cat k
-  42
+  0
+  2
   $ hg update -C .
   1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
@@ -411,6 +569,52 @@
   > n
   > EOF
   forget added file newfile (Yn)? n
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg status
   A newfile
   $ hg revert -i <<EOF
@@ -418,6 +622,52 @@
   > EOF
   forget added file newfile (Yn)? y
   forgetting newfile
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg status
   ? newfile
@@ -437,21 +687,55 @@
   > y
   > y
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-   0
-  -1
-  \ No newline at end of file
-  apply this change to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  reverting a
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ cat a
+  1 (no-eol)
 When specified pattern does not exist, we should exit early (issue5789).
@@ -461,6 +745,52 @@
   b: no such file in rev b40d1912accf
   $ hg rev -i b
   b: no such file in rev b40d1912accf
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ cd ..
@@ -473,15 +803,103 @@
   $ hg revert -i<<EOF
   > y
   > EOF
-  add back removed file a (Yn)? y
-  undeleting a
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ ls
-  a
   $ hg rm a
   $ hg revert -i<<EOF
   > n
   > EOF
-  add back removed file a (Yn)? n
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ ls
   $ hg revert -a
   undeleting a
@@ -513,25 +931,53 @@
   > n
   > e
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
-  +x
-   a
-  keep change 1/2 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -1,1 +2,2 @@
-   a
-  +y
-  keep change 2/2 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] e
-  reverting a
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: record, purge
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6276, in revert
+      ui, repo, ctx, (parent, p2), *pats, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3656, in revert
+      tobackup,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 3786, in _performrevert
+      repo.ui, originalchunks, match, operation=operation
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ cat a
+  x
-  new line


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-revset.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-revset.t.err
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
   abort: unknown revision '-a'!
   $ try é
-  (symbol 'é')
+  (symbol 'é')
   * set:
   <baseset [9]>
@@ -1847,7 +1847,6 @@
   $ log 'id(2785f51eece)'
   $ log 'id(d5d0dcbdc4d9ff5dbb2d336f32f0bb561c1a532c)'
-  8
   $ log 'id(d5d0dcbdc4a)'
   $ log 'id(d5d0dcbdc4w)'
   $ log 'id(d5d0dcbdc4d9ff5dbb2d336f32f0bb561c1a532d)'


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-revset2.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-revset2.t.err
@@ -804,13 +804,13 @@
 (real pair)
   $ hg diff -r 'tip^^' -r 'tip'
-  diff -r 2326846efdab -r d2e607fcf9e4 .hgtags
+  diff -r 2326846efdab -r 03e2075a498e .hgtags
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/.hgtags	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
   +d5e6808a86077d6f5c1ff626d4352d01da7d2a1f 1.0
   $ hg diff -r 'tip^^::tip'
-  diff -r 2326846efdab -r d2e607fcf9e4 .hgtags
+  diff -r 2326846efdab -r 03e2075a498e .hgtags
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/.hgtags	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
@@ -824,13 +824,13 @@
 (single rev that does not looks like a range)
   $ hg diff -r 'tip^::tip^ or tip^'
-  diff -r d5d0dcbdc4d9 .hgtags
+  diff -r 6fa93c91b5c8 .hgtags
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/.hgtags	* (glob)
   @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
   +d5e6808a86077d6f5c1ff626d4352d01da7d2a1f 1.0
   $ hg diff -r 'tip^ or tip^'
-  diff -r d5d0dcbdc4d9 .hgtags
+  diff -r 6fa93c91b5c8 .hgtags
   --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   +++ b/.hgtags	* (glob)
   @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
@@ -1242,8 +1242,8 @@
-  8:d5d0dcbdc4d9
-  9:d2e607fcf9e4
+  8:6fa93c91b5c8
+  9:03e2075a498e
   $ hg log -qr d5e: --config revsetalias.d5e="0"
@@ -1254,8 +1254,8 @@
-  8:d5d0dcbdc4d9
-  9:d2e607fcf9e4
+  8:6fa93c91b5c8
+  9:03e2075a498e
   $ hg log -qr :d5e --config revsetalias.d5e="9"
@@ -1266,14 +1266,14 @@
-  8:d5d0dcbdc4d9
-  9:d2e607fcf9e4
+  8:6fa93c91b5c8
+  9:03e2075a498e
   $ hg log -qr d5e:
-  8:d5d0dcbdc4d9
-  9:d2e607fcf9e4
+  8:6fa93c91b5c8
+  9:03e2075a498e
   $ hg log -qr :d5e
@@ -1471,8 +1471,8 @@
   $ echo 'cat2n2($1, $2, $3, $4) = $1 ## $2 or $3 ## $4~2' >> .hg/hgrc
   $ log "cat2n2(2785f5, 1eece5, d2e607, fcf9e4)"
-  0
-  4
+  abort: unknown revision 'd2e607fcf9e4'!
+  [255]
   $ cd ..
@@ -1556,19 +1556,11 @@
   > '''.encode('cp932'))
   > EOF
   $ sh <
-  0
-  1
-  2
-  3
-  0
-  2
-  1
-  3
 test error message of bad revset
   $ hg log -r 'foo\'


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-shelve.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-shelve.t#phasebased.err
@@ -754,31 +754,68 @@
   > y
   > n
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/a/a b/a/a
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'a/a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-  +a
-   a
-   c
-   x
-  record change 1/2 to 'a/a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,3 +2,4 @@
-   a
-   c
-   x
-  +x
-  record change 2/2 to 'a/a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  shelved as test
-  merging a/a
-  0 files updated, 1 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6632, in shelve
+      return shelvemod.createcmd(ui, repo, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 495, in createcmd
+      return _docreatecmd(ui, repo, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 548, in _docreatecmd
+      **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ cat a/a
+  a
@@ -788,14 +825,13 @@
   $ hg st
   M a/a
+  ? a/a.orig
   ? foo/foo
   $ hg bookmark
    \* test                      (4|13):33f7f61e6c5e (re)
   $ hg unshelve
-  unshelving change 'test'
-  temporarily committing pending changes (restore with 'hg unshelve --abort')
-  rebasing shelved changes
-  merging a/a
+  abort: no shelved changes to apply!
+  [255]
   $ hg bookmark
    \* test                      (4|13):33f7f61e6c5e (re)
   $ cat a/a
@@ -1007,24 +1043,24 @@
   $ sh $TESTTMP/ before-unshelving
   ==== before-unshelving:
-  VISIBLE (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
-  ACTUAL  (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
+  VISIBLE 18:703117a2acfb
+  ACTUAL  18:703117a2acfb
   $ hg unshelve --keep default
   temporarily committing pending changes (restore with 'hg unshelve --abort')
   rebasing shelved changes
   ==== preupdate:
-  VISIBLE (6|20):54c00d20fb3f (re)
-  ACTUAL  (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
+  VISIBLE 19:54c00d20fb3f
+  ACTUAL  18:703117a2acfb
   ==== preupdate:
-  VISIBLE (8|21):8efe6f7537dc (re)
-  ACTUAL  (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
+  VISIBLE 20:8efe6f7537dc
+  ACTUAL  18:703117a2acfb
   ==== preupdate:
-  VISIBLE (6|20):54c00d20fb3f (re)
-  ACTUAL  (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
+  VISIBLE 19:54c00d20fb3f
+  ACTUAL  18:703117a2acfb
   $ cat >> .hg/hgrc <<EOF
@@ -1034,8 +1070,8 @@
   $ sh $TESTTMP/ after-unshelving
   ==== after-unshelving:
-  VISIBLE (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
-  ACTUAL  (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
+  VISIBLE 18:703117a2acfb
+  ACTUAL  18:703117a2acfb
 == test visibility to external update hook
@@ -1051,25 +1087,25 @@
   $ sh $TESTTMP/ before-unshelving
   ==== before-unshelving:
-  VISIBLE (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
-  ACTUAL  (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
+  VISIBLE 18:703117a2acfb
+  ACTUAL  18:703117a2acfb
   $ hg unshelve --keep default
   temporarily committing pending changes (restore with 'hg unshelve --abort')
   rebasing shelved changes
   ==== update:
-  VISIBLE (6|20):54c00d20fb3f (re)
-  VISIBLE 1?7:492ed9d705e5 (re)
-  ACTUAL  (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
+  VISIBLE 19:54c00d20fb3f
+  VISIBLE 16:492ed9d705e5
+  ACTUAL  18:703117a2acfb
   ==== update:
-  VISIBLE (6|20):54c00d20fb3f (re)
-  ACTUAL  (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
+  VISIBLE 19:54c00d20fb3f
+  ACTUAL  18:703117a2acfb
   ==== update:
-  VISIBLE (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
-  ACTUAL  (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
+  VISIBLE 18:703117a2acfb
+  ACTUAL  18:703117a2acfb
   $ cat >> .hg/hgrc <<EOF
@@ -1079,8 +1115,8 @@
   $ sh $TESTTMP/ after-unshelving
   ==== after-unshelving:
-  VISIBLE (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
-  ACTUAL  (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
+  VISIBLE 18:703117a2acfb
+  ACTUAL  18:703117a2acfb
   $ cd ..
@@ -1104,20 +1140,20 @@
      test                      (4|13):33f7f61e6c5e (re)
   $ hg bookmarks foo
   $ hg bookmarks
-   \* foo                       (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
+   * foo                       18:703117a2acfb
      test                      (4|13):33f7f61e6c5e (re)
   $ echo x >> x
   $ hg shelve
   shelved as foo
   1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   $ hg bookmarks
-   \* foo                       (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
+   * foo                       18:703117a2acfb
      test                      (4|13):33f7f61e6c5e (re)
   $ hg unshelve
   unshelving change 'foo'
   $ hg bookmarks
-   \* foo                       (5|19):703117a2acfb (re)
+   * foo                       18:703117a2acfb
      test                      (4|13):33f7f61e6c5e (re)
   $ cd ..
@@ -1210,34 +1246,83 @@
   > EOF
   unshelving change 'default'
   rebasing shelved changes
-  diff --git a/c b/c
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'c'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +
-  record change 1/2 to 'c'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  diff --git a/d b/d
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'd'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +
-  record change 2/2 to 'd'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, share
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 7574, in unshelve
+      return shelvemod.dounshelve(ui, repo, *shelved, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1169, in dounshelve
+      activebookmark,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1031, in _rebaserestoredcommit
+      ui, repo, shelvectx, basename, interactive, opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 954, in _createunshelvectx
+      **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ ls
+  d
 -- shelve should not contain `c` now
   $ hg shelve --patch
   default         (*s ago)    changes to: b (glob)
+  diff --git a/c b/c
+  new file mode 100644
+  --- /dev/null
+  +++ b/c
+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+  +
   diff --git a/d b/d
   new file mode 100644
   --- /dev/null
@@ -1249,28 +1334,80 @@
   > y
   > EOF
   unshelving change 'default'
-  temporarily committing pending changes (restore with 'hg unshelve --abort')
   rebasing shelved changes
-  diff --git a/d b/d
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'd'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +
-  record this change to 'd'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, share
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 7574, in unshelve
+      return shelvemod.dounshelve(ui, repo, *shelved, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1169, in dounshelve
+      activebookmark,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1031, in _rebaserestoredcommit
+      ui, repo, shelvectx, basename, interactive, opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 954, in _createunshelvectx
+      **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg status -v
-  A c
-  A d
+  ? c
+  ? d
   $ ls
   $ hg shelve --list
+  default         (3s ago)    changes to: b
 -- now, unshelve selected changes from a file
@@ -1285,10 +1422,12 @@
   $ echo > garbage
   $ hg st
   M foo
+  ? c
+  ? d
   ? garbage
   $ hg shelve --unknown
-  shelved as default
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  shelved as default-01
+  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   $ cat foo
   $ hg unshelve -i <<EOF
@@ -1298,51 +1437,107 @@
   > y
   > y
   > EOF
-  unshelving change 'default'
+  unshelving change 'default-01'
   rebasing shelved changes
-  diff --git a/foo b/foo
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'foo'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
-  +A
-   B
-  record change 1/3 to 'foo'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +2,2 @@
-   B
-  +C
-  record change 2/3 to 'foo'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  diff --git a/garbage b/garbage
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'garbage'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +
-  record change 3/3 to 'garbage'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, share
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 7574, in unshelve
+      return shelvemod.dounshelve(ui, repo, *shelved, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1169, in dounshelve
+      activebookmark,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1031, in _rebaserestoredcommit
+      ui, repo, shelvectx, basename, interactive, opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 954, in _createunshelvectx
+      **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg st
   M foo
+  ? c
+  ? d
   ? garbage
   $ cat foo
+  C
   $ hg shelve --patch
-  default         (*s ago)    changes to: add B to foo (glob)
+  default-01      (1s ago)    changes to: add B to foo
+  diff --git a/c b/c
+  new file mode 100644
+  --- /dev/null
+  +++ b/c
+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+  +
+  diff --git a/d b/d
+  new file mode 100644
+  --- /dev/null
+  +++ b/d
+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+  +
   diff --git a/foo b/foo
   --- a/foo
   +++ b/foo
-  @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-   A
+  @@ -1,1 +1,3 @@
+  +A
+  diff --git a/garbage b/garbage
+  new file mode 100644
+  --- /dev/null
+  +++ b/garbage
+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+  +
 -- unshelve interactive on conflicts
@@ -1353,13 +1548,13 @@
   $ echo B >> bar1
   $ echo B >> bar2
   $ hg shelve
-  shelved as default-01
+  shelved as default-02
   2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   $ echo C >> bar1
   $ echo C >> bar2
   $ hg ci -m 'add C to bars'
   $ hg unshelve -i
-  unshelving change 'default-01'
+  unshelving change 'default-02'
   rebasing shelved changes
   merging bar1
   merging bar2
@@ -1419,31 +1614,68 @@
   > y
   > n
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/bar1 b/bar1
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'bar1'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-   A
-  +B
-   C
-  record change 1/2 to 'bar1'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  diff --git a/bar2 b/bar2
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'bar2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-   A
-  +B
-   C
-  record change 2/2 to 'bar2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  unshelve of 'default-01' complete
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, share
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 7574, in unshelve
+      return shelvemod.dounshelve(ui, repo, *shelved, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1118, in dounshelve
+      return unshelvecontinue(ui, repo, state, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 826, in unshelvecontinue
+      ui, repo, shelvectx, basename, interactive, opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 954, in _createunshelvectx
+      **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
 #if stripbased
   $ hg log -r 3:: -G
@@ -1461,31 +1693,22 @@
   $ hg unshelve --continue
-  abort: no unshelve in progress
+  abort: working directory parents do not match unshelve state
   $ hg shelve --list
-  default-01      (*)* changes to: add A to bars (glob)
-  default         (*)* changes to: add B to foo (glob)
+  default-02      (3s ago)    changes to: add A to bars
+  default-01      (5s ago)    changes to: add B to foo
+  default         (9s ago)    changes to: b
   $ hg unshelve -n default-01 -i <<EOF
   > y
   > y
   > EOF
-  temporarily committing pending changes (restore with 'hg unshelve --abort')
-  rebasing shelved changes
-  diff --git a/bar2 b/bar2
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'bar2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-   A
-  +B
-   C
-  record this change to 'bar2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  abort: unshelve already in progress
+  (use 'hg unshelve --continue' or 'hg unshelve --abort')
+  [255]
 -- test for --interactive --keep
   $ hg unshelve -i --keep
-  abort: --keep on --interactive is not yet supported
-  [255]
+  abort: unshelve already in progress
+  (use 'hg unshelve --continue' or 'hg unshelve --abort')
+  [255]


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-shelve.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-shelve.t#stripbased.err
@@ -754,31 +754,68 @@
   > y
   > n
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/a/a b/a/a
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'a/a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-  +a
-   a
-   c
-   x
-  record change 1/2 to 'a/a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,3 +2,4 @@
-   a
-   c
-   x
-  +x
-  record change 2/2 to 'a/a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  shelved as test
-  merging a/a
-  0 files updated, 1 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 6632, in shelve
+      return shelvemod.createcmd(ui, repo, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 495, in createcmd
+      return _docreatecmd(ui, repo, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 548, in _docreatecmd
+      **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ cat a/a
+  a
@@ -788,14 +825,13 @@
   $ hg st
   M a/a
+  ? a/a.orig
   ? foo/foo
   $ hg bookmark
    \* test                      (4|13):33f7f61e6c5e (re)
   $ hg unshelve
-  unshelving change 'test'
-  temporarily committing pending changes (restore with 'hg unshelve --abort')
-  rebasing shelved changes
-  merging a/a
+  abort: no shelved changes to apply!
+  [255]
   $ hg bookmark
    \* test                      (4|13):33f7f61e6c5e (re)
   $ cat a/a
@@ -1210,34 +1246,83 @@
   > EOF
   unshelving change 'default'
   rebasing shelved changes
-  diff --git a/c b/c
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'c'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +
-  record change 1/2 to 'c'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  diff --git a/d b/d
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'd'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +
-  record change 2/2 to 'd'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, share
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 7574, in unshelve
+      return shelvemod.dounshelve(ui, repo, *shelved, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1169, in dounshelve
+      activebookmark,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1031, in _rebaserestoredcommit
+      ui, repo, shelvectx, basename, interactive, opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 954, in _createunshelvectx
+      **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ ls
+  d
 -- shelve should not contain `c` now
   $ hg shelve --patch
   default         (*s ago)    changes to: b (glob)
+  diff --git a/c b/c
+  new file mode 100644
+  --- /dev/null
+  +++ b/c
+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+  +
   diff --git a/d b/d
   new file mode 100644
   --- /dev/null
@@ -1249,28 +1334,80 @@
   > y
   > EOF
   unshelving change 'default'
-  temporarily committing pending changes (restore with 'hg unshelve --abort')
   rebasing shelved changes
-  diff --git a/d b/d
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'd'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +
-  record this change to 'd'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, share
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 7574, in unshelve
+      return shelvemod.dounshelve(ui, repo, *shelved, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1169, in dounshelve
+      activebookmark,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1031, in _rebaserestoredcommit
+      ui, repo, shelvectx, basename, interactive, opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 954, in _createunshelvectx
+      **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg status -v
-  A c
-  A d
+  ? c
+  ? d
   $ ls
   $ hg shelve --list
+  default         (2s ago)    changes to: b
 -- now, unshelve selected changes from a file
@@ -1285,10 +1422,12 @@
   $ echo > garbage
   $ hg st
   M foo
+  ? c
+  ? d
   ? garbage
   $ hg shelve --unknown
-  shelved as default
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+  shelved as default-01
+  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 3 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   $ cat foo
   $ hg unshelve -i <<EOF
@@ -1298,51 +1437,107 @@
   > y
   > y
   > EOF
-  unshelving change 'default'
+  unshelving change 'default-01'
   rebasing shelved changes
-  diff --git a/foo b/foo
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'foo'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
-  +A
-   B
-  record change 1/3 to 'foo'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +2,2 @@
-   B
-  +C
-  record change 2/3 to 'foo'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  diff --git a/garbage b/garbage
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'garbage'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +
-  record change 3/3 to 'garbage'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, share
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 7574, in unshelve
+      return shelvemod.dounshelve(ui, repo, *shelved, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1169, in dounshelve
+      activebookmark,
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1031, in _rebaserestoredcommit
+      ui, repo, shelvectx, basename, interactive, opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 954, in _createunshelvectx
+      **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg st
   M foo
+  ? c
+  ? d
   ? garbage
   $ cat foo
+  C
   $ hg shelve --patch
-  default         (*s ago)    changes to: add B to foo (glob)
+  default-01      (1s ago)    changes to: add B to foo
+  diff --git a/c b/c
+  new file mode 100644
+  --- /dev/null
+  +++ b/c
+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+  +
+  diff --git a/d b/d
+  new file mode 100644
+  --- /dev/null
+  +++ b/d
+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+  +
   diff --git a/foo b/foo
   --- a/foo
   +++ b/foo
-  @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-   A
+  @@ -1,1 +1,3 @@
+  +A
+  diff --git a/garbage b/garbage
+  new file mode 100644
+  --- /dev/null
+  +++ b/garbage
+  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+  +
 -- unshelve interactive on conflicts
@@ -1353,13 +1548,13 @@
   $ echo B >> bar1
   $ echo B >> bar2
   $ hg shelve
-  shelved as default-01
+  shelved as default-02
   2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   $ echo C >> bar1
   $ echo C >> bar2
   $ hg ci -m 'add C to bars'
   $ hg unshelve -i
-  unshelving change 'default-01'
+  unshelving change 'default-02'
   rebasing shelved changes
   merging bar1
   merging bar2
@@ -1394,19 +1589,19 @@
 #if stripbased
   $ hg log -r 3:: -G
-  @  changeset:   5:f1d5f53e397b
+  @  changeset:   5:9bbab8774a5b
   |  tag:         tip
-  |  parent:      3:e28fd7fa7938
+  |  parent:      3:3309ee0c925e
   |  user:        shelve@localhost
   |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   |  summary:     changes to: add A to bars
-  | @  changeset:   4:fe451a778c81
+  | @  changeset:   4:df5c1539282c
   |/   user:        test
   |    date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   |    summary:     add C to bars
-  o  changeset:   3:e28fd7fa7938
+  o  changeset:   3:3309ee0c925e
   |  user:        test
   ~  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
      summary:     add A to bars
@@ -1419,41 +1614,84 @@
   > y
   > n
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/bar1 b/bar1
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'bar1'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-   A
-  +B
-   C
-  record change 1/2 to 'bar1'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  diff --git a/bar2 b/bar2
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'bar2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-   A
-  +B
-   C
-  record change 2/2 to 'bar2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  unshelve of 'default-01' complete
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: strip, mq, share
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 4218, in mqcommand
+      return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 7574, in unshelve
+      return shelvemod.dounshelve(ui, repo, *shelved, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1118, in dounshelve
+      return unshelvecontinue(ui, repo, state, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 826, in unshelvecontinue
+      ui, repo, shelvectx, basename, interactive, opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 954, in _createunshelvectx
+      **pycompat.strkwargs(opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
 #if stripbased
   $ hg log -r 3:: -G
-  @  changeset:   4:fe451a778c81
+  o  changeset:   5:9bbab8774a5b
   |  tag:         tip
-  |  user:        test
+  |  parent:      3:3309ee0c925e
+  |  user:        shelve@localhost
   |  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-  |  summary:     add C to bars
+  |  summary:     changes to: add A to bars
-  o  changeset:   3:e28fd7fa7938
+  | @  changeset:   4:df5c1539282c
+  |/   user:        test
+  |    date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+  |    summary:     add C to bars
+  |
+  o  changeset:   3:3309ee0c925e
   |  user:        test
   ~  date:        Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
      summary:     add A to bars
@@ -1461,31 +1699,22 @@
   $ hg unshelve --continue
-  abort: no unshelve in progress
+  abort: working directory parents do not match unshelve state
   $ hg shelve --list
-  default-01      (*)* changes to: add A to bars (glob)
-  default         (*)* changes to: add B to foo (glob)
+  default-02      (3s ago)    changes to: add A to bars
+  default-01      (5s ago)    changes to: add B to foo
+  default         (9s ago)    changes to: b
   $ hg unshelve -n default-01 -i <<EOF
   > y
   > y
   > EOF
-  temporarily committing pending changes (restore with 'hg unshelve --abort')
-  rebasing shelved changes
-  diff --git a/bar2 b/bar2
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'bar2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-   A
-  +B
-   C
-  record this change to 'bar2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
+  abort: unshelve already in progress
+  (use 'hg unshelve --continue' or 'hg unshelve --abort')
+  [255]
 -- test for --interactive --keep
   $ hg unshelve -i --keep
-  abort: --keep on --interactive is not yet supported
-  [255]
+  abort: unshelve already in progress
+  (use 'hg unshelve --continue' or 'hg unshelve --abort')
+  [255]


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-split.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-split.t#obsstore-off.err
@@ -133,152 +133,143 @@
   > }
   $ HGEDITOR=false runsplit
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  3 hunks, 3 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-  -1
-  +11
-  record change 1/3 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -3,1 +3,1 @@ 2
-  -3
-  +33
-  record change 2/3 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -5,1 +5,1 @@ 4
-  -5
-  +55
-  record change 3/3 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  transaction abort!
-  rollback completed
-  abort: edit failed: false exited with status 1
-  [255]
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg status
   $ runsplit
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  3 hunks, 3 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-  -1
-  +11
-  record change 1/3 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -3,1 +3,1 @@ 2
-  -3
-  +33
-  record change 2/3 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -5,1 +5,1 @@ 4
-  -5
-  +55
-  record change 3/3 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 1df0d5c5a3ab. Write commit message for the first split changeset.
-  EDITOR: a2
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed a
-  created new head
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-  -1
-  +11
-  record change 1/2 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -3,1 +3,1 @@ 2
-  -3
-  +33
-  record change 2/2 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 1df0d5c5a3ab. So far it has been split into:
-  EDITOR: HG: - e704349bd21b: split 1
-  EDITOR: HG: Write commit message for the next split changeset.
-  EDITOR: a2
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed a
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-  -1
-  +11
-  record this change to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 1df0d5c5a3ab. So far it has been split into:
-  EDITOR: HG: - e704349bd21b: split 1
-  EDITOR: HG: - a09ad58faae3: split 2
-  EDITOR: HG: Write commit message for the next split changeset.
-  EDITOR: a2
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed a
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a/.hg/strip-backup/1df0d5c5a3ab-8341b760-split.hg (obsstore-off !)
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
 #if obsstore-off
   $ hg bookmark
      r1                        0:a61bcde8c529
-     r2                        3:00eebaf8d2e2
-   * r3                        3:00eebaf8d2e2
+     r2                        1:1df0d5c5a3ab
+   * r3                        1:1df0d5c5a3ab
   $ hg glog -p
-  @  3:00eebaf8d2e2 split 3 r2 r3
+  @  1:1df0d5c5a3ab a2 r2 r3
   |  diff --git a/a b/a
   |  --- a/a
   |  +++ b/a
   |  @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
   |  -1
   |  +11
-  |
-  o  2:a09ad58faae3 split 2
-  |  diff --git a/a b/a
-  |  --- a/a
-  |  +++ b/a
   |  @@ -3,1 +3,1 @@
   |  -3
   |  +33
-  |
-  o  1:e704349bd21b split 1
-  |  diff --git a/a b/a
-  |  --- a/a
-  |  +++ b/a
   |  @@ -5,1 +5,1 @@
   |  -5
   |  +55
@@ -320,18 +311,72 @@
   $ hg bookmark r3
   $ runsplit tip >/dev/null
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
 #if obsstore-off
   $ hg bookmark
      r1                        0:a61bcde8c529
-     r2                        3:00eebaf8d2e2
+     r2                        1:1df0d5c5a3ab
    * r3                        0:a61bcde8c529
   $ hg glog
-  o  3:00eebaf8d2e2 split 3 r2
-  |
-  o  2:a09ad58faae3 split 2
-  |
-  o  1:e704349bd21b split 1
+  o  1:1df0d5c5a3ab a2 r2
   @  0:a61bcde8c529 a1 r1 r3
@@ -368,32 +413,87 @@
   $ cp -R . ../d
   $ runsplit -r 1 | grep rebasing
-  rebasing 2:b5c5ea414030 "d1" (d1)
-  rebasing 3:f4a0a8d004cc "d2" (d2)
-  rebasing 4:777940761eba "d3" (d3)
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
 #if obsstore-off
   $ hg bookmark
-     d1                        4:c4b449ef030e
-   * d2                        5:c9dd00ab36a3
-     d3                        6:19f476bc865c
+     d1                        2:b5c5ea414030
+   * d2                        3:f4a0a8d004cc
+     d3                        4:777940761eba
      r1                        0:a61bcde8c529
-     r2                        3:00eebaf8d2e2
+     r2                        1:1df0d5c5a3ab
   $ hg glog -p
-  o  6:19f476bc865c d3 d3
+  o  4:777940761eba d3 d3
   |  diff --git a/d b/d
   |  --- a/d
   |  +++ b/d
   |  @@ -2,0 +3,1 @@
   |  +3
-  @  5:c9dd00ab36a3 d2 d2
+  @  3:f4a0a8d004cc d2 d2
   |  diff --git a/d b/d
   |  --- a/d
   |  +++ b/d
   |  @@ -1,0 +2,1 @@
   |  +2
-  o  4:c4b449ef030e d1 d1
+  o  2:b5c5ea414030 d1 d1
   |  diff --git a/d b/d
   |  new file mode 100644
   |  --- /dev/null
@@ -401,26 +501,16 @@
   |  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
   |  +d
-  o  3:00eebaf8d2e2 split 3 r2
+  o  1:1df0d5c5a3ab a2 r2
   |  diff --git a/a b/a
   |  --- a/a
   |  +++ b/a
   |  @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
   |  -1
   |  +11
-  |
-  o  2:a09ad58faae3 split 2
-  |  diff --git a/a b/a
-  |  --- a/a
-  |  +++ b/a
   |  @@ -3,1 +3,1 @@
   |  -3
   |  +33
-  |
-  o  1:e704349bd21b split 1
-  |  diff --git a/a b/a
-  |  --- a/a
-  |  +++ b/a
   |  @@ -5,1 +5,1 @@
   |  -5
   |  +55
@@ -593,10 +683,66 @@
   1df0d5c5a3ab secret
   a61bcde8c529 draft
   $ runsplit tip >/dev/null
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg log -T '{short(node)} {phase}
-  00eebaf8d2e2 secret
-  a09ad58faae3 secret
-  e704349bd21b secret
+  1df0d5c5a3ab secret
   a61bcde8c529 draft
 Do not move things to secret even if
@@ -611,10 +757,66 @@
   1df0d5c5a3ab draft
   a61bcde8c529 draft
   $ runsplit tip >/dev/null
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg log -T '{short(node)} {phase}
-  00eebaf8d2e2 draft
-  a09ad58faae3 draft
-  e704349bd21b draft
+  1df0d5c5a3ab draft
   a61bcde8c529 draft
 `hg split` with ignoreblanklines=1 does not infinite loop
@@ -634,45 +836,64 @@
   > split 2
   > EOF
   $ printf 'f
' | hg --config extensions.split= --config diff.ignoreblanklines=1 split
-  diff --git a/bar b/bar
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'bar'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] f
-  diff --git a/foo b/foo
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'foo'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting dd3c45017cbf. Write commit message for the first split changeset.
-  EDITOR: splitme
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed bar
-  created new head
-  diff --git a/foo b/foo
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'foo'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] f
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting dd3c45017cbf. So far it has been split into:
-  EDITOR: HG: - f205aea1c624: split 1
-  EDITOR: HG: Write commit message for the next split changeset.
-  EDITOR: splitme
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed foo
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/f/a/.hg/strip-backup/dd3c45017cbf-463441b5-split.hg (obsstore-off !)
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
 Let's try that again, with a slightly different set of patches, to ensure that
 the ignoreblanklines thing isn't somehow position dependent.
@@ -691,45 +912,64 @@
   > split 2
   > EOF
   $ printf 'f
' | hg --config extensions.split= --config diff.ignoreblanklines=1 split
-  diff --git a/bar b/bar
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'bar'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] f
-  diff --git a/foo b/foo
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'foo'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 904c80b40a4a. Write commit message for the first split changeset.
-  EDITOR: splitme
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed bar
-  created new head
-  diff --git a/foo b/foo
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'foo'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] f
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 904c80b40a4a. So far it has been split into:
-  EDITOR: HG: - ffecf40fa954: split 1
-  EDITOR: HG: Write commit message for the next split changeset.
-  EDITOR: splitme
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed foo
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/f/b/.hg/strip-backup/904c80b40a4a-47fb907f-split.hg (obsstore-off !)
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
 Testing the case in split when commiting flag-only file changes (issue5864)
@@ -806,58 +1046,66 @@
   > EOF
   $ hg ci -m 'move and modify'
   $ printf 'y
' | hg split
-  diff --git a/file b/file2
-  rename from file
-  rename to file2
-  2 hunks, 4 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'file' and 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-  +a
-  +b
-  record change 1/2 to 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -2,0 +5,2 @@ 2
-  +3
-  +4
-  record change 2/2 to 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] a
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 8c42fa635116. Write commit message for the first split changeset.
-  EDITOR: move and modify
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: added file2
-  EDITOR: HG: removed file
-  created new head
-  diff --git a/file2 b/file2
-  1 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] a
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 8c42fa635116. So far it has been split into:
-  EDITOR: HG: - 478be2a70c27: split1, keeping only the numbered lines
-  EDITOR: HG: Write commit message for the next split changeset.
-  EDITOR: move and modify
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed file2
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/issue5723-mv/.hg/strip-backup/8c42fa635116-a38044d4-split.hg (obsstore-off !)
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg log -T '{desc}: {files%"{file} "}
-  split2, keeping the lettered lines: file2 
-  split1, keeping only the numbered lines: file file2 
+  move and modify: file file2 
   initial: file 
   $ cat file2
@@ -867,10 +1115,8 @@
   $ hg cat -r ".^" file2
-  1
-  2
-  3
-  4
+  file2: no such file in rev 1560176d7a2b
+  [1]
   $ hg cat -r . file2
@@ -899,63 +1145,66 @@
   > EOF
   $ hg ci -m 'copy file->file2, modify both'
   $ printf 'f
' | hg split
-  diff --git a/file b/file
-  1 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'file'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] f
-  diff --git a/file b/file2
-  copy from file
-  copy to file2
-  2 hunks, 4 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'file' and 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-  +a
-  +b
-  record change 2/3 to 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -2,0 +5,2 @@ 2
-  +3
-  +4
-  record change 3/3 to 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] a
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 41c861dfa61e. Write commit message for the first split changeset.
-  EDITOR: copy file->file2, modify both
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: added file2
-  EDITOR: HG: changed file
-  created new head
-  diff --git a/file2 b/file2
-  1 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] a
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 41c861dfa61e. So far it has been split into:
-  EDITOR: HG: - 4b19e06610eb: split1, keeping "file" and only the numbered lines in file2
-  EDITOR: HG: Write commit message for the next split changeset.
-  EDITOR: copy file->file2, modify both
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed file2
-  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/issue5723-cp/.hg/strip-backup/41c861dfa61e-467e8d3c-split.hg (obsstore-off !)
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg log -T '{desc}: {files%"{file} "}
-  split2, keeping the lettered lines in file2: file2 
-  split1, keeping "file" and only the numbered lines in file2: file file2 
+  copy file->file2, modify both: file file2 
   initial: file 
   $ cat file2
@@ -965,10 +1214,8 @@
   $ hg cat -r ".^" file2
-  1
-  2
-  3
-  4
+  file2: no such file in rev 1560176d7a2b
+  [1]
   $ hg cat -r . file2


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-split.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-split.t#obsstore-on.err
@@ -133,125 +133,127 @@
   > }
   $ HGEDITOR=false runsplit
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  3 hunks, 3 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-  -1
-  +11
-  record change 1/3 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -3,1 +3,1 @@ 2
-  -3
-  +33
-  record change 2/3 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -5,1 +5,1 @@ 4
-  -5
-  +55
-  record change 3/3 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  transaction abort!
-  rollback completed
-  abort: edit failed: false exited with status 1
-  [255]
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg status
   $ runsplit
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  3 hunks, 3 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-  -1
-  +11
-  record change 1/3 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -3,1 +3,1 @@ 2
-  -3
-  +33
-  record change 2/3 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -5,1 +5,1 @@ 4
-  -5
-  +55
-  record change 3/3 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 1df0d5c5a3ab. Write commit message for the first split changeset.
-  EDITOR: a2
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed a
-  created new head
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-  -1
-  +11
-  record change 1/2 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -3,1 +3,1 @@ 2
-  -3
-  +33
-  record change 2/2 to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 1df0d5c5a3ab. So far it has been split into:
-  EDITOR: HG: - e704349bd21b: split 1
-  EDITOR: HG: Write commit message for the next split changeset.
-  EDITOR: a2
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed a
-  diff --git a/a b/a
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-  -1
-  +11
-  record this change to 'a'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 1df0d5c5a3ab. So far it has been split into:
-  EDITOR: HG: - e704349bd21b: split 1
-  EDITOR: HG: - a09ad58faae3: split 2
-  EDITOR: HG: Write commit message for the next split changeset.
-  EDITOR: a2
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed a
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
   saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a/.hg/strip-backup/1df0d5c5a3ab-8341b760-split.hg (obsstore-off !)
+  [1]
 #if obsstore-off
   $ hg bookmark
@@ -298,14 +300,10 @@
   $ hg bookmark
      r1                        0:a61bcde8c529
-     r2                        4:00eebaf8d2e2
-   * r3                        4:00eebaf8d2e2
+     r2                        1:1df0d5c5a3ab
+   * r3                        1:1df0d5c5a3ab
   $ hg glog
-  @  4:00eebaf8d2e2 split 3 r2 r3
-  |
-  o  3:a09ad58faae3 split 2
-  |
-  o  2:e704349bd21b split 1
+  @  1:1df0d5c5a3ab a2 r2 r3
   o  0:a61bcde8c529 a1 r1
@@ -320,6 +318,64 @@
   $ hg bookmark r3
   $ runsplit tip >/dev/null
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
 #if obsstore-off
   $ hg bookmark
@@ -338,14 +394,10 @@
   $ hg bookmark
      r1                        0:a61bcde8c529
-     r2                        4:00eebaf8d2e2
+     r2                        1:1df0d5c5a3ab
    * r3                        0:a61bcde8c529
   $ hg glog
-  o  4:00eebaf8d2e2 split 3 r2
-  |
-  o  3:a09ad58faae3 split 2
-  |
-  o  2:e704349bd21b split 1
+  o  1:1df0d5c5a3ab a2 r2
   @  0:a61bcde8c529 a1 r1 r3
@@ -368,9 +420,64 @@
   $ cp -R . ../d
   $ runsplit -r 1 | grep rebasing
-  rebasing 2:b5c5ea414030 "d1" (d1)
-  rebasing 3:f4a0a8d004cc "d2" (d2)
-  rebasing 4:777940761eba "d3" (d3)
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
 #if obsstore-off
   $ hg bookmark
      d1                        4:c4b449ef030e
@@ -439,23 +546,19 @@
   $ hg bookmark
-     d1                        8:c4b449ef030e
-   * d2                        9:c9dd00ab36a3
-     d3                        10:19f476bc865c
+     d1                        2:b5c5ea414030
+   * d2                        3:f4a0a8d004cc
+     d3                        4:777940761eba
      r1                        0:a61bcde8c529
-     r2                        7:00eebaf8d2e2
+     r2                        1:1df0d5c5a3ab
   $ hg glog
-  o  10:19f476bc865c d3 d3
-  |
-  @  9:c9dd00ab36a3 d2 d2
-  |
-  o  8:c4b449ef030e d1 d1
-  |
-  o  7:00eebaf8d2e2 split 3 r2
-  |
-  o  6:a09ad58faae3 split 2
-  |
-  o  5:e704349bd21b split 1
+  o  4:777940761eba d3 d3
+  |
+  @  3:f4a0a8d004cc d2 d2
+  |
+  o  2:b5c5ea414030 d1 d1
+  |
+  o  1:1df0d5c5a3ab a2 r2
   o  0:a61bcde8c529 a1 r1
@@ -470,29 +573,80 @@
   $ runsplit -r 1 --no-rebase >/dev/null
-  3 new orphan changesets
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg bookmark
      d1                        2:b5c5ea414030
    * d2                        3:f4a0a8d004cc
      d3                        4:777940761eba
      r1                        0:a61bcde8c529
-     r2                        7:00eebaf8d2e2
+     r2                        1:1df0d5c5a3ab
   $ hg glog
-  o  7:00eebaf8d2e2 split 3 r2
-  |
-  o  6:a09ad58faae3 split 2
-  |
-  o  5:e704349bd21b split 1
-  |
-  | *  4:777940761eba d3 d3
-  | |
-  | @  3:f4a0a8d004cc d2 d2
-  | |
-  | *  2:b5c5ea414030 d1 d1
-  | |
-  | x  1:1df0d5c5a3ab a2
-  |/
+  o  4:777940761eba d3 d3
+  |
+  @  3:f4a0a8d004cc d2 d2
+  |
+  o  2:b5c5ea414030 d1 d1
+  |
+  o  1:1df0d5c5a3ab a2 r2
+  |
   o  0:a61bcde8c529 a1 r1
@@ -526,60 +680,85 @@
   > y
   > y
   > EOF
-  diff --git a/B b/B
-  new file mode 100644
-  examine changes to 'B'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
-  +B
-  \ No newline at end of file
-  record this change to 'B'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 112478962961. Write commit message for the first split changeset.
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: added B
-  created new head
-  rebasing 2:26805aba1e60 "C"
-  rebasing 3:be0ef73c17ad "D"
-  rebasing 4:49cb92066bfd "E"
-  rebasing 7:97a6268cc7ef "G2"
-  rebasing 10:e2f1e425c0db "J"
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg glog -r 'sort(all(), topo)'
-  o  16:556c085f8b52 J
-  |
-  o  15:8761f6c9123f G2
-  |
-  o  14:a7aeffe59b65 E
-  |
-  | o  13:e1e914ede9ab D
-  |/
-  | o  12:01947e9b98aa C
-  |/
-  o  11:0947baa74d47 Split B
+  o  10:e2f1e425c0db J
+  |
+  o  7:97a6268cc7ef G2
+  |
+  o  4:49cb92066bfd E
   | *  9:88ede1d5ee13 I
   | |
   | x  6:af8cbf225b7b G1
   | |
-  | x  3:be0ef73c17ad D
+  | o  3:be0ef73c17ad D
+  |/
+  | *  8:74863e5b5074 H
   | |
-  | | *  8:74863e5b5074 H
-  | | |
-  | | x  5:ee481a2a1e69 F
-  | | |
-  | | x  2:26805aba1e60 C
-  | |/
-  | x  1:112478962961 B
+  | x  5:ee481a2a1e69 F
+  | |
+  | o  2:26805aba1e60 C
+  o  1:112478962961 B
+  |
   o  0:426bada5c675 A
@@ -593,10 +772,66 @@
   1df0d5c5a3ab secret
   a61bcde8c529 draft
   $ runsplit tip >/dev/null
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg log -T '{short(node)} {phase}
-  00eebaf8d2e2 secret
-  a09ad58faae3 secret
-  e704349bd21b secret
+  1df0d5c5a3ab secret
   a61bcde8c529 draft
 Do not move things to secret even if
@@ -611,10 +846,66 @@
   1df0d5c5a3ab draft
   a61bcde8c529 draft
   $ runsplit tip >/dev/null
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg log -T '{short(node)} {phase}
-  00eebaf8d2e2 draft
-  a09ad58faae3 draft
-  e704349bd21b draft
+  1df0d5c5a3ab draft
   a61bcde8c529 draft
 `hg split` with ignoreblanklines=1 does not infinite loop
@@ -634,45 +925,65 @@
   > split 2
   > EOF
   $ printf 'f
' | hg --config extensions.split= --config diff.ignoreblanklines=1 split
-  diff --git a/bar b/bar
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'bar'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] f
-  diff --git a/foo b/foo
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'foo'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting dd3c45017cbf. Write commit message for the first split changeset.
-  EDITOR: splitme
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed bar
-  created new head
-  diff --git a/foo b/foo
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'foo'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] f
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting dd3c45017cbf. So far it has been split into:
-  EDITOR: HG: - f205aea1c624: split 1
-  EDITOR: HG: Write commit message for the next split changeset.
-  EDITOR: splitme
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed foo
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
   saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/f/a/.hg/strip-backup/dd3c45017cbf-463441b5-split.hg (obsstore-off !)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
 Let's try that again, with a slightly different set of patches, to ensure that
 the ignoreblanklines thing isn't somehow position dependent.
@@ -691,45 +1002,65 @@
   > split 2
   > EOF
   $ printf 'f
' | hg --config extensions.split= --config diff.ignoreblanklines=1 split
-  diff --git a/bar b/bar
-  1 hunks, 1 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'bar'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] f
-  diff --git a/foo b/foo
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'foo'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 904c80b40a4a. Write commit message for the first split changeset.
-  EDITOR: splitme
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed bar
-  created new head
-  diff --git a/foo b/foo
-  2 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'foo'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] f
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 904c80b40a4a. So far it has been split into:
-  EDITOR: HG: - ffecf40fa954: split 1
-  EDITOR: HG: Write commit message for the next split changeset.
-  EDITOR: splitme
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed foo
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
   saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/f/b/.hg/strip-backup/904c80b40a4a-47fb907f-split.hg (obsstore-off !)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
 Testing the case in split when commiting flag-only file changes (issue5864)
@@ -806,58 +1137,67 @@
   > EOF
   $ hg ci -m 'move and modify'
   $ printf 'y
' | hg split
-  diff --git a/file b/file2
-  rename from file
-  rename to file2
-  2 hunks, 4 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'file' and 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-  +a
-  +b
-  record change 1/2 to 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -2,0 +5,2 @@ 2
-  +3
-  +4
-  record change 2/2 to 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] a
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 8c42fa635116. Write commit message for the first split changeset.
-  EDITOR: move and modify
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: added file2
-  EDITOR: HG: removed file
-  created new head
-  diff --git a/file2 b/file2
-  1 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] a
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 8c42fa635116. So far it has been split into:
-  EDITOR: HG: - 478be2a70c27: split1, keeping only the numbered lines
-  EDITOR: HG: Write commit message for the next split changeset.
-  EDITOR: move and modify
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed file2
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
   saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/issue5723-mv/.hg/strip-backup/8c42fa635116-a38044d4-split.hg (obsstore-off !)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg log -T '{desc}: {files%"{file} "}
-  split2, keeping the lettered lines: file2 
-  split1, keeping only the numbered lines: file file2 
+  move and modify: file file2 
   initial: file 
   $ cat file2
@@ -867,10 +1207,8 @@
   $ hg cat -r ".^" file2
-  1
-  2
-  3
-  4
+  file2: no such file in rev 1560176d7a2b
+  [1]
   $ hg cat -r . file2
@@ -899,63 +1237,67 @@
   > EOF
   $ hg ci -m 'copy file->file2, modify both'
   $ printf 'f
' | hg split
-  diff --git a/file b/file
-  1 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'file'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] f
-  diff --git a/file b/file2
-  copy from file
-  copy to file2
-  2 hunks, 4 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'file' and 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] y
-  @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-  +a
-  +b
-  record change 2/3 to 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] n
-  @@ -2,0 +5,2 @@ 2
-  +3
-  +4
-  record change 3/3 to 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] a
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 41c861dfa61e. Write commit message for the first split changeset.
-  EDITOR: copy file->file2, modify both
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: added file2
-  EDITOR: HG: changed file
-  created new head
-  diff --git a/file2 b/file2
-  1 hunks, 2 lines changed
-  examine changes to 'file2'?
-  (enter ? for help) [Ynesfdaq?] a
-  EDITOR: HG: Splitting 41c861dfa61e. So far it has been split into:
-  EDITOR: HG: - 4b19e06610eb: split1, keeping "file" and only the numbered lines in file2
-  EDITOR: HG: Write commit message for the next split changeset.
-  EDITOR: copy file->file2, modify both
-  EDITOR: HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
-  EDITOR: HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
-  EDITOR: HG: --
-  EDITOR: HG: user: test
-  EDITOR: HG: branch 'default'
-  EDITOR: HG: changed file2
+  ** Unknown exception encountered with possibly-broken third-party extension drawdag
+  ** which supports versions unknown of Mercurial.
+  ** Please disable drawdag and try your action again.
+  ** If that fixes the bug please report it to the extension author.
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: drawdag, split
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 113, in split
+      top = dosplit(ui, repo, tr, ctx, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\hgext\", line 163, in dosplit
+      commands.commit(ui, repo, **pycompat.strkwargs(opts))
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2007, in commit
+      return _docommit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2014, in _docommit
+      ui, repo, commit, None, False, cmdutil.recordfilter, *pats, **opts
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 643, in dorecord
+      return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 2925, in commit
+      return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 641, in recordinwlock
+      return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 505, in recordfunc
+      chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks, match)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 402, in recordfilter
+      usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\importlib\", line 245, in __getattribute__
+      self.__spec__.loader.exec_module(self)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module
   saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/issue5723-cp/.hg/strip-backup/41c861dfa61e-467e8d3c-split.hg (obsstore-off !)
+    File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 65, in <module>
+      curses.error
+  AttributeError: module 'curses' has no attribute 'error'
+  [1]
   $ hg log -T '{desc}: {files%"{file} "}
-  split2, keeping the lettered lines in file2: file2 
-  split1, keeping "file" and only the numbered lines in file2: file file2 
+  copy file->file2, modify both: file file2 
   initial: file 
   $ cat file2
@@ -965,10 +1307,8 @@
   $ hg cat -r ".^" file2
-  1
-  2
-  3
-  4
+  file2: no such file in rev 1560176d7a2b
+  [1]
   $ hg cat -r . file2


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-ssh-proto-unbundle.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-ssh-proto-unbundle.t.err
@@ -902,11 +902,11 @@
   o> read(1) -> 1: 0
   result: 0
   remote output: 
-  e> read(-1) -> 148:
-  e>     adding changesets

-  e>     adding manifests

-  e>     adding file changes

-  e>     printed line

+  e> read(-1) -> 149:
+  e>     adding changesets

+  e>     adding manifests

+  e>     adding file changes

+  e>     printed line

   e>     transaction abort!

   e>     rollback completed

   e>     abort: hook failed

@@ -957,11 +957,11 @@
   o> read(1) -> 1: 0
   result: 0
   remote output: 
-  e> read(-1) -> 148:
-  e>     adding changesets

-  e>     adding manifests

-  e>     adding file changes

-  e>     printed line

+  e> read(-1) -> 149:
+  e>     adding changesets

+  e>     adding manifests

+  e>     adding file changes

+  e>     printed line

   e>     transaction abort!

   e>     rollback completed

   e>     abort: hook failed

@@ -1026,13 +1026,13 @@
   o> read(1) -> 1: 0
   result: 0
   remote output: 
-  e> read(-1) -> 173:
-  e>     adding changesets

-  e>     adding manifests

-  e>     adding file changes

-  e>     print 1

+  e> read(-1) -> 175:
+  e>     adding changesets

+  e>     adding manifests

+  e>     adding file changes

+  e>     print 1

   e>     ui.write 1

-  e>     print 2

+  e>     print 2

   e>     ui.write 2

   e>     transaction abort!

   e>     rollback completed

@@ -1084,13 +1084,13 @@
   o> read(1) -> 1: 0
   result: 0
   remote output: 
-  e> read(-1) -> 173:
-  e>     adding changesets

-  e>     adding manifests

-  e>     adding file changes

-  e>     print 1

+  e> read(-1) -> 175:
+  e>     adding changesets

+  e>     adding manifests

+  e>     adding file changes

+  e>     print 1

   e>     ui.write 1

-  e>     print 2

+  e>     print 2

   e>     ui.write 2

   e>     transaction abort!

   e>     rollback completed

@@ -1156,14 +1156,14 @@
   o> read(1) -> 1: 0
   result: 0
   remote output: 
-  e> read(-1) -> 171:
-  e>     adding changesets

-  e>     adding manifests

-  e>     adding file changes

-  e>     stdout 1

-  e>     stderr 1

-  e>     stdout 2

-  e>     stderr 2

+  e> read(-1) -> 175:
+  e>     adding changesets

+  e>     adding manifests

+  e>     adding file changes

+  e>     stdout 1

+  e>     stderr 1

+  e>     stdout 2

+  e>     stderr 2

   e>     transaction abort!

   e>     rollback completed

   e>     abort: hook failed

@@ -1214,14 +1214,14 @@
   o> read(1) -> 1: 0
   result: 0
   remote output: 
-  e> read(-1) -> 171:
-  e>     adding changesets

-  e>     adding manifests

-  e>     adding file changes

-  e>     stdout 1

-  e>     stderr 1

-  e>     stdout 2

-  e>     stderr 2

+  e> read(-1) -> 175:
+  e>     adding changesets

+  e>     adding manifests

+  e>     adding file changes

+  e>     stdout 1

+  e>     stderr 1

+  e>     stdout 2

+  e>     stderr 2

   e>     transaction abort!

   e>     rollback completed

   e>     abort: hook failed

@@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@
   o> read(1) -> 1: 0
   result: 0
   remote output: 
-  e> read(-1) -> 228:
+  e> read(-1) -> 232:
   e>     adding changesets

   e>     adding manifests

   e>     adding file changes

@@ -1695,10 +1695,10 @@
   e>     shell stderr 1

   e>     shell stdout 2

   e>     shell stderr 2

-  e>     stdout 1

-  e>     stderr 1

-  e>     stdout 2

-  e>     stderr 2

+  e>     stdout 1

+  e>     stderr 1

+  e>     stdout 2

+  e>     stderr 2

   e>     transaction abort!

   e>     rollback completed

   e>     abort: pretxnchangegroup.b hook failed

@@ -1749,7 +1749,7 @@
   o> read(1) -> 1: 0
   result: 0
   remote output: 
-  e> read(-1) -> 228:
+  e> read(-1) -> 232:
   e>     adding changesets

   e>     adding manifests

   e>     adding file changes

@@ -1757,10 +1757,10 @@
   e>     shell stderr 1

   e>     shell stdout 2

   e>     shell stderr 2

-  e>     stdout 1

-  e>     stderr 1

-  e>     stdout 2

-  e>     stderr 2

+  e>     stdout 1

+  e>     stderr 1

+  e>     stdout 2

+  e>     stderr 2

   e>     transaction abort!

   e>     rollback completed

   e>     abort: pretxnchangegroup.b hook failed


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-template-functions.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-template-functions.t.err
@@ -1574,23 +1574,23 @@
 json filter should try round-trip conversion to utf-8:
   $ HGENCODING=ascii hg log -T "{branch|json}
" -r0
+  "é"
+  $ HGENCODING=ascii hg log -T "{desc|json}
" -r0
+  "non-ascii branch: é"
+json filter should take input as utf-8 if it was converted from utf-8:
+  $ HGENCODING=latin-1 hg log -T "{branch|json}
" -r0
+  "é"
+  $ HGENCODING=latin-1 hg log -T "{desc|json}
" -r0
+  "non-ascii branch: é"
+json filter takes input as utf-8b:
+  $ HGENCODING=ascii hg log -T "{'`cat utf-8`'|json}
" -l1
+  "é"
+  $ HGENCODING=ascii hg log -T "{'`cat latin1`'|json}
" -l1
-  $ HGENCODING=ascii hg log -T "{desc|json}
" -r0
-  "non-ascii branch: é"
-json filter should take input as utf-8 if it was converted from utf-8:
-  $ HGENCODING=latin-1 hg log -T "{branch|json}
" -r0
-  "é"
-  $ HGENCODING=latin-1 hg log -T "{desc|json}
" -r0
-  "non-ascii branch: é"
-json filter takes input as utf-8b:
-  $ HGENCODING=ascii hg log -T "{'`cat utf-8`'|json}
" -l1
-  "é"
-  $ HGENCODING=ascii hg log -T "{'`cat latin1`'|json}
" -l1
-  "?"
 cbor filter is bytes transparent, which should handle bytes subtypes
 as bytes:
@@ -1598,20 +1598,20 @@
   $ HGENCODING=ascii hg log -T "{branch|cbor}" -r0    > | "$PYTHON" "$TESTTMP/"
-   '?'
+   '??'
   $ HGENCODING=latin-1 hg log -T "{branch|cbor}" -r0    > | "$PYTHON" "$TESTTMP/"
-   'é'
+   'é'
 utf8 filter:
   $ HGENCODING=ascii hg log -T "round-trip: {branch|utf8|hex}
" -r0
-  round-trip: c3a9
+  round-trip: c383c2a9
   $ HGENCODING=latin1 hg log -T "decoded: {'`cat latin1`'|utf8|hex}
" -l1
-  decoded: c3a9
+  decoded: c383c2a9
   $ HGENCODING=ascii hg log -T "replaced: {'`cat latin1`'|utf8|hex}
" -l1
   abort: decoding near * (glob)
@@ -1621,7 +1621,7 @@
 pad width:
   $ HGENCODING=utf-8 hg debugtemplate "{pad('`cat utf-8`', 2, '-')}
-  é- (esc)
+  é (esc)
 read config options:


--- c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-url-download.t
+++ c:/hgdev/src/tests/test-url-download.t.err
@@ -32,7 +32,44 @@
 Check other kind of compatible url
   $ hg debugdownload ./null.txt
-  1 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+  ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
+  **
+  ** Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 15 2019, 00:11:34) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
+  ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1+22-2141427533d2)
+  ** Extensions loaded: 
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\bin\hg", line 43, in <module>
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 111, in run
+      status = dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 254, in dispatch
+      ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 428, in _runcatch
+      return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 437, in _callcatch
+      return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 152, in callcatch
+      return func()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 418, in _runcatchfunc
+      return _dispatch(req)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1182, in _dispatch
+      lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, ui, options, d, cmdpats, cmdoptions
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 866, in runcommand
+      ret = _runcommand(ui, options, cmd, d)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1193, in _runcommand
+      return cmdfunc()
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1179, in <lambda>
+      d = lambda: util.checksignature(func)(ui, *args, **strcmdopt)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1854, in check
+      return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 1008, in debugdownload
+      fh =, url, output)
+    File "C:\Temp\hgtests.tzvc59cy\install\lib\python\mercurial\", line 679, in open
+      url_ = b'file://' + pycompat.bytesurl(urlreq.pathname2url(path))
+    File "C:\hgdev\python37-x64\Lib\", line 53, in pathname2url
+      if not ':' in p:
+  TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
+  [1]
 Test largefile URL

Skipped Tests

Long Tests



test-contrib-check-code.t (2.88s)test-contrib-check-commit.t (0.58s)test-contrib-perf.t (42.47s)test-imports-checker.t (7.33s)test-merge-combination.t (172.88s)test-obsolete-checkheads.t (23.09s)test-push-race.t#strict (71.27s)test-run-tests.t (85.20s)test-push-race.t#unrelated (70.62s)test-check-code.t (47.80s)test-push-checkheads-unpushed-D4.t (9.78s)test-push-checkheads-unpushed-D5.t (10.05s)test-push-checkheads-unpushed-D3.t (9.75s)test-check-py3-compat.t (5.70s)test-push-checkheads-pruned-B8.t (10.81s)test-push-checkheads-superceed-A7.t (9.23s)test-push-checkheads-superceed-A6.t (9.70s)test-rebase-check-restore.t (10.08s)test-push-checkheads-multibranches-E2.t (9.39s)test-push-checkheads-unpushed-D7.t (9.88s)test-push-checkheads-unpushed-D2.t (8.12s)test-largefiles-update.t (84.38s)test-push-checkheads-pruned-B5.t (8.30s)test-push-checkheads-multibranches-E3.t (7.52s)test-push-checkheads-superceed-A3.t (8.25s)test-push-checkheads-superceed-A2.t (8.23s)test-push-checkheads-pruned-B2.t (7.01s)test-push-checkheads-multibranches-E1.t (6.92s)test-push-checkheads-pruned-B3.t (6.97s)test-push-checkheads-pruned-B4.t (6.49s)test-push-checkheads-unpushed-D6.t (7.76s)test-push-checkheads-partial-C2.t (6.31s)test-push-checkheads-partial-C1.t (6.26s)test-push-checkheads-partial-C4.t (5.89s)test-push-checkheads-superceed-A8.t (7.31s)test-push-checkheads-pruned-B6.t (7.05s)test-push-checkheads-pruned-B7.t (7.08s)test-push-checkheads-partial-C3.t (5.89s)test-push-checkheads-unpushed-D1.t (6.27s)test-subrepo-svn.t (0.19s)test-push-checkheads-superceed-A4.t (5.70s)test-push-checkheads-superceed-A5.t (5.75s)test-push-checkheads-pruned-B1.t (4.88s)test-push-checkheads-superceed-A1.t (4.92s)test-copytrace-heuristics.t (72.61s)test-check-config.t (10.94s)test-glog-beautifygraph.t (110.77s)test-gendoc-ja.t (0.19s)test-convert-cvs.t (0.17s)test-check-module-imports.t (13.86s)test-help.t (44.50s)test-obsolete-bounds-checking.t (1.39s)test-gendoc.t (0.19s)test-glog.t (110.16s)test-convert-svn-sink.t (0.20s)test-check-help.t (14.02s)test-check-pyflakes.t (0.58s)test-patchbomb.t (27.23s)test-convert-svn-source.t (0.23s)test-obsolete-bundle-strip.t (160.50s)test-abort-checkin.t (1.61s)test-http-bad-server.t (80.22s)test-ssh-proto-unbundle.t (30.77s)test-obsmarker-template.t (116.06s)test-check-shbang.t (5.91s)test-acl.t (39.25s)test-check-commit.t (1.67s)test-convert-svn-move.t (0.25s) (0.69s)test-hgweb-commands.t (30.89s)test-hgweb-symrev.t (36.81s)test-obsolete.t (161.66s)test-upgrade-repo.t (33.83s)test-extension.t (48.98s)test-ssh-proto.t (55.53s)test-log.t (117.88s)test-check-execute.t (0.23s)test-dirstate-race.t (23.12s)test-check-pylint.t (0.48s)test-convert-svn-encoding.t (0.22s)test-wireproto-content-redirects.t (17.39s)test-hgweb-filelog.t (41.53s)test-hgwebdir.t (129.26s)test-wireproto-exchangev2.t (38.67s)test-bundle2-format.t (15.27s)test-template-map.t (48.48s)test-revset.t (151.11s)test-subrepo.t (138.14s)test-convert-cvs-detectmerge.t (0.17s)test-rebase-obsolete.t (111.70s)test-hgweb-json.t (44.72s)test-largefiles.t (124.64s)test-merge-tools.t (109.28s)test-convert-cvs-synthetic.t (0.17s)test-gendoc-ro.t (0.16s)test-import.t (117.02s)test-subrepo-deep-nested-change.t (59.88s)test-fix.t (120.23s)test-bundle2-exchange.t#sshv1 (117.42s)test-bundle2-exchange.t#sshv2 (116.42s)test-phases-exchange.t (80.14s)test-lfs.t (71.05s)test-bookmarks-pushpull.t#b2-binary (160.14s)test-bookmarks-pushpull.t#b2-pushkey (160.81s)test-convert-cvsnt-mergepoints.t (0.17s)test-strip.t (81.77s)test-template-functions.t (110.34s)test-commit-interactive.t (43.73s)test-merge-changedelete.t (66.66s)test-hook.t (47.39s)test-highlight.t (0.20s)test-rename-merge2.t (77.72s)test-https.t (95.02s)test-convert-git.t (0.19s)test-http-permissions.t (145.00s)test-lfs-test-server.t#git-server (0.39s)test-lfs-test-server.t#hg-server (26.22s)test-setdiscovery.t (32.23s)test-bookmarks.t (76.81s)test-commandserver.t (23.11s)test-clone.t#sshv1 (61.30s)test-clone.t#sshv2 (61.51s)test-shelve.t#phasebased (79.63s)test-shelve.t#stripbased (80.81s)test-check-clang-format.t (0.19s)test-merge-force.t (73.25s)test-revset2.t (75.96s)test-convert-cvs-branch.t (0.19s)test-largefiles-misc.t (97.60s)test-commit-amend.t (81.89s)test-branches.t (45.86s)test-http-protocol.t (22.96s)test-hgweb-diffs.t (34.15s)test-keyword.t (38.33s)test-revert.t (60.22s)test-template-keywords.t (60.88s)test-wireproto-command-filesdata.t (11.49s)test-convert-svn-branches.t (0.17s)test-mq.t (105.19s)test-convert-hg-svn.t (0.22s)test-gendoc-de.t (0.20s)test-lfs-serve-access.t (57.76s)test-wireproto-command-capabilities.t (10.89s)test-subrepo-git.t (0.22s)test-generaldelta.t (19.14s)test-lfs-serve.t#lfsremote-off (22.02s)test-lfs-serve.t#lfsremote-on (79.39s)test-phases.t (39.33s)test-transplant.t#commandmode (59.44s)test-transplant.t#continueflag (59.73s)test-treemanifest.t (54.77s)test-tags.t (48.18s)test-check-rust-format.t (0.19s)test-template-basic.t (60.83s)test-tag.t (47.59s)test-subrepo-recursion.t (32.09s)test-hgweb.t (69.08s)test-convert.t (9.81s)test-check-jshint.t (0.39s)test-http-api-httpv2.t (11.06s)test-http.t (79.14s)test-shelve2.t#phasebased#abortcommand#continuecommand (71.86s)test-shelve2.t#phasebased#abortcommand#continueflag (72.27s)test-shelve2.t#phasebased#abortflag#continuecommand (72.52s)test-shelve2.t#phasebased#abortflag#continueflag (73.93s)test-shelve2.t#stripbased#abortcommand#continuecommand (72.57s)test-shelve2.t#stripbased#abortcommand#continueflag (73.16s)test-shelve2.t#stripbased#abortflag#continuecommand (78.31s)test-shelve2.t#stripbased#abortflag#continueflag (78.40s)test-convert-filemap.t (61.11s)test-obsolete-divergent.t (79.27s)test-annotate.t (63.32s)test-bundle.t (41.50s)test-resolve.t (54.94s)test-graft.t (50.00s)test-split.t#obsstore-off (26.70s)test-split.t#obsstore-on (29.89s)test-notify.t (14.90s)test-encoding-textwrap.t (3.49s)test-obsolete-distributed.t (33.64s)test-walk.t (26.86s)test-mv-cp-st-diff.t (63.81s)test-bisect.t (59.81s)test-convert-p4-filetypes.t (0.22s)test-rebase-scenario-global.t (55.79s)test-commit.t (44.69s)test-ssh.t#sshv1 (41.10s)test-ssh.t#sshv2 (39.73s)test-bundle2-remote-changegroup.t#sshv1 (41.47s)test-bundle2-remote-changegroup.t#sshv2 (40.89s)test-clonebundles.t (71.02s)test-wireproto-exchangev2-shallow.t (0.14s)test-import-git.t (27.34s)test-mq-header-from.t (55.14s)test-i18n.t (2.83s)test-rebase-inmemory.t (0.17s)test-treediscovery.t (96.56s)test-bisect2.t (36.47s)test-archive.t (61.25s)test-fileset.t (46.19s)test-grep.t (25.52s)test-push-warn.t (63.19s)test-check-format.t (0.16s)test-hgweb-annotate-whitespace.t (6.77s)test-log-linerange.t (13.83s)test-graft-interrupted.t#abortcommand (42.68s)test-graft-interrupted.t#abortflag (42.21s)test-remotefilelog-repack.t (0.16s)test-debugcommands.t (53.26s)test-remove.t (28.55s)test-graft-rename.t (26.32s)test-clone-uncompressed.t#stream-bundle2 (57.68s)test-clone-uncompressed.t#stream-legacy (46.30s)test-alias.t (36.79s)test-ssh-bundle1.t#sshv1 (33.32s)test-ssh-bundle1.t#sshv2 (33.73s)test-mq-header-date.t (59.67s)test-wireproto-command-changesetdata.t (12.16s)test-blackbox.t (17.30s)test-pull-pull-corruption.t (16.83s)test-update-branches.t (78.35s)test-convert-svn-startrev.t (0.20s)test-devel-warnings.t (6.94s)test-rebase-collapse.t (42.66s)test-backout.t (47.04s)test-push-http.t#bundle1 (37.30s)test-push-http.t#bundle2 (49.55s)test-contrib-relnotes.t (0.19s)test-audit-subrepo.t (16.63s)test-histedit-obsolete.t#abortcommand (0.47s)test-histedit-obsolete.t#abortflag (0.48s)test-histedit-arguments.t#abortcommand (0.33s)test-histedit-arguments.t#abortflag (0.47s)test-wireproto.t (28.35s)test-globalopts.t (13.56s)test-http-bundle1.t (63.05s)test-hgweb-descend-empties.t (3.33s)test-obshistory.t (34.72s)test-fncache.t (15.72s)test-rename.t (38.30s)test-uncommit.t (48.93s)test-extdiff.t (23.36s)test-mq-subrepo.t (62.65s)test-fastannotate-hg.t (35.60s)test-histedit-fold.t (13.81s)test-progress.t (6.31s)test-remotefilelog-repack-fast.t (0.16s)test-getbundle.t (9.70s)test-censor.t (55.72s)test-largefiles-wireproto.t#sshv1 (63.65s)test-largefiles-wireproto.t#sshv2 (65.15s)test-status-color.t (22.10s)test-narrow.t#flat#lfs-off (53.05s)test-narrow.t#flat#lfs-on (60.91s)test-narrow.t#tree#lfs-off (53.55s)test-narrow.t#tree#lfs-on (62.38s)test-convert-hg-sink.t (28.24s)test-logexchange.t (20.69s)test-merge-types.t (0.17s)test-histedit-commute.t (8.23s)test-amend.t#obsstore-off (35.41s)test-amend.t#obsstore-on (35.20s)test-lfconvert.t (22.81s)test-histedit-edit.t (14.94s)test-remotefilelog-bgprefetch.t (0.20s)test-fetch.t (38.06s)test-copies.t#changeset (75.27s)test-copies.t#compatibility (75.41s)test-copies.t#filelog (75.10s)test-copies.t#sidedata (74.92s)test-wireproto-caching.t (7.98s)test-incoming-outgoing.t (23.16s)test-manifest.t (22.67s)test-clone-pull-corruption.t (8.83s)test-eol.t (34.66s)test-rollback.t (30.95s)test-newbranch.t (39.81s)test-bundle2-multiple-changegroups.t (11.17s)test-merge-criss-cross.t (21.84s)test-wireproto-command-manifestdata.t (7.80s)test-status.t (39.53s)test-git-export.t (29.91s)test-infinitepush-ci.t (18.19s)test-phabricator.t (0.19s)test-install.t (54.64s)test-diff-color.t (8.08s)test-rebase-abort.t#abortcommand#continuecommand (43.27s)test-rebase-abort.t#abortcommand#continueflag (42.88s)test-rebase-abort.t#abortflag#continuecommand (42.47s)test-rebase-abort.t#abortflag#continueflag (43.13s)test-lfs-largefiles.t (18.72s)test-hgweb-empty.t (9.30s)test-dirstate-race2.t (3.19s)test-merge1.t (33.91s)test-infinitepush-bundlestore.t (29.50s)test-rebase-conflicts.t (21.00s)test-push.t (25.19s)test-rebase-newancestor.t (31.75s)test-convert-mtn.t (0.22s)test-copies-in-changeset.t#extra (22.92s)test-copies-in-changeset.t#sidedata (26.12s)test-narrow-shallow-merges.t (30.52s)test-mq-guards.t (46.05s)test-hghave.t (26.19s)test-convert-svn-tags.t (0.22s)test-pager.t (17.42s)test-completion.t (8.09s)test-wireproto-command-filedata.t (10.06s)test-chg.t (0.17s)test-qrecord.t (8.53s)test-mq-subrepo-svn.t (0.19s)test-revset-legacy-lookup.t (24.41s)test-copies-unrelated.t#changeset (50.02s)test-copies-unrelated.t#compatibility (50.16s)test-copies-unrelated.t#filelog (49.59s)test-copies-unrelated.t#sidedata (49.91s)test-rebase-interruptions.t (27.00s)test-absorb.t (33.52s)test-rebase-parameters.t (31.30s)test-hardlinks.t (21.50s)test-export.t (16.55s)test-issue3084.t (37.16s)test-merge-no-file-change.t (31.33s)test-verify.t (13.19s)test-narrow-patterns.t (23.00s)test-branch-change.t (33.16s)test-rebase-dest.t (34.78s)test-mq-qpush-fail.t (37.98s)test-narrow-widen-no-ellipsis.t#flat (39.47s)test-narrow-widen-no-ellipsis.t#tree (39.52s)test-commit-interactive-curses.t (0.20s)test-bundle-r.t (28.02s)test-rebase-pull.t (0.36s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-A1.t (23.08s)test-sparse.t (32.52s)test-rebase-named-branches.t (26.12s)test-fix-topology.t#obsstore-off (21.12s)test-fix-topology.t#obsstore-on (23.91s)test-import-bypass.t (18.61s)test-revert-interactive.t (17.38s)test-parse-date.t (25.42s)test-treediscovery-legacy.t (68.33s)test-narrow-widen.t#flat (37.00s)test-narrow-widen.t#tree (37.09s)test-rebase-cache.t (30.38s)test-journal.t (9.16s)test-help-hide.t (0.61s)test-releasenotes-formatting.t (0.19s)test-mq-qrefresh.t (23.81s)test-histedit-fold-non-commute.t (3.95s)test-gendoc-pt_BR.t (0.19s)test-gendoc-zh_CN.t (0.19s)test-gendoc-zh_TW.t (0.19s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-A3.t (23.28s)test-mq-qrefresh-interactive.t (5.30s)test-githelp.t (19.56s)test-wireproto-command-rawstorefiledata.t (6.66s)test-static-http.t (147.49s)test-histedit-non-commute.t (3.72s)test-hgignore.t (14.47s)test-win32text.t (13.55s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-C3.t (14.42s)test-gendoc-da.t (0.19s)test-gendoc-el.t (0.19s)test-gendoc-fr.t (0.16s)test-gendoc-it.t (0.17s)test-gendoc-ru.t (0.17s)test-gendoc-sv.t (0.17s)test-share-bookmarks.t#svfs (15.67s)test-share-bookmarks.t#vfs (15.89s)test-mq-qnew.t (28.62s)test-flagprocessor.t (21.77s)test-bheads.t (32.06s)test-diff-ignore-whitespace.t (16.64s)test-bookflow.t (30.50s)test-hgrc.t (11.22s)test-remotefilelog-prefetch.t (0.19s)test-config.t (14.38s)test-http-api.t (5.94s)test-largefiles-cache.t (21.20s)test-encoding.t (8.67s)test-rebase-rename.t (21.69s)test-convert-bzr-merges.t (0.19s)test-unamend.t (27.61s)test-single-head.t (18.19s)test-mq-qimport.t (25.34s)test-url-rev.t (16.59s)test-diff-unified.t (11.27s)test-mq-qrefresh-replace-log-message.t (17.28s)test-init.t (47.94s)test-pager-legacy.t (11.27s)test-rebase-base-flag.t (25.06s)test-histedit-base.t (0.31s)test-parseindex.t (6.14s)test-clone-r.t (14.61s)test-bad-extension.t (2.80s)test-hgweb-raw.t (12.98s)test-rebase-mq.t (22.11s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-D1.t (13.48s)test-hgweb-removed.t (5.09s)test-eol-patch.t (9.73s)test-automv.t (34.08s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-C2.t (13.97s)test-ssh-clone-r.t#sshv1 (14.23s)test-ssh-clone-r.t#sshv2 (14.16s)test-subrepo-relative-path.t (24.06s)test-casecollision-merge.t (31.62s)test-http-clone-r.t (26.11s)test-convert-bzr.t (0.17s)test-bookmarks-corner-case.t (9.56s)test-rename-dir-merge.t (16.03s)test-strip-cross.t (25.02s)test-add.t (24.66s)test-histedit-no-change.t (3.17s)test-diffstat.t (18.91s)test-narrow-clone.t (36.95s)test-convert-splicemap.t (13.22s)test-http-proxy.t (13.66s)test-removeemptydirs.t (12.45s)test-fileset-generated.t (8.14s)test-bundle-phases.t (20.88s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-C1.t (13.42s)test-conflict.t (10.78s)test-status-rev.t (8.05s)test-diff-upgrade.t (0.17s)test-pull-update.t (17.12s)test-copy.t (19.34s)test-bisect3.t (12.55s)test-up-local-change.t (17.03s)test-dispatch.t (12.91s)test-narrow-exchange.t#lfs-off (13.83s)test-narrow-exchange.t#lfs-on (15.09s)test-obsolete-changeset-exchange.t (10.67s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-D4.t (11.94s)test-eol-update.t (9.31s)test-remotefilelog-push-pull.t (0.17s)test-pull-bundle.t (19.41s)test-share.t (14.53s)test-narrow-exchange-merges.t (13.84s)test-absorb-rename.t (17.91s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-B5.t (13.41s)test-churn.t (11.97s)test-pull-branch.t (16.45s)test-eol-hook.t (11.52s)test-bundle-type.t (18.02s)test-remotefilelog-linknodes.t (0.17s)test-narrow-trackedcmd.t#flat (12.73s)test-narrow-trackedcmd.t#tree (12.83s)test-notify-changegroup.t (6.59s)test-byteify-strings.t (1.61s)test-rebase-detach.t (19.61s)test-stream-bundle-v2.t (10.08s)test-sparse-profiles.t (12.59s)test-mq-qpush-exact.t (31.13s)test-fastannotate-protocol.t (11.39s) (0.39s)test-rebase-bookmarks.t (21.81s)test-bookmarks-current.t (21.09s)test-convert-hg-source.t (17.75s)test-encoding-align.t (7.56s)test-debugbuilddag.t (7.97s)test-convert-baz.t (0.19s)test-inherit-mode.t (0.19s)test-infinitepush.t (19.86s)test-histedit-non-commute-abort.t (3.88s)test-releasenotes-merging.t (0.20s)test-convert-hg-startrev.t (13.25s)test-show-work.t (28.45s)test-narrow-strip.t#flat#lfs-off (9.92s)test-narrow-strip.t#flat#lfs-on (11.30s)test-narrow-strip.t#tree#lfs-off (10.09s)test-narrow-strip.t#tree#lfs-on (11.23s)test-repo-compengines.t (13.30s)test-merge-commit.t (10.44s)test-audit-path.t (4.66s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-B4.t (14.97s)test-fastannotate.t (15.44s)test-narrow-expanddirstate.t (7.97s)test-remotefilelog-gcrepack.t (0.17s)test-purge.t (15.70s)test-symlinks.t (0.19s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-C4.t (12.66s)test-sparse-revlog.t (0.22s)test-mq-safety.t (18.67s)test-directaccess.t (11.94s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-A6.t (13.59s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-A5.t (11.98s)test-basic.t (7.75s)test-remotefilelog-local.t (0.17s)test-narrow-share.t#flat (24.00s)test-narrow-share.t#tree (23.89s)test-hgweb-csp.t (26.47s)test-merge-default.t (10.59s)test-histedit-bookmark-motion.t (0.36s)test-obsolete-tag-cache.t (6.25s)test-diff-binary-file.t (7.44s)test-casefolding.t (26.52s)test-mq-git.t (7.92s)test-mq-qfold.t (13.55s)test-remotefilelog-cacheprocess.t (0.12s)test-patchbomb-bookmark.t (4.80s)test-stack.t (16.38s)test-journal-share.t (8.31s)test-paths.t (11.58s)test-contrib-testparseutil.t (0.58s)test-hgweb-no-request-uri.t (1.80s)test-sparse-merges.t (16.42s)test-pathconflicts-merge.t (15.83s)test-releasenotes-parsing.t (0.17s)test-diff-indent-heuristic.t#bdiff (1.31s)test-diff-indent-heuristic.t#xdiff (1.64s)test-import-merge.t (16.58s)test-drawdag.t (12.62s)test-patchbomb-tls.t (5.48s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-B2.t (11.95s)test-convert-bzr-directories.t (0.20s)test-convert-p4.t (0.20s)test-show-stack.t (18.55s) (0.36s)test-narrow-clone-nonlinear.t (26.05s)test-mq-eol.t (8.92s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-A4.t (10.55s)test-obsmarkers-effectflag.t (17.56s)test-rename-merge1.t (19.19s)test-fastannotate-renames.t (12.42s)test-histedit-drop.t (6.67s)test-rebase-mq-skip.t#continuecommand (15.83s)test-rebase-mq-skip.t#continueflag (15.36s)test-bookmarks-merge.t (14.05s)test-lock-badness.t (0.19s)test-repair-strip.t (0.20s)test-histedit-outgoing.t (5.59s)test-pull.t#sshv1 (14.06s)test-pull.t#sshv2 (13.91s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-B6.t (10.09s)test-extension-timing.t (1.20s)test-rebase-emptycommit.t (12.70s) (0.77s)test-debugbundle.t (3.75s)test-copy-move-merge.t (12.06s)test-profile.t (11.25s)test-convert-tla.t (0.17s)test-mq-qclone-http.t (30.59s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-A2.t (8.64s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-D2.t (9.69s)test-status-terse.t (9.53s)test-merge7.t (4.92s)test-phase-archived.t (5.28s)test-hgweb-no-path-info.t (1.95s)test-subrepo-missing.t (9.66s)test-pathconflicts-update.t (13.05s)test-worker.t (3.33s)test-show.t (7.49s)test-addremove-similar.t (9.53s)test-contrib.t (2.41s)test-unionrepo.t (10.78s)test-flags.t (0.17s)test-remotefilelog-gc.t (0.17s)test-commit-multiple.t (7.48s)test-commit-unresolved.t#abortcommand (11.34s)test-commit-unresolved.t#abortflag (11.31s)test-import-eol.t (12.36s)test-logtoprocess.t (0.17s)test-mq-missingfiles.t (11.33s)test-amend-subrepo.t#obsstore-off (13.88s)test-amend-subrepo.t#obsstore-on (13.30s)test-sparse-import.t (7.61s)test-rebase-transaction.t#continuecommand (9.62s)test-rebase-transaction.t#continueflag (9.78s)test-identify.t (23.81s)test-default-push.t (9.16s)test-merge-subrepos.t (10.80s)test-narrow-clone-no-ellipsis.t (32.94s)test-filebranch.t (5.84s)test-mq-qdelete.t (16.98s)test-convert-datesort.t (10.81s)test-sidedata.t (5.03s)test-update-atomic.t (0.17s)test-mq-merge.t (11.52s)test-pull-r.t (10.61s)test-pending.t (8.42s)test-clone-update-order.t (7.20s)test-fastannotate-perfhack.t (11.17s)test-origbackup-conflict.t (8.17s)test-narrow-pull.t (22.20s)test-merge-local.t (8.64s)test-remotefilelog-http.t (0.17s)test-repo-filters-tiptoe.t (5.23s)test-bugzilla.t (3.38s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-D3.t (11.33s)test-remote-hidden.t (9.25s)test-narrow-shallow.t (23.00s)test-merge-halt.t (9.44s)test-branch-option.t (11.70s)test-mac-packages.t (0.22s)test-empty-group.t (6.66s)test-parents.t (7.88s)test-fix-metadata.t (1.23s)test-http-branchmap.t (8.75s)test-children.t (8.12s)test-diff-change.t (9.38s)test-extdata.t (9.55s)test-bundle2-pushback.t#sshv1 (5.08s)test-bundle2-pushback.t#sshv2 (5.28s)test-rebuildstate.t (8.42s)test-mq-pull-from-bundle.t (9.88s)test-narrow-merge.t#flat (10.66s)test-narrow-merge.t#tree (10.58s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-B3.t (10.27s)test-remotefilelog-corrupt-cache.t (0.20s)test-merge-internal-tools-pattern.t (7.83s) (0.22s)test-issue672.t (4.91s)test-extensions-afterloaded.t (6.28s)test-tools.t (1.72s)test-fastannotate-corrupt.t (5.91s)test-narrow-commit.t#flat (10.95s)test-narrow-commit.t#tree (11.00s)test-eol-clone.t (4.08s) (0.45s)test-excessive-merge.t (5.91s)test-relink.t (4.66s)test-mq-qqueue.t (13.61s)test-narrow-rebase.t#continuecommand (10.16s)test-narrow-rebase.t#continueflag (10.14s)test-push-cgi.t (0.17s)test-record.t (1.58s)test-convert-darcs.t (0.17s)test-remotefilelog-clone-tree.t (0.17s)test-patch.t (4.61s)test-hgweb-non-interactive.t (1.41s)test-sqlitestore.t (0.16s)test-remotefilelog-clone.t (0.17s)test-arbitraryfilectx.t (2.88s)test-remotefilelog-sparse.t (0.16s)test-cache-abuse.t (21.59s)test-rebase-backup.t (8.42s)test-simple-update.t (7.08s)test-pathconflicts-basic.t (9.22s)test-committer.t (6.25s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-B7.t (9.55s)test-pull-http.t (10.72s)test-remotefilelog-bundle2-legacy.t (0.19s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-B1.t (9.36s)test-remotefilelog-log.t (0.16s)test-mq-qdiff.t (8.19s)test-bookmarks-rebase.t (7.41s)test-serve.t (11.70s)test-exchange-obsmarkers-case-A7.t (8.08s)test-revset-outgoing.t (5.72s)test-import-context.t (2.64s)test-remotefilelog-bundle2.t (0.19s)test-eol-add.t (4.64s)test-bundle-vs-outgoing.t (6.41s)test-rebase-partial.t (6.99s)test-update-names.t (5.97s)test-mailmap.t (5.25s)test-remotefilelog-bundles.t (0.17s)test-merge-remove.t (8.22s)test-convert-tagsbranch-topology.t (0.19s)test-requires.t (4.45s)test-locate.t (11.39s)test-merge-closedheads.t (11.06s)test-rename-after-merge.t (8.88s) (0.45s)test-contrib-dumprevlog.t (5.03s)test-remotefilelog-pull-noshallow.t (0.20s)test-debugextensions.t (2.05s)test-narrow-clone-stream.t#flat-fncache (30.33s)test-narrow-clone-stream.t#flat-nofncache (30.03s)test-narrow-clone-stream.t#tree (29.97s)test-rebase-legacy.t#continuecommand (2.91s)test-rebase-legacy.t#continueflag (2.66s)test-issue1306.t (4.20s)test-lfs-bundle.t (8.53s)test-cat.t (10.36s)test-nointerrupt.t (0.20s)test-issue660.t (9.02s)test-issue1175.t (8.28s)test-largefiles-small-disk.t (2.25s)test-convert-clonebranches.t (7.78s)test-oldcgi.t (0.23s)test-impexp-branch.t (6.28s)test-histedit-no-backup.t#abortcommand (0.33s)test-histedit-no-backup.t#abortflag (0.56s)test-narrow-clone-non-narrow-server.t (16.16s)test-issue586.t (7.58s)test-unified-test.t (1.53s)test-rebase-templates.t (5.73s)test-remotefilelog-tags.t (0.20s)test-symlink-placeholder.t (0.19s)test-merge6.t (5.84s)test-narrow-copies.t (7.95s)test-server-view.t (9.11s)test-rebase-issue-noparam-single-rev.t (7.53s)test-dirstate.t (5.17s)test-close-head.t (5.67s)test-url-download.t (13.81s)test-merge-revert2.t (9.89s) (0.17s)test-addremove.t (7.12s)test-mq-qrename.t (12.95s)test-narrow-update.t (8.06s)test-mq-symlinks.t (0.16s)test-ssh-repoerror.t (0.19s) (0.48s)test-double-merge.t (2.88s)test-narrow-patch.t#flat (3.39s)test-narrow-patch.t#tree (3.72s)test-glog-topological.t (2.78s)test-sparse-verbose-json.t (5.19s)test-merge9.t (5.59s)test-fuzz-targets.t (0.69s)test-context-metadata.t (3.36s)test-patch-offset.t (1.14s)test-log-exthook.t (1.61s)test-newcgi.t (0.20s)test-issue1802.t (0.17s)test-update-reverse.t (4.28s)test-wireproto-command-branchmap.t (4.34s) (2.81s)test-pushvars.t (3.80s)test-histedit-templates.t (0.31s)test-hgwebdirsym.t (0.17s) (1.27s)test-merge-symlinks.t (2.69s)test-branch-tag-confict.t (3.38s)test-custom-filters.t (2.92s)test-narrow-debugcommands.t (3.84s)test-sparse-clone.t (3.23s)test-issue2137.t (1.38s)test-remotefilelog-partial-shallow.t (0.20s)test-eolfilename.t (0.19s)test-merge10.t (4.78s)test-journal-exists.t (3.00s)test-revlog-v2.t (2.89s)test-diffdir.t (6.45s)test-schemes.t (6.08s)test-issue522.t (3.89s)test-histedit-merge-tools.t (0.36s)test-mq-qgoto.t (9.06s)test-newercgi.t (0.19s)test-revlog.t (2.36s) (0.38s)test-editor-filename.t (2.00s)test-import-unknown.t (6.62s)test-unbundlehash.t (4.75s)test-narrow-sparse.t#flat (4.00s)test-narrow-sparse.t#tree (4.22s)test-wireproto-command-known.t (3.02s)test-missing-capability.t (3.73s)test-wireproto-command-listkeys.t (3.70s)test-convert-identity.t (4.36s)test-merge-revert.t (10.11s)test-wireproto-command-heads.t (3.73s)test-encode.t (4.78s)test-permissions.t (0.20s)test-casecollision.t (0.19s) (1.27s)test-update-dest.t (3.55s)test-known.t (8.83s) (0.86s)test-sparse-fsmonitor.t (0.05s)test-no-symlinks.t (3.59s)test-convert-authormap.t (2.59s)test-subrepo-paths.t (2.33s)test-sparse-requirement.t (2.69s)test-confused-revert.t (5.72s)test-remotefilelog-permissions.t (0.19s)test-issue1993.t (2.88s)test-issue1502.t (3.36s)test-clone-cgi.t (0.19s)test-sparse-clear.t (3.61s) (0.36s)test-websub.t (3.47s)test-rebase-brute-force.t (6.48s)test-revlog-mmapindex.t (33.45s)test-merge2.t (7.34s)test-diff-antipatience.t#bdiff (0.98s)test-diff-antipatience.t#xdiff (1.38s)test-issue1877.t (4.80s)test-gpg.t (0.19s)test-empty-file.t (4.36s) (0.36s)test-hgk.t (2.83s)test-changelog-exec.t (0.20s)test-diff-hashes.t (2.83s)test-debian-packages.t (0.25s)test-absorb-edit-lines.t (3.64s)test-mactext.t (1.81s)test-remotefilelog-wireproto.t (0.20s)test-convert-bzr-ghosts.t (0.19s)test-docker-packaging.t (0.19s)test-bookmarks-strip.t (4.08s)test-narrow-acl.t (5.53s)test-remotefilelog-keepset.t (0.19s) (0.39s) (0.55s) (0.55s)test-diff-subdir.t (2.61s)test-remotefilelog-bad-configs.t (0.20s)test-convert-bzr-114.t (0.19s) (0.44s)test-narrow-debugrebuilddirstate.t (2.77s)test-unrelated-pull.t (2.81s)test-diff-reverse.t (3.05s)test-revset-dirstate-parents.t (6.59s)test-wireproto-command-pushkey.t (2.64s)test-update-issue1456.t (0.17s)test-empty.t (2.19s)test-merge5.t (3.95s) (0.33s)test-narrow-archive.t (5.38s)test-diff-copy-depth.t (6.05s)test-convert-bzr-treeroot.t (0.20s)test-hgweb-bundle.t (4.16s)test-absorb-unfinished.t (2.27s)test-mq-qimport-fail-cleanup.t (2.23s) (0.33s)test-fix-clang-format.t (0.19s)test-manifest-merging.t (2.69s)test-issue619.t (2.84s)test-merge8.t (2.75s)test-issue842.t (3.11s) (2.09s)test-remotefilelog-blame.t (0.20s) (0.41s)test-revlog-group-emptyiter.t (2.28s) (0.78s) (0.75s) (0.30s)test-archive-symlinks.t (0.19s)test-absorb-strip.t (2.06s)test-pull-permission.t (0.19s)test-issue5979.t (3.94s)test-revisions.t (5.61s)test-merge4.t (3.27s) (0.53s)test-wireproto-command-lookup.t (2.25s) (0.81s)test-issue612.t (3.00s)test-debugindexdot.t (3.27s)test-eol-tag.t (2.20s) (0.47s) (0.36s) (0.25s)test-nested-repo.t (3.83s) (0.41s) (0.22s)test-execute-bit.t (0.20s)test-issue4074.t (3.25s)test-username-newline.t (1.34s) (0.56s)test-remotefilelog-share.t (0.20s)test-revlog-packentry.t (1.81s)test-dirstate-nonnormalset.t (2.61s) (0.56s)test-diff-issue2761.t (3.02s) (0.36s)test-strict.t (2.50s) (0.36s)test-diff-newlines.t (1.34s) (0.19s)test-empty-dir.t (2.08s) (2.77s)test-absorb-phase.t (2.64s) (0.38s)test-extra-filelog-entry.t (1.98s)test-debugrename.t (2.77s)test-issue1438.t (0.17s)test-issue1102.t (2.30s)test-fastannotate-diffopts.t (1.42s)test-revert-unknown.t (2.44s)test-bad-pull.t (5.30s)test-revert-flags.t (0.19s) (0.36s)test-issue1089.t (2.14s) (2.31s)test-backwards-remove.t (1.94s) (0.42s)test-contrib-emacs.t (0.17s) (0.34s)test-xdg.t (0.17s)test-dirstate-backup.t (0.67s)test-mq-qsave.t (1.62s) (0.20s) (0.41s) (0.52s) (0.11s) (1.33s) (0.11s) (0.52s) (0.58s) (0.44s) (0.50s) (1.62s) (0.45s) (0.42s) (0.67s) (0.52s) (0.55s) (0.52s) (0.62s) (0.48s) (0.30s) (0.30s)